The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 132 Which is more important, son or work

Chapter 132 Which is more important, son or work

"Touch it." The little hand took Dong Chuchen's big hand, and walked slowly on the swollen belly, "Do you know? The doctor said that there are two little lives in it. I think it's amazing. Just touch it. They were moving and kicking me."

Cheng Nuo's face showed the joy of being a mother, and the light refracted into her bright eyes, turning into a ray of moving brilliance, flowing and shining.

Suddenly, she felt a touch in her palm.

His fingers moved!

Cheng Nuo grabbed Dong Chu's hand in surprise, his slender fingertips curled up slightly, and moved back and forth a few times mechanically.

"Doctor," Cheng Nuo shouted in surprise, "Doctor! Come here!"

Cheng Nuo's shout alarmed Jin Keshao, who was next door to the guards outside, and quickly came to the ward with the doctor.

"Doctor," Cheng Nuo tugged at the doctor excitedly, "Look at him moving his hand, is he about to wake up? Doctor, hurry up and see..."

The doctor approached Dong Chuchen, staring at the pair of slender hands, he was quiet, without any anger.

Cheng Nuo blushed nervously, as if time had stood still, and only the voice in his heart could be heard in the quiet ward.After a while, the doctor sighed at Cheng Nuo, "Mrs. Dong, you may be too nervous during pregnancy. Relax, it will be good for the child."

The doctor led the way out of the ward.

A false alarm.

This is the third time this month. The doctor shook his head. Recently, the patient's family members have been forced to suffer from severe paranoia.

The people who rushed in just now went out alone. Cheng Nuo stared blankly at Dong Chuchen, his nose sore, and tears rolled down his face.

His fingers really moved, why wouldn't they believe her?As if all the strength had been taken away from her body, Cheng Nuo's body softened and she sat down on the chair. Jin Keshao put his gentle hand on her shoulder, "It's okay, we still have a chance, so be tighter."

After a long time, Cheng Nuo forced out a forced smile, which made Jin Keshao's heart ache.

Jin Keshao thought for a long time, pointed to Cheng Nuo's belly, and said casually: "Look, God has favored you so much, you are pregnant with twins all at once, this is the luck that many people can only dream of, you should be happy That's right, maybe Dong Chuxi was so anxious to see the child that he woke up before the child was born."

Cheng Nuo lowered her head and stroked her swollen belly. Now that the child was her only comfort, Cheng Nuo felt relieved when she thought of the anxiety she felt when she first found out she was pregnant.

"The court will be held tomorrow." Cheng Nuo let out a sigh of relief, and his relieved face became a little more serious, "I heard that this time the Minister of Public Security came to investigate the evidence in person. I think JH International really can't hide this time." This is a catastrophe."

Minister of Public Security?The old man came to City D?

Recently, Jin Keshao devoted himself to serving a patient and a pregnant woman. He was busy from morning to night, and he didn't listen to anything outside the window at all. He didn't even know that the old man had returned to City D.After his last court session, he went to Jin Tianwei behind Cheng Nuo's back, and wanted Jin Tianwei to let JH International go. Jin Tianwei acted like a businessman, so angry that he vomited blood, had a big fight with the old man, and came back in disgrace .

In the next two months, the father and son had no contact with each other. He didn't think he was his father, and he didn't think he was his son.

"You stay here, I'll go out for a while." Jin Keshao hurried out the door.

He wants to talk to the old man again, if the old man refuses to give in, he will fight him to the death!

Boom, boom, boom... The knock on the door came fiercely.

The person who knocked on the door was so hard that the whole wall trembled. Jin Tianwei in front of the desk frowned and glanced sideways at the watch on the desk. It was past 11 o'clock.

So late, who could it be?With the court session tomorrow, Jin Tianwei couldn't help feeling a little bit suspicious.

Boom, boom... There was another knock on the door. The knocker seemed to be impatient, and the knocking became more impatient. The sound echoed in the corridor, and after a while, the people in the next room were woken up. Guest.

"In the middle of the night, can you lighten up?" Someone protested dissatisfied, but the knock on the door did not stop.

Jin Tianwei finally got up, walked over and opened the door.

Outside the door, Jin Keshao's domineering face appeared in his eyes.

Jin Tianwei was surprised, he didn't expect that it was his son standing outside the door.I haven't seen him for two months, and his son's face is still the same as when he left angrily last time, which more or less makes him feel like a failure in his heart as a father.

When father and son meet, shouldn't it be a heart-to-heart conversation, talking all night long?
The way their father and son get along is destined to not have too many common topics between them. Although Jin Tianwei knew it in his heart, seeing his son's cold face, he secretly sighed in his heart.

When the people outside saw the door opened, they all went back to their rooms resentfully.

"You look unhappy, what, someone dares to bully you?" Jin Tianwei had something in his words.

Jin Keshao glanced coldly, and looked at a person in the corridor. The person was still cursing for a second, met Jin Keshao's cold eyes, shut his mouth immediately, and shrank his head back into the room.

Jin Keshao didn't answer Jin Tianwei's words, and stepped on his toes into the room.

