The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 125 Military Hospital

Chapter 125 Military Hospital
When Lin Feng heard about the bombing of Longxuan Building, he was extremely astonished. He never thought that his momentary negligence would indirectly lead to the current consequences.

But who actually stole the chip without him noticing?
That person must know the contents of the chip in his hand, and stared at him for a long time without making a fuss.As Lin Feng thought about it, he suddenly felt that there were more eyes behind him, and his spine felt chills from staring at him, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

Zilong is still working hard to save Xiao Qi, he has cleaned up the broken bricks around Xiao Qi, and propped up a space of about one meter above, and now there is only the last floor slab left.

"You will be buried here with me." Xiao Qi hid on the ground and hummed, he felt more and more that his death was not far away.

It may be the next second, because Zilong has already set up the crowbar, ready to try to pry the floor.

Zilong couldn't stand upright, it was difficult to exert his maximum strength, and then he failed once, and the falling floor hit Xiaoqi's legs again, and his two legs were completely useless.

Although it may seem obsolete now.

"Be patient." Lifting up the floor, it is bound to touch the injury on Xiao Qi's leg, Zilong worried that Xiao Qi would be afraid of pain.

"This is a small injury, I can bear it." In fact, Xiao Qi is already numb. Two days before he was suppressed, Xiao Qi would be angry and scold the world. Now he is numb and can't feel the pain. up.

Zilong rubbed his hands, took a deep breath, and pressed the crowbar with the greatest explosive force.

There were crackling sounds all around, broken sand falling from the cracks on the roof, and Xiao Qi waved his hand to disperse the dust in front of him.Zilong clenched his teeth and continued to exert force, the protruding veins on his forehead seemed to show off his master's tenacious endurance.

The crackling sound became louder and louder, and more gravel and quicksand fell from above, covering his head and face, and after a while, Xiao Qi's body was covered with a thick layer.

It's really the rhythm of being buried alive, Xiao Qi thought happily in pain.There was a sharp pain in Shu's leg, and the floor was pried open by Zilong.

"Xiaoqi, back up." Zilong roared violently, sweat rolling down his forehead like raindrops.

Xiao Qi propped his arms on the ground, lifted his upper body vigorously, and when he tried to use his feet, he realized that his legs had lost all feeling.

"Xiaoqi, hurry up." Zilong's face was flushed, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

"No, Zilong, I can't feel my feet." The legs and feet don't use any strength, and the weak Xiao Qi can't move his body at all with the strength of his two arms alone.

Zilong's heart trembled, and a layer of sweat broke out in his hands. When the crowbar slipped, the floor fell, and it was about to hit Xiao Qi's injured leg. The stick stone kicked over.

Holding Xiaoqi up with both hands, he pulled back hard, and the two of them fell to the ground together.

The sound of rubble rubbing against the rubble made Zilong get goosebumps all over his body. Looking again, a small piece of stone stuck under the floor was crushed, leaving only three or four centimeters between the floor and the ground.

so close.Zilong wiped his sweat, got up and inspected the wound on Xiaoqi's leg.

Seeing this, Zilong gasped. It had been too long and the air was humid. Xiaoqi's wound pressed by the floor had begun to fester and rot, exuding a foul smell.

"Is it hopeless?"

During the training at the base, they have learned some medical skills. Xiao Qi knows very well that if the wound is not treated for a long time, the injured flesh will start to rot, and infection will occur again. There is no other treatment except amputation.

He wants to die, and there are also reasons for this. He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

"I guess I can only amputate." Zilong said frankly.

Xiaoqi's heart felt cold, at first he thought that Zilong would comfort him with kind words, but he didn't expect this stupid dragon to be so honest.

It's better to die!Xiao Qi was arrogant, and just wanted to play a rascal, when Zilong said coolly: "But it doesn't affect you to do what you like to do most."

Xiao Qi was taken aback, his favorite thing to do was murder and set fire, the one without legs?Looking at Zilong's expression, it doesn't look like he's joking.This guy actually learned to speak in a roundabout way.

Xiaoqi was upset, and suddenly thought of something... "Zilong, you..." His family's stupid dragon has learned to speak yellow accents with him. Although it is a bit obscure, his favorite thing, think about it... A little excited.

"Don't get excited, be careful that your little heart can't bear it." Zilong blushed when he saw him, and turned his face to look for the rope in his backpack.

Xiaoqi's wound is not easy to deal with, so I just don't deal with it, and take him out first.

Zilong's words successfully saved Xiaoqi's idea that he couldn't survive, and dragged him out of the underground passage all the way.

It was in the middle of the night outside, and the construction waste caused by the blasting of the building had been cleared up in a few days. The tents beside the ruins were all removed, and a blue hoarding surrounded the original site of Longxuan. A few people dressed as migrant workers sat on the edge of the hoarding and chatted.

It appears they have all evacuated.

Zilong sighed, it seemed like a lifetime away.

