The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 127 This day will come sooner or later

Chapter 127 This day will come sooner or later

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and when he took it over, the driver's number of a certain military region jumped on the screen.

Jin Tianwei answered the phone.

"I said, Lao Jin, your son doesn't have a temper like yours." The other party's tone was teasing.Jin Tianwei laughed, "Why, did the bastard cause trouble for you again?"

"No, no, no, this time, he didn't cause trouble for me, but himself." A certain commander smiled, "He wounded the gate post and escaped. He is charged with deserting soldiers. Let's see how you deal with it."

When Jin Tianwei heard this, his head thumped, and he exploded with rage.

The bastard said he was going to leave a few days ago, and he seemed to be serious. He didn't answer, but he dared to run away from the barracks by himself. What a fool!
After a while, I remembered and asked, "Where is he now?"

"Your son is very smart and has a very high anti-reconnaissance ability. I sent out a company, but I haven't found him yet. I'll let you know first. Don't blame me for not showing mercy to you when the time comes. .”

"If you catch him, you must be severely punished." Speaking of this, Jin Tianwei had no choice but to follow him, "Do you know which direction he went?"

"According to the news they reported back, it should be heading towards the train station, but you also know that the situation here is quite special. If he wants to enter the station, he will definitely meet our people, and the people stationed all have guns. If he Resist, in case someone is hurt..."

The garrison of XZ is heavily guarded, and Jin Tianwei knows it very well. Hearing what he said, Jin Tianwei was also anxious, and interrupted him: "I'll call that bastard right now, you wait for my news."

Jin Tianwei hung up the phone and immediately called Jin Keshao, the phone was picked up within two rings.

"Dad, are you looking for me?" Jin Keshao's lazy voice came from the phone, as if nothing had happened.

Jin Tianwei became angry when he heard it, "Don't call me dad, I don't have your useless son."

Jin Keshao raised his eyebrows indifferently, "Then, Comrade Lao Jin, do you have anything to do with me? I'm fine, I'm eating, hang up."

Look at his playfulness, Jin Tianwei was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Where did you die?"

Jin Keshao frowned, took a bite of the roast meat, and poured it down with butter tea. He said angrily, "Don't just curse your son to death. It will be so sad when the white-haired man sends the black-haired one. I didn’t give you the obligation to carry on the family line.”

"You..." Jin Tianwei was so angry that Jin Keshao couldn't say a word, and his face turned pale.

"Dad, don't be angry all the time." Jin Keshao said in his voice, "I told you a few days ago that I wanted to leave here, but you didn't listen and asked them to lock me up. Do you think they can Can you hold me?"

Jin Tianwei sighed, his son really came to collect debts, "Then you have to tell me why you are leaving, do you think the army is a place where you can go and leave whenever you want?"

"Something happened to Cheng Nuo, I'm going to see her." Jin Keshao's tone was determined with determination that cannot be ignored.

"That woman is married!" Jin Tianwei immediately reminded him that his worthless son, like Cheng Nuo, was the only woman in the world. Back then, he used drugs to suppress the memory center of the brain to keep Cheng Nuo by his side. After he knew about it, he firmly opposed it. It's good now, he doesn't care about his own life and future for her.

"Dad, I don't care if she's married or not. As long as she's not doing well, I won't feel at ease. You'd better make it clear to your comrade-in-arms and ask him to withdraw the person who is looking for me. Wake up, I don't know what will happen."

"Bastard, you actually threatened your father!"

"I thought it was a reminder." Jin Keshao said it lightly, and Jin Tianwei was so angry that he lost all reason and tolerance, and dialed the phone to a certain commander with trembling hands.

"Old Qian, you just say that the bastard refused to obey the discipline, the rebels fled, and he was shot dead on the way to arrest him!"

When Lao Qian heard this, he was speechless.

"Forget it, forget it, if you have anything to discuss, I'll withdraw the team first, son, please discipline him well. If you can escape the search of a company, it shows that the young man still has great potential. We have to lead on the right path."

Old Qian said a few words of comfort and hung up the phone.

Jin Tianwei only felt smoke coming from the top of his head, and he was so angry that he almost carried his back.

Jin Keshao is going to D city, and he doesn't know how much trouble he will cause, but he wants to stop him, this bastard won't get in, he won't eat soft and hard things, there's really nothing he can do.

Jin Tianwei was distracted by Jin Keshao's affairs, and temporarily ignored the deciphering of the remaining information. In the blink of an eye, it was the day when JH International was prosecuted.Luka and Zilong were busy with the transfer of the wounded, and only lawyer Ye Lansheng and Cheng Nuo came to the court.

Dong Chuchen has been in a coma, and Lawyer Ye has already submitted an application for delaying the trial, so this time he doesn't feel heavy.

Cheng Nuo, as Dong Chuzhi's first direct relative, came to the court to listen.

The public prosecutor produced a lot of evidence, proving that Dong Chuchen had a close relationship with Ouyang Nan and others, and the whereabouts of part of JH International's funds was unknown, but it was actually used to raise Longxuan's evil forces. The source of raw diamonds purchased by JH International Jewelry Department is unknown and suspected to be smuggled products.

