The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 116 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 116 Remaining life after catastrophe
All the intersections leading to Longxuan were guarded by special police. Zilong tried a few times, but there was no possibility of rushing over. After turning around, he threw the car to Xingcheng International, climbed over the fence of the community, and copied from the path .

Luka crawled out from the ruins, his head and body were covered with thick sand and lime, like a refugee picked up from the ruins of an earthquake.

The garden walls are all made of toughened glass. When the wall shattered, the flying glass shards hit him, and the sharp glass pierced his clothes and scratched his body.Now the gray suit was covered with rips all over the place, and some rips were stained red by the blood oozing from the wounds, looking horrifying.

However, this is not the point, he looked at everything in front of him in astonishment.

The building of Longxuan headquarters has collapsed!
In the distance, the sun was shining brightly, shining on the loess flying in the air, which was extremely dazzling.Surrounded by high-rise buildings, it doesn't look like the scene after the earthquake.

Is there a problem with the quality of Longxuan Building?Tofu dregs project?
As soon as this idea squeezed into his mind, Luka dismissed it.When the building was built, he participated in the project budget and review. If the building has quality problems, the other houses are all dilapidated.

The whole building collapsed, and everyone in the building was spared. Luka was startled, and a terrible idea flooded into his mind.

Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuan are still in the conference room!
Under such circumstances, it is even more difficult to escape in the conference room, so Luka hurriedly took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Ouyang Nan.

In the upper left corner of the phone screen, where the signal strength should be displayed, three words were displayed: no service.

Heh~ Luka instantly understood.

The building didn't collapse by itself, but someone did it deliberately, and their headquarters was uprooted overnight.

No, not overnight, during the day.

They come in broad daylight, because the light will make people feel safe, and people will unconsciously lower their awareness of prevention.In the meeting just now, they were still planning how to prepare for a sudden attack. Before the meeting was over, even the nest was taken away.

It's coming too fast and it's hard to guard against.

They blasted the Longxuan headquarters, and then activated the signal blocking equipment to block the signals of all communication equipment, so that even if someone survived the accident, they could not get in touch with the outside world.People who cannot be contacted at home will be anxious and rush back. They must have set up an ambush on the road and waited for the rabbit.

Then here... they will definitely come to search!
Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, and it sounded like there were a lot of people.

"Fuck, it came so fast!" Luka was surprised again. It's okay to say at night, but in broad daylight, there is nowhere to hide.

There were ruins everywhere, but fortunately, when the building collapsed, a lot of dust was raised, and the visibility was not high, so he still had time to find a place to hide.

Luka prayed secretly, they just don't use things like life detectors.

Regardless of the pain from the wound on his body, Luka climbed along the steel frame to the upper level of the ruins. He had to escape first.

Not long after Luka crawled away, a squad of special police came over with a police dog. The police dog sniffed and yelled in the direction Luka crawled out. Its thick tail was like a big broom, shaking from side to side .

"Is there someone up there?" A special policeman looked up, the sun was dappled from the top, the light was dazzling, and he couldn't see anything outside.I only vaguely saw a steel frame standing tall.

"The building collapsed like this, even if you are alive, you can't climb that high." Another special police said: "Let's search the bottom first, remember, if there are living people who try to resist, they can enforce the law on the spot."

"Yes, sir." Several people dispersed on the spot, and a pair of two began to search in all directions.

Luka stood on the top of the steel frame, looking up from the bottom, it seemed to be integrated with the steel frame in a blur.

The special police couldn't see him clearly against the light, but he saw the special police clearly, and quickly understood that this was definitely a planned and targeted anti-crime campaign by the government.Since Longxuan was founded, the government has also cracked down on gangsters, but this is the first time that Longxuan's internal affairs have been investigated.

I'm afraid Long Xuan has a ghost.

Lin Feng?

Luka suddenly remembered this person. He had never seen him since Dong Chuchen's wedding, and Lin Feng was in Longxuan's weapons laboratory, so he knew many things about Longxuan like the back of his hand.

If you are caught by Laozi, Laozi will definitely make your life worse than death!
Hostility flooded into Luka's furious face, he swung his arms vigorously, and with the strength of the steel frame, he jumped to the upper level of the ruins two meters away.

Squeaking, the steel frame made a slight sound, and the special police who entered the search immediately drew out their guns and looked up.

"Who's up there?" cried the officer sharply.

He was answered only by the boiling dust and the wind rushing in from the top of the ruins.

Luka stood firm on the ruins, looked at the swaggering special police, got angry, spread his fingers, grabbed a wall panel under a pile of lime cement, and shook it vigorously.

The structure of the ruins is not strong, especially on the upper floor. When Luka shook, all kinds of stones and bricks smashed down.

The officer saw that the ruins were facing a second collapse at any time, and immediately called the team members to retreat temporarily and leave here.

A dozen or so people hurried out leading the dog again.

