The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 117 Waiting for the East Wind

Chapter 117 Waiting for the East Wind
Zilong and Luka walked very fast, and after a while, they threw the pursuers two blocks away and disappeared.

JH International was blocked, Longxuan was destroyed, and Zilong and Luka together went to the clan in the north of the city. The clan and Longxuan were inextricably linked and had a very close relationship. Most importantly, all of this was not for outsiders. known.

So at this time, the Zong family became their best choice.

At this time, no one would have thought that they would defect to the Zong family.

Zilong and Luka didn't go through the main entrance, but entered the Zong's house through the secret passage behind the courtyard, then avoided everyone's attention, and went directly into the study.

After entering the study, Luka immediately turned on the computer, activated Longxuan's virtual server, and began to find the location of Ouyang Nan, Fang Yuan and others through the locators on their bodies.

Standing behind him, Zilong watched a three-dimensional structural diagram appear on the screen. Zilong took a closer look. This was the structural diagram of the entire Longxuan Building. The ground and underground parts were divided by three-dimensional lines, which could be seen very clearly.

Then, one after another red dots lit up on the structural map. The building collapsed and the structure was destroyed. The three-dimensional map could not correctly display the position of everyone, and the dense red dots squeezed together to form a scarlet on the screen.

Some of the red dots are bright and some are extremely faint.

They are all beating slowly and rhythmically, like beating hearts.

Zilong couldn't help but look towards the interrogation room. There was a red dot with a very bright brightness. Although there were red dots of similar size all around, it was very conspicuous.

"What are these?" Zilong asked.

"This is the tracker on their bodies." Luka was busy locating the positions of all the personnel, and soon the screen displayed a prompt that the search was completed. Looking at the computer screen, it was densely covered with red light.

I don’t know what program Luka started. An exploration aperture appears on the screen. The aperture rotates clockwise. Every time the aperture rotates, the red light spots on the screen become less. Countless, sparsely distributed in every corner.

As the light spots diminished, Luka's expression became more solemn than ever.

Seeing this scene, Zilong basically guessed that every time a red light spot disappears, it should represent the disappearance of a life.

Zilong's eyes fell on Xiao Qi involuntarily, the red dot representing Xiao Qi's heartbeat was shining red tenaciously, and the vigorous beating seemed to indicate the strong vitality of the master.

He is still alive.

Zilong took a deep breath, and his tense heart was comforted for a moment.

Suddenly a point of light moved across the screen.

"Someone is moving!" Zilong exclaimed.

Luka also noticed the moving red dot on the screen and began to zoom in on the satellite cloud image. The moving red dot came from the meeting room, and he was moving up bit by bit at a slow speed.

After the red dot is enlarged, it becomes a heat map, which is a human-shaped red figure.

He looks like he's climbing up the wall.

"It's Ouyang, he's still alive!" Luka yelled in surprise, that's great, when the red light in the meeting room just went out, he was extremely depressed, unexpectedly, Ouyang Nan also escaped from the meeting room.

"He will be discovered by the military when he goes out like this." Zilong reminded Luka.

"If you don't go out, you will be discovered." Luka pointed to the gray dots that were constantly wriggling around Long Xuan, "Have you seen this, these are people from the government, and they have completely surrounded Long Xuan. , It is simply difficult to fly with wings."

"Are they going to kill the grass?"

It's too ruthless, first bombing the building and then sealing off the search and rescue, no one can escape.If he hadn't sent Cheng Nuo off, he would probably be buried more than ten meters underground with Xiao Qi now.

"Bastard!" Zilong's fists were clenched, and the hatred in his eyes spread endlessly.If you give him a missile now, he will definitely blow them into a handful of ashes in this vast world without hesitation.

"Zilong, let's go back at night." Luka said.

His condensed eyes were locked on Ouyang Nan's position, where several gray spots had surrounded him.

The injured need to be rescued, and there is also Long Xuan's top-secret information, they must find a way to go back and destroy it.

At the Longxuan explosion site, thousands of special police officers and soldiers have already started operations, and the search and rescue work for the trapped people in Longxuan has been fully launched.

It is said to be search and rescue, but in fact it is search and arrest.This is a secret military operation. In order to avoid public suspicion, the official claimed that the construction of Longxuan Building seriously violated the safety standards. widely reported in the news.

Soon, the news of Longxuan being blasted spread all over the streets and alleys, causing an uproar in the entire underworld.

The big and small gang organizations in D City have entered a state of active combat readiness.

Several gang organizations of comparable strength who have been suppressed by Long Xuan for many years are ambitious. They want to win the top spot of the gang in D City and encroach on and annex Long Xuan's territory. , in order not to let himself become a victim of this battle, he could only defect to a powerful organization and seek asylum.

People are panicking, and gunpowder is everywhere.

Cheng Nuo sat in front of the hospital bed, ignorant of the great changes that had taken place today.

