The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 115 Attack on Longxuan

Chapter 115 Attack on Longxuan
Xiao Qi felt a little disappointed, Cheng Nuo suddenly came here before he had played enough, but luckily the little girl didn't get scared and passed out, so he could continue playing for a while.Thinking of this, Xiao Qi suddenly became interested, and flashed a thin knife, "What do you think we skinned his JJ?"

Zilong was speechless, looking at Xiaoqi as if looking at a monster.

This bad taste is getting more and more serious.

Song Yuanyang fell into his hands, the grave of his ancestors was really flooded, and it was bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Xiaoqi laughed and danced wildly, her blood-splattered face moved close to Zilong, and licked his cold face with the tip of her tongue, "Baby, don't you like it?"

Zilong trembled all over, a tingling sensation quickly passed through his body, hit the heart directly, rushed out from the heart again, and dissipated in the limbs and bones.

madman!Zilong cursed secretly, blushing and avoiding him.

Heart beating wildly.

Xiao Qi licked her parched lips, her peach blossom eyes were enchanting, and she charmed all living beings.

Zilong couldn't control his heartbeat, so he simply turned his face away from him and went to help Cheng Nuo on the ground.

Every time he showed a little disapproval, he used this method to force him to submit, but he had no resistance at all.

"Enough playing, clean up the scene." Zilong said, holding Cheng Nuo and walking out of the corridor.

Xiao Qi was unhappy, "Aren't you here to accompany me?"

I don't have as much taste as you!Zilong slandered, but said, "I'll send her away so that she won't have a psychological shadow when she sees you in the future."

In fact, for a long time afterward, Cheng Nuo walked around when he met Xiao Qi.

There were very few women in the Longxuan headquarters. Zilong thought for a moment and sent Cheng Nuo directly to the hospital where Dong Chuchen was.

And Xiao Qi in the interrogation room was not so lucky.

In the car, Cheng Nuo woke up faintly, opened his eyes and saw Zilong, and shrank back precipitously, until he found himself in the car, he relaxed a little, and asked vigilantly, "Well, where is Xiao Qi? "

Zilong looked ahead without squinting. There were surprisingly few cars on the road today. On the contrary, there were a lot of cars on the opposite road, and there were many container trucks that were rarely seen on weekdays.He was thinking about what day he would like to hear from Cheng Nuo, and he answered casually, "He's torturing Song Yuanyang."

"That person is Song Yuanyang?!" Cheng Nuo's eyes almost fell out in shock, and he couldn't help but think of Song Yuanyang's appearance and that bloody, unrecognizable meat ball in his mind.

"Hmm..." Cheng Nuo couldn't control it for a moment, and vomited it out.She couldn't eat for the past two days, and all she vomited was yellow and viscous gastric juice, which vomited onto the floor of the car, splashing all over her shoes and trousers.

Zilong hurriedly parked on the side of the road, Cheng Nuo opened the door and rushed down.

There was another churn in his stomach, and Cheng Nuo vomited faintly.

Zilong opened the trunk, took out a bottle of mineral water, walked around to her, and asked her if she was not feeling well.

Cheng Nuo shook his head, "Maybe the picture is too shocking, I can't get used to it."

Zilong opened the water and handed it over. Cheng Nuo took a sip of the water and rinsed his mouth, and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Hospital, you just fainted from fright."

Cheng Nuo secretly groaned inwardly. She probably would faint from fright again if it happened again. That scene was simply too bloody, brutal, and unsightly. Putting the picture of Xiao Qi smiling and smiling in the background was too unreal. sense of violation.

It's simply not a style.

"Does he do this kind of thing often?" Cheng Nuo asked, Xiao Qi's handsome and enchanting image was completely subverted in her heart.

"No." Zilong replied, "not often."

Because there are not so many people for him to dissect.

Cheng Nuo nodded thoughtfully, and Zilong seemed to hear her say "It's okay, it's okay".

After a while, Cheng Nuo's stomach stopped churning, and she drank some water before saying, "Let's go."

Zilong looked back, and there were very few cars on the opposite road. On the two-way eight-lane road, there were only a few sparse cars driving.

Later, every time Zilong recalled this moment, he would beat his chest and stamp his feet, deeply regretful.

If he pays more attention to the vehicles around him, he may discover the secret here. If he seizes the crucial few minutes and informs the people at the headquarters to evacuate in advance, perhaps in the large-scale extermination operation at this time, Long Xuan's casualties will not be so great. Even if it is serious, the extermination case of the Zong family will not happen.

Everything seems to have been preordained in the dark.

As soon as the car driven by Zilong and Cheng Nuo left Century Avenue, the intersection was blocked by the armed police who arrived immediately.

A massive crackdown on gangsters quietly kicked off.

Xiaoqi was still torturing Song Yuanyang, Zilong left and never came back, he was a little irritable, and his subordinates became dull.

There was a pile of bloody and rotten flesh on the ground. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't make out the human figure, but the big eyes on the face were still staring blankly, and the eyeballs were still rolling in the huge whites of the eyes.

