Chapter 129
In order to show the sincerity that he would shoot to the special police, Luka stretched out his fist and punched Lin Feng hard on the injured chest.This punch was so ruthless and accurate that Lin Feng almost vomited blood.

Damn!Lin Feng thought to himself, I will be your hostage under the huge pressure of being demerited and delisted by the organization, you really have to do it.Silently greeted the eighteen generations of Luka's ancestors in his heart.

The special police who didn't know the truth thought that Luka had caused Lin Feng's injuries, and couldn't help but feel a little palpitated. Desperadoes are the most difficult thing to deal with.

"The hostages have been released, so we have something to say!" The loudspeaker yelled again.

The loud noise made Luka upset, and Luka punched Lin Feng again, "If you continue to quarrel, I will kill him!"

"Ci'ao." Lin Feng almost couldn't straighten up with a punch.

This guy must have done it on purpose!Lin Feng began to regret why he wanted to be his human shield.

The other party hijacked a police officer, and the special police became nervous, turned off the loudspeaker and shouted manually: "Do you have any conditions to mention, don't hurt the hostages."

"Tell your men to get out 50 meters, set the police car on fire, open the door and leave the key on it."

The sniper arranged by the special police is already in place, leading the team to look in the direction of the sniper.

Luka has received special agent training and knows how to avoid the other party's shooting. The special police sniper aimed for a long time, but couldn't find any contact point to kill Luka, and finally shook his head helplessly at the team leader.

The team leader had no choice but to compromise, the police car was on fire, and led the team back 50 meters.

Luka locked Lin Feng's shoulders with his arms, and retreated step by step to the side of the police car. Before getting into the car, he whispered in Lin Feng's ear: "Don't think that if you save me once, it will be worth hundreds of Long Xuan's lives. See you next time." You, I will still kill you."

"Waiting for you at any time. I won't be polite next time. I catch you every time I see you." Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Officials and thieves have always been at odds with each other. Luka and Lin Feng both know that the next time they meet, they will be enemies rather than friends.

Fifty meters away, the special police surrounded Luka in a semicircle, staring at Luka with their rifles loaded, even if Luka showed a little head, he would surely die.

"Thank you!" Luka pushed Lin Feng away, dexterously jumped into the car, and closed the door behind him.

Lin Feng took advantage of the momentum and jumped forward, crawling on the ground.

There was a sudden sound of gunfire, bullets rained down on the car door, and the sound of metal collisions resounded through the sky. Luka stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and quickly turned the direction. The police car rushed out of the road and drove away.

"Chasing!" Not to be outdone, the special police quickly jumped into the car and chased him out.

The wheels kicked up thick yellow dust on the ground, and it all hit Lin Feng's face, choking him so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

Two policemen ran over and pulled him up who had fallen to the ground.

This movement caused severe pain in his chest, front and back. Not only was he shot in the chest, but he also blocked a shot for Luka in the back.Fortunately for Lin Feng, this life is big enough, and the injuries on the chest and back were not hit at key positions, or this time it really returned to its original position at once.

Luka drove the police car directly to the busiest road in D City. He was confident that it would be no problem to get rid of those special police officers with his driving skills.What's more, the police cared about the safety of people's lives and properties, and he didn't care about it. On this point, he has already won the victory.

Sure enough, within 10 minutes, the two police cars chasing behind were thrown away without a trace. Luka stopped on the side of the road, took off his blood-stained shirt, threw it into the police car, waved for a taxi and left. .

Luka entered the Guihe shopping mall on the pedestrian street, and when he came out, he had already changed his face and all his clothes and shoes.

When the police found the police car, adjusted the surveillance video, and chased him to the Guihe shopping mall, there was no sign of Luka.

Luka came to the Zong family.

This time he came in through the main entrance, and as soon as he reached the entrance, he immediately felt a little danger.Surprised, he immediately raised his vigilance.

In the thin air, there was a faint sound of heavy breathing. Luka pulled out the pistol at his waist and kicked open the door.A golden light flashed behind the door, and a black figure brushed past Luka and rushed out of the door.

Golden Mask!
Luka was about to raise the gun subconsciously, but the man was extremely fast, and as soon as Luka raised the gun, he had already disappeared on the street.

This is the golden-masked man who ambushed Zilong and Ouyangnan at the pier. He didn't seem to come here for himself, but he seemed to be about to leave the Zong's house when he happened to meet him who was about to enter.

Luka was startled, and a terrible thought came to mind.

He stepped quietly over the threshold and locked the door.

The courtyard was silent, and there were not many visitors from the Zong family on weekdays.Zong Yilan was playing in the yard, when he saw Luka smiled sweetly, "Hello, Uncle Lu."

"Shh." Luka raised his index finger to his lips and made a silent movement.

Yilan nodded obediently, rolled her big eyes, and said in a low voice, "My daddy is on the phone in the study." As she spoke, she naughtily made a phone call gesture with her fingers.

Luka patted Yilan's head, and walked in lightly.

In the study, Zong Mingcheng was talking on the phone with Mo Yue.

