Chapter 138 Death
Dong Chuxi woke up!
This recognition aroused Cheng Nuo's desire to survive, and she began to actively cooperate with the doctor's first aid.

An hour later, the bleeding stopped, and Cheng Nuo was temporarily out of danger, and was transferred to the ICP high-risk ward for observation.Dong Chuxi was also transferred to the high-risk ward.

Cheng Nuo's method successfully stimulated his brain, and he recovered his meaning, but his body did not.

He used to be a vegetable in the traditional sense, but now his brain is awake, and he has become a vegetable with thoughts and consciousness but unable to move.

The difference is that he can move his fingertips to tell Cheng Nuo that he is still alive.

When Ouyang Nan arrived, the two children had just finished their first meal, and they were sleeping with their eyes closed.

The Cheng family's parents, Zuo Xue, were watching over the child.

He was wearing a dark blue casual outfit that didn't match his temperament, and his face was trying to hide his tiredness. On the collar of the shirt inside the casual outfit, there were faintly visible blood splatters, and his lower body was still wearing black clothes from the funeral. Trousers.

He came in a hurry, he just changed his coat on the way.

Zuo Xue's eyes were strange.

Ouyang Nan didn't plan to stay longer, and stuffed a thick red envelope beside the child, but judging from the size of the red envelope, it was not cash, so I don't know what Ouyang Nan sent.

When he caught sight of two identical little faces out of the corner of his eyes, Ouyang Nan's eyes lit up with a touch of emotion.

"It's so cute." The words of appreciation can't help but come out.

"Ouyang, you see that you are so polite and give the child such a thick red envelope..." Cheng's father only knew that the man in front of him was always staying here during Dong Chuchen's hospitalization, and he didn't know what their relationship was. When a child gives a red envelope, he has to be polite.

"That's what it should be." The smile on Ouyang Nan's face was fleeting, "Where's elder brother and sister-in-law?"

"They're in the ICU." Zuo Xue took the bait and replied.

Ouyang Nan's heart tightened, and his face became tense, "Is the elder brother suddenly critically ill?"

He was just worried, and he asked casually, but he didn't expect it to become a prophecy.

Zuo Xue briefly told Ouyang Nan about yesterday's situation. Ouyang Nan listened in a daze, and couldn't help admiring Cheng Nuolai in his heart.What kind of courage and friendship can make a woman know that her life will be endangered, but ignore all consequences.

Only Cheng Nuo knew the taste of neutralization.

"I'll go and see them." Ouyang Nan took a deep look at the child, and his eyes fell on the red envelope next to the child: "Keep the things for them, they will need them in the future."

After finishing speaking, he walked out in stride, and the tall figure disappeared outside the door.

The ICU is an intensive care unit, and there is only one visiting time a day. When Ouyang Nan came, the time had passed. He threatened and lured him, and finally got the head nurse to agree to put him in.

Dong Chuchen and Cheng Nuo had beds next to each other, with tubes of various instruments inserted into their bodies, and the curves on the computer screen in front of the bed kept extending forward.

Ouyang Nan approached Dong Chuchen, calling softly: "Brother, brother?"

Cheng Nuo woke up when she heard the cry. The huge oxygen mask covered most of her face, and under the latent blue reflection, that face looked even paler.

"Ouyang, Brother Ouyang..."

Ouyang Nan turned around when he heard the call.

Cheng Nuo shook his head feebly, "It's useless, the doctor said he was only conscious, but he still couldn't move."

Disappointment welled up in Ouyang Nan's eyes, he sighed helplessly, and leaned in front of Cheng Nuo, "Sister-in-law, when you are able to act, take the child abroad for a while, and I will arrange the air ticket and visa for you. In the red envelope for the child. I have arranged everything over there. After you pass, someone will take care of you, mother and child. "

Ouyang Nan didn't say the specific reason, but Cheng Nuo could see from Ouyang Nan's eyes that the severity of this matter might exceed the fact that Long Xuan was seized.

"What happened?" Cheng Nuo asked in a thin voice.

Her throat was sore and hoarse. Cheng Nuo guessed that it might be because she had a baby yesterday and shouted too much, which caused her throat to become inflamed.

"Don't ask." Ouyang Nan's face was heavy, and his pupils were condensed like never before. "When the situation improves, I will pick you up."

Cheng Nuo nodded.

Ouyang Nan straightened up, looked at Dong Chuchen with complicated eyes, turned and left the ICU.

A week later, Cheng Nuo was out of danger and returned to the general ward. At the same time, Cheng Nuo received the news that Dong Chu was critically ill.

Before picking up the baby and making out with him, Cheng Nuo hurried to the door of the emergency room.

The red light was blinding, and Cheng Nuo could hardly stand on his feet. His anxious eyes wanted to penetrate the thick door of the emergency room.

Jin Keshao supported her by the side.

After a while, the doctor came out of the emergency room.

Cheng Nuo rushed to the doctor and nervously grabbed the doctor's sleeve, "Doctor, how is my husband? Is he in danger?"

The doctor shook his head helplessly at Cheng Nuo, "I'm sorry, we did our best."

