The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 123 Finally Found You

Chapter 123 Finally Found You

Ten minutes later, Assistant Li returned to the minister's office and brought back a piece of news that shocked him.

"Minister, on the second night of the search and rescue, a group of people sneaked into the search and rescue scene and rescued a person." Secretary Li said.

It must be a very important person who can prevent them from risking their lives to rescue them.In a panic, Jin Tianwei stood up abruptly, and Xin Chang's body picked up a gust of wind, and asked anxiously, "Who was rescued?"
Sure enough, Jin Tianwei heard Assistant Li answer: "It should be Ouyang Nan."

Ouyang Nan, the head of Longxuan, besides Dong Chuxi, this is the most critical No. [-] person.

"Who saved him?"
"We can't find out, the other party's methods are very clean, and we can't find out any information."

Jin Tianwei couldn't help but began to wonder if Long Xuan still had a party outside, and these people's skills were no less than those in the headquarters. After thinking about countless possibilities in his mind, Jin Tianwei asked in a deep voice: "Where are the people on the list?" How many have not been found?"

"More than half." Assistant Li replied: "According to the list sent back from the scene, more than half of them have been matched, but some people have been smashed beyond recognition and can't tell what they look like. They need to do DNA matching, and the results will come out in about 7 days. There are still some missing persons being excavated."

"So we don't even know who is offline now?" Jin Tianwei was furious, "Why didn't anyone report something?"

Assistant Li looked embarrassed, he didn't know why they concealed the accident.

"Damn it!" Jin Tianwei raged furiously, the chair beside him was unlucky, he kicked it around several times, hit the wall with a bang, pacing back and forth in the office with his hands on his waist, The hard face is full of sinister.

Assistant Li stood by the table, trying his best to suppress the beating heart, not daring to make a sound.

After a long time, Jin Tianwei suddenly stopped and glared, "Prepare the car, I'm going to City D."

"Minister, go now..." Xiancheng City D is on the cusp of danger, and Assistant Li is worried that Jin Tianwei's safety will be threatened. Jin Tianwei's hawk-like eyes glanced at Assistant Li, "Go prepare the car immediately!"

"Yes, I'll go right away." Assistant Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, and walked out of the minister's office quickly.

Five hours later, they arrived in City D.

Affected by the blasting of Longxuan and the subsequent cleaning of the ruins, a thick layer of dust floated in the sky over the so-called Gold Coast all day long, and the sky turned a gloomy gray, losing its former clarity.

Since the shooting incident that night, the number of people coming here has decreased significantly, and the bustling seaside has gradually become depressed.

When Jin Tianwei got off the car, Zilong was studying the underground part where Xiaoqi was. Most of the soldiers retreated, leaving only a team of more than 100 people to continue digging.

All the wounded and corpses were moved away. For the convenience of action, Zilong knocked out a soldier and threw him into the corpse truck, and dressed himself in his appearance.

The progress of the search and rescue team was too slow. By the time they dug into the ground, Xiao Qi would have turned into a pile of dead bones.

Zilong found an entrance leading to the ground, which should have been used for escape when Longxuan was built, just in case. The passage had been twisted and deformed by the violent shock, but it could barely allow a person to climb in.

Zilong went back to the equipment storehouse to get equipment such as a strong flashlight and a crowbar. Considering that Xiao Qi might be injured, he put on gauze and disinfectant, and thinking that Xiao Qi hadn’t eaten or drank for a long time, he took the compressed air Biscuits and water, a military rucksack was so stuffed that it couldn't hold anything else, so he got into the tunnel with the rucksack.

There was still a dim light coming in at the entrance of the passage, and when you walked in, it became pitch black. Zilong turned on the strong flashlight to illuminate the passage and continued to climb forward.

This passage is very long, extending obliquely forward, it is estimated that it leads to the lowest floor of Longxuan.Going deep, the air became humid and hot, and occasionally there was the sound of dripping water. I don't know if the faucet was broken or the sound of underground water.

After the solid concrete surface of the wall was destroyed, the small creatures in the ground also became active. A mouse that was looking for food bumped into Zilong, and its long nose sniffed Zilong's face. Zilong bared his teeth, scared It squeaked and disappeared.

Later, the passage widened, and Zilong could stand up and walk. It is estimated that the underground is too deep and the passage is close to the edge, so it has not been completely destroyed.

Half an hour later, he reached the end of the passage.

It is easy to get lost in the underground without light. Zilong drew a map of the location before coming down. The interrogation room where Xiao Qi is located is on the left hand side of the passage, about 20 meters away from the passage.

The 20-meter-long road was all blocked by the collapsed wall. Zilong took a strong flashlight to take a picture. Some gaps were larger and some were smaller. There was no problem with the air circulation, but it took a lot of time for people to pass through. A lot of energy.

Zilong put the picture away, took out the crowbar and the fixed rod.

People search and rescue from top to bottom so as not to collapse. If he had to dig from bottom to top, he might be buried under the ground together, so while prying off the wall panels, he had to install brackets to hold the wall together. The board is fixed.

