Chapter 113
A large number of media reporters gathered around the gate of JH International. Some of them came because of the accident of the wedding, and most of them received an email titled "JH International uses business to raise black" at the same time in the morning.

The number one leading company in City D colluded with gangsters. This was the top news, and no one wanted to miss it, so they came early in the morning to stay on guard.

The luxurious and comfortable Maybach exuded a domineering aura, and stopped in front of the JH International Building with a sudden stop, blowing forward with a sharp and powerful momentum.The reporters who were wandering around a second ago, trying to find news clues, quickly dragged their machines and surrounded them from all directions.

Ouyang Nan was dressed in a black suit and acted as a bodyguard. He opened the door from the co-pilot and went around to open the door for Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo changed into a professional attire, with wide sunglasses covering half of her face. Her every move was elegant and elegant, completely different from the original little woman. She was Ke Xin, the president's secretary who was busy dealing with emergency matters below. I couldn't even recognize her.

Many reporters have already recognized this woman who just took office as the wife of the president and is about to face her husband's serious injury.

"Madame Dong, we have received an email about JH International's alleged use of business to support gangsters. Is this true?"

Cheng Nuo glanced at him dimly, and said in an extremely cold tone, "JH International's affairs will be handled by our legal department. As for whether the incident is true, you can wait and see. But before the facts are clear, any false reports will be dealt with by JH The international metropolis reserves the right to pursue its legal responsibility."

Hearing the domineering words, the reporter who was full of confidence and thought he could get a lot of news materials felt a chill in his heart.

They blocked the road with an ambiguous statement. They neither denied nor admitted it. They also said that there were false reports and they would be held accountable.There are two meanings to this statement. First, if the story is false, it will be defamation if you report it, and it’s hard to say that people will sue you for bankruptcy. I heard that he is so capable, if the matter is settled, the report you published before will still be slanderous.

Just as the reporters looked at each other, hesitating whether to continue asking, more than a dozen people in black clothes and black trousers got out of the two cars behind JH, dressed as bodyguards, and "invited" the reporter in front of Cheng Nuo in the blink of an eye. Get to the side and clear a passage for her.

The bodyguards stood next to each other, forming two human walls, trying to block the reporters who surrounded them again.

This formation is simply the standard for national leaders to travel. Many people sighed, JH International is indeed full of style.

Cheng Nuo walked up the steps at a leisurely pace. When she passed the gate, she saw the seizure notice posted by the court. It was so fresh that it seemed that the adhesive hadn't even dried out.Cheng Nuo's eyes hurt, and he took two quick steps into the hall.

It was only then that Kexin recognized that the person surrounded by reporters just now was Cheng Nuo.

"Cheng...the president's wife?" Ke Xin exclaimed, she wasn't there when the president got into a car accident yesterday, but I heard it was serious, so I don't know what's going on now.

"Notify all the middle-level and above managers of the company that there will be a meeting in the conference room on the 10th floor at 47 o'clock. No one is allowed to be absent." Cheng Nuo's tone was firm, with a domineering air that could not be refused.

This imposing manner, this tone, is exactly like a replica of Dong Chuchen.

Ke Xin nodded involuntarily, "Yes, I'll arrange it right away."

Accompanied by Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuan, Cheng Nuo took the president's exclusive elevator to the president's office on the 52nd floor.

As soon as she entered the door, Cheng Nuo took off her glasses and kept patting her chest. Her nervous heart was about to jump out of her throat.

"Did I show off just now?" Cheng Nuo asked Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuan nervously.

Ouyang Nan was so appreciative that he just gave him a thumbs up, "Very good! Next, let's discuss the content of the 10 o'clock meeting."

"The staff meeting is not a big problem. What I'm worried about is the board of directors." Fang Yuan put on a cold face and analyzed calmly, "Do you still remember when we went to the jewelry section last year, those old stubborn people didn't agree with anything, and now because of the involvement Hei was seized, and we don't know how far those old stubborn gangs are going to make a fuss."

"What's the use of them making trouble? If they have the ability to make trouble, the court can't put a seal on it. I, Ouyang Nan, also admire their ability." Ouyang Nan is very disdainful to the board of directors, "After this hurdle, I will disband the board of directors and those old gangs dead."

"Let's get down to business first. When the time comes, what should I do?" Cheng Nuo urged Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuan.

In the past, she presided over most of her company's meetings, and she never panicked at a staff meeting with thousands of people, but at that time, Dong Chu was there, and now that such a person was missing, she also became uneasy.

"Don't worry, we're here." Seeing her nervous, Ouyang Nan casually comforted her, and then began to discuss the content of the meeting and the main points involved with Fang Yuan.

"Generally speaking, there is only one thing." Fang Yuan said, "Two months of paid leave and salary."

