Chapter 130
He doesn't dream of Yilan very often, and occasionally it's the scene when the two of them are playing together, but why is Yilan always calling for help today?Mo Yao began to feel restless.

Is it long time no see, miss her?
Mo Yao jumped out of bed, stepped on his slippers and walked to the window. There was a photo of him and Yilan on the window sill, which was taken on Yilan's sixth birthday.

Yilan loves photography very much, Xiaoxiaoyoung has already shown extraordinary talent in photography.

On his sixth birthday, Mo Yao used the lucky money he had saved for a whole year to buy Yilan a Leica S [-]-year limited-edition SLR camera. The whole afternoon.

Those were Mo Yao's few happy days.Young master," the butler said out of breath, "Master called and asked you to go to the Zong family now. "

Mo Yao's heart sank suddenly, something happened to Yilan!
Not even thinking about changing shoes, Mo Yao ran out in a hurry, urging the driver to drive faster.

The smile on Yilan's face was brighter and brighter than the sunflowers on the back mountain, and Mo Yao unconsciously showed a smile.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from outside, and the housekeeper barged in without even knocking on the door, "Seven, seven
For many years later, Mo Yao couldn't remember how he got out of the car, and how he walked into the gate of the Zong family.

There were many police cars parked in front of Zong's house, and many policemen came in and out of the yard. There was a long cordon at the door of Zong's house. The housekeeper didn't know what he said to the police, and the police let them in.

In the yard, there was a whole row of white curtains, the color was so bright that it hurt Mo Yao's eyes.

For a long time in the future, Mo Yao will only see this whiteness in his eyes.

There is a section of raised part under the white cloth that is very short, Mo Yao walked here unknowingly and squatted down, lifted the white cloth curtain with trembling hands, revealing her pale face.

He once said that when she grew up, he would lift her hijab with his own hands.

Now, she can only lift the white cloth on her face.

Parting on that day has become a lifelong regret.

"Yilan..." Tears welled up in Mo Yao's bright eyes, and with the fully presented image under the white cloth, Mo Yao could no longer bear the grief in his heart, and threw himself on Yilan, crying so hard that he couldn't help himself.

The earth-moving cry moved all the police officers present.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a commotion outside the door, several people walked in, and then, under Mo Yue's instruction, the housekeeper hugged Mo Yao.

Mo Yao refused, grabbed Zong Yilan's clothes tightly, and tore off the white cloth covering her body. With a bang, a small metal toy fell out of Yilan's pocket.

There was a strange flash in Mo Yue's eyes, and taking advantage of the opportunity of Bang Zong to cover it with blue and white cloth, he quickly stepped forward to pick up the metal toy and put it in his pocket.

The person who came was Jin Tianwei.

The clan is a well-known family in D City. Although its power is not as great as before, its basic influence is still there. The case of exterminating the clan is a big deal. As soon as the matter was exposed, it was hyped by the media and directly brought to the central level.

Most recently, City D was not peaceful, and there were criticisms from above, so Jin Tianwei was directly assigned to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Jin Tianwei, who had just returned to the capital from City D, came back again, and flew back with lightning speed.

"Hello, sir." The police chief of City D was sweating profusely. There have been frequent accidents recently. There have been two murders in three days. The police officer sent by the above was kidnapped in the morning. Now that there is such a big murder case, he probably This chief is really about to end.

"How's the situation?" Jin Tianwei couldn't help frowning as he looked at the corpses on the ground.

The scene was too tragic to be seen directly.Judging from the situation at the scene, it should be a vendetta.Killing so many people at once, there should be more than one murderer, but what kind of hatred can make people not spare even a seven-year-old child?
"There is a bloody fingerprint on the gate, which should be left by the murderer. The fingerprint verification has been collected just now. The tools used in the crime, a pistol and a sharp knife, were all found at the scene. The fingerprints and blood stains on it are being extracted."

"Is there anyone alive at the scene?" Jin Tianwei asked.

"Not a single one, more than 20 people, all of them were killed." The police chief was shocked, "On the scene, only Zong Mingcheng, the head of the Zong family, was shot. Yilan has multiple stab wounds on his body, and the others don't even have any redundant wounds."

Such a precise knife technique cannot be practiced overnight.

"This should be a professional killer." The chief of public security said.

Jin Tianwei nodded. To be able to kill so many people in a short period of time with such a clean technique must be at the professional level.It's just professional, why is there so much evidence?
He didn't want to evade legal sanctions for killing someone, or he had absolute confidence that he could evade legal sanctions.

Various possibilities flashed through Jin Tianwei's mind in an instant. He walked around the perimeter of the yard, and there was no sign of climbing on the wall. The murderer should have come in through the gate as well.

He turned around the rooms again, the furnishings in the room remained the same, and there was no sign of a fight. The murderer should have a good relationship with someone from the Zong family, or Zong Mingcheng himself, so no one was on guard when he came.

