Chapter 136 is a girl

The doctor looked at Cheng Nuo helplessly, the woman's face was full of stubbornness as if she had been poured over by water.

She let out a long sigh, and her admiration for Cheng Nuo turned into helplessness.Most people would choose to save their lives when encountering a critical moment in their sexual life, but Cheng Nuo was lucky enough to use such things as giving birth to a child as a way to wake up her husband.

If this weight is not good, it will kill three people.

Persuasion was ineffective, so she had no choice but to continue: "Strength, take a deep breath..."

It was another round of painful torture. This time, within half an hour, Cheng Nuo couldn't hold on anymore. His arms loosened, and his body lost support and fell into the back of the ward.

very tired……

Cheng Nuo looked at the ceiling weakly. If it wasn't for the dense pain stimulating her, she really wanted to close it and have a good sleep.

"Can you still hold on?" the doctor asked. Years of professional habits told her that she must always pay attention to the patient's status and performance, so that she can take emergency measures at any time to ensure the safety of adults and children.

"I'm okay!" Cheng Nuo swallowed, let out a long breath, and mustered up the courage to stand up with his upper body propped up.

Sitting is easier than lying down, and she can't give up lightly for the sake of Dong Chuchen.

"Come again." Cheng Nuo took a deep breath and began to press down hard.

The doctor was moved by her persistence again, and there was a passion in his heart to help her deliver the child smoothly, and he sat back in the midwife position.

Cheng Nuo's whole body seemed to have been poured with water, and the soaked clothes were sticking to his body, heaving violently with the curve of his chest.

In the past, I often heard women who had given birth in the office say that giving birth is like going to hell. Cheng Nuo didn't think much of it, but thought it was a bit exaggerated. Now it seems that what they said is not only not exaggerated, but also very appropriate .

Cheng Nuo felt that he was like a lonely ghost, wandering outside the Hall of Yama, and if he was not careful, he would be caught by the patrolling ghosts.

The doctor shook his head and sighed again. Cheng Nuo's pelvis was indeed too small, and the child's head was stuck in it and he couldn't get out.

Cheng Nuo was still exerting his strength, but it was obviously not as strong as before. If this continued, the child would hardly be able to hold on anymore.

"Mrs. Dong, if this continues, the child is likely to suffocate to death. Have you really thought about it? In order to wake up your husband, you care about the safety of the two children in your stomach?"

The doctor's serious warning made Cheng Nuogu's determination to persevere begin to waver.

Looking sideways at Dong Chuchen, his deep sleeping face seemed to be waiting for a special signal to wake him up, quiet, peaceful, with an elegant and calm emanating from his ass.

Cheng Nuo couldn't give up.

"I can still hold on." Cheng Nuo opened his mouth wide, gasping for air.

"The child can't hold on anymore!" The doctor was really angry this time. It is really unlucky for an unborn child to meet such a mother. Before he has time to take a look at the world, he may be sentenced to death.

"It's okay, doctor, the child is definitely fine, let's continue."

The doctor looked at Cheng Nuo speechlessly. She was already secretly building up her strength, but her physical condition had already determined that it would not help, so she just refused to give up.

It is typical to not shed tears without seeing the coffin.

Seeing that the child was motionless, the doctor was sweating profusely, and wanted to go in and take the child out with both hands outstretched in mid-air.

Cheng Nuo closed her eyes, the pain was like an invisible net, sweeping across the sky, making people unable to escape. She took a breath, raised her arms to wipe off the sweat from her forehead, and asked the doctor, "Doctor, what, How's it going?"

She had almost run out of strength, why didn't the child come out?

Thinking of what the doctor said, Cheng Nuo also became anxious.

"Soon, if you work harder, you will give birth in no time!" The doctor responded calmly.

The child has already exposed a celestial spirit cover, but the opening is too small, and the child's head is too big to be born at all.

Soon, soon again, the doctor has said five times in a row.Cheng Nuo leaned back on the operating bed weakly, panting continuously, the bone-shattering pain tortured her soul densely, and made her feel no peace for a second.

All the strength in her body has been used up, and the doctor said it will be soon.

Cheng Nuo slowly felt despair in his heart.

"If I can't give birth, remember to take care of the baby for me." Cheng Nuo was so angry, his clear eyes no longer had the clarity of the past, and looked a little gloomy.

He looked sideways at Dong Chuchen, who was beside her.

He hid quietly on the hospital bed, the shadowless light reflected on his face, casting a hazy layer of silvery white light on his somewhat pale face, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, if the corners of his lips were not too cold, she would almost Thought he was going to wake up.

As soon as the nose was sore, tears rolled in the eyes.

She moved her arm to hold Dong Chu's fingertips, "Chu, don't sleep, wake up, okay?"

"I'm running out of strength, get up and give me more strength."

I don't know how much time has passed, but there is only one word left in Cheng Nuo's mind, pain...

The piercing, endless pain was enough to make one's mind collapse, and Cheng Nuo became hysterical, screaming and screaming, tightening the hearts of the people outside the property.

