The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 131 The Illusion of Awakening

Chapter 131 The Illusion of Awakening

Mo Yue's suspicion was ruled out, and the police thought of another person.

Mo Zhanting.

He is Mo Yue's eldest brother, Mo Fei's father, and Mo Yao's uncle. This person has always been a widow and is not familiar to the outside world, but he has some contacts with Zong Mingcheng, so he should be very familiar with the Zong family.

Soon, Mo Zhanting was reported to the police station.

In the interrogation room, Mo Zhanting leaned his long body on the chair, the frost between his brows was like snow that would not melt for thousands of years, his eyes were piercing, with a sense of inaccessibility like an iceberg standing in front of him.

The corner of the police officer sitting across from him twitched, and suddenly felt the temperature in the room drop sharply.

"Name." The police officer calmed down, took out his notebook, and began to question him.

"Hmph," Mo Zhanting hummed a single note, "You arrested me, don't you know my name?"

The police officers mourned in silence. The Mo family members were really more difficult to deal with. When Mo Yue was interrogated just now, he was frightened to death. Now it is Mo Zhanting, who is even more difficult to deal with.

He must have offended the leader, so he was sent to do this job!

With a mournful face, the policeman copied Mo Zhanting's name, gender, and age according to the information. After copying, he continued to ask, "Where were you from 10 am to 2 pm yesterday?"

"Home." Mo Zhanting didn't say a word.

"Are there any witnesses?"

Mo Zhanting didn't answer, but glanced at the policeman with cold eyes, looking him up and down.

He looked at the police officer with fur all over his body, and felt a cold snake wrapping around his body, as if looking for a place to bite.

"You, what do you think I'm doing? Answering questions!" The policeman boldly shouted at Mo Zhanting, his cold eyes were terrifying.

Mo Zhanting had a sneer on his face, as if he was mocking the policeman, but his eyes fell on the policeman's face motionless, "Will people stare at you when you sleep at home?"

It seems to be staring at him deliberately, the brown eyes are like evil spirits from hell, making people daunting.

The police officer trembled, not having the courage to continue, quickly ended the interrogation, and left the interrogation room as if fleeing.

"Officer," Mo Zhanting's heart-shattering voice sounded from behind, "Can I go?"

"Yes!" The policeman left the interrogation room without looking back.

Back at Mo's house, Mo Yue sat in the hall, as if he was waiting for him.

Mo Zhanting gave Mo Yue a cold look, and walked around the hall.

The relationship between the two brothers is not very good. In a family like the Mo family, they have been educated in the way of becoming kings and defeating bandits. It is common for brothers to kill each other in order to fight for their names.

Although Mo Zhanting didn't say anything about his father's designation of Ren Moyue as the new generation of power holders, he was still dissatisfied in his heart.

"Brother," Mo Yue called to stop him, "Don't you think you've gone too far this time?"

Mo Zhanting paused, "I don't know what you are referring to."

Mo Yue took out the metal toy from his pocket, and threw it in front of Mo Zhanting with a clang.It was actually a hidden weapon, a half-moon-shaped dart, which could not be seen as dangerous from the outside, but after being activated with internal force, its sharpness was no less than that of a flying lotus.

"The murder of the Zong family, do you dare to say that you were not responsible?" Mo Yue's face was filled with displeasure.

Mo Zhanting coldly glanced at the half-moon dart at his feet, snorted coldly, and walked away.

"Brother, if there is another time, don't blame me for disregarding brotherhood!" Mo Yue gritted his teeth.

If it wasn't for half blood, how could he tolerate Mo Zhanting for so long.What Mo Yue didn't expect was that his momentary soft-heartedness planted the seeds of disaster for the future.

Jin Tianwei took Zong Yilan back to BJ, and after he came back, he directly sent Zong Yilan to a secret research institute.

He is executing a top-secret action plan, code-named T, the goal is to improve human genes through experiments, and complete the attack tasks that only machines can accomplish. To put it simply, he is in charge of a human weapon research project.

Some volunteers were recruited before, but all failed in the experiment.Their physical functions could not accept the genetically modified drugs injected the day after tomorrow, and they either died of rejection or committed suicide due to unbearable torture.

Over the past few years, no case has been successful.

Zong Yilan's physique is special, and his body is growing up, so it is perfect for biochemical experiments.Anyway, she should be a dead person, and it should be her honor to be able to contribute to the country now.

Jin Tianwei thought so, so he didn't have much pity for this little girl, not even a bit of sympathy.

Xiao Wu's brain was also sent here. Scientists pulled out the memory in his brain, sealed it up, and then put the memory of a biological geneticist into Xiao Wu's brain, and replaced the brain with another person's. In the body, Xiao Wu was revived.

Xiao Wu became a designer of biological and chemical weapons in the T organization, and his new name was Lake.

Lake not only inherited Xiaowu's talent in weapon design, but also made outstanding achievements in biological research.

It took him five years to complete the genetic modification of Zong Yilan's body, and perfectly integrated the biochemical weapon into her body, completely turning Zong Yilan into a weapon with the ability to think.