Jin Tianwei was inevitably a little disappointed, closed the door, and followed him in.

As soon as he entered the room, Jin Keshao said straight to the point: "Dad, I beg you to let JH International go."

Jin Tianwei was taken aback, it was the first time he heard the word "beg" from Jin Keshao.Jin Keshao has been strong since he was a child, and his personality is even more arrogant. A child who does not bump into the south wall and does not give up, this should be the first time he asks for help.

Although there is no gesture of begging for help.

"You begged me for that woman?" Jin Tianwei asked coldly.

He really couldn't figure out what was so good about that woman that she could fascinate her son who loved flowers when he saw them.

"Yes, I beg you, can you agree."

See how arrogant he is, begging for help while using an orderly tone, talking to Lao Tzu is not like a son's attitude at all.In the final analysis, it was his father who was too strict and unreasonable, which made this son become a maverick.

"I can't answer you." In view of the last time they broke up, Jin Kewei tried his best to soften his tone this time.

"Dong Chuzhi is not as bad as you think, he has done so many good things..." Jin Keshao tried to defend Dong Chuzhi, but was interrupted by Jin Tianwei before he finished speaking, "It was just to cover up His crime!"

Jin Tianwei said: "You only saw him doing good deeds, did you see him murder and set fire? Those are all deceptive things, that is, people with a pure personality like you will believe it."

"Dad, I'm not a fool! Don't use the way you educate your subordinates to educate me!" Jin Keshao roared: "What have you given me since I was a child? Go to school, which school you arrange, and which major to study You have the final say, even the person I like is appointed by you!"

"Since I was a child, all the things I like to do are in your eyes not doing business properly. The friends I want to make are all friends. All the things I do, there is nothing you can see. People have parents on weekends. Stay with me, how about me? I feel lonely every day! Do you know how many times I have stood at the gate of the amusement park and cried?"

Jin Tianwei was stunned.

Jin Keshao paused, and continued: "You say you care about me every day, for my own good, what have you done for me? Did you accompany me to get an injection when I had a cold and a fever? You only know how to blame me for my college entrance examination scores Do you know how many points I have scored in music? Do you know how good I am in sports? In your eyes, you only have a job and a future. If this is the case, what did you want me to do? Why not? Shoot me over the wall!"

The more Jin Keshao talked, the more emotional he became, and the grievances of these years were vented out.

"..." Jin Tianwei was at a loss for words, and couldn't find the words to refute for a while.

Indeed, he has been working hard since he was young, and has never personally taken care of his son for many years, but the original intention of his efforts is to provide a better living environment for his family and better education for his children.

Over time, work has become a responsibility and obligation, but it is getting farther and farther away from the original life.

These years, his son has never complained about anything, and he continues to maintain the current state with peace of mind.

It's just that I didn't expect that my son was so wronged in his heart.

"However, Dad never thought you were unimportant." He tried to justify himself, but found that his words were so pale at the moment.


At the moment when Jin Tianwei was in a daze, Jin Keshao pulled out a sharp knife and pointed it at the position of his heart.

"What are you doing?!" Jin Tianwei was taken aback, took two steps back involuntarily, and looked at his son in panic.

Jin Keshao's exquisite face was three parts calm and seven parts stubborn. He clenched the sharp knife in his hand and said clearly, "Dad, you have raised me for more than twenty years. In your eyes, I am nothing more than It is a chess piece beside you, you can put it wherever you want, and he has to go how you want him to go, now I just want to ask you, is this chess piece important or your work important."

"Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about?" Jin Tianwei was so angry that his hair stood on end, he stared at Jin Keshao angrily, "Put down the knife for me!"

"Unless you promise me to let JH International go."

"You..." Jin Tianwei gritted his teeth, "Just because of a woman, you don't even want your own life, do you?"

"It's you who don't even want your own son's life for the sake of fame, fortune, and love." Jin Keshao smiled stubbornly, a cold, emotionless smile squeezed out of his stubborn face, his jade-like eyes trembled slightly, Guanghua Flowing, "Dad, I thought you cared about me and Mom at least, but now it seems that I was wrong!"

With a force in his hand, the sharp point of the knife sank into his chest, and Jin Keshao frowned when the pain came.

"Are you really going to threaten your father with your own life?" Jin Tianwei roared uncontrollably.

"I just want to know whether your work is important, your so-called national interests are important, or the son you have raised for more than [-] years is important."

With another force, the tip of the knife sank into the chest for a few minutes, and blood flowed out along the edge of the knife, dripping on the carpet, and disappeared into the carpet in an instant.

"Really, you know that Dad won't affect his work because of his personal affairs." Jin Tianwei made up his mind and said in a harsh tone.

The corners of Jin Keshao's lips raised, and a sneer was drawn out. That smack of stubbornness, which made Jin Tianwei feel a pain in his chest.

"Okay, then just pretend you didn't raise my son!" He raised his hand and raised the sharp knife, stabbing hard at the heart. "Nonuo, I tried my best, but I can't protect you. I would rather leave this cruel world!"

(End of this chapter)

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