Chapter 134 Atonement
Cheng Nuo smiled slightly, with determination on his slightly chubby face, and his tone was firm: "I've made a decision. Doctor, I will sign for the operation in the delivery room. If any accident happens, remember to help me protect the baby."

The doctor didn't say anything, and there were still nearly three months before Cheng Nuo's due date. She had done more preparations in the early stage, so it was not impossible for her to have a normal delivery.

The premise is that you have to be very careful during this period, if you are affected by something that leads to premature delivery, the risk of natural delivery will increase a bit.

"Keep it secret for me, don't let my parents know." This was Cheng Nuo's only request.Looking at her bright and clear eyes, the doctor couldn't bear to refuse, and nodded heavily, "I answer you."

Cheng Nuo smiled in satisfaction, just as Cheng's mother came in with breakfast, the doctor gave some more instructions and left.

Pity the parents of the world.

From the day she knew she was pregnant, she really realized the true meaning of this sentence.

Parents always think about their children wholeheartedly. If parents know that she is going to do this, they will not let her take this risk anyway.

Simply keep it a secret, I believe they can understand that she is about to become a mother, and she doesn't want her children to be without the love of their father since childhood.

Cheng Nuo stretched out her hand and looked at her palm. The long lifeline went all the way to the back of her palm. Grandma said that she is a cat and can live to be more than 90 years old, so there will definitely be no danger this time.

Chu Yu, you have to work hard, the children and I are waiting for you to wake up.

"I received a call just now, and I thought you were going to give birth." A clear and magnetic voice came from the door, Cheng Nuo raised his head, and Ouyang Nan was standing at the door.

"No, maybe the child is not honest." Cheng Nuo smiled uneasily, and handed the soup bowl to Cheng's mother, "I'm full."

Mother Cheng cleared away the dishes and invited them to come in and sit down.

Ouyang Nan walked in.

"You guys came here so fast?" Cheng Nuo was surprised. These people are always elusive, as if they are always by your side, and pop out when you need them.

"It's just on the side of the road." Ouyang Nan said calmly, and put the supplements and fruits in his hand on the small cabinet beside the bed.

In fact, they had been secretly protecting Cheng Nuo, but Cheng Nuo didn't know it.

Ouyang Nan was followed by Zilong and Xiaoqi. Seeing Xiaoqi, Cheng Nuo couldn't help but shiver. What happened last time caused a great psychological shadow in her heart, so that when she saw Xiaoqi, it was like seeing Xiaoqi. Like a ghost.

"Little sister-in-law." Xiaoqi came up laughingly, holding a black bag in his hand, which was round and bulging, and he didn't know what it contained.

Cheng Nuo instinctively hid back, afraid that if he changed his hand, someone's head would be pulled out from inside.

"Xiaoqi, back off." Zilong yelled at him, afraid that Cheng Nuo would startle with fright.

Xiao Qi curled her lips, but still took a few steps back knowingly, standing behind Ouyang Nan, looking at Cheng Nuo's stomach with her pair of peerless eyes.It happened that there was a fetal movement, which was caught in his eyes.

Xiaoqi had a whim, he wanted to have a child with Zilong to raise.

Glancing at Zilong's flat belly with six-pack muscles, Xiao Qi is evil.

"Why haven't you seen brother Luka recently?" Cheng Nuo was a little surprised. Since the matter of JH International was settled, Luka hadn't shown up again.

"I don't know what's going on with him lately."

Luka's current whereabouts are getting more and more strange, and he disappears at every turn. He disappears for more than ten or twenty days. Even the intelligence system he is in charge of is ignored, so Ouyang Nan has no choice but to take over the work he is in charge of.

Thinking about it this way, Luka didn't show up for another ten days.

Luka is still brooding over the murder of the clan.

A few days ago, he finally made up his mind to investigate the truth of the matter, and the result he got was that he was used by others.He has been doing intelligence all his life, but he didn't expect to be defeated by information in the end.

When he entered the Zong's house, the golden-masked man who came out of the door had already ambushed there, waiting for him on a special trip.

He obtained the recording of Zong Mingcheng's phone call before his death by means, which nearly broke him.Zong Mingcheng was questioning Mo Yue why he annexed Long Xuan's territory, and Zong Mingcheng argued with Mo Yue from the standpoint of Long Xuan from the beginning to the end.

But he brutally slaughtered more than [-] members of the clan.

Standing in front of Zong Mingcheng's tomb, Luka regretted it.

If he had a little patience and gave Zong Mingcheng a chance to explain, he wouldn't have made the big mistake he is now. He didn't have the courage to admit his mistakes to Ouyang Nan, Fang Yuan and the others, let alone beg Zong Mingcheng for forgiveness.

Standing in front of Zong Mingcheng's tomb, Luka broke down in tears: "Mingcheng, I am the one who is sorry for you, and the twenty or so people in your family. I am here today, and I will return these hands to you. If it is not enough, I will repay it in the next life."


A cold light flashed under the moonlight, and the blood spattered instantly stained Zong Mingcheng's tombstone red, and one arm was chopped off by Luka himself.

