The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 122 The Helicopter Explosion

Chapter 122 The Helicopter Explosion

"Outsider?" Luka snorted coldly, "The shares in your hand are only a few dollars, and you dare to say that I am an outsider? When I asked you to withdraw the shares, why did you cry and beg Dong Ge to promise you not to withdraw the shares? Now JH International is in trouble, you are the first to say that you want to withdraw the capital, okay, I will withdraw the shares for you. Here is the contract."

Quan Zhongnian was taken aback by agreeing so easily, and with a wink, the servant who was by his side took out the contract.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to figure out who exactly Luka was.

"Brother Lu..." Cheng Nuo didn't expect that Lu Ka would withdraw his shares when he came up. All the funds of JH International were frozen, so there was no money to be refunded to him.

Luka raised his hand to interrupt Cheng Nuo, pulling away the contract from Quan Zhongnian's servant.

His cold eyes fell on the contract, 10% of the original stock was given to the contract, heh, Brother Dong, you really found yourself a master.

The shareholders behind Quan Zhongnian held the contract in their hands hesitantly, hesitating whether to hand it over.

After closing the contract, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Luka tore the contract in half, then overlapped it, and tore it in half again.The sound of paper shattering caused an uproar in the crowd.Those who hesitated to hand over the contract began to feel lucky that they didn't extend their hands.

Quan Zhongnian was so angry that his beard stood on end, "You, how dare you tear up the contract, it's illegal for you to do so."

Luka threw the fragments in his hand on his face, patted the dust on his hands, and said lightly, "I did the murder and arson. What's the violation of this law?" His eyes turned sharply. Sweeping towards the crowd, "Anyone else wants to withdraw their shares?"

The raised hands quickly fell down.

"I, I want to sue you!!!" Quan Zhongnian knocked his crutch loudly, thinking that it would have a deterrent effect, Luka looked at his trembling hand with a smile, raised and hooked his foot, The crutch came into his hand.

"You..." Quan Zhongnian's eyes widened in shock.

Luka stared at the crutch seriously for a long time. It was a dragon-subduing wooden crutch. It became two pieces, and with a bang, it was thrown at Quan Zhongnian's feet.

Cheng Nuo was also shocked. He was able to break a solid wooden crutch with a diameter of 5 cm in one fell swoop, with jaw-dropping strength.

"If you have bad legs and feet, you should rest at home and let the young people do the things. If there is something wrong, the juniors will not be easy to explain." Luka said, the words did not lose the meaning of threat.

Quan Zhongnian pointed at Luka, too angry to speak.

Too embarrassing!

The shareholders behind Quan Zhongnian had already started to retreat slowly, and after a while, only Quan Zhongnian was left standing at the front.

Luka sneered, and his voice was not salty: "If you want to withdraw your shares, I will return you a lot of money when JH International is in court, no matter what the verdict is. If anyone dares to come here to make trouble again, I will send you to the high seas Go feed the sharks!"

The voice swept across everyone's faces like a spell, and they immediately decided to leave Quan Zhongnian behind and quickly retreated from the corridor.

I used to think that Dong Chu's cold face was intimidating, but now it seems that Dong Chu's at least looks harmless to humans and animals, and the man in front of him is even more terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, Quan Zhongnian was the only one left at the door of the ward.

"Why, why don't you leave? Do you want me to see you go?" Luka cast a sidelong glance at Quan Zhongnian. Seeing that something was wrong, his servant immediately came over to support Quan Zhongnian and advised him to leave.

Although Quan Zhongnian is old, he is still not old-fashioned, and he also knows that he can't offend this person in front of him. The servant came to help him, but when he saw the steps, he went down and went out cursing.

Cheng Nuo was completely relieved that he no longer had to face these people's pestering and questioning every day.

"Brother Lu, why are you here today?"

"Come and see, how is Dong Ge?"

Cheng Nuo shook his head with a sad face. Dong Chuchen hadn't made any progress. He suddenly remembered what Luka said just now. Cheng Nuo asked worriedly: "You just said that after JH International's trial, we will withdraw their shares. If JH International loses the lawsuit, It means that the property is confiscated, how to return it?"

"Don't worry, I have a way."

With Luka's attainments in the Internet, even if the money is refunded to their account, they can't withdraw it, and they can't take it away. The money still belongs to JH International, or to put it more bluntly, the money is still in their own pockets.

Luka went to the ward to visit Dong Chuchen, he seemed to be a little paler than the previous few days, and he didn't know whether his skin was pale or without blood, lying on the ward as if he was asleep.

Seeing that Luka hesitated to speak, Cheng Nuo consciously withdrew, leaving a separate space for Luka and Dong Chuchen.

Luka sighed in his heart. In a few days, Long Xuan was gone. The brothers died, were injured, and those who were arrested were arrested. Only he and Zilong were left. How is the situation.

"A lot of things happened after your accident." Luka helped him tidy up the quilt, tucked the corner of the quilt under his arm, and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Someone betrayed Long Xuan, we suspect it was Lin Feng, Although there is no evidence yet, he is the only suspect."