Taking a deep look at the migrant workers, in the middle of the night, they didn't sleep after working all day, to confirm that they were not threatening, Zilong pulled Xiaoqi out from the passage.

Facing the high and uneven ruins, Xiao Qi looked at a loss, "Where is this?"

The surrounding environment is familiar.No, this is the Gold Coast, and Xiao Qi suddenly felt that his brain had been smashed, wasn't it an earthquake?Why is only the Longxuan building gone?
"Longxuan was blown up." The rucksack was useless, Zilong took it off his back and threw it aside, then dragged Xiaoqi to his back.

Long Xuan was bombed, Long Xuan was bombed... These words echoed in Xiao Qi's mind like a single song, and after a long time, Zi Long heard a deep voice beside his ear: "Who did it?"

Hatred, overwhelming Xiao Qi.

Fortunately, he didn't die on the ground, or else he was killed by someone who doesn't know.

"I'll take you to the hospital first."

There was an exit on the hoarding, as if it had been prepared for them in advance, Zilong got out with Xiaoqi on his back.

Behind him, a black figure came out from the night. The golden mask on his face shone strangely under the light.

In the early morning, the sun shone in through the thick branches and leaves of the plane tree, and fell mottled on the four characters of the military hospital. Lin Feng's car was parked in front of the hospital, and there was a man about his age standing in front of the car.

It was Zhang He, Lin Feng's classmate at the police academy.

Lin Feng found out through his relationship that after Longxuan was blown up, the wounded were arranged here, so he wanted to check the situation, but he didn't expect to meet Zhang He at the door, who was on duty as a guard.

"Why did you come here?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

The last time we met, he was cleaning the street. This time, he was guarding the gate of the hospital. After all, he is a dignified graduate of the police academy. How did he get to this point?

"You don't know." When it comes to these things, Zhang He is also full of complaints, "After the accident in the Cen Bureau last time, a new director was replaced. In the bureau, it turned out that the director was slapped, and the one who was changed later was completely out of line."

Lin Feng rubbed his nose and laughed, "Aren't you afraid that someone will sue you when you say bad things about the leader?"

"Who is that boring?"

Lin Feng pointed to himself, "I just had dinner with your new bureau chief last night."

Zhang He was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out, "I went to the bureau yesterday and heard that a leader came to handle the case and asked us to strengthen cooperation in all aspects. So it was you who was talking about it?"

Lin Feng nodded seriously.

Zhang He was instantly happy, and the penetrating laughter made Lin Feng's skin goosebumps, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Dude, can you remember to support and support the little brother when you are so prosperous? Thanks to the beauty of adults, I made a good relationship and almost disfigured my face. Look, look here." Zhang He pointed to the tip of his nose, and went straight to Lin Feng's face, "I Is the nose a bit crooked? It was beaten by you back then, if it wasn't for this, I would have found a partner a long time ago."

Lin Feng was speechless. In order to get close to Cheng Nuo, the two played a trick on the street. Now that they are better, they have been tricked.

"You can't find a partner because you are unreliable."

"You are reliable, but you can help my brother." Zhang He snorted unconvinced, "Tell me, why are you here today?"

His words reminded Lin Feng, and Lin Feng said a few words close to his ear.

Zhang He rolled his eyeballs, "No way."

"My buddy added a classmate for four years, so I can ask you to help me a little bit, can't I?"

Lin Feng took out his brother's friendship and said something, Zhang He immediately turned his face, "I said brother, I was punished last time because of you, and I didn't even get a review for the deputy department. Now I finally changed the leader and can work hard. Once you're done, don't come to trick me."

In the backyard of the hospital, Luka had already sneaked in.

He just got the news that all the wounded found by Long Xuan were sent to the military hospital. He came here to understand the situation of the wounded and find a way to rescue them.Although the Longxuan headquarters is gone, these people who survived are crucial to their comeback.

Lin Feng was still entangled with Zhang He, and he repeatedly promised that he would not bring trouble to Zhang He this time, so Zhang He reluctantly agreed.

Just as he was about to pass, a black car drove up from behind, honking from a distance.

Except for the front windshield, the car is all dark black. It looks like the leader is sitting inside, and the position must not be low.

Zhang He hurriedly greeted Lin Feng, "Go in, I'll see what's going on in the car behind."

"Okay." Lin Feng waved his hand, thanked Zhang He, put the car in gear and drove into the hospital.

The person in the back car was Jin Tianwei, and Zhang He let him go immediately after seeing the certificate.

Looking at the background of the car, Zhang He was dripping with cold sweat. This time, he probably got into trouble again.Before coming here to be on duty, the director specifically confessed that all the people locked up here are serious offenders, and no one is allowed to visit except those who have been notified to let them go.

Tsao, what a disaster!
Zhang He beat his chest and stamped his feet, every time he saw this old classmate, nothing good happened.

When Lin Feng entered the door, Luka just slipped down from the roof. He checked one by one to see how many wounded were placed here.At the corner of the corridor, footsteps and conversations could be heard downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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