The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 126 Top Secret Information

Chapter 126 Top Secret Information
When Lin Feng entered the door, Luka just slipped down from the roof. He went from top to bottom, floor by floor, room by room, checking to see how many wounded were placed here.

Walking down the stairs from the third floor, as soon as I stepped into the corridor, I heard the sound of footsteps and conversations coming from the corner of the stairs.

Luka swayed and hid in the bathroom opposite the ward.

Jin Tianwei, Lin Feng, Assistant Li, and a doctor in a military uniform and a white coat came up from downstairs.

Jin Tianwei met Lin Feng downstairs in the inpatient department. He was very surprised. Lin Feng said that he came to D City to investigate the case. He heard that something happened to Long Xuan, so he stopped by to visit him. After all, he stayed in Long Xuan for a long time. All aspects are well taken care of.

Jin Tianwei didn't say anything, and led him up the stairs to the second floor.

In the treatment area for seriously injured patients on the second floor, firstly, most of the patients are unable to move independently and cannot run, and secondly, there are not many guards in order to prevent bacterial infection.

"Minister, are you here to inspect work in D City this time?" Lin Feng walked beside Jin Tianwei, looking for something to say.Originally planned to come quietly, just take a look and leave, but I didn't expect to run into Jin Tianwei sooner or later.

Lin Feng felt guilty of being caught doing bad things.

"A helicopter was attacked by criminals yesterday. I'm here to check the situation." Opposite the stairs is Ward 219. Jin Tianwei opened the door and walked in first.

On the hospital bed, a wounded man has not yet woken up and is being maintained with nutrient solution.Thick gauze was wrapped on the head and arms, and the wound was too deep in some places, blood overflowed, and turned dark brown over time.

The puffiness around the eyes turned a frightening blue-purple color.

Lin Feng took a look, but didn't recognize who it was.

Or not at all.

Jin Tianwei glanced at the patient number, pointed at him and asked the military doctor, "Has this person's identity been confirmed?"

The military doctor nodded, "Confirmed, Xiao Wu from Longxuan's weapon design department is a talented designer."

This is Xiao Wu?Lin Feng could hardly believe his eyes.Xiao Wu has been at Longxuan for many years. When Lin Feng first entered the design department, Xiao Wu took great care of him.Several teams in the design department, when he first acted as the team leader, had more than half of his prestige, which was established by Xiaowu Gang.

Seeing him lying here now, Lin Feng overturned the five-flavored bottle in his heart, and walked to Xiao Wu's side unknowingly.

"Xiao Wu?" Lin Feng patted Xiao Wu's gauze-wrapped face lightly, but Xiao Wu didn't respond.

Jin Tianwei's eyes darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "At all costs, keep his life." Seeing the military doctor's face showing embarrassment, he added: "Even if his body is not good, at least his brain must be preserved."

The purpose is self-evident, and the military doctor is awe-inspiring, "Minister, please rest assured, we will do our best."

After leaving Ward 219, Jin Tianwei went into Room 218 next door.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, Luka quickly came out of the bathroom and flashed into Ward 219.

He recognized the person on the bed as Xiao Wu.When the Longxuan building was blasted, all the people from the weapon department were there, and no one went out.

This gauze body made Luka feel distressed, and he couldn't help clenching his fists at his side.

Revenge is imperative.

After helping Xiao Wu to adjust the quilt, Luka was going to another room to take another look. A total of 215 wounded were placed on the third floor upstairs, including Xiao Wu, 216 people. Such a large-scale rescue operation is hard to think about. comprehensive.

"Xiao Wu, take good care of your wounds, I will come and rescue you out." Luka whispered in Xiao Wu's ear, and planned to leave after speaking.

He still wants to find Fang Yuan's whereabouts. Since the accident, Fang Yuan's tracking signal has disappeared from the system, and Luka has been unable to find him.

"Don't...don't go..." A cold hand held Fang Yuan, and a weak voice came to his ears intermittently.

Lu Ka suddenly stopped and looked back at Xiao Wu, his blue eyes were cracked with a thin slit, and he could vaguely see the black pupils rolling back and forth.

"Lu, Lu..." There seemed to be something stuck in Xiao Wu's throat, and it was extremely difficult to speak every time, Luka quickly held his hand and said, "I'm Luka, do you have something to tell me? "

Xiao Wu took a few breaths, and then slowly said: "Lin, Feng, the traitor..." After speaking, he tilted his head and closed his eyes.

Luka only felt his hand sink, Xiao Wu's hand fell out of his hand, and fell heavily on the bed.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu." Luka didn't dare to make too much noise, and could only shake Xiao Wu's body vigorously. On the monitoring instrument, the electric waves had become a straight line, extending forward endlessly.

Lin Feng!

Luka clenched the quilt tightly with his ten fingers, and the hatred in his eyes rolled like a huge wave, sweeping the entire ward.

There were chaotic footsteps outside the door, as if they were rushing towards this room. Luka ignored the sadness, and hurriedly got up and hid behind the curtain.

The doctor broke into the ward with the first aid equipment, gave electric shocks and heart compressions, worked hard for more than half an hour, but still failed to save Xiao Wu's life, the attending doctor sighed, unplugged the connection to Xiao Wu On the body, the connection line of the detector to monitor the physical condition.

