The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 135 Luka's Funeral

Chapter 135 Luka's Funeral

"A person who is about to die, it doesn't matter if I tell you." The sneering voice echoed in the cemetery, adding a bit of eerie atmosphere to this gloomy night.

Time freezes bit by bit.

The moment he raised his head, Luka's eyes widened in shock.

It was him.

Luka looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. This was his teammate in the special training base when he was young. The training at the base was very cruel at that time. All the events were practiced with live ammunition. Hundreds of people went through countless rounds of elimination. In the end, less than one-tenth of them could persist until the end.

Those who are eliminated, most of them died in the cruel training.

In their group, there were only twelve people left in the end, and the two of them were among them.

If it was any one of the twelve people, Luka's shock would not be as strong as it is now.

This person was Luka's voluntary partner in the last event of training, and also in the cruelest and most crushing death game for students.

The death game is not the death game in the movie, but a devil training. The base management is responsible for putting all the trainees into a virgin forest, and giving each person a knife and a gun.The first 20 people to come out will be qualified as special agents of the year, and those who are late will be punished by the base.

The punishment is not to do push-ups or squats, but to be locked up with a group of mutated wolves for a week. If they are not eaten by wolves, they can continue to participate in training. If they are eaten, they can only admit to themselves Unlucky, not capable enough, no wonder others.

So after entering the death game training area, everyone rushed forward desperately.

In order to prevent the other party from going out earlier than themselves, some people will kill their companions.

After all, the angle that a pair of eyes can see is limited, so Luka chose to partner with him. How many times of back-to-back life and death entrustment, in exchange for one-fifth of the survival quota.

Unexpectedly, the one who deliberately put himself in dire straits turned out to be his comrades in the same trench in the past.

"Mo..." Before he finished speaking, the crescent moon dart cut into his throat.

Luka's tall body swayed, and finally fell in front of Zong Mingcheng's tomb.

When Xiaoqi and Zilong arrived, Luka was out of breath, and his eyes were fixed on the front, as if he was looking at someone, and he couldn't bear to die.

To Xiaoqi and Zilong, Luka is no different from reborn parents. They were brought back from the orphanage by him. Without Luka, they might not even have the chance to live to this day, let alone dominate one side.

"Uncle Lu..."

Zilong carefully pulled Luka's body and held him in his arms.A crescent moon dart was embedded in his throat, and the blood was still wet, Zilong stroked the wound with his fingertips, feeling like a knife was piercing his heart.

"Damn it, who did it! Come out, if you don't strip you alive, I will take your surname!"

Xiao Qi broke down emotionally, lost all reason, yelled at the darkness, and shot a silver gun indiscriminately forward.

There was silence all around, and the air was filled with the chilly aura that belonged to the cemetery.Luka would not come to this kind of place for no reason, Zilong suddenly remembered something, and looked up at the tombstone in front of him.

On the blood-stained stone tablet was Zong Mingcheng's name.

The cold air was mixed with a strange atmosphere. This feeling came from the man with the golden mask. From the corner of his eye, he saw a touch of gold not far away, and Zilong immediately raised his vigilance.

He is still here!
Zilong quickly picked up Luka, "Xiaoqi, let's go."

"I'm not leaving!" Xiao Qi roared, "I'm right here, let's see who the hell will come!"

"Let's go!" Zilong roared, shaking Xiaoqi to be quiet, looking at him in surprise, Zilong's face was heavy like never before, and Xiaoqi faintly felt that the heavyness was not only because of Luka's death .

Suddenly, Xiao Qi also felt the strange atmosphere in the air.

"Zilong..." Xiaoqi clenched the gun in his hand, and his fingertips on the trigger were ready to move.

Zilong shook his head and approached Xiao Qi, "I have fought against him before, we are not opponents."

Xiao Qi was shocked, this is the first time since his debut, Zilong told him that we are not opponents.

It's not that I haven't met people who are stronger than them before, but they still died in their hands in the end.Sometimes brains are as important to a killer as skills.Suddenly, Xiaoqi's teeth itch, and he really wants to know how strong the person who can make Zilong flinch.

"Xiaoqi," Zilong warned: "If you dare to act rashly, you will never be on top in this life."

"..." Xiaoqi's face darkened. At this critical moment, he actually threatened him with this matter!

It really makes no sense!

But this trick is very effective, and Zilong is not satisfied with it.

Xiao Qi grinds his teeth for a long time, and finally puts away the gun very unwillingly.

There was Luka's amputated arm on the ground, Xiaoqi picked it up bitterly, spit on Zong Mingcheng's tombstone, and followed Zilong.

A black figure walked out from behind the tombstone, its brown eyes shone coldly in the darkness, and the golden mask on the ground, like an evil spirit that had cast a spell, showed a strange and ferocious smile.

Luka died tragically, Long Xuan was shocked.

Ouyang Nan offered a reward of 10 billion, just for the real identity of the man with the golden mask!
Xiaoqi and Zilong also began to trace the truth of the matter.

