The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 118 The Cannon Fodder Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 118 The Cannon Fodder Delivered to Your Door
Mo Yue said to wait for Dongfeng quietly. Could it be that the Dongfeng he was talking about was Lin Feng?What is the connection between Mo Yue and Lin Feng?
Zong Mingcheng was puzzled, but he was afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstanding, so he didn't say anything more, and arranged the kitchen to prepare meals for Zilong and Luka, so that they could take a rest first, recharge their energy, and move around at night.

When Lin Feng returned to the work unit where he had been away for nine years, he immediately felt refreshed.

The work process has not changed much in these years, except getting familiar with the new team and new colleagues, everything is handy.

His boss is an old bureau chief who is nearly fifty years old. He heard about his deeds in the early years, and he was recommended by Minister Jin, so he has great trust in his ability and attaches great importance to him.

On the second day of work, he took out a bunch of cases and handed them over to him.

Lin Feng looked at the thick case files on the table, feeling a faint sadness in his heart for no reason.

So busy?
Resigned to his fate, he picked up the file and began to read it.

This is a serial murder case. After the murder, the murderer threw the body into the wilderness, then used the victim's vehicle to escape, and then abandoned or burned the vehicle to destroy the evidence. The bureau has received four reports. In the same city, it has been verified that the gangsters have the same means of committing the crime, and the evidence collected also shows that the suspects have similar physical characteristics, and it is very likely that the same suspect committed the crime, so the case is dealt with together.

Lin Feng recorded key information while watching, and when he saw the fourth case, he found that the place where the case happened was actually D City, 500 kilometers away.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows. It seems that he really has an indissoluble bond with City D. The first case he came back to take over had to go back to City D for investigation.

As night falls, the lights are on.

The night in City D began to become lively. The flickering neon lights set off the colorful and colorful night of the entire city, and the city revealed a scene of prosperity and prosperity everywhere.

The Gold Coast is very popular in the summer night, and there are many people who enjoy the cool seaside barbecue and eat seafood.After Longxuan's bombing was broadcast on the news, people who hadn't paid much attention to it at first became a little more curious, and when they passed by at night, they all came to join in the fun and see what happened.

The Longxuan building covers an area of ​​[-] square meters. After the building collapsed, the surrounding kilometers became a dangerous area and were blocked by a long cordon.

Inside the cordon, cutters, cranes, and hydraulic picks were working non-stop. The hydraulic picks rattled open the floor, dismantled the entire wall into pieces, and then put it on a transport truck to transport it away.

The loud noise of the machine was undulating.

Outside the long cordon, people standing full of good deeds.

They were discussing something in twos and threes. The sound of the machine was too loud, and Luka could only vaguely hear a sentence.

An older man, who probably knew a lot about construction, pointed to the wall panel where the hydraulic pick was performing the task of breaking, and said to a younger man beside him: "The news said that this building is a tofu slag project. , look at that floor slab, how thick and strong it is, even the grades of cement used inside are the best, none of the houses we live in can be as strong as this floor slab.”

The young man first looked at the floor with disbelief for a while, then nodded.

The huge hydraulic pick has been busy for a long time, and it didn't even break half of the floor, which is enough to show how well-connected the floor is.

Luka took Zong Mingcheng's 20 people, changed into the most common T-shirts and jeans, and mixed into the crowd.

Of course strong.Luka thought to himself, when I built this building, I didn't hesitate to pay the cost, only for the quality of the project.It's good now, it was completely ruined by these prodigal things in a day.

He walked through the crowd, because he didn't know if the other party knew their looks, so when he came, he and Zilong each brought a human skin mianju.

The signal tracker showed that Ouyang Nan had been rescued, and with him, there were several main members of Longxuan, Luka and Zilong slowly approaching their signal source.

There are still more than 50 meters away from the signal source. Luka and Zilong are hiding behind a pile of ruins. From a distance, they can see a row of temporary tents. There are people who look like doctors and nurses busy at the scene, and soldiers are constantly carrying bills. Come over.

Some were carried into the tent, and some were picked up directly on the caravan next to them.

Luka guessed that the person who was carried directly into the caravan should be a hopeless person. He stood here for 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, a total of 13 people were carried over. Only one entered the first aid tent, and the other 12 all entered. up the caravan.

Another 12 brothers were unfortunately killed.

Luka bowed his head and silently mourned the brothers who left in the accident, "Rest in peace, I will definitely avenge you!"

I took the signal detector and judged by the distance. Ouyang Nan should be in the tent, but he and Zilong could no longer get close. Ten meters past the warning line is the area guarded by layers of special police. There are fixed posts every three meters. , Patrol every 5 minutes, they have no chance to sneak in.

"What should I do?" Zilong asked.

When we are with Xiao Qi, usually what Xiao Qi says, he will follow suit, and get used to it without using his brain.