"Brother, if it was really him, would you regret your original decision?"

The sadness on Luka's face made the air in the entire ward heavy.

Dong Chuzhi didn't respond, and couldn't answer either.

Luka also just wanted to find a place to vent his heavy heart, put his hands on the side of the bed, and said something, Dong Chuchen closed his eyes, he didn't know if he heard it, and there was no reflection on his pale face.

After staying in the ward for a full two hours, Luka finally finished what he was saying, and finally said with all his heart: "Brother, no matter whether we can meet again alive or not, I have followed you through all these years, brother, I will die without regret !"

After finishing speaking, he strode out of the ward.

Cheng Nuo was sitting on the bench in front of the door, and when Luka came out, he stood up.

The guarding policeman had already returned, and he was staring at Luka vigilantly, with a serious expression as if he was about to pull out a gun from his pocket at any time.

"This is my cousin, who came to deliver fruit." Cheng Nuo explained to the police.

The police's scrutiny eyes fell on Luka, but in the end, without saying anything, Luka greeted Cheng Nuo and left the hospital.

After Luka left, Cheng Nuo went to the washroom to get a basin of hot water and came back. She massages and rubs Dong Chuchen's body every day to help him clear the blood. lock up.

Both Cheng's parents were there, helping her with the back and forth.

Cheng's father didn't quite agree with this marriage, but when this happened, his whole face fell down.

"Dad, this is my choice. If you continue to do this, you can go home with your mother. I don't need your help." Cheng Nuo became angry, and immediately issued an order to evict the guest.

Cheng's father looked better now, and Cheng's mother helped Cheng Nuo wash towels without saying a word.

Cheng's father saw that he couldn't help much, so he went out of the room to smoke to relieve his boredom.

When something like this happened, no one in the family would feel better, and the entire Cheng family was also covered in a cloud of darkness.

After wiping his body, Cheng Nuo turned on the news station to let Dong Chuchen not feel bored.

"Dear viewers, the latest news is that the well-known explosion of dangerous buildings on the Gold Coast is coming to an end. Today, a large number of officers and soldiers involved in the search and rescue work have begun to evacuate from the scene. Please read the report sent by our reporter from the scene."

On the TV screen, Longxuan was in ruins after being blasted. A large number of soldiers were riding in vehicles beside the ruins. Not far from an army green tent, several soldiers were carrying things from the tent to the helicopter.

"Isn't this Long Xuan?" Cheng Nuo's eyes widened in shock, fearing that she couldn't see clearly, she put down Dong Chu's hand and rushed to the front of the TV in a few steps.

"Why did Longxuan turn into a dangerous building?" Looking at the scene shaking back and forth, Cheng Nuo was surprised.

"Everyone in the audience, I am Xiaotian, the reporter stationed at the scene. Behind me is the army that is evacuating, and they are placing the wounded rescued from the rubble..."

Obviously he was moving things, but he was talking nonsense about rescuing the wounded.

Cheng Nuo complained, she suddenly remembered that Ouyang Nan had also been hospitalized in the past few days, and the injury was serious, could it be because something happened to Long Xuan?
Cheng Nuo belatedly remembered that Fang Yuan, Xiao Qi, Zi Long and the others hadn't come to the hospital to visit Dong Chuzhi these few days, and they stayed here almost inseparable a few days ago.

Something happened to them all!
Cheng Nuo was about to go out, but Luka and Ouyang Nan were next door, they must have hidden something from her.

Suddenly there was a burst of flames on the TV, and a helicopter that had just ascended into the sky exploded.

The screen was immediately switched back to the host's interface. The host couldn't hide the panic for a moment, and quickly smiled and faced the camera: "Everyone, our signal source has a problem just now..."

The background behind the explosion has not been changed, and it is said that there is a problem with the signal source, you are fooling the ghost.

Cheng Nuo opened the door and walked out.

At the same time, the phone in Jin Tianwei's office rang, and Assistant Li walked in in a panic, "Minister, it's not good, something happened to Long Xuan."

Jin Tianwei's face was solemn. An explosive news broke out on the headlines on the Internet. The helicopter he sent to transfer the weapon materials exploded less than 2 minutes after takeoff.

The explosion was no accident.

"Go and check for me, how many people were found in Longxuan's search site, and how many people still slipped through the net."

"Yes, Minister."

Assistant Li turned and left, Jin Tianwei fell into deep thought.

He had received news before that all the core management personnel of Longxuan had gathered at the headquarters for a meeting. This was an excellent time to catch them all, because they had been using the video conferencing mechanism since their establishment, and this was the only meeting in which all core personnel attended.

In order to catch them all, he asked the customs department to issue a notice of violation of the construction of the Longxuan Building, dispatched thousands of soldiers and special police, and sealed off the site for a closed search.

He had already checked, and none of Longxuan's personnel went out during the operation.

Why is it still slipping through the net.

Ten minutes later, Assistant Li returned to the minister's office and brought back a piece of news that shocked him.

(End of this chapter)

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