The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 128 Unplanned Pregnancy

Chapter 128 Unplanned Pregnancy

When Jin Keshao returned to the ward, a beautifully dressed woman passed by him. The pungent smell of perfume on her body covered Jin Keshao, and the smell wafted into Cheng Nuo's nostrils, causing her stomach discomfort. Rolling in the stomach, straight up.

Cheng Nuo hurriedly covered his mouth, rushed into the bathroom, and vomited faintly.

"Are you okay?" Jin Keshao was terrified, seeing Cheng Nuo walking out with a pale face, he quickly handed her a glass of water.

Cheng Nuo reached out to take it, but his stomach was churning again. Cheng Nuo hurriedly withdrew his hand and went back to the bathroom.

Cheng Nuo almost collapsed after several repetitions.

"Are you sick?" Jin Keshao helped her out and sat down on the sofa by the window.

Cheng Nuo's face was pale, and he looked so weak that it made people feel distressed.

"I'm fine. Maybe it's because my parents haven't been here these days, they don't eat in time, and I often feel nauseous. I'll be fine after a short rest." Cheng Nuo drank some water and felt a lot more comfortable in his stomach, so he remembered to ask Jin Ke Little, "Why are you dark and thin?"

"I'm a soldier." Jin Keshao prevaricated casually, and his dark eyes suddenly fell on Cheng Nuo's flat stomach. "Are you pregnant?"

Cheng Nuo was stunned for a moment, and then turned her gaze to her lower abdomen. She hadn't had her period for more than two months, and thought that the pressure had caused her body to go wrong recently. Now it seems... But it shouldn't be, she and Dong Chuzhi, only the night before the wedding...couldn't be such a coincidence, would it?
With such a high winning rate, she can buy lottery tickets, right?
Although she said so, she still had a B-ultrasound under Jin Keshao's lobbying in the afternoon.

After receiving the B-ultrasound results, Cheng Nuo's mood was like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs, sadness and joy.

Dong Chuchen's life and death are uncertain, JH International's future is unpredictable, and now a child suddenly comes, she can't deal with it alone.

The doctor said that the child's development was slower than other children, and the nutrition did not keep up with it in all aspects. Moreover, the pregnant woman had already developed anemia, and it might be dangerous during delivery.If you want to keep the child, you must increase the absorption of nutrients, and the adults must rest in bed, otherwise there is a high risk of accidental miscarriage.

The doctor's suggestion is that if you are not too eager to have a child, you can consider giving up, and wait until your body is recuperated before it is too late.

Cheng Nuo held the B-ultrasound sheet and sat at the door of the B-ultrasound room in a daze.

She wanted to keep the child, and if Dong Chuchen couldn't wake up again, it could be regarded as an explanation to him.

But bed rest, how is it possible in this situation.

"Don't worry, I'm here now." Jin Keshao patted his chest, showing a majestic majesty of a man.

Cheng Nuo smiled. Although she felt that Jin Keshao could do nothing to help, she still smiled. She laughed so hard that she burst into tears. Everything happened so suddenly, it was like a dream.

In the past two months, there have been constant surprises every day, and Cheng Nuo felt that his heart could not bear it anymore.

Accompanying Cheng Nuo back to Dongchu's ward, Jin Keshao felt very uncomfortable, as uncomfortable as a needle prick.

Helping a rival in love raise a child... This is sour and delicious!

Not only did he have to raise children, but he also had to take care of his rival in love. Cheng Nuo's parents were away, and Cheng Nuo couldn't rest. The responsibility of taking care of Dong Chuzhi fell on Jin Keshao.After serving Cheng Nuo every day, he would take care of the fundamentals and help him turn over and loosen his muscles and bones. Although he was not as careful as Cheng Nuo, he was barely passable.

He thought bitterly, if his father who was the Minister of Public Security knew that he was taking care of his suspect, he would probably die of anger.

Long Xuan's wounded were finally transferred, and Luka mobilized all the forces outside the headquarters, came to Roman Island, and began to rebuild a base here.

Fang Yuan found it.

The love affair between Fang Yuan and Du Ruoxi was supported by the Du family. When Fang Yuan disappeared, Du Gang used all his connections to find him, and finally found him in a remote old house.

He didn't know how he escaped. When he was found, he was already dying. He had a penetrating gunshot wound to his chest. He missed the heart, but injured an artery. It is estimated that the locator flowed out along the blood, so Luka couldn't find his information. .

The matter has come to this point, Long Xuan's loss has been reduced to the minimum, the home can be rebuilt if it is gone, and the greatest wealth is a person alive.

Ouyang Nan was almost healed from his injury and could monitor the progress of the base construction, so Luka left Roman Island and returned to City D.He checked Lin Feng's whereabouts and learned that he was still in City D. This time, he made up his mind to take revenge.

Accompanied by several policemen, Lin Feng was inspecting the scene of the crime. The case he was following had made new progress. The criminal suspect committed another crime in D city.

The scene was messy, the victim's clothes were torn, and he was lying half naked on the ground, with blood flowing out for two or three meters. The forensic doctor was processing the body.

