Chapter 119 Breakthrough
With a twist of Zilong's hand, a silver gun jumped into his hand. Before the nurse realized what was going on, the cold muzzle of the gun was already pointed at her forehead, "I didn't want to touch you at first, but you refused to let me go, so I had no choice but to let you go." You're welcome."

The cold breath quickly swept through the entire tent like a storm.

The nurse turned pale with fright, and stared at Zilong's cold face tremblingly, "What do you want to do?"

"Turn around and go out."

The three younger brothers immediately understood the situation, one was carrying a plasma bag, and the other two supported Ouyang Nan, carried him on his back, and followed Zilong closely.

By the way, nurses are not a fuel-efficient lamp. Turning around, she was about to run out, opening her mouth and shouting: "Come on..."

She didn't utter a word, her mouth was already covered by Zilong's hand, she stared at Zilong in disbelief, is this man a ghost?How do you move so fast.

"If you don't want to die, just be honest!" Zilong took her hand away and clasped her shoulder with a cold breath in her ears.She couldn't help being cold all over, and nodded desperately, "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"Let's go!" Zilong pushed the nurse, and the people behind were carrying Ouyang Nan on their backs, and the group got out of the tent.

Zilong's idea is that if there is no interrogation, it is best not to have a conflict. After all, there are too few of them, and once a conflict arises, it is difficult to retreat unscathed.

"When someone interrogates him, tell him that he is critically ill and must be sent to the hospital immediately." Zilong followed behind her, with the cold muzzle of the gun pressed against her waist, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

The tent was nearly one kilometer away from the isolation zone. This time, there was no one outside to respond. After going out, they had to create chaos among the onlookers before they could escape smoothly.

I don't know if the people brought by Luka are still around, it would be much better if they were there.

Several routes flashed through Zilong's mind. The safest route is to go along the coast to the pier, where there are piles of containers, and it is very difficult to find a few there.

After making up his mind, Zilong pushed the nurse towards the coast.

The nurse was walking in a panic, the ground was scattered with sand and stone fragments messily, and she fell down several times intentionally and wanted to pay attention, but Zilong held her up in good time.

What the hell is behind it?As if he could see through her mind, every step she took was firmly in his hands!The nurse thought to herself, looking anxiously at a group of patrolling soldiers, anxiously trying to get their attention.

"What are you doing?" A group of patrolling soldiers found them, led by a deputy company commander, he shouted from a distance, and walked over here.

The nurse was overjoyed, and just about to call for help, a cold went down her back suddenly.

"He is seriously injured and needs to be sent to the hospital immediately." The nurse said reluctantly, winking at the patrolling soldiers.

It's a pity that the searchlight couldn't reach this side, the light was dim, and the patrol soldiers couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Does the higher-ups know?" the deputy company commander asked.

"I know." Zilong replied this time.

The sergeant was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed Zilong.His height is too different from other people's, and his temperament... Although the light is dim and his face cannot be seen clearly, he can still feel a cold breath blowing towards his face.

In his impression, there was no such special person in the team, and this kind of momentum could not be developed in a day or two.

This judgment is based on the innate ability of male creatures to perceive the danger of similar animals.

"Which part are you from?" During the words, the figure was approaching.

Zilong and the two younger brothers in the back clenched the guns in their hands, and involuntarily protected Ouyang Nan in the middle.

"You're not a soldier!" The deputy company commander blurted out the moment he saw Zilong's face clearly, and before he finished speaking, he had already pulled out his gun from his waist.

Danger is imminent.

The seven or eight soldiers of the patrol immediately raised their guns and surrounded Zilong and the others. The two younger brothers behind Zilong did not show any weakness, and pointed their guns at the patrol soldiers.More than a dozen people drew their guns at each other, and the tension immediately escalated.

The nurse yelled and wanted to run away, but was grabbed by Zilong, protecting her chest like a human shield.

"If you dare to act recklessly, I'll beat her to death!" Zilong's voice was unhurried, and the hot and humid breath hit the nurse's ear like a spell, making her terrified.

"Help me..." The nurse began to cry.

"Get out of the way!" Zilong ordered heavily, with a pair of cold eyes shining so dauntingly.

The deputy company commander's finger holding the gun moved, as if he was considering whether to save or arrest someone.

Under such circumstances, shooting rashly would definitely hurt the hostages. The deputy company commander hesitated again and again, but decided to let him go forward first, and winked at the patrolling soldiers, "Let them go."

The patrolman gave way to a passage, Zilong said softly to the people behind: "Take Brother Nan and go first."

When the younger brother heard this, he immediately bypassed Zilong and walked out with Ouyang Nan on his back, while the other two protected them, one on the left and the other on the right.

Zilong's cold face showed no expression, and his blade-like sharp eyes looked directly at the deputy company commander. He didn't push the nurse outside until Ouyang Nan was more than ten meters away.

Once out of the encirclement, he immediately turned to face the soldiers.

