The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 137 Dong Chu's Tears

Chapter 137 Dong Chu's Tears
Can't die, absolutely can't let them die.The doctor made up his mind secretly.

The most important thing now is to take out the second child from Cheng Nuo's stomach.

The doctor looked at the testing equipment. Cheng Nuo's blood pressure had already started to drop. The nurse hurriedly fetched plasma and hung it up for Cheng Nuo. His blood pressure began to rise slowly again.

It was obviously impossible to rely on Cheng Nuo's own strength to give birth to a second child. The doctor stood beside Cheng Nuo, pressed her hands along the fetal position, and pushed the child down.

It's been so long, and I don't know how the child is doing, so I can only take one step at a time.

I hope the child is old enough to survive.

After a few pushes, Cheng Nuo was awakened by the severe pain and opened his eyes with difficulty.The frail appearance is like a candle swaying in the wind, which will be blown out by the wind if you are not careful.

Cheng Nuo's lips moved, she no longer had the strength to shout.

The doctor put his ear to Cheng Nuo's lips, and heard her say in an extremely weak voice, "Don't worry about me, save the child."

The child is Dong Chuzhi's last hope, the inheritance and continuation of his life, keeping the child, now that she is gone, she will go with more peace of mind, and when she meets Dong Chuzhi in the underworld in the future, she can also proudly tell He, for the sake of the child, I will die.

He will be touched too.

There was no pain on Cheng Nuo's face, but a sense of relief and lightness.

The doctor was shocked because of Cheng Nuo's infatuation with Dong Chuchen, and because of the great mother who gave up her life for her child.

"Give oxygen to the mother and prepare for first aid!" said the doctor.

In the event of massive bleeding, caesarean section operation will reduce the survival rate of the mother a lot. The best way now is to let the child give birth naturally.

The doctor arranged for two nurses to help Cheng Nuo press on Cheng Nuo's stomach, and he reached out to feel for the child's head.

"Be patient, I will help you give birth to the child."

After a while, the doctor showed a hint of relief on his face, "I found him, get the midwifery device."

The nurse handed over the midwifery device, and the doctor skillfully linked the suction part of the midwifery device to the baby's head, and began to help Cheng Nuo give birth through the machine.

"Be prepared mentally, it will hurt more, bear with it," the doctor reminded Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo no longer had the strength to nod, and tried to open his eyelids a little, answering the doctor's words.

The doctor started to use the midwifery device to pull the baby out of the stomach. Although he had made some psychological preparations, when the baby came out, Cheng Nuo's body was still tense in pain.

Nails dug deep into the sheets, and a dull sob uncontrollably came out of his throat.

Even if she still had a little strength, Cheng Nuo believed that she would yell out uncontrollably, but now she didn't even have the strength to moan.

The unbearable pain turned into a line of clear tears, flowing out from the corner of his eyes.

Cheng Nuo almost felt that she was going to die.

"Okay, it'll come out soon, hold on." The doctor pushed hard, and the child was pulled out.

It was a boy. The child's face was smothered in purple. After birth, his eyes were closed and he didn't move at all. The doctor was startled. He quickly cut the umbilical cord, pulled his little feet and turned him upside down with his hands on his buttocks. One shot.

The child seemed to be awakened from sleep, struggled with his little hands and thumped a few times, and burst into tears.

The doctor finally breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him to the nurse.

Cheng Nuo didn't have the strength to look at the newborn child anymore. Her face was pale, and blood was gushing out from her body. A nurse in charge of rescuing her was already massaging her uterus to help it contract.

The blood plasma was added from one bag to two bags and infused at the same time. The doctor checked the blood pressure index on the monitor and Cheng Nuo's face, and did not dare to relax for a moment.

"Director," a nurse stared at Cheng Nuo's face and said in panic, "The mother has no desire to survive, and her body's various function indicators have dropped too much. What should I do?"

Mothers who have just given birth have no desire to survive, which can be difficult for doctors.

The most troublesome thing is this kind of patient, no matter how sophisticated the medical skills are, there is absolutely no way to save a heart that wants to die.In other words, the patient wants to die, what can the doctor do.

They are traditional surgeons, not psychologists, and it is not within her scope of responsibility to enlighten patients about being strong and brave.

The doctor thought it over and decided to talk to Cheng Nuo's family.Cheng Nuo's social background is extraordinary, and the situation is so special, in case of any danger, she, a small obstetrician, cannot afford it.

She suddenly regretted why she agreed to Cheng Nuo's request and let her have a normal delivery.

Walking out of the delivery room, the people waiting outside greeted her in a hurry.

"Doctor, how is my daughter?" It was Father Cheng who asked.He appeared to be calm on the surface, but actually his heart was turbulent, and his nervous voice changed.

The doctor was afraid that the heavy bleeding would frighten them, so he asked the nurse to take the two children out first.

"Congratulations, your daughter is very powerful and gave birth to a pair of twins."

The nurse came over holding two children one by one. The children had already taken a bath and were tightly wrapped in a small quilt. Father Cheng and mother Cheng took one and hugged each other in their arms, looking at the soft and cute face of the little grandson. Shangle blossomed.

