Chapter 124 The Lost Chip

Seeing Zilong, Xiaoqi felt joy and was even more moved.

The joy is that he is still alive and not injured at all, and the touch is that he dug so deep into the ground alone to find him. He thinks that he is the King Kong God, and won't he be smashed to death by the ruins?

"If you don't come, I will die." Xiaoqi's voice was weak, and she turned her head with difficulty, "Is there any water?"

I didn't move for too long, and when I turned my head, there were two slaps on my neck.

"Yes, I brought water and food, you wait, I'll get it for you." Zilong crawled out, and a few minutes later, crawled in again, with a few more compressed biscuits in his hand and mineral water.

It was inconvenient for Xiaoqi to drink while lying down, and Zilong couldn't find a straw when he came, so he poured water into his mouth and fed him mouth to mouth.

"Are you sure you didn't take advantage of the young master?" After drinking the water, Xiao Qi regained some energy, and began to tease Zilong.

In the past, every time Xiao Qi said something rude, Zi Long felt embarrassed, but this time, he was surprisingly happy, as if he had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.This happiness was directly reflected in his actions, Zilong moved his arm forward a little bit, and regardless of the dry blood on the corner of his lips, he kissed Xiaoqi's lips domineeringly.

Xiao Qi was very surprised, Xiao Qi was very surprised.

This is the first time his stupid dragon kissed him on his own initiative.

Under the dim light, the man's wheat-colored skin is very attractive, and Xiao Qi has an irresistible urge to hold him down and love him.But now he is very hungry, the tip of Zilong's slippery tongue is swimming in his mouth, he has hallucinations for a moment, thinking that there is something to eat, and he bites hard.

"Woo..." Zilong wailed, raised his head, and looked at Xiao Qi resentfully.

He is so weak that he still doesn't forget to bully him!
After not eating, Xiao Qi woke up again, "Stupid dragon, I'm so hungry."

"I brought you compressed biscuits." Zilong took the compressed biscuits, opened them and fed them to him bit by bit, and then fed him water in the same way.

After finishing a pack of biscuits, Zilong asked Xiao Qi if he still wanted to eat?

Xiao Qi shook her head, "I won't eat."

Close your eyes and take a nap.

"Have you been lying like this for the past few days?" Zilong asked.

Xiao Qi didn't even open her eyes, and hummed softly: "I want to lie on my stomach, but I can't move."

Zilong immediately realized something, took the flashlight and looked forward, Xiaoqi's feet were pressed by a floor, and he couldn't move at all.

Damn...Zilong's heart was half cold, it was a whole floor, that floor supported Xiaoqi's space, and let him survive by luck, there were so many things supported on the floor, it was impossible for him to pry it it.

Even if it can be pried, once it moves, the ruins above will collapse again, and they will be completely buried in the ground.

"Zilong, let's go, I will die without regret if I can see you again." Xiaoqi smiled slightly, Qingcheng's face was full of satisfaction, "You know, when I think of you going out to see Cheng Nuo these days , maybe I didn't come back in time, I was inexplicably happy in my heart."

"Don't talk nonsense, I will take you out together." Zilong interrupted Xiao Qi, and began to reach out to test where to start.

"Don't bother, I tried the places I could try two days ago." Xiao Qi seemed very tired, and couldn't talk too much at once, and then continued: "When I realized that I might try again When you can't get out, what scares you the most is that you are also trapped here. When I think that you probably didn't go out of the gate of Longxuan, something happened here, and I feel very sad. There is no signal on the phone, so I can't confirm whether you are safe or not. Be safe, I dare not die."

"It's fine now. Now that you are safe and sound, I have no regrets." Xiao Qi closed her eyes, with a calm and satisfied expression on her face that she had never felt before. "You go, wait any longer, if it collapses again, we won't be able to get out."

"I won't go alone!" Zilong insisted.

The moving hand suddenly touched a group of fluffy things. Zilong took it over and saw that it was a gray-haired mouse. It must have been dead for a long time, and the body was stiff. There was a knife cut under its neck, and the fur on the knife cut was dried up. His blood clotted.

Zilong suddenly remembered the blood at the corner of Xiaoqi's mouth.

"These days, you survived by these?" Zilong was startled, and the pain in his heart became heavier again.

Xiao Qi opened his eyes and smiled feebly, "There's that one."

Following Xiaoqi's fingers, Zilong saw a scene that he would never forget in his life. On the edge of the floor, there was a bone on a human arm.When he left that day, Xiao Qi was making fun of Song Yuanyang.

"Xiaoqi..." Zilong wanted to say, you have been wronged, but it seems so insignificant to have wronged these two.

Xiao Qi is still smiling, under such circumstances, his smile is still enchanting and charming, but in Zilong's eyes, it turns into pity, wishing he could bear all the pain for him.