His body trembled, and he half knelt down.

"This arm, give it back to you..."

"What about the other one, do you need help?" A voice with a smile came from the darkness, and the dark wind lifted Luka's clothes and quickly spread across the cemetery.

Luka's eyes narrowed, and he turned around vigilantly, ignoring the blood pouring from his severed arm.

A black shadow rushed in front of him. Before Luka could react, he was kicked in the chest. He retreated two or three meters violently, hit the tombstone with his back, and rolled to the ground again.

The broken arm rubbed against the ground, causing Luka to gasp in pain, gritted his teeth, and stood up long.

"Who are you?" There was an intimidating tone in the voice.

The man chuckled twice, and turned around leisurely.

A golden mask came into his eyes impressively.

Luka's eyes widened. This man was the man who walked out from the gate of the Zong's house when he went to the Zong's house, and the man who ambushed them halfway when Zilong rescued Ouyang Nan.

He had been staring at him from behind, but he didn't notice.

This man is strong.

Almost in seconds, Luka understood.

Today next year, I am afraid it will be his death day.If he hadn't broken his arm just now, maybe he could still give it a go, even if he couldn't win, there was still a possibility of running away.At this point, he had no chance of winning.

"Do you want me to help you, or you can solve it yourself." The golden-masked man asked.

There was obviously a smile in the voice, but when it entered the ears, it was the coldness rising from the soles of his feet, just like the cold mask on his face, without a trace of emotion.

"Hmph," Luka sneered, "Are you so sure you can kill me?"

An empty hand flip, the dagger that fell just now was already in hand.

Self-mutilation is his choice, but he can still show his backbone when facing the enemy.Even if they knew they couldn't fight, they would never run away and lose without fighting.

"I don't know how to live or die!" The cold voice sounded with strong penetrating power in the night, and a crescent moon dart was easily shot at Luka.

What a quick way!
Luka's arm went numb and he lost consciousness.

With a clang of the dagger, it hit the stone and splashed a string of sparks.

The figure of the golden-masked man turned around, and in a blink of an eye he was already close to Luka. He kicked Luka's neck accurately and hard, and Luka was unable to dodge. He was kicked several meters away and fell to the ground.

Blood and teeth flowed out.

Luka took a mouthful of blood, and tried to stand up while shaking, but failed several times.

The golden-masked man seemed unsatisfied, walked over unhurriedly, grabbed Luka's hair, put his other hand on his shoulder, and dragged him towards Zong Mingcheng's tombstone.

"Don't you want to apologize to him? That's the only way to be sincere."

One hit, two hits, Luka's body slammed into the stele hard, his clothes were worn out by the stele, revealing his bloody shoulders, his internal organs squeezed together in pain.

The bones all over his body began to protest, creaking and creaking.

Luka's consciousness began to blur.

At this time, Xiaoqi and Zilong were walking downstairs in the hospital.

There is only a wall between the hospital and the middle school next door. The school does not allow puppy love. At night, children in pairs climb over the wall and come to the garden of the hospital, making love to each other.

Xiaoqi thought of the idea in the morning, and happily mentioned it to Zilong.

Only halfway through speaking, Zilong stopped him with sharp eyes.

"I want to give birth to you!" Zilong gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, it seemed that he was about to throw a punch.

Xiaoqi shrinks her neck, she won't give birth if she doesn't give birth, why is she so angry, "Look at the American so-and-so..."

"Whoever gave birth to you, you can find someone!" Zilong was anxious, and he yelled recklessly.

This voice attracted many surprised eyes.

Zilong and Xiaoqi are not only good-looking, but also good-looking. They couldn't take their eyes off this time, and the little girls looked at them eagerly, salivating.

Xiao Qi trembled, the little girl is too scary now, with the expression of wanting to rush over in a minute, "I'll just find you alone, let's go quickly."

Xiaoqi took Zilong's hand and wanted to slip away, and suddenly, the alarm device on his body rang.

"It's Uncle Lu, he's in danger!"

Zilong and Xiaoqi were startled at the same time, and ran to the parking lot.

Luka was dying, but he gritted his teeth to stay awake.

People like them, as long as they don't die, will do everything possible to find a chance to fight back.

Finally, when the golden-masked man thought he was almost dead, he relaxed his guard. Luka seized the opportunity to jump up and kicked the golden-masked man hard in the face.

The golden-masked man was caught off guard and kicked by him.

Clang... He kicked the mask of the man with the golden mask far away and landed next to a stone tablet. Luka also fell to the ground.

The golden-masked man quickly turned around and buried his face in his chest.

Luka got up from the ground. He had broken one arm, and another arm was crippled by the man with the golden mask. He could only stand on two legs, covered in blood, and his strange posture was like a resurrected zombie in an American drama. Unbelievable horror.

"Who the hell are you?" Luka's voice was shrill, screaming from the bottom of his heart, with the ferocity of dying.

Framed the Zong family and turned against Long Xuan, and destroyed the Zong family through his hands, who is he?
The golden-masked man froze for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and after a while, he turned around quickly.

The moment he raised his head, Luka's eyes widened in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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