The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 120 The Golden Mask

Chapter 120 The Golden Mask

The pursuers behind did not keep up. Zilong and his party walked relatively calmly. After more than half an hour, they arrived at the wharf freight yard.Huge containers, stacked on top of each other, filled the entire dock like a maze.

Zilong walked ahead cautiously, and listened to the wind and grass in front of him with all his energy.

As a professional killer, he has an absolutely accurate ability to predict danger.

There was a faint murderous aura in the salty air.

Zilong slowed down.

Obviously someone had laid an ambush here, waiting for them on a special trip. There are so many roads near Longxuan, how could he have guessed that they would leave from the pier?Or is there an ambush on every road?
In order to kill them all, it is really costly!

Zilong's pupils tightened, and he stopped in his tracks, followed by the people behind him.

"Brother Long..." The younger brother wanted to say something, but Zilong interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

The sound of sharp objects piercing the air drilled his ears, and Zilong felt bad, so he turned 360 degrees and rushed towards Ouyang Nan.


Where the figure passed, a row of silver needles flew by and shot at the iron sheet of the container. After three metal collision sounds, there were only three needle-sized holes left on the container, and the silver needles had disappeared into the box.

Such domineering strength!

Zilong's heart was shocked, he was able to drive the silver needle directly into the iron sheet, his kung fu should not be inferior to him.

When a king meets a king, one move will tell the winner.

In the world of killers, he and Xiao Qi have been god-like existences all these years.From his debut in his teens to the present, he has never lost a single battle, never lost a single mission, and has been stepping on other people's corpses to climb up. No matter how formidable opponents he encountered before, he never felt pressured.

This time, it is obviously different from the past.

The difference was not only because Xiao Qi was not around, but because of the tense atmosphere in the air, which made him unable to breathe.

Zilong clenched a hidden weapon in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Take Brother Nan to the other side."

He wasn't sure he could win, but stalling for time was fine.

"Do you think you can go?" A cold and smiling voice came into his ears from top to bottom, and Zilong raised his head suddenly. On the container more than 10 meters high, a man looked down at them from above, with a mask on his face. Glittering gold in the moonlight.

The sea breeze lifts his windbreaker and dances wildly in the dark night, mysterious and treacherous.

"Heh," Zilong sneered disdainfully, "I've come here, I dare not even show my true colors."

The golden-masked man sneered back, "As if you dared to show your true colors."

Zilong was shocked again.

Indeed, he came out today wearing a human skin mianju, but not many people know his real appearance.

"Who are you?" There was a bit of danger in the words.

"You just need to know that today will be your death day next year!" The golden-masked man flipped somersault, and released the gossamer in his hand at the same time, his figure lightly twirled twice in the air, and landed firmly in front of Zilong.

As soon as he landed, he retracted the gossamer, and the dagger in the other hand stabbed at Zilong fiercely.

On one side of Zilong's body, deftly dodging his attack, he grabbed the golden-masked man's wrist with one grabbing hand, pushed forward, and punched the golden-masked man's abdomen with the other hand, accurately and ruthlessly.

Jinmian reversed his hand, and with the strength of Zilong's wrist, he turned over in the air, dodged the fist, turned the dagger, and stabbed Zilong's chest again.

The two moved very fast, the three people beside them hadn't seen how they made the move, they had already passed more than ten moves.

"Take Brother Nan away!" Zilong yelled at the three people who stood stunned by the side. The two had already gone through more than twenty moves, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

The three woke up with a start, and immediately protected Ouyang Nan from the two of them and fled forward.

How could the man with the golden mask let Ouyang Nan go so easily, he slashed the dagger fiercely at Zilong's chest, and while Zilong was dodging, he rushed towards Ouyang Nan with a stride, and the dagger was about to stab Ouyang Nan's back, Seeing this, the younger brother gritted his teeth and heart, and puffed out his chest to stand in front of Ouyang Nan.

The sharp dagger pierced his chest mercilessly. Before he could snort, the man with the golden mask had pulled out the dagger, kicked him away, and attacked Ouyang Nan again with his waving arms.

At this time, Zilong had rushed over, kicked with a 360-degree rotation, and kicked the golden-masked man on the shoulder.

With a shake of his hand, the silver gun has been pulled the trigger.

The golden-masked man propped his hands on the ground, turned over, dodged the bullets shot by Zilong, and shot with three silver needles in a blink of an eye.

Zilong dodged the first two bullets, but failed to dodge the third one. With a pain in the back of his hand, the gun fell to the ground.

This man is really strong!
Except for the first few years of his debut, he has never been injured.Zilong pulled out the silver needle in his hand and threw it to the side, and when he wanted to make a move again, the silver gun on the ground was already pointing at his head.

This time the golden-masked man was not in a hurry to make a move, but walked slowly from behind Zilong to the front.

"The number one killer in the legend is nothing more than that."