At the beginning, Mo Yue left a sentence to wait for the east wind, but Long Xuan was wiped out overnight, and the Mo family took advantage of Long Xuan's decline to take advantage of the fire and robbed Long Xuan's remaining power. Zong Mingcheng naturally thought that the matter of Long Xuan was what Mo Yue said Dongfeng, and Long Xuan's being wiped out by Moyue must have played a role that cannot be ignored.

Zong Mingcheng couldn't stand it anymore, so he called Mo Yue to question Longxuan.

When Lu Ka touched the outside of the study, the most intense time of Zong Mingcheng and Mo Yue's quarrel had passed, and they were talking about Mo Yue's annexation of the remaining power of Longxuan.Zong Mingcheng said: "Dong Chuzhi treated you well back then, why didn't you leave any room for it?"

Mo Yue snorted coldly, "The general trend is over, even if I don't move, do you think others won't move? When the time comes when the enemy is strong and we are weak, and you are eaten away by others, you will be happy?"

Zong Mingcheng was speechless for a while, and fell silent.

Mo Yue said some words of reassurance and follow-up arrangements. He suddenly took over so many sites, and he needed to plan the staffing.

Luka listened to Zong Mingcheng's words outside, his handsome face became abnormally distorted with anger, and the anger spurting out of his eyes was devastating.

With a bang, the study door was kicked open by Luka. Zong Mingcheng hadn't had time to react quickly, and he hadn't even seen who the person in front of him was. His chest had been pierced by the crazy bullets, and blood flowed out. The clothes were instantly stained red.

Before I could hang up, the phone fell to the ground, the battery fell a long way, and the screen of the phone suddenly turned black and gray.

Zong Mingcheng looked at the wound on his chest in disbelief, then at Luka, collapsed on the ground with a plop, and his powerless body knocked down the chair behind him, making an astonishing sound.

The mouth moved, and finally swallowed without saying a word.

Those unwilling eyes were wide open, as if they were asking over and over again, why!
"Ah... ah... ah..." A series of screams behind him were earth-shattering, and Luka felt the house tremble. Looking back, he saw Zong Yilan covering his mouth with his hands, looking at Zong Mingcheng lying in a pool of blood in horror. .

"Daddy..." Zong Yilan's eyelids drooped, and tears fell. For a while, she mischievously wanted to follow Luka to scare him, but she didn't expect to see the scene where her daddy was killed, "Why did you kill me?" Daddy, why? You bad guy!"

Zong Yilan, who was only seven years old, didn't realize the danger, and threw himself at Luka desperately, beating his body.

"Give me back my daddy, give me back my daddy..."

Luka looked at her coldly, the magazine of the pistol was empty, he threw the pistol and pulled out the dagger.Luka, who was dazzled by hatred, didn't realize that he had been tricked by others.

On the dagger, bright red blood slid down drop by drop, and Zong Yilan lay motionless on the ground.

Overnight, the whole clan of the Zong family was killed, and no one survived.

Luka's hands were covered with blood, and he stood at the gate of the clan's house. He didn't feel the pleasure of revenge at all, and his heart was full of bloody scenes. This was the first and only time he killed someone.

For this, he paid the price with his life, this is a later story.

The first person to rush to Mo's house was Mo Yue. He heard gunshots on the phone, and then he couldn't get through to Zong Mingcheng's phone.

Subconsciously, he felt that something had happened.

There was a bloody handprint on the gate, and it was still dripping blood. Mo Yue walked in, bypassing the bloody mark. In the courtyard and the hall, there were scattered corpses lying here and there. The blood was still wet. They died not long ago. Mo Yue walked in. The more astonished he was, he quickly ran upstairs.

In the study, he saw the father and daughter of the Zong family in a pool of blood.

Yilan's small body was lying in a pool of blood, with several stab wounds on her chest, and the bones were visible from the knife.

Who would be so cruel to an innocent child, even a tough man like Mo Yue, couldn't help but want to cry when he saw it.

Knocking his eyelids, Mo Yue walked up to Zong Yilan's side, reached out to her nostrils, but there was no trace of breath, and when he tried her carotid artery, there was no trace of beating.

Mo Yue sighed, he was a step late, the bloody handprint at the door should have been left by the murderer.

Zong Mingcheng's eyes burst open, and Mo Yue couldn't get him to close his eyes even after trying several times.

Mo Yue glanced back at Zong Yilan, turned his head and said to Zong Mingcheng, "Don't worry, Yilan is the daughter-in-law of my Mo family. I will let Yao'er come to see her. I will avenge the Zong family's death for you." , you can go on your way with peace of mind."

Try again, Zong Mingcheng closed his eyes in peace.

Mo Yao was taking a nap, a pair of long eyelashes trembling slightly on his delicate face.

Since he got autism because he witnessed his brother's death, he has the habit of taking a nap, and this habit has continued after he recovered from his illness. However, at noon today, he couldn't sleep well, and when he closed his eyes, he saw Yilan's crying face , screaming for help.

Mo Yao sat up impatiently.

He doesn't dream of Yilan very often, and occasionally it's the scene when the two of them are playing together, but why is Yilan always calling for help today?Mo Yao began to feel restless.

Is it long time no see, miss her?
(End of this chapter)

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