In his concept, the child is born safely, and the adult is not in danger.

It was Jin Keshao and Zuo Xue who were more worried about Cheng Nuo's safety.

The doctor frowned anxiously, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of Zuo Xue, who was looking at him nervously.

"What is your relationship with the mother?" the doctor asked.

Seeing the doctor's serious face, Zuo Xue felt that something was going to happen to Cheng Nuo, and her heart was shocked.

"Not real sisters." Zuo Xue replied, and then added a sentence, "But better than real sisters, but the blood relationship is a little farther."

"That's okay!" The doctor finally found someone who could guide Cheng Nuo, "Come in with me."

"Can I go?" Jin Keshao asked.

The doctor glanced at him and shook his head.

Ignoring the cumbersome procedures of disinfection, the doctor directly pulled Zuo Xue into the ward, and the energy of the rest of the people was completely absorbed by the sleepy baby, and they didn't notice that Zuo Xue was gone.

After entering, the doctor handed her a mask, which she took and put on.

"When the parturient gave birth to her first girl, she had a massive uterine hemorrhage, and she is now being rescued." Standing inside the door of the operating room, the doctor explained to Zuo Xue.

"What?!" Zuo Xue yelled, frightening the busy doctors and nurses, and all cast strange lights on her.

Zuo Xue hurriedly covered her mouth, smiled at them apologetically, and then asked nervously: "What do you think is wrong with Cheng Nuo? She is so healthy, and she pays attention to exercise after she found out she is pregnant. How could she suffer from postpartum hemorrhage?"

The doctor shook his head, "That's not the point. We will do our best to save the bleeding. The problem now is that the mother has no desire to survive. We need someone to guide him and wake him up."

No desire to survive?

That's even more impossible, Cheng Nuo has always been positive and optimistic, how could he give up his life casually?She was about to refute the doctor's words when she suddenly saw Cheng Nuo holding Dong Chuchen's hand.

If there was anything that made her feel that life was meaningless, it must be because Dong Chuzhi couldn't wake up.

"I have a solution." Zuo Xue said, "Is there a needle? Use it for me."

The nurse handed over a surgical suture needle, "This is the only one, do you think it will work?"

Zuo Xue took a look, "Okay, as long as there is a point."

Then suturing the needle, Zuo Xue forced a curved needle to straighten, and then walked around to Cheng Nuo under the nurse's surprised eyes.

Cheng Nuo's face was pale, and there was no trace of blood on his dry lips, which were gray with death.

Zuo Xue believed the doctor's words, maybe she really wanted to accompany Dong Chuxie.

"Nonuo, wake up, I'm Xue'er." Zuo Xue patted her pale face, maybe because she was sweating too much, Cheng Nuo's face was icy cold at this moment.

Cheng Nuo's eyes were tired and a slit was opened. He stared at Zuo Xue with his black eyes for a while, and then asked in a weak voice, "Isn't this the delivery room? How did you come in?"

Zuo Xue had never seen such a weak Cheng Nuo, she tried her best to hide the urge to cry, she showed a trace of smile: "I came to see my godson and goddaughter, both of them are so cute."

A smile crossed Cheng Nuo's tired face.

When they were in school, they agreed that if one of them got married and had a child, the child would recognize the other as a godmother.

After so many years, Zuo Xue still remembers.

"I, I can't resist anymore, from now on, help me, hurt them well, love them." Cheng Nuo said intermittently, his faint breath fluttering against Zuo Xue's ears.

"Your own child, you hurt yourself, I don't care, if you can't survive, the child will starve to death!" Zuo Xue's nose soured, tears rolled down, "They were just born, they didn't even have a name, Are you willing to let them become lonely?"

Cheng Nuo closed her eyes tightly and didn't respond at all. Zuo Xue became anxious and insisted on pushing her, yelling, "You died of dystocia, and Dong Chuchen wakes up in two days. I won't regret seeing you. "

"Dong Chu is rich and good-looking. I don't know how many women want to pounce on him. If you die, he will definitely marry a young and beautiful woman as his wife. At that time, that woman will live in your room. Spending your money, sleeping with your husband, and beating your baby, you will cry without regret."

"It's been more than half a year, and he can't wake up." Cheng Nuo murmured with his eyes closed.

It had been half a year, and Hao had completely lost confidence, with ashes-like despair on his face. At this moment, Cheng Nuo suddenly felt a tremor while holding Dong Chu's hand.

A slight, rhythmless tremor.

Dong Chuzhi's finger moved!

"Chu 桭..." Cheng Nuo raised his head and looked at Dong Chu 桭 with the last bit of strength.

On his pale, bloodless face, two tears were overflowing from the corners of his eyes, rolling down slowly, and his fingertips were moving hard.

The doctor and nurse were stunned, and they all began to secretly admire Zuo Xue.

This seemingly ordinary girl can actually make a person who has been sleeping for more than half a year shed tears.

Only Zuo Xue knew that she was still holding the needle in her hand.
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(End of this chapter)

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