Seven days later, Luka's funeral was held in D City, and the mourning hall was built in Mingchishan Cemetery.This is the treasure of geomantic omen in city D, surrounded by mountains and rivers, surrounded by hot springs, people without certain money and status cannot enter here.

The scene of the memorial service was solemn and solemn. Men in black suits at the door, with white flowers on their chests, stood neatly on both sides of the mourning hall, welcoming groups of people who came to mourn.

This was the first funeral of Longxuan since its establishment, so there was a cloud over everyone's face.

Ouyang Nan, Fang Yuan and others stood in front of the body, saluting the guests who came to express their condolences.

Zilong and Xiaoqi stood beside them.

Leng Lingzhi also came. As soon as he returned to City D, he heard the news that Luka had suffered an accident, so he hurried over.

Bowing deeply three times, Leng Lingzhi stepped forward and patted Luka on the shoulder, "My condolences."

Ouyang Nan was a little surprised by Leng Lingzhi's arrival. He took a deep look at him, didn't speak, but nodded emphatically.

Leng Lingzhi stepped aside and stood down, while Cheng Nuo walked in with his belly supported.

Ouyang Nan hurried over to support him.

"In this case, you don't have to use it."

Cheng Nuo looked sad, "Chu Wei didn't wake up, fortunately you are taking care of me these days, how could I not come."

Xiaoqi offered the incense at noon, Cheng Nuo took it, babbled farewell words, put the incense into the incense burner, took two steps back, and was about to bow.

The belly was too big, and it was very inconvenient to move. She bent her waist awkwardly, and then began to pant heavily. The child in her stomach stretched her arms and kicked her legs in protest, and the frequent fetal movements on her stomach could be seen with naked eyes.

Ouyang Nan followed her and said softly, "it's all right, Luka will understand."

Cheng Nuo was about to say something, but suddenly there was a commotion outside, and there was chaos.

"Xiao Qi, come and take care of her." Ouyang Nan hurriedly ordered.

Xiao Qi came over to support Cheng Nuo, and Zi Long followed Ouyang Nan out quickly.

Outside the mourning hall, swords are already tense.

The special police led by Lin Feng descended suddenly, surrounded the mourning hall, and confronted dozens of younger brothers guarding both sides of the mourning hall, and stood in a stalemate.

Lin Feng was dressed in a heroic police uniform, with a gun on his waist, standing in the front row of the special police, and standing opposite Ouyang Nan, his face was condensed like the god of justice, with the domineering arrogance of fighting the world.

"Officer Lin," Ouyang Nan sneered, with an indifferent tone, "Today is Luka's funeral. If you come to see him off, we welcome you. If not, please step aside. If there is anything else, we will talk about it after the funeral."

The chilly air no longer loses the sense of warning.

If it was an ordinary policeman, maybe he would have stepped aside at that time, but Lin Feng was not an ordinary policeman. Behind him was the most powerful special operations team in the organization, the elite of the elite.

Sweeping dozens of people at the funeral is no problem.

After Jin Tianwei resigned, the headless blood case of the Zong family fell on his shoulders. Lin Feng had Long Xuan's personnel information database in his hand, and after checking, he found Luka's fingerprint information.

"Luka is suspected of murder, we can't get out of the way." Lin Feng replied coldly, with confident confidence in his brows.

Ouyang Nan was angry, "Luka is dead."

"His henchmen are still there!" An understatement has already stated his position.

His goal is not Luka, but the living.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze, and danger was imminent.

"Officer Lin, the 5000-year-old cultural heritage in China respects the dead. If you want to arrest someone, let us finish the funeral and take it as a face for Dong Chuchen and repay his trust in you."

Ouyang Nan's disguised compromise got Lin Feng to think for a moment.

Just then, Cheng Nuo walked out of the mourning hall.

Seeing Lin Feng, Cheng Nuo was stunned for a moment.He is a policeman, and his identity turned out to be a policeman. In this way, he has been an undercover agent in JH International for so long!Street fights, visits to jewelry stone factories, and girlfriend car accidents were all carefully choreographed and acted out for her.

It's really well-intentioned every time it comes out and every scene!

He approached her only because he wanted to get some inside news about JH International through her mouth. The reason why he lost so much money in the bidding for the land for the jewelry factory was because she accidentally told him about the bidding.

Cheng Nuo felt a rush of blood rushing from her chest to her brain, and as soon as her brain became hot, she rushed out quickly, regardless of her pregnancy.

"Lin Feng, you are shameless!"

With a loud curse that shook the world, dozens of guns behind Lin Feng pointed at Cheng Nuo, and the sound of submachine guns being loaded one after another.Lin Feng didn't expect Cheng Nuo to appear here, the fist-sized flesh on his chest tightened suddenly, he took a quick breath, and didn't react to stop his men's movements.

"You dare to touch her!" Ouyang Nan shouted urgently, and the guns in the hands of a dozen younger brothers behind him were also raised.

The danger escalates in an instant.

The tense atmosphere seemed to be blocked by someone with a cigarette butt on the wire of the detonator, and the tense atmosphere would be detonated at any time.Everyone controlled their breathing to a very small decibel, cheered up, and watched each other's every move vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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