Cheng Nuo briefly talked about the difficulties encountered by the company in the meeting, and hoped that everyone would accompany the company to tide over the difficulties. Of course, if you do not want to accompany the company through the difficulties, you can choose to leave, and the resignation procedures can be handled by the HR department. Employees will be paid one month's salary as compensation, and those who are willing to stay will be given a two-month vacation, and their salary will be paid during the vacation.

Most of the middle managers grew up with JH International and have deep feelings for JH International, so they chose to stay. As long as JH International removes the seal, they will return to work immediately, and some of them have just joined the company and chose to leave. Cheng Nuo responded to the promise, and everyone paid back one month's salary, and all was settled on the spot.

In the two days since the seizure notice was posted, HR and finance should be the two busiest departments, handling various resignation and vacation procedures, and settling the salary of resigned personnel.

Later, because they were too busy, HR simply posted a form and asked those who went through the leave procedures to register by themselves.

In fact, the accounts of all units under JH International were frozen, and the funds and finances of Dong Chuzhi's personal account were also frozen. Approve to the accounts of Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuanhe to pay employees' wages.

Two days later, JH International's first mighty collective diversion of employees ended, the people from the court appeared on time, and two large white seals were pasted on the gate of JH International Building.

Dongchu's Maybach was sealed into the garage together with other cars, and Ouyang Nan sent her favorite Aston Martin over.

At this time, Aston Martin was parked opposite JH International. Through the car window, she looked at the gate of JH International. Under the sun, the black and white seal was particularly conspicuous, which easily hurt her eyes.

Dong Chuchen fell into a deep coma, JH International was sealed off, and a wedding changed his life.

Song Yuanyang, Cheng Nuo suddenly remembered the culprit, and a ruthless light flashed across his beautiful eyes like water, he kicked the accelerator and rushed onto the road, the red sports car merged into the traffic and disappeared.

On the 69th floor of the building where she parked, a handsome little boy about 9 years old, wearing a handmade suit, stood in front of the huge glass window, overlooking the entrance of JH International.

He didn't seem to like to laugh, he pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes shone like obsidian.

"Yao'er, what are you looking at?" A loving voice came from behind, and then a tall man came over and rubbed his small head with his big hands.

"JH International has been sealed." Xiao Mo Yao's voice carried an indifference that did not belong to this age.

The person standing behind Mo Yao was his father Mo Yue, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he raised a smile with a special meaning, "Yao'er, remember, a tree alone is easy to attract wind."

Xiao Mo Yao nodded half-understanding, "Daddy, I remember."

"Daddy will go to Zong's house later, will you go?"

The Zong family is Zong Yilan's family, and the Zong family and the Mo family are family friends. In this generation, the relationship between the two families has become more harmonious. As early as when Zong Yilan and Mo Yao were very young, the two families had engaged in child marriage.

Xiao Mo Yao's eyes lit up, "Would you like to see Yi Lan?"

Mo Yue nodded, and the little Mo Yao became happy, with an embarrassing smile on his face.

Today is Lin Feng's first day of reporting back to the organization. He is dressed in a neat suit and is full of heroism.

Jin Tianwei personally attended the welcome meeting to welcome him back to the team.

"Lin Feng, come out!" The master of ceremonies ordered, and Lin Feng took a step forward.

"turn right!"

"Run for a walk!"

"stand at attention!"

After a series of orders, Lin Feng had already come to the front of the queue, standing face to face with Jin Tianwei.

Nine years ago, he saved himself in an accident, for which he spent nine years as an undercover agent. Although he did not complete the mission as he wished, he did not regret it.

"Welcome home!" Jin Tianwei took the tray in the hands of the guard of honor, which contained a set of neatly folded and brand new police uniforms.

Lin Feng took it with both hands, and the five-star epaulets shone with sacred light under the sunlight, reflected in Lin Feng's eyes, reflecting the color of excitement.

He is finally home!
Holding the police uniform in his left hand, he straightened his body quickly, and saluted Jin Tianwei, solemnly, dignified, and in high spirits.

Jin Tianwei saluted back and said in a serious voice, "Return to the team!"


Lin Feng trotted and returned to his position in the team.

The welcome ceremony was over, and Lin Feng officially returned to the police force. He changed into a brand new police uniform and stood in front of the appearance mirror.

Jin Keshao, who also put on a new military uniform today, arrived at XZ's garrison headquarters according to his father Jin Tianwei's arrangement.Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, tidying up his military uniform, Jin Keshao's heart was not filled with the blood of a soldier defending his family and country, but the reports of the wedding scene he heard on the way here.

If she is happy, he should be content, right?But why is my heart so sad?
"Did you watch the news yesterday?" There was a conversation between two people in the bathroom.

"What's the news?" another asked.

"JH International was seized. It is said that it was involved in gangsters. The boss got into a car accident. I don't know if he is dead or not."

Jin Keshao froze for a moment, only one sentence remained in his mind: something happened to Cheng Nuo.

(End of this chapter)

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