This is a later story. After Jin Tianwei completed Xiao Wu's resurrection, he returned to D City.One is that the murderer in the case of the Zong family has not been found, and the case has not yet been concluded, and the other is that the case of JH International involving gangsters also needs to collect evidence again.

The last trial made him realize that the evidence in his hands alone is not enough to bring down Dong Chuzhi.

He needs more and more direct evidence to prove that JH International is involved in evil forces.

He found Quan Zhongnian.Quan Zhongnian was angered by Luka in the hospital last time, and he fell ill after returning home. He was just able to get out of bed in the past few days. Mrs. Quan supported him and took a walk in the yard.

The butler walked in with Jin Tianwei.

For the first time, Jin Tianwei wore a friendly smile, and there was a scroll of calligraphy and painting in the box in his hand, which was very valuable at first glance.

"Who is this?" Quan Zhongnian's inquiring eyes fell on Jin Tianwei.He looks about 50 years old, his eyes are piercing, and his gestures reveal a sense of righteousness.

"This is Minister Jin of the Ministry of Public Security." The housekeeper introduced.

Quan Zhongnian was secretly startled, it turned out that he was the legendary Minister of Public Security who was stern and selfless.

I heard that he has handled many shocking cases since he took office until now, each of which is a legend, but I don't know what the purpose of the sudden visit today is.

"Jin came to Treasure Land for the first time, and I heard that Mr. Quan is highly respected, so I came to visit." After speaking, he slightly bowed and handed the gift box to the housekeeper.

Quan Zhongnian was flattered by the high-ranking Minister Jin's low profile, and hurriedly greeted the housekeeper to invite Minister Jin to sit in the room.The butler took the calligraphy and painting and led Jin Tianwei into the room. After a few polite words, the two sat down.

He also ordered someone to prepare tea, and Quan Zhongnian only asked Jin Tianwei about his visit.

Jin Tianwei smiled, feeling relaxed like an old friend, "I'm not going to hide anything from Mr. Quan, this time I came to City D because of the gangster case involving JH International, and I want to know something about it through Mr. Quan."

A strange look flashed across Quan Zhongnian's eyes, Jin Tianwei really came for JH International.

With a humble smile, he excused himself and said, "Minister Jin has flattered me as an old man too much. I'm old and I can't get involved in outside affairs, so I just hang out with young people. I don't know what's involved in black and white."

Jin Tianwei secretly laughed in his heart, old fox, he won't scatter hawks if he doesn't see a rabbit.

"I heard that Mr. Quan went to the hospital some time ago, and someone tore up Mr. Quan's equity contract?" Jin Tianwei half reminded and half asked, and Quan Zhongnian smiled to hide the shock in his heart, "Oh, young people act impulsively. , don’t mention the past.”

"If Mr. Quan is willing to cooperate, I can help Mr. Quan get back his equity, and it's only a lot more." Jin Tianwei took a sip of his tea and pretended to say it casually.

Quan Zhongnian's shock this time was unreservedly expressed.

"Mr. Jin is serious?"

Didn't it mean that Jin Tianwei was ruthless and selfless in handling cases? Why did he start using this method?
Jin Tianwei nodded, and Quan Zhongnian continued to ask, "I don't know what the minister needs to do next?"

"Jin needs a witness to prove that the chairman of JH International, Dong Chuyu, has an ulterior relationship with Longxuan's evil forces." Jin Tianwei put down his teacup and said word by word.

There were only a few days before the trial, and Dong Chuchen was too cautious in doing things, leaving no traces. If not, he would not have made such a policy and came to Quan Zhongnian to negotiate terms.

Quan Zhongnian suddenly realized.

Ouyang Nan and Luka threatened him many times, now that he has such an opportunity, Quan Zhongnian naturally wishes for it.But he couldn't show too much initiative. Taking advantage of Jin Tianwei's conditions, he half-pushed and half-heartedly agreed.

Jin Tianwei's wishful thinking was well done.

Quan Zhongnian is an old shareholder of JH International and a member of the board of directors. It is perfect for him to appear in court to prove JH International's financial problems. With the other evidence he collected in the early stage, it is perfect.

No matter how powerful the JH international legal team is, they will not be able to argue with the ironclad evidence.

Once it is confirmed that there is a problem with JH's international accounts, the court will allow relevant departments to conduct financial audits. These large enterprises will more or less have contact with the officials above, and by the way, the list of officials who bribed will be involved. Leng Lingzhi is naturally among the ranks of accepting bribes .

In this way, he can easily wipe out all the party members of JH International and uproot them.

There was only one night before the trial, and Cheng Nuo sat in front of the bed and guarded Dong Chuxi, rambling on about what he had repeated dozens of times and hundreds of times in the past few months.

After sitting for a while, she will change her posture.

Now that nutrition has improved, the baby in her belly is growing very fast. It is only five months old, and its belly is about the same size as other seven-month-old babies.

Cheng Nuo switched from left to right, pulled Dong Chu's hand to his stomach, forced a smile on his face, and said, "Chu, give it a try. The child moved today, and the doctor said they are healthy now." gone."

"Touch it." The small hand took his big hand and slowly walked on the swollen belly. Suddenly, she felt a touch in the palm of her hand.

His fingers moved!

(End of this chapter)

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