Lawyer Ye has only one sentence, "My client is still in a coma after an accident, and all the evidence presented by the prosecution cannot prove that this matter is directly related to my client. As for the whereabouts of the funds mentioned by the prosecution lawyer, we There is evidence to prove where the funds are going, not the so-called cultivation of dark forces."

After a heated debate, both sides insisted on their own opinions, and provided corresponding evidence for their own remarks. They could not make a decision for a while, so the judge sentenced the court to temporarily adjourn, and the court will be retried [-] days later.

Lawyer Ye submitted an application for adjournment of the court session, attaching Dong Chuzhi's hospitalization certificate.

The next court session is estimated to be a month later.

Walking out of the court, Cheng Nuo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lawyer Ye, thank you." Given the current situation of JH International, even if Ye Lansheng left it alone, Cheng Nuo couldn't say anything.He never left, and Cheng Nuo was grateful.

"Mrs. Dong, you are welcome. Mr. Dong has always treated me kindly. I will not break my promise just because of a little difficulty."

Lawyer Ye's relief Cheng Nuo could tell that this was not a little difficult, it was a catastrophe.

"My car is in front, shall I take you back?" Seeing that Cheng Nuo was silent, Lawyer Ye suggested.

"Okay." In order not to attract attention, Cheng Nuo now basically takes a taxi when going out. It just so happens that she needs to go to the supermarket to buy some nutritional supplements for Dong Chuchen, and Ye Lansheng will give her a gift, which is more convenient.

Back at the hospital, Cheng Nuo met Jin Keshao at the entrance of the hospital.

Jin Keshou lost a lot of weight. His hair was trimmed into short hair, and his fair complexion turned into a healthy wheat color. He already looked like a bright and youthful man.

Cheng Nuo's memory of Jin Keshao only stayed when he rescued her from the fire scene and took care of her in the hospital.

"Well, why did you come here?" Cheng Nuo was pleasantly surprised.

Jin Keshao smiled brightly and walked towards her

"Madam, you have acquaintances, so I'll go first." Lawyer Ye took out the things Cheng Nuo bought from the car, handed them to her, and drove away.

"I'll come and see you. I haven't seen you for half a year, and you've become so thin again." Cheng Nuo lost weight, Jin Keshao looked distressed, reached out to take the bag in Cheng Nuo's hand, and rubbed her with the other hand cheeks.

Cheng Nuo avoided his hand awkwardly and smiled awkwardly.

Was it only half a year? How could she remember that it was about a year?

"You..." Jin Keshao wanted to talk about your husband, but he was very reluctant in his heart, and forced out a sentence: "How is Dong Chuzhi now? I heard that there was an accident at your wedding."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Cheng Nuo's expression darkened immediately, and he pointed to it and said, "It's upstairs, do you want to see it?"

"Let's go." Jin Keshao tilted his head, signaling Cheng Nuo to lead the way.

The two returned to the ward one after the other.

Seeing the guarding policeman, Jin Keshao looked surprised, "This hospitalization standard is quite high."

"Isn't that so?" Cheng Nuo glanced at the policeman, "Stay here every day in case he runs away."

The policeman took a look at Jin Keshao and did not stop him. The two opened the door and walked in.

During this period of time, Jin Keshao was only planning to escape, and didn't hear the news about JH International at all. When he entered the door and asked Cheng Nuo, he found out that such a big thing had happened to JH International.

He couldn't help but think of his father. He heard that the minister was very busy recently when he chatted with Assistant Li in private.

"I'll go out and make a phone call." As soon as he put the things away, Jin Keshao walked out.

Finding an empty corner, he called Jin Tianwei.

The phone rang three times, but still no one answered.

Jin Tianwei was throwing a stack of documents in front of Leng Lingzhi at this time.

"Judge Leng, shouldn't this be your job?" Jin Tianwei looked majestic and aggressive.He deciphered the code of the remaining information, which was a top-secret list. In the list, he suddenly found Leng Lingzhi's name.

After checking Longxuan's order to release the personnel, it was indeed Leng Lingzhi's fault.

Leng Lingzhi unhurriedly flipped through the documents that Jin Tianwei threw over, not surprised, not surprised, unexpectedly calm, and even had a relieved smile on his face, as if he was specially waiting for this moment to come.

From the time he entered the industry, he knew that this day would come sooner or later.

"Leng Lingzhi is suspected of colluding with the gangsters and making a false order to release the criminal suspect. This is your arrest warrant. Come here, take it away!" Jin Tianwei announced convincingly, two police officers came up and pulled it up to Leng Lingzhi , handcuffed him.

Jin Tianwei approached Leng Lingzhi's face, and said sarcastically: "Unexpectedly, the aloof Judge Leng turned out to be just a moth sent by gangsters to corrupt the country."

Leng Lingzhi smiled calmly and didn't care.

Jin Tianwei didn't answer the phone all the time, and Jin Keshao went back to the ward angrily.

Cheng Nuo was massaging Dong Chuchen's body. Seeing Jin Keshao's dark face, he asked casually, "Why, no one answered the phone?"

(End of this chapter)

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