"Coward!" Luka angrily kicked the dust down, then turned around, and crawled behind the ruins with hands and feet.

On the tall building opposite Longxuan, behind the curtain hidden by a dark figure, eyes as deep as a dry well looked at the ruins through the binoculars. After a while, he put down the binoculars, and a strange smile appeared on his cold face.

The palm of the hand was opened, and a chip was sandwiched between the thumb and forefinger. With a twist, the chip turned into a wisp of powder and floated on the ground.

Long Xuan, JH International, let's go to hell together!
Zilong climbed over several walls in succession before reaching the back of Longxuan's headquarters. When he looked up, he couldn't see the building of Longxuan's headquarters. He could only see a huge layer of floating dust floating in mid-air, covering half of the sky mightily.

Can form such a large-scale floating dust layer, did they blow up Long Xuan?
Zilong couldn't hold back the worry in his heart, he rushed forward recklessly, his speed was extremely fast, his figure flickered a few times, and then disappeared into the tall buildings.

At first, he was worried, but he still held a trace of fantasy in his heart, hoping that his worries were unfounded. When he really saw Longxuan's headquarters turned into ruins, Zilong's feet swayed, his legs could hardly support the weight of his body, and he almost fell to the ground.

Long Xuan was destroyed.

Xiao Qi, where is his Xiao Qi?

Trembling, Zilong took out the communication device and checked Xiaoqi's position. He was still there, motionless, half an hour had passed.

The phone is still out of reach.

The interrogation room was more than ten meters deep underground, and all the buildings on the ground had collapsed. One can imagine the underground scene. Xiao Qi was not unwilling to move, but unable to move. He was buried more than ten meters deep underground.

Xiaoqi, wait for me, I will save you!

Zilong ran forward frantically, just after running a few steps, Shu's arm tightened and was grabbed by a strong hand.

Zilong turned his head and saw that it was Luka.

Scarred and dusty Ruka.

Zilong was so startled that he almost couldn't close his mouth. After a while, he came back to his senses, "Uncle Lu, what's going on here?"

Luka glanced behind him, "We have to get out of here first, I've seen that there are at least a thousand heavily armed special police and troops on the scene." Luka shook his head helplessly and sighed, "We can only go by ourselves now. Arrested and gone, there is still a glimmer of hope for a long-term plan."

"Xiaoqi is still in the interrogation room, I'm going to save him!" Zilong didn't listen to dissuasion, broke away from Luka and rushed into the ruins.Luka had no choice but to catch up with Zilong and stand in front of him.

Zilong was puzzled and stared at Luka blankly.

"Calm down!" Luka shouted: "You only see Xiao Qi, Ouyang, Fang Yuan, everyone is inside, do you think I'm not in a hurry? There are only two of us, more than 1000 of them, we What else can they do but die? When the time comes, they will be dug out from the ruins, and there won't even be a body collector!"

Zilong kept shaking his head, "They are different, they may be better upstairs, but Xiao Qi is in the interrogation room, which is more than ten meters underground, no one cares about him, he will die."

There is only one thought left in Zilong's mind, Xiao Qi cannot die, if Xiao Qi dies, his life will have no meaning of existence.

So he was going to save Xiao Qi, even if he sacrificed his own life, it was worthwhile to get Xiao Qi back.

"Uncle Lu, you go first, I'll save him."

When Luka was angry, he suddenly developed a kind of sadness that hated iron but not steel.

"Zilong, do you still remember what I taught you since you were a child?"

Zilong froze for a moment, then said slowly: "I remember."

"Say it to me!" Luka's tone was undeniable, Zilong opened his mouth, and said in a trembling voice: "Two people are on a mission at the same time, if one person is injured and cannot leave, in order not to implicate his teammates, leave him a few minutes." A bullet, or...or... just help him end... No! Uncle Lu, I can't do it!"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it!" Luka roared and interrupted him.

Zilong was overwhelmed by overwhelming sadness, and couldn't listen to his words at all. Luka had no choice but to punch Zilong with his fist.

Zilong was stunned.

Light footsteps could be heard from the other side of the ruins. From the sound, there were probably seven or eight people, and there was a faint sound of bullets being loaded.

"You did a good job!" Luka murmured in a low voice. It must be that the two voices were arguing too violently, which brought in the special police and officers and soldiers.

Zilong finally recovered from his impulsiveness. It was impossible for Xiao Qi to dig Xiao Qi out of the interrogation room which was ten meters below him.Luca is right, they need to think long term.

"Where is who?" The voice was already close at hand, but the visibility of the dust was worse than that of the smog, and no one could see who was more than five meters away.

"Go." Luka said softly, the two turned around, stepped on the ground quickly and deftly, and ran to the back of the tall building.

The special police team had already arrived at the place where Luka and Zilong were standing. Seeing that the person was gone, they immediately raised their vigilance and quickly divided into two groups to chase after them.

(End of this chapter)

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