Jin Tianwei, Lin Feng and others walked out.

Xiao Wu was covered with a white cloth from head to toe, Jin Tianwei sighed, the short life of a genius is always regrettable.

"Is he heart-dead or brain-dead?" Jin Tianwei asked.

"Heart death." The attending doctor replied.

Jin Tianwei's eyes were slightly focused, and a flash of light flashed after a while, and he tore off the white cloth on Xiao Wu's body, and his eyes fell sharply on Xiao Wu's twisted and deformed face.His body is useless, but his brain is very useful.

"Leave the brain."

To stay, of course, means to stay alive. The doctor didn't know what Jin Tianwei wanted to do, but the leader had instructed him to obey Jin Tianwei's order. The doctor quickly transferred Xiao Wu to the operating room and removed his terminal brain.

Luka gently opened the curtains and looked at the people standing in the room.

Jin Tianwei, Lin Feng... Sure enough, Dong Chuchen misjudged the person.

Luka came back from the hospital, and some of them were locked up in the detention center in the military region. There was only one person who could help them if they wanted to save them.Luka thought of Leng Lingzhi, he is the chief prosecutor of the court, and there should be no problem in opening up the relationship to release some people.

After leaving the hospital, Luka called Zilong and asked about Xiao Qi's situation.

Zilong has been busy taking care of Xiaoqi these days.

Xiao Qi's injury was not as serious as what he saw in the ground, the floor did not hurt his bones, and most of the rancid smell that Zilong smelled was caused by Song Yuanyang's body at Xiao Qi's feet.The doctor helped him cut off the inflamed and necrotic cortex and flesh, and re-skinned the severe areas. He rested in a wheelchair for about one to two months, and he should be fine.

Xiaoqi didn't want to be hospitalized, and hospitalization was not safe, so Zilong took Xiaoqi to a villa in the suburbs.This villa was left by Cen Wenkai back then. After Cen Wenkai died, no one took care of it, so Xiao Qi bought it and used it as a place for his Zilong to live in seclusion.

It's midsummer, the air in the mountains is fresh, and the sunshine is suitable. It's the most suitable way to adjust your mood.

Back in the room, Xiao Qi was eating.

The family grudge has not been reported, so he has to eat hard to take care of his health so that he can take revenge.

Zilong sat down beside him, his face condensed.

Xiaoqi is used to it, his stupid dragon doesn't like to laugh.

"You may need to live here by yourself for a while," Zilong said.

Xiao Qi raised her eyebrows, "Who did it so quickly?"

"Lin Feng." Zilong took a deep breath, "He's an undercover agent from the Ministry of Public Security."

"No wonder." Xiao Qi had a clear expression, "The first time I saw that person, I thought he was not that simple. But Brother Yidong judges people with his eyes, it shouldn't be."

"He's betting on whether Lin Feng will betray us." Zi Long stood up quickly, "But the bet is lost."

"Are you going to kill Lin Feng?"

"I want to go, but Uncle Lu said that it's not the time yet. I need to find a suitable place to house the injured brothers. After all, the family is too small. It's okay for one or two of us to hide. If there are too many people, we will be exposed."

Indeed, they need to find a place to live again.Xiao Qi also fell into deep thought. After a while, a light flashed in Xiao Qi's eyes, "Let's go to Roman Island."

Roman Island is a separate island near the Gulf of Oman, with a beautiful environment and spring-like seasons.The most important point is that it is not like in the city, where it is difficult to monitor any accidents.The place is surrounded by the sea, mountains and forests overlap, strangers are hard to find, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"Yes, why did I forget that we still have such a place." Zilong immediately decided to set off for Roman Island now.

"I'll go with you." Xiao Qi said.

While Zilong and Xiaoqi went to Roman Island, Leng Lingzhi also started to act.

He first used his connections to rescue those detained in the detention center, and then began to quietly transfer the wounded in the hospital.

Jin Tianwei took Xiao Wu's terminal brain back to BJ. He asked the scientists to study how to restore it, or extract the memory in Xiao Wu's brain, but he didn't pay attention to this for a while, and the situation completely lost control.

By the time he realized it, Long Xuan's remaining power had basically been transferred.

Jin Tianwei was furious and scolded the people in charge of the detention center and the Public Security Bureau. The detention center and the Public Security Bureau were also very wronged. Dare not let go privately.

It's not that the emperor amnesty the world.

The action that he thought was seamless was ruined in this way, Jin Tianwei was very unwilling, and learned from the painful experience, he began to thoroughly investigate the people around him.

Those who have the ability to order the public security bureau to release people will definitely not be ordinary people.

Lin Feng was ruled out first. Although he was somewhat involved with Long Xuan and was also in City D, he had just returned to the team. With his seniority, he still had no contact with anyone who could give orders.

Jin Tianwei thought of the top-secret information in the mailbox. He only deciphered 60% of the information, and the other 40% was not successfully deciphered.

Maybe after deciphering the code, he will be able to get the secret behind the matter.

Jin Tianwei calmed down, sat down in front of the computer and opened the mailbox.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and when he took it over, the driver's number of a certain military region jumped on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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