Chapter 133
"Okay, then just pretend you didn't raise my son!" He raised his hand and raised the sharp knife, stabbing hard at the heart. "Nonuo, I tried my best, but I can't protect you. I would rather leave this cruel world!"

Jin Keshao closed his eyes in disappointment, hissed, and blood spattered everywhere.

There was no pain as imagined, only that the arm lost strength, and the sharp knife was firmly imprisoned in midair.

Jin Keshao opened his eyes in surprise, and saw his father's hand tightly holding the blade, blood gurgling from his fingertips, dripping down the blade, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

"Father..." Jin Keshao moved his lips. He thought that his father was really unwilling to compromise for him.

At that moment, he was desperate.

Jin Tianwei sighed, "The son is here to collect debts. If I had known today, I might as well shoot you on the wall." Hating Tiebucheng, he gouged out Jin Keshao's eyes, grabbed the sharp knife in his hand and threw it away. Into the trash can.

There was a bang, crisp and sweet.

"Father, you answered?" Jin Keshao's eyes filled with surprise.

"Don't be too happy, I can answer you, but there are conditions." Jin Tianwei casually pulled a towel around his bleeding palm, stretched out his hand and pulled off Jin Keshao's collar, "I'll see your injury."

"Small injury, it's okay." Jin Keshao brushed his hand away indifferently, and asked hastily, "Say, what's the condition?"

Jin Tianwei frowned, the bastard only had women in his eyes, and he didn't even ask if I was injured... He also deeply admired his character.

It is said that blood is thicker than water, which one said it?
Gouging out Jin Keshao's eyes, "Promise!"

Jin Keshao chuckled, completely lost the arrogance he had just now, and looked like a pet dog asking for food from its owner, wagging its tail non-stop: "Don't say a single condition, I will answer a hundred or a thousand."

I don't have to give up my life, not to mention a few small conditions.

"After the incident, leave Cheng Nuo and return to the army, and you must promise me that you will never see her again." Jin Tianwei said seriously, "If you can't do it," he pointed to the trash can, "the knife is there, you can do whatever you want. "

The implication is that if you don't agree, you can just commit suicide, and I won't stop you.

The excitement on Jin Keshao's face instantly flew to the country of Java and disappeared, his bright eyes were full of reluctance: "Why?"

"There's no reason. Since you don't want to agree, I won't force it. It's getting late, and I have work to do tomorrow. Where did you come from? Go back to where you came from." Jin Tianwei rested the wounded man, stood up and chased them away.

Jin Keshao was afraid that he would really go back on his word, so he quickly agreed, "I promise you, as long as JH International gets through this test safely, I will return to the army, and I will do what you say in the future."

Jin Tianwei sighed. He had been staring at Dong Chuchen and Long Xuan for so long, and he was about to succeed, but he fell short because his son fell in love with a woman.If he hadn't come to D City back then, and Song Yuanyang hadn't kidnapped Cheng Nuo by mistake, maybe he wouldn't have met Cheng Nuo.At that time, although the son was stubborn, at least he would not oppose him.

It's good now... Maybe it's time for him to give up the position of Minister of Public Security.

Seeing that Jin Keshao was standing aside, Jin Tianwei pointed to the chair next to him, "Don't mess with it, come and sit."

Jin Keshao smiled, sat down hurriedly, and stretched out his hand flatteringly, "Dad, I think the injury on your hand is serious?"

"As long as you don't get angry with me, I won't be able to die for a while."


In the courtroom the next day, Cheng Nuo unexpectedly discovered that Jin Tianwei did not show up. The evidence and theories announced by the public prosecutor last time were easily overturned by Lawyer Ye. The public prosecutor did not present any new evidence. Withdraw the lawsuit against JH International, remove the seal, and unfreeze the funds.

Cheng Nuo stood in the auditorium of the court and heard the judge's majestic verdict. In a daze, he thought he was hallucinating.

Until only she and Ye Lancheng were left in the court, she still hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Mrs. Dong?" Lawyer Ye called her softly.

"Ah..." Cheng Nuo looked at Lawyer Ye blankly as if waking up from a dream.She thought that JH International was doomed this time, but she didn't expect to get through it so easily, as if everything had been arranged, and she just waited for them to come and go through the motions.

"We can go." Lawyer Ye reminded.

"Oh." Lawyer Ye helped her step out of the auditorium and left the court all the way.

In the corridor, the reporters who came after hearing the news had already blocked the entire corridor. JH International is the leading company in D city, and any disturbance is the focus of social attention.

Today is the day of the final trial of the JH International Mafia Case. All reporters don't want to miss such a big news.

Seeing Cheng Nuo and Ye Lansheng approaching, the reporters immediately surrounded them, as if they were afraid that if they were too late, their good position would be snatched away.

Ye Lancheng was afraid that the reporter would be too enthusiastic and squeeze the child in Cheng Nuo's stomach, so he took the initiative to act as a flower protector and stood in front of Cheng Nuo.

"Mrs. Dong, I heard that JH International won the lawsuit, can you tell us about JH International's future plans?"