Song Yuanyang wasn't dead yet, but he was so tortured that he didn't even have the strength to moan. He opened and closed his blood-colored teeth, making a slight rattling sound of teeth colliding.Looking at the mouth again, there is only a dark hole left, and the tongue has been pulled out awe-inspiringly.

Xiao Qi wiped the blood from the thin knife on his clothes, and looked down at Song Yuanyang coldly, "You want me to kill you, don't you?"

Song Yuanyang nodded with difficulty. He didn't lose too much blood and died because Xiao Qi gave him blood clotting medicine.

Only at this moment did he understand what it meant to live without seeking death.

Compared with this time, the torture he suffered when he was caught by Long Xuan for the first time was simply scratching his skin.

If there is an afterlife, he would rather swallow his anger and hide in the deep mountains and old forests for the rest of his life than provoke Xiaoqi.He is not human at all, he is a demon, no, using a demon to describe him is simply a blasphemy against demons, he is a thousand times more cruel than demons!
Now, other than begging Xiaoqi to give him a good time, he has nothing else to ask for.

Xiaoqi smiled enchantingly, and a bloody smile appeared on the enchanting face, "Give up, how can I let you die at such a cheap price."

With a shake of his hand, the thin knife threw out a cold light.

Song Yuanyang rolled his eyes, and the cold light approached little by little. Song Yuanyang couldn't help but tremble all over, and stared at Xiao Qi violently.

Suddenly, the ground trembled and the chandelier on the roof swayed violently. Xiao Qi couldn't stabilize his body, staggered and hit the wall, and the thin knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Xiao Qi struggled to get up, and saw that the world in front of him was trembling, thick dust was falling down, and the room was immersed in gray.

Xiao Qi realized that when he got up and was about to run outside, the light suddenly went out, the wall collapsed in an instant, and the huge darkness rushed towards his face. Buried in the ground by the collapsed ruins.

The rumbling sound continued, louder explosions pierced the sky, and a skyscraper was razed to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Ouyang Nan, Fang Yuan, Lu Ka and more than a dozen core personnel of Longxuan were having a meeting in the conference room. They had no predictions about the sudden disaster. Almost instantly, the entire building of Longxuan headquarters collapsed, and no one reported it. With no chance to escape, the world plunged into darkness.

The only survivor is Luka.

During the meeting, Ruka's cell phone rang, and he came out to answer the call, stopping by the garden for a smoke.

The garden is where Dong Chuzhi planted champagne roses for Cheng Nuo. It is a huge indoor garden. Its frame structure design saved Luka's life at the critical moment when the floor slab fell and prevented him from being buried in the ruins.

On the way back from the hospital, Zilong noticed something strange.

Killers have an extremely sensitive early warning ability for danger, especially people like Zilong and Xiaoqi who are at the top of killers.It is impossible for relevant departments to control traffic without warning, especially on major roads like Century Avenue.Once closed, something big has to happen.

Zilong immediately thought of the fact that JH International was exposed as a businessman raising gangsters, stopped the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Qi.

"Sorry, the number you dialed could not be reached."

Call again, still can't get through.

Zilong activated the satellite positioning, and found that Xiao Qi's signal was still in the interrogation room, and the signal was motionless, which meant that Xiao Qi was standing in the same position without even moving his footsteps.

This is not in line with Xiaoqi's character, except that he needs to be concealed to do the task, and he will not stand in the same place for more than 10 seconds.

An ominous premonition hit Zilong's heart.

Something happened to Long Xuan!
Zilong called Ouyangnan, Luka and Fang Yuan one after another, but none of the calls could be connected, and they were all in the blind spot.

Zilong began to be sure that something had really happened to Longxuan headquarters, so he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Longxuan headquarters at high speed.

At the intersection five kilometers away from Longxuan, the special police stopped his car.

"Where are you going?" Several heavily armed special police officers surrounded him, examining him with vigilant eyes.

"Go home." Zilong replied casually, but his heart was already burning with urgency.

"Where's your home?"

"Star City International." This is a residential area very close to Longxuan.

The special police looked at him dubiously, as if considering the credibility of his words, and after a moment, said, "Show your ID card."

Zilong suppressed the boiling anger in his heart, took out an ID card from his wallet and handed it to him.

The special police took it over, glanced at it, seemed to believe his words, returned the ID card to him, and said seriously: "There is a building blast here, and traffic is prohibited. You can go around and go home."

Zilong poked his head out and looked in the direction of Longxuan's headquarters. Immediately, a special police soldier came up, deliberately tightened the gun in his arms, and shouted at Zilong: "Look, if you don't leave, you will be obstructing military affairs!"

Zilong gritted his teeth involuntarily. If he wasn't afraid of accidents, he would really not pay attention to these few people.

With a cold hum in my heart, I kicked the accelerator and turned around and left.

All the intersections leading to Longxuan are guarded by special police. Zilong tried a few times, but there was no possibility of rushing over. After turning around, he threw the car into Xingcheng International, climbed over the fence of the community, and copied from the path .

(End of this chapter)

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