When they were young, they participated in special training at the base. During the survival training, they ate raw meat if they ran out of food, but it was animal meat...

"I can't bear it any longer. I don't want you to watch me die. Give me a little dignity and make my death easier." Xiao Qi said.

"You won't die! Unless I die."

Zilong has already started to move, took out the support rods and started splicing. Fortunately, the most he brought with him this time was the support rods used to fix the space.

"It's useless," Xiao Qi sighed softly, "I was still able to move when I was trapped at first, but then the floor above collapsed and pinned me down."

"Speak less and conserve your strength." Zilong said coldly.

He fixed the space above Xiao Qi with support rods, and then began to dig the cement blocks on the side.

Xiao Qi knew that it was useless to say anything, so she simply stopped talking and closed her eyes to wait for the result.Although he really hoped that Zilong could live on, he thought selfishly that it would be a kind of happiness if two people could die together.

He is suddenly complete.

During Jin Tianwei's surprise inspection this time, he found a fragment of a motherboard in the tent where the loot was placed.The fragments are small and should have been severed with a sharp weapon.

"Who has been here?" Twirling the fragments between his fingers, Jin Tianwei asked the person in charge of the operation who followed him.

The person in charge of the operation reported the name of an officer and said, "He was on military duty that day, so he passed by here and stopped by to see the progress."

"Is there anything unusual at that time?"
It is impossible for an officer to do such a thing. The only possibility is that someone sneaked in here and deliberately damaged all the data disks, not wanting them to get any information.The person who can do this should be Long Xuan's remnant party.

Jin Tianwei's expression was calm, showing no signs of happiness or anger. The person in charge of the operation quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly remembered that the two guarding soldiers outside the tent had fallen asleep that day.

The guards change shifts every 8 hours, so it is impossible to get sleepy.

"Yes," he said firmly, "when we came in, the two guards fainted on the ground. They woke up when I called out, and I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought they were too tired and sleepy to fall asleep. I They were still being educated at the time.”

"That's right, someone tampered with here." Jin Tianwei's eyes were gloomy, even if this thing was taken back now, it would still be a pile of waste.In the end, I still underestimated Dong Chuzhi.With a strong hand, he threw away the fragments of the motherboard, "Where are the people found in the ruins?"

When the materials are gone, people still exist, and even the most sophisticated machines are still researched by people.

"The wounded were sent to the military hospital," the operation leader replied, "We have arranged a separate floor for the convenience of guarding. Those who are not injured are temporarily detained in the detention center, which is also held separately."

Standing behind him with a frosty face, Jin Tianwei felt as if thousands of miles of snow was drifting and thousands of miles were covered with ice. In summer, it really saves the air conditioner.

Jin Tianwei glanced at his watch, it was getting late, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Take me to the hospital tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

The person in charge of the operation finally saw that Jin Tianwei's expression softened a little, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Those who rushed to City D from the capital today, and Lin Feng.

He was investigating a serial murder case. The suspect's last case was committed in City D. Since the case involved a wide range of cases and the impact was particularly bad, the four cases were investigated together and passed on from one level to the next. It was handed over to the bureau where Lin Feng was.

Lin Feng is now in charge of the case.

When the superior came down to handle the case, he naturally received warm hospitality from the local Public Security Bureau.The head of the wine table is accompanied by the director of the Public Security Bureau. Although he is only in his forties, he looks at least 50 years old due to too much hard work. From the progress of the case at the beginning, to social concern, from current affairs hotspots, to news headlines at last.

"By the way, Officer Lin, I heard that you have been to City D before. Do you know the underworld in City D?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, took a sip of tea, and prevaricated.

Jin Tianwei said that there is no need to mention the undercover matter, he will give him a brand new personnel file and let him return to the police force.

"It's okay if you don't know." He laughed a few times, and said mysteriously, "A week ago, the biggest gangster in our place was taken down by the gangsters. A building with dozens of floors, if it is said to blow up, it will blow up."

After all, he tsk-tsk, quite a bit regretful.

Lin Feng only paid attention to the progress of the case in the past few days, and did not pay attention to the news in the society at all. When he first heard it, he couldn't help being surprised, "Which gang do you think it is?"

"Longxuan, the biggest gangster in D City, is well-known in the world. I didn't expect someone to do it in broad daylight. It is said that there is a meeting. Everyone is there, and no one has escaped."

Lin Feng was startled, and almost couldn't hold the teacup in his hand.

"Is what you said true?"

"It can be false. The news claims that there is a problem with that building. In fact, there is a problem with the people in the building. These are all inside information. Officer Lin, let me just say, don't take it to heart. .”

Lin Feng's mood could no longer be described as horror. Subconsciously, he always felt that these things that happened had something to do with the lost chip.

Who actually stole the chip? -
Writing this chapter, the stepmother actually made herself cry, 555...

(End of this chapter)

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