Bang, bang, three gunshots, several policemen were forced back a few steps by the bullets, Lin Feng looked warily at the man approaching step by step in front of him.

"Brother Lu." I heard that someone escaped from Long Xuan, and it turned out to be Lu Ka.

"Heh," Luka sneered, and stopped about two meters away from Lin Feng, "You still have the nerve to call me big brother, you have such a police uniform, you betrayed us and got it back, right?"

"Put down the gun, and speak up if you have something to say!" A detective gripped the electric baton in his hand. They didn't wear guns, and the electric baton was the only weapon at present.

Luka's eyes turned cold, and his face was swept coldly, his hands trembled in fright, he almost couldn't hold the electric baton, and he took two steps back unconsciously.

Lin Feng's work permit marked his position, Luka pursed his lips, and paused every word, "What a police officer Lin, who sacrificed so many lives to save you with a bright future, it's really insidious, you deserve what Brother Dong gave you." Do you trust it?"

The people around only knew that Lin Feng was a police officer sent by the superior to handle the case, they didn't know what Lin Feng had done before, and they didn't even know Luka, but they had heard about Long Xuan's matter. Seeking personal revenge, he didn't know what to do for a moment. A policeman hiding at the very edge wanted to sneak around behind Luka, and only moved two steps. Luka shot him in the calf with a bang.

"Don't hurt them!" Lin Feng shouted urgently, "They are innocent."

"The people who died in Long Xuan, what crime did they commit?" Luka gritted his teeth.
"Would you believe me if I said I didn't do it?" Lin Feng asked.

Luka replied firmly: "No!"

"Then shoot, I have nothing to say." Since he came, he must have been identified as the culprit who betrayed Long Xuan, and the information was indeed collected by him. Luka asked him for revenge, and he has nothing to blame.

Luca squeezed the trigger with his fingertip.

Lin Feng suddenly saw a red dot land on Luka's eyebrow, his heart was shocked, and he threw himself on Luka recklessly, "Brother Lu, be careful."

Luka was unprepared, and was thrown to the ground by Lin Feng. The bullet in his hand still shot out, and with a bang, it sank into Lin Feng's body mercilessly.

"There is someone behind." Lin Feng said out of breath.

Luka quickly pushed Lin Feng away and stood up, raised his pistol and pointed at the jungle behind him, a black figure jumped up from the ground, and hurriedly ran deep into the jungle, Luka raised his legs to chase, but Lin Feng grabbed his trousers.

"Don't chase, maybe there will be an ambush."

A police officer had already stepped forward and helped Lin Feng up.

"Why save me?" Luka put down his gun and asked aggressively.

If Lin Feng hadn't blocked the shot for him just now, he would be the one hiding on the ground now.

"Believe it or not," Lin Feng said, "I didn't do what happened to Long Xuan. I admit that I did collect a lot of secret information about Long Xuan, but I didn't want to hand it over to the organization."

"If you don't hand it over to the organization, what are you doing collecting Longxuan's information?" Luka cast a sharp look, his arms tightened, and the gun hanging on his body was about to move.

"It was originally intended to be handed over to the organization, but it was finally given up."

Lin Feng's eyes were flat, he didn't seem to be lying, but... "Why did the information fall into the hands of the police?"

"An accident happened on the day of Dong Chu's wedding. The chip in my hand was stolen, and all the information is in the chip."

When Luka heard this, he immediately raised the gun in his hand again, "In the end, it's still your responsibility. If you didn't have the heart to betray Long Xuan, you wouldn't collect the so-called evidence, let alone lead to Long Xuan's complete defeat!"

The police car roared, and after a while, a group of docile and well-trained special police rushed over.

A forensic doctor called the police when everyone was not paying attention.

Lin Feng pushed away the police officer who was supporting him. Before everyone understood what he wanted to do, he had already got under Luka's gun, "Take me as a hostage and leave here."

"..." Everyone.

There are also those who take the initiative to be hostages and serve as human shields for their opponents.

"The suspect has a gun in his hand." A police officer shouted at the special police.This voice also attracted Lin Feng and Luka's hateful eyes.

The corner of the policeman's eyes twitched, and he stared at Lin Feng, I'm saving you, what kind of eyes are you looking at?
"Put down the gun and seek leniency!" Holding a loudspeaker, the special police negotiator hiding behind the police car shouted at Luka.

"He has a hostage!" Another police officer shouted.

Everyone is silent.

The special police comrades all came with eyes. They are in the wilderness with a wide view. Although there is a small forest behind, it is not so dense that no one can be seen. Is there any need to shout such nonsense.

Comrade SWAT slowly poked his head out from behind the police car, looked at Luka who was hiding behind Lin Feng, "If you put down your gun now, you can count yourself as turning yourself in. You have to be clear that attacking a police officer with a gun is a serious crime."

He surrendered himself again.Luka snorted coldly, can you use some new words?
"Tell you all to back off, or I'll kill him!" Luka pointed a gun at Lin Feng's head, and signaled to the special police. He was punched hard in the chest.

This punch was so ruthless and accurate that Lin Feng almost vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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