Dong Chuzhi has been transferred from the ICU to the intensive care unit. The doctor said that his life will not be in danger for the time being, but whether he can wake up depends on his will.

Cheng Nuo himself thought it was perfunctory to talk about will with a person who was in a deep coma, but it didn't matter, it was much better to have hope than no hope.

Cheng Nuo was afraid that Dong Chuchen's muscles would atrophy if he didn't move, so he kept doing muscle relaxation massages for him. While rubbing his arms, he chanted words that only she could hear clearly.

"JH International was seized, and you kept hiding it from me, and didn't tell me that you had done so many bad things. If you had told me earlier, I would have been somewhat prepared. Now it's all right, and even my home has been seized. "

"Did you say that you expected this day long ago, so when you bought that villa back then, you wrote my name. Well, now this is the only legal property of our family. Also, the standard of your hospitalization is very high now. Yes, there are four armed police comrades outside, they are fully armed, they stand guard for you 24 hours a day, and it is estimated that provincial cadres are not treated like you when they are hospitalized."

The two armed police soldiers on duty at the door were sweating. They are not called standing guard, they are guards.

The higher authorities suspected that Dong Chuchen was the boss of the No. [-] gangster in D City, and they were afraid that he would escape, so they sent heavy soldiers to guard him.

Cheng Nuo knew that she just didn't want to admit it.If waking up means going to court and going to jail, she would rather Dong Chuzhi sleep like this forever.

Dong Chuzhi has Dongchu's pride, and his pride will not allow him to stand in the dock and wait to be sentenced to prison.

"Chu Shu, I'll just stay with you all the time, okay?" Cheng Nuo held his hand and rubbed it lightly on his cheek. The cold temperature from the back of his hand spread through his cheek, flowed into his heart, and condensed into Shang.

Zong Mingcheng sent Mo Yue off, the two little people were inseparable, Mo Yao took Dong Yilan's little hand, and looked at his father eagerly: "Daddy, can you take Yilan sister to live with us for a few days?"

The two adults laughed when they heard the words, Mo Yue touched his son's head and laughed, "If you want Yilan to stay in our house in the future, please beg your father-in-law to let him marry Yilan to you." If you marry Yilan, you will be together every day."

When Zong Yilan heard this, her goose-egg-like face with a little baby fat blush flew around, shyly shaking off Mo Yao's hand.

"Who says you want to get married? She won't get married. I'm so ashamed!" Zong Yilan ran into the yard with her hot face in her hands.

Mo Yao shrugged his shoulders, well, his princess doesn't want to marry yet, he will propose after she wants to marry.

Unexpectedly, after this farewell, heaven and man will be separated forever. When we meet again, she will become a cold corpse.

For many years later, Mo Yao was thinking, if Yilan went home with him that day, would the reality be different?
Back in the living room, the housekeeper came to report, and Zilong and Luka came, waiting for him in the study.

Zong Mingcheng raised his eyebrows. Mo Yue came to Luka just after he left. He said to wait for the east wind. Could it be that the direction of the wind has something to do with him?Zong Mingcheng walked a few steps quickly and entered the study.

Seeing Luka, he was really startled.

Ever since he became strong with Dong Chuchen, he had never seen Long Xuan's people in such a mess.The person who can make Luka so downcast is probably not inferior to Zilong and Xiaoqi, not to mention that Zilong is still by his side, it is even more unbelievable.

Taking a closer look, Luka's injuries didn't look like they were hit, but rather like... a house collapsed or something.

"What happened?" Zong Mingcheng asked in surprise.

"It's hard to say, I guess you will know soon." Luka paused, looked up at him, "I need a team."

Long Xuan's family has a big business, and he actually asked him for troops. It's really the sun coming out from the west. It seems that the impact of JH International's incident on Long Xuan is really fatal.However, Yidong Chuzhi's kindness to him back then, not to mention people, even if he wanted his family property, he was also duty-bound, so he readily agreed.

Seeing that Luka was seriously injured, Zong Mingcheng called a family doctor to help Luka treat the wound and get him a change of clothes.

While the doctor was treating Luka's wound, Zong Mingcheng picked out more than [-] elites from his own staff and asked them to assemble and stand by for Luka to dispatch.After finishing all this, Zong Mingcheng sat next to Luka after the doctor left, "Can you tell me what happened now?"

Luka sighed, and told Zong Mingcheng about the matter, and told Zong Mingcheng his guess by the way.

"Lin Feng?" Zong Mingcheng was puzzled. "Could you be mistaken?"

Lin Fengzong Mingcheng once heard Dong Chushu mention it, but Dong Chushu should not make mistakes in judging other people's eyes.

Luka shook his head, "It's just a suspicion right now. Over the years, Long Xuan's core department has never entered outsiders, and Lin Feng is the only exception."

Zong Mingcheng fell into deep thought.

Mo Yue said to wait for Dongfeng quietly. Could it be that the Dongfeng he was talking about was Lin Feng?What is the connection between Mo Yue and Lin Feng?
(End of this chapter)

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