The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 114 Song Yuanyang's Fate

Chapter 114 Song Yuanyang's Fate
Jin Keshao froze for a moment, only one thought remained in his mind: something happened to Cheng Nuo, something happened.

It just so happened that the two of them walked out of the toilet, Jin Keshao jumped over and grabbed a man by the collar, and pushed the man to the ground with too much force. His companion thought he was going to fight, and just about to start a fight, he heard him Panic voice: "What did you just say, what did you say on the news!!"

At this time, he also recognized Jin Keshao as a recruit who had just reported for duty in the morning.

Scared, because there are bandits in the army, the man next to him heaved a sigh of relief, and pulled Jin Keshao to pull the two of them together.Jin Keshao was still thinking about what the news said, whether something happened to the groom or the bride.

The soldier who was knocked down by him gave him a deep look, and smiled meaningfully, "Do you care about what other people's brides and grooms do? That's a matter of a wealthy family, and it's far away from you, so it has nothing to do with it." Half a dime relationship."

They only know that Jin Keshao is a new soldier, but they don't know Jin Keshao's powerful background.

Jin Keshao ignored his joking smile, his face turned cold, and he asked in a deep voice, "What did the news say?"

Those two have been veterans for several years. When they saw the pitiful slack on Jin Keshao's shoulders, they immediately laughed evilly, "I said, Comrade recruits, go back and clean your barracks to work. Don't tell me if you have nothing to do here." I'm so freaked out! I don't care how much I weigh myself."

After finishing speaking, he hummed a single sound in his nose, and turned to leave. Jin Keshao is a well-known prince in the capital, so he couldn't bear this idleness, so he grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back, punching him.

The veteran was punched two or three meters away and fell to the ground.

As soon as the nostrils became hot, two lines of blood gushed out.

"Damn it, you're still beating someone, a recruit?" The old soldier widened his eyes in surprise.

He really doesn't know how to praise. When he was a recruit back then, he was honest and kind. He didn't even dare to lift his head when he saw a lot of leverage on his shoulders. He managed to get ahead, but he was beaten by a recruit. The people here know, where will he put his old face.

The veteran wiped his nosebleed violently, stood up from the ground, ignored his companion's pull, and scuffled with Jin Keshao as soon as he came up.

Not long after, Jin Tianwei, who had just returned to the office from the outside, received a long-distance call from the XZ Military Region. Assistant Li stood beside him and saw that his face was getting darker and darker. read.

With a snap, Jin Tianwei slapped it on the table, "This bastard is simply lawless."

Assistant Li smiled softly, "Did Mr. Jin cause trouble over there?"

Jin Tianwei rolled his eyelids, feeling frustrated that he hates iron but not steel, "You say this bastard, I let him go to XZ to exercise, he is fine, on the first day of reporting today, he beat up a veteran, and now he Lying in the hospital with five stitches tied on the brow bone, old Zhang from the military region called me and asked me what to do, what do you think I should do?"

"Minister calm down, Mr. Jin is young and energetic, and he will inevitably make mistakes. He will be a soldier for a few years, just exercise and exercise."

"The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." Jin Tianwei shook his head, sat on the chair and sulked, when the phone rang, he picked it up and looked, it turned out to be the son who didn't give him a face wherever he went.

"Dad, I want to go back!" Jin Keshao said.

Jin Tianwei was full of anger and had nowhere to vent his anger. Hearing what he said, he suddenly became furious, "You have to listen to me, if you don't make a name for yourself in the army, don't come back to see me in this life!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

"Damn, do you think I want to see you?" Jin Keshao muttered into the receiver angrily, and after mumbling, he hung up the phone when he had vented enough.

There were a few recruits who were on the phone in the back row, and when they saw him, they avoided him from a distance.

In this palm-sized barracks, the news spread very quickly. He was fined when he was beaten and punished in confinement. If it weren't for the higher-ups, how could he be treated so leniently, and everyone began to look at him with special eyes.

Jin Keshao didn't care what others thought of him, he began to think about how to be a deserter and leave here.

Deserter, if I let him know that he is going to flee, he will probably be blown up.

D city clan.

The Zong family was one of the earlier prominent families in D City. By the time of Zong Mingcheng, who was Zong Yilan's father's generation, the family situation was not as good as before. There were only two brothers left in the main branch, and the family business had also shrunk a lot. Zong Mingcheng had no choice but to cling to some powerful families to prop up his appearance, but Mo Yue happened to be in the early stage of growing power and needed someone with a strong network to support each other, so the two of them came to an end. Together.

When Zong Yilan was born, the two of them agreed together and simply married as in-laws.

The Zong Family Courtyard is an old-fashioned house, and the gate still retains the architectural style of blue bricks and blue tiles. A six or seven-year-old girl with two ponytails on her head stood on the steps of the door, looking left and right towards the road.

At such a young age, he already has delicate features, big watery eyes, vivid and expressive, as if he could speak.

The little girl is Zong Yilan. When she saw the black car driving in, she greeted her from afar, "Brother Mo Yao."

As soon as the car stopped, Xiao Mo Yao opened the door and jumped down, ran to Yilan, and the hand hidden behind his back magically took out a box of beautifully packaged chocolates, stuffed it into her hand, "For you."