A soldier can be killed but not humiliated, Zilong raised his head inadvertently, and stared at the golden-masked man coldly. Under the cold mask, a pair of ghostly brown eyes revealed three parts playful and seven parts cold.

It seems to be the mentality of a cat catching a mouse, wanting to see Zilong struggle for the last time.

Zilong glanced back, the other two had already protected Ouyang Nan and escaped, the one who was stabbed by the dagger just now was lying on the ground, motionless, probably dead.

Doing their business is really past today and there will be no tomorrow, Zilong sighed in his heart, wondering how Xiaoqi is doing underground now, he didn't expect that he would be one step ahead of him.

Really, man is not as good as God!

"They can't leave." Seeing Zilong's thoughts, the golden-masked man smiled coldly, and gave him an answer like a reward.

"Really?" A voice came from above the head, and the golden-masked man looked up, and at some point Luka had already stood on it, and the black muzzles of a dozen guns and submachine guns were pointing at him.

I was so proud just now that I forgot to be vigilant about my surroundings.

Taking advantage of his distraction, Zilong flew up and kicked the gun off the golden-masked man's hand. With a flick of the golden-masked man's hand, a row of silver needles was shot out. Zilong spun around and dodged deftly.

The two moved too fast and the distance was too close, the submachine gun above couldn't aim at all, and they were afraid of accidentally injuring Zilong, so they didn't shoot for a long time.

The golden-masked man ran two steps quickly, stepped onto the side of the container, and took advantage of the strength of the container to make a strong leap. At the same time, he threw the hairspring to a high place. Then his body flew high, landed on the high container, and quickly escaped. .

Luka jumped off the top of the container twice, approached Zilong, and asked, "Are you all right?"

Zilong shook his head and picked up the pistol that fell on the ground.

"Where's Brother Nan?"

"Behind." Luka saw the wound on Zilong's hand with sharp eyes, and showed surprise: "It seems that there are very few people in this world who can hurt you."

"Yes." Zilong suddenly thought of something, and that ominous feeling hit his heart again, "Uncle Lu, take them away first."

"Are you going to chase him?" Luka was puzzled. He was not the man's opponent at all. If he caught up with him, he could only die.

They won't do things that lead to their own death.

"No, I'm going to find Xiaoqi." Zilong said firmly.

"..." Luka.

Fearing that Luka thought he was acting out of emotion, Zilong explained patiently: "The masked man just now is very familiar with us, and he took his life with every move. He can hunt us down, and he will never let Xiao Qi go. With Xiao Qi In the current situation, even if they are rescued alive, it is impossible to escape his assassination. Moreover, Long Xuan's information cannot fall into their hands."

Information is important, but Xiao Qi's life is what Zilong cares most about.

Luka nodded helplessly, "Be careful."

After sending Ouyangnan and Luka away, Zilong sneaked back into the ruins of Longxuan again. This time he learned his lesson and directly tore off the human skin to show his true colors.

Not many people had seen his true face on the road, so he put on earthquake makeup, found a gap supported by the wall, got into it to pretend to be the wounded, and waited for the search and rescue team to find him.

In this way, he can stay here openly and aboveboard.

Sure enough, before dawn, he was found and sent to the wounded tent.

After dawn, a group of seriously wounded were sent to the hospital. Zilong was slightly injured and was left in the tent, because Ouyang Nan was rescued before, which alarmed the headquarters. Now there are heavy soldiers outside the tent. Guarding, not to mention saving people, even flies are hard to fly out.

Zilong has been guarding here.

On the fourth day, Zilong gradually felt hopeless.

For four days, there is no water or food. If it is a confined space, it is estimated that the air will have been used up in four days.

That reckless Xiao Qi, is he still alive?
Zilong took out his own signal tracker, Xiaoqi's signal was still flashing ten meters underground, Zilong couldn't help but want to dig him out by himself.

The official search work is coming to an end, the search team got a lot of data and blueprints from Longxuan's underground factory, Zilong saw that the deputy company he had met that day was accompanying a man who looked like an officer, talking and smiling to go forward.

Zilong was disgusted for a while, stole their things, demolished his house, and even had the face to joke in front of him.

At night, while the moon was dark and the wind was high, Zilong slipped out of the tent of the wounded and got into the tent where they kept the trophies.

There were two soldiers guarding in front of the tent, but Zilong knocked them down one by one.

There are a lot of miscellaneous things inside, and the tent of more than 20 square meters is full of piles.There is an area where computer mainframes, hard drives, copiers, and the like are piled up. These things have been specially organized and placed very neatly, and some of them have even been labeled.

Zilong took a look, and the contents of the files in the hard disk were marked with codes.

There are only two ways to destroy these data, either burn it to ashes, or format all the data.

There is no power supply in this tent, and he has not participated in the work of technology research and development. It may take a long time to decipher the code of these materials, and he may be discovered before he finishes it.

Turning his eyes, he suddenly thought of another way.

This method is simple and crude, but the effect is excellent.

(End of this chapter)

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