Back in the courtyard, he immediately ordered: "Through investigation of Zong Mingcheng's social relations, all those who have been in close contact with Zong Mingcheng and even those who have been in close contact with the Zong family in recent years must be investigated."

"Yes, sir."

After the scene was cleared, all the policemen withdrew from Zong's house.The whole family of the Zong family was killed, and no one took over the family property. When they left, the door of the Zong family was affixed with a heavy seal.

Mo Yao watched helplessly as Zong Yilan's body was put into a body bag and loaded into a police car.

With a bang, the moment the police car door closed, Mo Yao's heart also closed.

This level is 17 years.

When the corpses of the Zong family were transported to the autopsy room, Lin Feng happened to be there. He was injured and was hospitalized. The autopsy of the case in the morning was also in this hospital, so Lin Feng came from the ward to check the situation.

Most of the Zong family members had obvious wounds, and only Zong Yilan and Zong Mingcheng father and daughter needed autopsies.

Just when the forensic doctor carried Zong Yilan onto the operating bed and was about to perform an autopsy, Lin Feng noticed Zong Yilan's fingers move a little, a slight tremor, which happened to catch Lin Feng's eyes.

It was just a tremor that changed Dong Yilan's life.

Lin Feng hurriedly stopped the forensic doctor from raising the scalpel.

"This little girl is still alive." Lin Feng said.

The forensic doctor frowned, and gave Lin Feng a look that you don't talk nonsense, "Are you kidding, we have checked it several times, and there is no heartbeat or pulse, how can you be alive?"

Lin Feng ignored his conclusion and pointed at Zong Yilan's finger, "Look, her hand is moving."

The forensic doctor followed Lin Feng's fingers and saw a faint trembling.

"Damn it, the fraudulent corpse, this is..." The forensic doctor broke out in a cold sweat. He had only heard about the fraudulent corpse from his colleagues, but now that he encountered it himself, he was almost frightened out of his wits.

With a shake of his hand, the scalpel flew out and fell to the ground with a clang.

Lin Feng put his fingers on Zong Yilan's tender neck, and he felt a very weak pulse, so weak that it was hard to feel its existence.

"She's still alive!" Lin Feng was even more sure. He put his hand under the surgical drape to test Yilan's body temperature. Her body was cold after losing blood, but it wasn't cold, and she could faintly feel the presence of body temperature.

Lin Feng picked her up, "Send her to the first aid, maybe she can survive."

The forensic doctor followed behind Lin Feng in a panic, and the two brought Zong Yilan to the emergency center.

Ten minutes later, Zong Yilan crawled back from the ghost gate.

"Her constitution is a bit special," the doctor said when explaining Zong Yilan's "resurrection" to Jin Tianwei, "There is an ingredient in her blood, which I have never seen in other patients. It can heal wounds to a great extent.”

special physique...

Jin Tianwei was attracted by these four words, and didn't hear what the doctor said later.He is carrying out a plan beyond the limits of human beings, and he needs this kind of person who is born with a special physique.

"She was not revived," Jin Tianwei said.

The doctor was startled, and looked at Jin Tianwei in confusion, as if his words were difficult to understand and he needed to digest for a while.

"I said, she was not revived, she was already dead." Jin Tianwei said word by word.He looked at Zong Yilan who was lying on the hospital bed. The girl closed her eyes, her immature face was calm, the white light of the shadowless lamp hit her face, and her whole body exuded a strange brilliance.

This time the doctor understood, Jin Tianwei didn't want anyone to know the fact that Zong Yilan had woken up.

But why?
"Just do what you do, you don't need to ask why." Jin Tianwei replied coldly, the chill on his face was full of warning.

The doctor swallowed all the remaining questions back into his stomach, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and one less thing is worse than nothing, work more and ask less.The doctor silently reminded himself that according to Jin Tianwei's order, Zong Yilan was issued a death certificate.

Jin Tianwei took Zong Yilan away without anyone knowing.

Lin Feng also only got the news that Zong Yilan's rescue failed. To him, the girl itself was just a small incident, it didn't matter, and he had no position to investigate.It's just a bit of a pity that a lucky guy who got off the dissecting bed ended up returning to the dissecting bed unfortunately.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed, but finally forgot about it.

The family extermination case also fell into a stalemate for a while.

The fingerprints of the handprints taken on the spot did not find a matching person in the database, that is to say, this person has no criminal record.

Through Zong Mingcheng's social relationship investigation, no suspicious person was found.

Zong Mingcheng's personal social relationship is very simple, and there are only a few people who can speak.The Mo family, Mo Yue, was one of them. After the accident happened to the Zong family, he was the one who reported the case, and the relationship between the two was extraordinary, and Mo Yue had sufficient alibi.

With neither motive nor time to commit the crime, Mo Yue's suspicion was first ruled out.

Next, the police found a person.

(End of this chapter)

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