Cheng Nuo's heart sank suddenly, and his expression froze.

Although the doctor had seen this kind of life and death a lot, he was still shocked by the sudden great grief on Cheng Nuo's face, sighed, and gently brushed Cheng Nuo's hand away from his sleeve, "You just gave birth, Be mournful."

Seeing a white figure disappear from sight, Cheng Nuo's eyes went dark, and his body limp and paralyzed.

"Nonuo..." Jin Keshao grabbed her arm and picked her up.

"Doctor, doctor!" Jin Keshao's eager voice echoed in the corridor, and the doctor who had just left turned back.

"Help her steady," the doctor ordered, pinching Cheng Nuo's middle acupoint with his index finger. After a while, Cheng Nuo woke up wobbly.

"Chu Shu..."

Cheng Nuo let out a sharp cry, and staggered into the emergency room.

On the hospital bed, Dong Chuchen was lying there quietly. Several nurses were cleaning the tubes on his body. On the computer screen, those curves representing the intensity of life had turned into several straight lines, extending forward infinitely.

Cheng Nuo's eyes were distracted, and his body's strength could hardly drag his heavy steps, moving inch by inch towards Dong Chuzhi.

Time seems to be stretched infinitely.

The scenes of the more than two years of acquaintance flashed through my mind like movie clips.

"Miss, are you okay? Please let me go if you're okay. We are in a hurry." At the intersection, a luxurious black car almost hit her. The driver rolled down the window and poked his head out to ask her dissatisfied.

She was in a hurry to go to the talent market, and accidentally ran a red light.

Glancing at the rolled-down glass window, the man in the back row was flipping through a magazine, sitting casually, already looking extremely handsome.

Cheng Nuo swallowed at him, unexpectedly saw him again in the talent market, attracted by his beauty, Cheng Nuo gave up his favorite major and applied for his company.

During the retest, it was discovered that this Zhilan Yushu man was the president of JH International, and a well-known diamond king in D city.

After more than a year of infatuated unrequited love, in exchange for him saying that you are my princess, she was so excited that she flew up to the clouds, wishing she could shout to the whole world that Dong Chu is my boyfriend!

Later, she misunderstood him frequently, but he didn't admit it or make excuses. He just said, don't get to know me from other people's mouths if you're not blind!

Look at how arrogant he is, as if she is determined that she will never be able to leave him in this life.

She had been missing for more than half a year, and he watched her behind his back. In order to make her forget that sad memory, he even lied to her that she had slept for more than half a year.

Does he really think she can't remember?She just didn't want to expose his lies.

He spoils her, he is not even willing to let her wash the dishes at home, and after a busy day at work, he has to go home and cook all kinds of delicious meals for her.His craftsmanship was so good that she didn't even want to eat dishes from five-star restaurants.

After going through so much, he finally ushered in his prosperous wedding, but at this time, the damned Song Yuanyang came out.

Song Yuanyang deserves to die, he deserves to be skinned and cramped by Xiao Qi, he ruined his own happiness and ruined so many people.

Cheng Nuo threw herself on Dong Chuchen's body, crying until the sky was dark.

"Chu, what should I do if you die? The child is still so young, don't you even look at you?" Cheng Nuo grabbed Dong Chu's collar and shook his body desperately: "Get up, you You promised me that you would listen to me in everything, I won't let you die, how dare you die!"

"Get up, I want you to get up..."

Heart-piercing cries filled the entire ward, and even the air became heavy. Several nurses looked at each other and couldn't help rubbing their eyes.

Jin Keshao silently lowered his head and exited the ward.

During the few days Cheng Nuo was in the ICU, Long Xuan encountered disaster again, Ouyang Nan was injured, and the whereabouts of Zilong and Xiaoqi were unknown. Fang Yuan took care of JH International while trying to find the whereabouts of Zilong and Xiaoqi.

On the surface, it was Lin Feng who led people to arrest the murderer of the family murder case, but Jin Keshao vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with his father.

His father has resigned from the position of Minister of Public Security, and now that he is at home, Jin Keshao can't find any reason to question it.

Cheng Nuo was tired from crying, so he held Dong Chu's hand again, rambling on with some irrelevant things.

Dong Chu's fingers were long and slender, with full fingertips. After half a year, the calluses on the palms had receded, and it was soft to the touch, somewhat like a woman's palm.

"Your hands are so cold, you must be cold, right?" Cheng Nuo anxiously pulled up the quilt for him, and held his palms against his heart, trying to warm his cold hands.

A nurse saw it and wanted to remind her, but was stopped by another nurse.

The nurse shook her head, sympathy in her eyes.Her husband died just after the child was born, and after that, she alone took care of two children. This woman's life was miserable enough.

Dong Chuzhi's hand was not warm all the time, Cheng Nuo was in a hurry, threw his hand away, and shouted at him: "Dong Chuzhi, get up! Do you have a bottom line in life? I'm afraid for you After more than half a year, I finally took JH International to tide over the difficulties. Now that JH International is fine, and the child was born safely, don’t you have nothing to worry about, and then you can go away at ease, you say, you talk!"
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(End of this chapter)

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