The nurse had tears in her eyes and kept whimpering, "Help me, please, save me..."

"Let her go!" The deputy company commander moved forward cautiously following Zilong's footsteps, while enlightening: "The country has a government. If you put down your gun now, I can count you surrender and give you a chance to deal with leniency."

Zilong laughed in his heart when he heard that, just like them, whoever was pulled out would not be shot a hundred times.

Let him turn himself in and plead guilty, in his next life!
A few people finally moved to the cordon. This side is remote, and there are not many people watching the excitement. They are scattered around the cordon in twos and threes.

I don't know who discovered Zilong and the others, and the crowd burst into exclamation, "Come and see, there is a military exercise!"

Zilong and the others were wearing the same military uniform, and people mistakenly took the kidnapping as an exercise.

The scattered people gathered together in a swarm, and some people who were far away from the cordon also trotted over.Some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and the flash lights lit up from time to time.

It is true that curiosity killed the cat, but this effect is what Zilong is happy to see.

The more people and the more chaotic the situation, the easier it is for them to escape.

The deputy company commander shouted, "Don't come over, it's dangerous, spread out!"

The sound of the hydraulic pick hitting the cement slab was too loud, covering the voice of the deputy company commander. People couldn't hear him at all, and they didn't realize the real danger, and they were still moving forward slowly.

There are not as many guard posts here. The deputy company commander took a look and found no reinforcements.

"Shit!" He couldn't help cursing, who arranged the security here, he must be removed from his post when he goes back!
In a blink of an eye, the person carrying Ouyang Nan had already crossed the cordon, Zilong showed a satisfied smile on his face, and it was much easier to get out of the cordon.He retreated to the front of the cordon, pushed the nurse to the deputy company commander, and rolled out of the cordon on the spot.

As soon as he got up, a row of bullets rang out on the ground, and the bullets stirred up thick dust on the ground.

Zilong got up quickly, and several people fled to the coast.

"Hurry up!" The deputy company commander let the nurse, who was paralyzed in his arms, go to the side with weak legs and feet, and several soldiers jumped out of the cordon and chased to the beach.

Zilong turned his head and shot at a young man wearing a hat. The bullet, with a strong wind, passed his eyes, pierced through the brim of his hat with a bang, and landed somewhere.

On the brim of the hat, a black hole was steaming from the muzzle.

"They are holding real guns!" The young man snapped his hat and shouted in panic.

There was a sudden panic in the crowd, and the panicked people fled in all directions, and the deputy company commander and his soldiers were trapped in the crowd.

Zilong quickly disappeared along the coast with Ouyang Nan and others.

Seeing that something was wrong, the deputy company commander immediately took out his walkie-talkie to contact the operation headquarters. Three minutes later, a military helicopter slowly rose from the ruins. Fly to the coast.

The sound of the helicopter alarmed Luka who was hiding on the other side.

"Brother, there is movement over there." A younger brother said.

Luka looked in the direction of the helicopter vigilantly, and took out the locator.

Ouyang Nan's signal moved rapidly to the south along the coast.

Damn, this kid Zilong actually acted without authorization!
Luka Khan was shocked, and immediately retreated from his hiding place, "They acted ahead of time, let's go to meet them!"

A group of people left the ruins in a hurry, and when they passed the cordon, the soldiers who arrived had calmed down the panic of the people, and everyone was evacuating in an orderly manner under the command of the soldiers.

Luka was going to the coast, but was stopped by the soldiers, "Comrade, please go this way. There are criminals disguised as soldiers on the beach to take hostages. In order to ensure your personal safety, please leave here quickly."

A criminal, I am a criminal!

Luka cursed inwardly, but he still walked over honestly.

Zilong is not as arrogant and presumptuous as Xiaoqi, he acts cautiously and keeps a low profile. If his judgment is correct, he should break out from the pier.

Luka followed the flow of people and went to the wharf cargo yard, where the containers were very suitable for concealment.

The deafening noise of the helicopter propeller came from overhead, Zilong stretched out his long arms, stopped the few people who were about to go forward, waved his hand to signal everyone to squat down, and hid behind the reef.

A strong wind blew in with a salty smell, and the searchlights swept across their heads. Everyone held their breath and clenched their weapons tightly.

Zilong loaded the bullet and tightened the trigger with his index finger.

There was a vague voice of someone talking above the head, the propeller noise was too loud, I couldn't hear it clearly, probably because I couldn't see people or something.

The searchlight turned around and then directed forward again, and the sound of the plane's propeller gradually faded away.

Zilong stood up from behind the reef and led them towards the pier.

"Be careful." There are high-lying and uneven rocks everywhere under your feet. If you are not careful, your feet get stuck in the crevices of the rocks. Zilong is exploring the way ahead, and he still doesn't forget to ask the person carrying Ouyang Nan to pay attention to the road under his feet.

The pursuers behind did not keep up. They walked relatively calmly. After more than half an hour, they arrived at the wharf cargo yard.

(End of this chapter)

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