"There are too many people here, and we can't fight head-on." Luka's alert eyes swept across the ruins in front of him, "In a while, you take a few people to find a way to mix with the wounded, and get in touch with Ouyang first. They have taken so many wounded, they must They will be sent to a nearby hospital, and you will be with them when the time comes, we will ambush them on the road and rob them halfway."

"Okay, let's split up."

Zilong retreated from the ruins with a few people. Luka observed for a while, and quietly retreated outside the cordon.

Now I just hope they won't find the tracker on Ouyang.

The trackers on several of their core personnel are different from others. This is an extremely cutting-edge technology. They made the trackers the size of microparticles, embedded them in the arteries, and used the thrust of blood circulation to push the microparticles into the ventricles. .

To take out the tracker, you can either kill him, or you can use something to lure the particles out of the ventricle, cut open the artery and take it out.

Only he can use this thing.

The only good news is that the composition of microparticles is the same as that of the human body, and its existence cannot be detected by machines.

Zilong circled around the ruins, but couldn't find a place to break through. In desperation, he decided to watch the crowd.He beckoned the younger brother who was following him over, whispered something in his ear, the younger brother nodded, turned and left.

After a while, there was a sudden scream from the crowd, and then a man jumped out from the crowd. His clothes were on fire, and the summer clothes were thin and flammable. The flames rushed to his head, and the air was filled with fur Burnt bad smell.

He yelled and jumped on the ground and rushed to a place where there were few people. He rolled over on the ground as soon as he rolled over.

Seeing this situation, the people close to him rushed to help him fight the fire on his body. There was a riot at the scene, and the chaotic situation attracted special police and soldiers not far away. They walked out of the cordon to see what happened.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Zilong walked up to a soldier, knocked him unconscious with his palm, and dragged him away.The other three followed suit, knocking out the soldiers and changing into their clothes. When the soldiers retreated into the cordon, they managed to sneak in with them, and then left the sentry post in the dark and entered the tent of the wounded.

The tent was very simple, more than 20 wounded were lying side by side on the ground, most of them were lying motionless on the ground because of their heavy injuries, only a few or two were moaning.

Zilong looked around, and among the more than 20 people, two were the hall masters of Longxuan, who came to attend the meeting, and the others were supposed to be scientific research or logistics personnel. get to know them.

Finally in the corner, Zilong found Ouyang Nan, his eyes were closed and his body was wrapped in thick gauze.

Luka's guess was right, Ouyang Nan was indeed here, but what he was wrong about was that Ouyang Nan was seriously injured, and the doctor had put plasma on him in order to save his old life.

Even so, his face was still bloodless.

Zilong searched around among the wounded again, but did not find Fang Yuan.

According to the information provided by Luka, Fang Yuan and Ouyang Nan had a meeting in the same meeting room. Ouyang Nan was discovered, and Fang Yuan was not there. It is very likely that Fang Yuan had died.

Zilong didn't care about being sad, and patted Ouyang Nan's lifeless face vigorously, "Brother Nan, Brother Nan?"

He tried to wake him up.

Ouyang Nan didn't wake up, a nurse opened the tent and walked in.It is estimated that the nurse also treated the people here as criminals. She gave Zilong a condescending look, and her tone was full of disdain.

"When will he wake up?" Zilong asked coldly, even more dismissive of her attitude.

The nurse didn't answer, but felt that this soldier looked weird, not at all like a soldier. The coldness in his eyes made people feel chills in his heart, just like being on Changbai Mountain, which was covered with thousands of miles of ice and snow.

The nurse trembled, avoiding Zilong's gaze, and went back and forth to check the wounded patients on the ground. When passing by Ouyang Nan, the nurse directly raised her foot, trying to step over his body.

Zilong stretched out his long arm and grabbed the nurse's jumping ankle.The nurse walked a little fast, but was dragged by Zilong, her feet were unsteady, and she really fell to the ground.

Her mouth hit the ground, breaking a layer of skin, and she grinned in pain, three layers of powder were thrown onto her face and two layers were thrown off, the unevenness was extremely funny.She became angry from embarrassment, stood up and went into a rage, and yelled at Zilong: "What's the matter with you? Are you sick?"

A gust of autumn wind blows towards the face with fallen leaves, as if you dare to provoke my old lady, you will die.

A good man doesn't fight a shrew.

Zilong ignored it and looked down at Ouyang Nan's injury.

The nurse thought that he was empty-handed, but in fact he was a soft persimmon, and rushed forward, grabbed Zilong's clothes and yelled, "I'm talking to you, are you sick? If you don't apologize to me, I will Go find your leaders!"

Zilong stood up slowly, brushed her hands away as if dusting off dust, and when he glanced at the woman's face, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This is what you brought to your door!
(End of this chapter)

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