"Thank you!" Yilan didn't hesitate, took the chocolate, kissed Mo Yao's face with her small mouth, and they walked into the yard holding hands.

Seeing that the two childhood sweethearts had such a good relationship, Mo Yue involuntarily curled the corners of his mouth, and strode into the yard with big strides.

Zong Mingcheng was in the living room, when he saw Mo Yue enter the door, he came out quickly, "Just now Xiaolan was waiting for Yao'er at the door."

Mo Yue raised his finger to point at Mo Yao and Zong Yilan. The two little people were sitting side by side on the swing. Mo Yao was peeling a piece of chocolate and putting it into Zong Yilan's mouth. The child's innocent face was full of happy smiles.

The child's relationship improved, and the adults were also happy. Mo Yue and Zong Mingcheng entered the living room talking and laughing. The housekeeper came and poured tea, and then left again.

After watching the butler walk away, Mo Yue said, "Have you heard about JH International?"

"I heard," Zong Mingcheng replied, "it should be an inner ghost. It is estimated that Long Xuan is also involved this time."

"Dong Chuzhi's life and death are still unclear, and because Ouyang Nan and others can't make a big deal, I'm afraid this time the underworld in City D will really have a big reshuffle."

"what's your plan?"

Mo Yue picked up the tea, took a sip, put down the cup again, and smiled meaningfully.

Zong Ming became natural, "It seems that you have a plan?"

Mo Yue nodded, "Wait for the east wind."

Cheng Nuo left JH International and drove directly to Longxuan's headquarters in Gold Coast, City D. The guards had already known the wife of the master, and let him go without saying a word.

The upper floor of Longxuan is just an ordinary office building. Ouyang Nan said that when you enter the gate, turn right and enter the corridor. On the right hand side of the 17th floor tile is an invisible elevator.The so-called invisibility means that the elevator door and the wall are perfectly integrated. If it is not an insider, even if you look for it with a magnifying glass, you will not be able to find the location of the elevator.

Cheng Nuo counted the floors under his feet, and stopped at the 17th block, and stretched out his hand towards the wall.

A blue projection panel appeared on the wall, showing the password to enter. Cheng Nuo entered the password that Ouyang Nan had told her, and the wall that seemed to be a whole suddenly cracked and the elevator door opened.

There was only one button on the elevator, and Cheng Nuo reached out and clicked it.

The elevator doors were closed, and it was descending several times faster than ordinary elevators. Cheng Nuo didn't know how many floors he had descended, but felt the elevator sway and stop
Walking out of the elevator, there is a long corridor with magnificent glass buildings on both sides, forming a mysterious underground world. Cheng Nuo followed the corridor to find the interrogation room. After being brought back, Song Yuanyang was locked up here.

Before he got close, Cheng Nuo heard howls like slaughtering pigs, coming from the small window of the interrogation room. The sound floated back and forth over the corridor. It was so shrill and tragic that Cheng Nuo's hair stood on end.

She trembled, crossed her arms and walked towards the interrogation room.

Pushing open the door, a bloody man came into view.To be exact, he is no longer a person in the fundamental sense. The skin on his head and face is gone, with a bloody, meaty head on his head, huddled in the corner of the wall, making miserable noises strange scream.

As if hearing the sound of the door opening, he raised his ball-like head and looked towards the door. On his bloody face, there was a pair of big black and white eyes. Those bell-sized eyeballs stared at Cheng Nuo motionlessly.

The lips, ears and nose are gone, and the teeth extend from the front of the face to the sides, and only the eyes and teeth can be seen on the whole face.

"Ah..." Cheng Nuo was frightened out of his wits by the scene in front of him, screamed and crouched on the ground with his head in his arms.

Xiao Qi didn't expect Cheng Nuo to find this place at all. He was still holding Song Yuanyang's hair in his hand, and what was hanging under that hair was a deformed face.Seeing that Cheng Nuo was frightened, Xiao Qi instinctively wanted to go over to comfort her.

"Don't be afraid." Xiao Qi stretched out his hand, trying to pull her up.

Cheng Nuo opened her eyes, and a distorted face appeared in front of her eyes. She yelled again and fainted from fright.

Later, every time Cheng Nuo thought of this experience, Cheng Nuo felt a deep fear of Xiao Qi from his bones.

Zilong walked out of the interrogation room unhurriedly, glanced at Cheng Nuo who was on the ground, and then at Xiaoqi's hand that was still in mid-air, the human skin he was holding was still dripping down Blood.

"You did it on purpose?"

In this situation, he said that no one would believe it was not intentional.

Xiao Qi withdrew her hand resentfully, and threw the human skin on the floor of the interrogation room, "I didn't know that she would come suddenly, the interrogation room is a gloomy place, except for the two of us, no one comes here at all."

Zilong thought to himself: If I hadn't accompanied you, I wouldn't have come either.

Xiao Qi felt a little disappointed, Cheng Nuo suddenly came here before he had played enough, but luckily the little girl didn't get scared and passed out, so he could continue playing for a while.Thinking of this, Xiao Qi suddenly became interested, and flashed a thin knife, "What do you think we skinned his JJ?"

(End of this chapter)

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