"It has been silent for such a long time, and now it is making a comeback, what do you think JH International has a chance of winning?"

"Mrs. Dong, I heard that two days before JH International's accident, you dismissed all employees, and now you are restarting operations. Does JH International have a plan to deal with such a large demand for personnel?"

"Mrs. Dong..."

Various questions came one after another, and before Cheng Nuo could finish answering them, another microphone was plugged in.

This lasted for nearly half an hour, and Cheng Nuo couldn't take it anymore. The child in her stomach kept protesting and kicked her stomach hard.The question was almost answered, Ye Lancheng gave a wink, and a few bodyguards who had been waiting at the side came up, insisted on opening a passage, and rescued Cheng Nuo who was in dire straits.

Under the protection of bodyguards, Cheng Nuo walked out of the courtroom.

There are tall plane trees on both sides of the road outside the court. After a heavy rain, the palm-sized leaves of the plane trees fell to the ground, covering the ground with a layer of golden color.

The time has passed from summer to autumn.

"Lawyer Ye," Cheng Nuo asked, "Do you think the catastrophe of JH International is over like this?"

Looking at the golden yellow, Cheng Nuo's face glowed with the brilliance of the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

"Yes," Lawyer Ye raised the briefcase in his hand, "here is the verdict, and we can finally resume operations."

Cheng Nuo nodded heavily, tears of joy rolled down her cheeks, everything was finally over, she was going to tell Dong Chuchen that the crisis of JH International was finally over.There was a flight of stairs outside the courtroom. Cheng Nuo's bulging stomach blocked her view and she couldn't see her feet. Ye Lancheng carefully helped her down and drove all the way to the hospital.

Ouyang Nan, Xiaoqi, Zilong and others were all there, and their identities were inconvenient to go to the court, so they all came to the hospital to wait for news.

Hearing that Lawyer Ye finished reading the verdict, several people had long-lost smiles on their faces. As soon as the verdict was notified, Dong Chuzhi was no longer a criminal suspect, and the police officers at the door naturally withdrew.

"Chu Yu," Cheng Nuo held Dong Chu's hand and whispered in his ear, "Did you hear that? JH International is fine, we passed this test safely."

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

After leaving the hospital, Ouyang Nan and others raced all the way to Rose Night.

After the accident, Ouyang Nan couldn't care less about the business of the bar, so he threw the whole mess to the barman. The man was surprised when he saw him come back, "Brother Nan, you're finally back!"

"Yeah." Ouyang Nan threw the suit on his shoulders to the buddy, pulled the stool and sat down, "How's business going?"

"It's great!" The man took out his laptop and pushed it in front of him, "Brother Nan, the business is booming every day. You're back now. Give me a few days off for work-related injuries."

Ouyang Nan glanced at him amusedly, "Brain damage is not considered a work-related injury."

"...I got cramps from counting the money!" the man yelled, and stretched out his hand to show Ouyang Nan, "Is this considered a work-related injury?"

Ouyang Nan slapped his dead tree dry firewood on the hand, "20% of the turnover during this period will be used as a commission for you, take out the money yourself, and go out and have fun for half a month."

"Wow!" The buddy dropped his jaw in shock, 20% of the turnover in the past few months, that's not just 10,000+.

"Boss, you won't lie to me..."

"Hurry up and take the money and get out, or you won't get 2% of it before I go back on my word."

"Thank you, boss!" The man screamed, and slipped away faster than a rabbit.After running for a few steps, he turned back and took away the apple book in front of Ouyang Nan's eyes, "Boss, this book is a personal item, take it away."

"Ci'ao, I'll give you a 20% commission, and you won't be able to buy many books."

The guy was right after thinking about it, put down the computer again, and disappeared in a flash.

"Promise." Ouyang Nan snorted and threw the computer into the counter. The neon lights around the bar were flickering, the music was blaring, and the men and women on the dance floor were twisting their waists desperately to match the beat of the music.

Ouyang Nan got hot all over, rushed to the center of the stage, snatched the DJ's microphone, and imitated the DJ's magical tone and shouted: "Hi, friends at the scene, gentlemen and ladies! Tell everyone a good news. The boss's mood today It’s very good, all drinks are free, you can drink whatever you want, the girl can drink as much as she wants, and take it away if she wants to, all consumption is treated by the boss!”

Wow!The crowd burst into cheers, mixed with whistles, pushing the wild night to its climax.

Ouyang Nan threw down Mike and went upstairs easily. In the private room, Zilong and Xiao Qi were having a good time playing and drinking with sieves. Ouyang Nan squeezed into a group of men and women, and joined in if he took any sieve.

In the corner of the box, there is a person who is always unhappy.

Ever since he experienced the bloody case of his family, Luka has been in a state of confusion, and there is always a feeling reminding him that this time, he did something wrong.

After re-investigating, he didn't have the courage to face it.

"Luka, come and drink." Ouyang Nan found him, and felt that something was wrong with him when he returned to Roman Island last time, but this guy was so mysterious that he refused to tell no matter how much he asked.

(End of this chapter)

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