He is good at murder and arson, and this is the first time he has done things like repairing walls and drilling holes, so he has to feel his way.

He found a place to fix the flashlight, and then connected a longer fixing rod to support the top layer of the broken wall. Zilong opened up to dig the broken pieces below, and some spaces were narrow and the shovel could not reach in. Zilong dug with his hands, and after a while, his ten fingers were rubbed with blood, he didn't care about it at all, until Xiao Qi was still in there, Zilong's heart was on fire, wishing he could put a piece of paper here Cannoned off.

He dug the tunnel below, and Jin Tianwei inspected the work above.

When the minister came this time, he didn't even say hello. The person in charge of the command department was in awe, and after putting on hard hats for Jin Tianwei and Assistant Li, he followed behind him tremblingly.

He had heard of the prestige of this iron-faced minister long ago, and the company headquarters that had already evacuated were not under his control, but his relationship was with the Ministry of Public Security, and Jin Tianwei was directly under his leadership.

He was afraid that if he greeted badly, his future would be over.

With a frozen face, Jin Tianwei walked on the uneven ruins without saying a word. A depression had been dug out in the middle of the ruins, and there were still some soldiers busy inside.

"Slow down, there are still people here!" A soldier shouted, and immediately more than a dozen people surrounded him and helped him lift up a floor.

Jin Tianwei raised his foot and walked there.

"Minister be careful."

Jin Tianwei's foot slipped, Assistant Li hurriedly supported him, but he threw him away.

The corner of the person in charge of the headquarters twitched. It seemed that the minister had a bad temper today, so he had to be careful.

Jin Tianwei walked to the front, just when several people moved the floor away, revealing a corpse that had been slapped into minced meat by the floor.

City D is now in summer, the hottest few days of the year, the temperature is very high, and the air near the sea is humid, the corpses are already highly decomposed, as soon as the floor is removed, countless flies disperse, and there is a huge rancid smell As they rushed towards them, several soldiers covered their noses with their hands in unison.

Two doctors with sprayers rushed over and sprayed disinfectant around the corpse.

The corpse's eye sockets were deep sunken, and the eyeballs disappeared, forming two huge eye holes. The nose and mouth were full of white larvae of flies, wriggling in piles, looking very terrifying.

A soldier couldn't hold back, and spat out with a wow, and the others also looked away.

Jin Tianwei endured it and did not speak.

Zilong was digging the passage with difficulty, the nails on his two hands were worn down to the very last, and his ten fingertips were covered with blood and mud. Even so, he didn't stop for a minute, and kept digging forward. with.

The darkness can make people lose their way and it is easy for people to forget the time. After some time, Zilong finally felt that he was close to Xiaoqi.

The sense of familiarity that comes from the bones must not be wrong.

With great force, he pulled out the last piece of broken brick.

Xiao Qi's magnificent face suddenly appeared in front of him, the broken wall and the standing wall formed a triangle, just trapped Xiao Qi inside.Zilong was overjoyed, and suddenly had the urge to rush over and hug the two for a kiss.

"Xiaoqi, wake up, Xiaoqi." Zilong crawled over and patted Xiaoqi's face hard.

His face was bone-chillingly cold, Zilong's hand retracted like an electric shock, and his eyes were wide open due to fear.

Zilong took the flashlight and shone it on Xiaoqi's face. The corners of his mouth were covered with blood. The blood had dried up after a long time, and he looked horrifying.

"Xiao Qi, wake up, don't scare me." Zilong stretched out a hand and shook Xiao Qi's face, his face was soft, but there was no anger at all.

Zilong's heart slowly sank into the abyss.

He came late, he just died, even if he came one day earlier, Xiao Qi might not have died yet.

Zilong hated, hated his indecision, which made him die here alone.He likes to be lively so much, how did a person survive these days?

"Xiaoqi..." Zilong's eyes were wet.

It is said that men don't flick their tears easily, because they haven't reached the place where they are sad.

I have thought about many kinds of scenes where two people parted ways, be it mission failure or being assassinated, the only thing I didn't think of was being crushed to death by my own house in my own home.

Xiaoqi once said with a smile that if he was injured and couldn't run away, he would be shot and killed first, and then he would kill himself to accompany him after completing the task by himself.

I didn't expect this day to really come, but the order was changed, and now it was him to accompany him.

"Xiaoqi, don't go too fast, I will come down to accompany you after I finish my revenge."

Zilong took a deep breath, left a deep kiss on Xiaoqi's forehead, and was about to step back.

Suddenly, the hand on Xiao Qi's chest was pulled.

"Take your broken flashlight away." There was a low voice in the darkness, Zilong was overjoyed, threw the flashlight aside, and reached out to touch Xiaoqi's cold face, "You're not dead yet!"

The eye sockets could no longer bear the weight of the tears, and the tears rolled down.

Weeping with joy!

(End of this chapter)

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