Zuo Xue fidgeted and looked at the door of the delivery room, restless.

It has been more than six hours since Cheng Nuo entered the delivery room. From morning to afternoon, the nurse came back and forth several times, but there was no news that Cheng Nuo gave birth safely.

Waiting can drive people crazy.

Zuo Xue felt that she had gone crazy.

Jin Keshao stood next to Zuo Xue looking into the delivery room for a while, and walked back and forth in the corridor for a while, looking restless and anxious.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother sat on the chairs opposite to the operating room, and they were close together. Cheng's father looked calm, but he held Cheng's mother's hand so hard that his hand The pinch turned red, but the two of them didn't know it.

Outside the window, a heavy rain came just right.

Time has entered the midwinter season, D city rarely has such rainy days in winter, and it is generally dry, dry and cold winter.

A gust of wind blew by, and the big raindrops fell down with a crackling, and puddles were printed on the glass by the window.

The sudden rainstorm added a bit of tension to the dignified atmosphere. The sound of the rain continued, as if knocking on the heartstrings. Zuo Xue stood at the door of the operating room, stretching her neck to look in from time to time.

The torrential rain beat against the glass windows, and the earth-shattering sound made Cheng Nuo regain his sanity.

Slowly turning her face to look at Dong Chuchen, he hasn't woken up yet, how could she give up.

He clenched his slightly cold hand.

Concentrate on, and start to secretly luck.

The doctor saw that she had recovered, and continued to devote herself to the intense work. It is probably because the pelvis is too small that the child's head has been stuck there and does not move.

"Scissors." The doctor stretched out his hand, and the nurse immediately handed over the scissors.

Raising his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, the doctor took the scissors and performed a lateral incision on Cheng Nuo.

"Ah..." The roar full of pain and release pierced through the reinforced concrete wall, lifting everyone's hearts to their throats.

Zuo Xue almost stuck to the door of the operating room, wishing she could get in.

Just as people anxiously gathered around the door of the operating room, they heard a crisp cry from inside the delivery room.

The cry was loud and clear, with a strong penetrating power, instantly resounding throughout the corridor of the delivery room.

"It's finally born!" Joy welled up on everyone's faces.

The doctor skillfully took the baby, cut the umbilical cord and handed it to the nurse. The expression on her face didn't relax at all. The baby just came out, and there was another one. Cheng Nuo was already exhausted, and she didn't have the strength to make another one.

"Hold on!" The doctor encouraged Cheng Nuo, "The first one has come out, the second one will be much easier. Come on, use your strength."

Cheng Nuo didn't hear the doctor's words. All her attention was attracted by the cry of the baby when it was born. She opened her eyes slightly, forced a smile on her face, and stretched out one hand to the nurse, "here Let me see."

The nurse was about to hug Cheng Nuo, but the doctor stopped her, "Look at it later, you still have a baby in your stomach."

"Let me take a look at him first, please?" Cheng Nuo begged in his eyes, but the doctor finally couldn't bear it and asked the nurse to carry the baby to her.

"Boy or girl?" Cheng Nuo asked in a weak voice.


The nurse held the baby in front of her. The baby who had just come into the world was still stained with mother's blood. The face was blushing, and the movement of rubbing its head with its eyes closed was like a soft body movement in search of food.

This is her child, her Dong Chuzhi's child.

Cheng Nuo couldn't help stretching out his fingertips to touch the baby's round face.

The newborn baby's skin was tender and smooth, and it felt great in the hand, but Cheng Nuo's heart was so soft that it was a mess.The baby seemed to know that his mother's hand was touching his little face, and suddenly stopped crying, and his red lips curled up, as if he was smiling.

A light flashed in Cheng Nuo's eyes, and he took Ladong Chu's hand, "Chu, get up and look, he is smiling, he looks so pretty when he smiles."

The corner of the nurse's mouth twitched, the newborn child can see where to go.

Looking sideways, the child's delicate mouth is slightly raised, presenting an angle of [-]:[-], which is indeed cute and cute.

At most, she sees more than ten newborn children a day, but she can laugh as soon as they are born, and this is the first one who can smile so beautifully.Knowing how to laugh at such an old age, if she grows up, she will definitely be a disaster for women.

The nurse pouted, slandering in her heart.

The little baby girl wriggled and rubbed her hand out of the package. Cheng Nuo stretched out a fingertip, and she held it tightly.

Cheng Nuo was consummated and gently closed his eyes.

"Chu Yu, I really tried my best. Since you don't want to wake up, then I will sleep with you."

The doctor suddenly thought of something, looked down suddenly, and suddenly turned pale with shock.

Cheng Nuo's lower body was already bleeding.

"It's not good, the parturient is going to bleed profusely!" the nurse exclaimed.

"Quick, blood plasma, hemostatic stick." The doctor broke out in a cold sweat. He was really afraid that something would happen. There was still a child who hadn't been born yet. If Cheng Nuo bleeds heavily now, he would definitely die.

This ruined not only their mother and son, but also their career for the rest of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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