Chapter 139 Apologize
"Say, you don't have any worries, so you can go away at ease? Tell me, talk!"

Cheng Nuo beat Dong Chuzhi, and the tears that fell drenched the sheets on Dong Chuzhi's chest.

In the end, it was Jin Keshao who came back and dragged Cheng Nuo out of the emergency room.Cheng Nuo held Dong Chu's hand, refusing to let go, several nurses together broke Cheng Nuo's hand and let Jin Keshao take her away.

"But at least, let me go, Chu Shu is not dead, he was joking with me, he must have wanted me to beg him, so he woke up, let me go, let me go!" Along the way, Cheng Nuo kept crying, frantically beating and biting Jin Keshao's arm.

Jin Keshao frowned in pain, but didn't let him go.

The nurse took the opportunity to push Dong Chuxi out of the emergency room.

"No, don't take him away, he is not dead!"

Seeing Dong Chuxie being pushed out, Cheng Nuo anxiously reached out to grab Dong Chuxie's hand, but only grabbed the corner of the white sheet, and pulled it hard, Dong Chuxie's peaceful face was revealed, and the nurse Gu Before he could get back the white cloth, he hurriedly pushed Dong Chuxi away.

"Don't take him away, come back, come back!"

Jin Keshao could barely hold Cheng Nuo, she struggled forward desperately, her shrill cries echoed in the corridor.


Jin Keshao was dragged by Cheng Nuo, and the two fell to the ground together.

Cheng Nuo took the opportunity to break free from Jin Keshao and got up, stumbling after the nurse and Dong Chuchen.

The nurse pushed Dong Chu into the elevator and pressed the door close button.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Cheng Nuo's feet went limp and he fell to the ground. When he looked up, Dong Chuchen had disappeared into the elevator. Cheng Nuo fell on the ground and began to cry.

It was as if something had poked the soft flesh in Jin Keshao's chest, and his heart ached.

He sat up with his back against the wall, his head deeply buried in his chest, and his bewildered expression was full of sadness.

Soon, Fang Yuan and Ouyang Nan came to hear the news.

Ouyang Nan was injured, his leg was covered with a thick plaster cast, and there was someone supporting him, Cheng Nuo raised his red and swollen eyes to look at him, he was very unfamiliar and didn't know him, Long Xuan had experienced another catastrophe, maybe it was New forces have been developed, and besides, she doesn't know many old people.

Fang Yuan and Ouyang Nan came this time mainly to discuss the funeral of Dong Chuzhi.

Cheng Nuo had no objection to the arrangements for the funeral. They had just finished one funeral, and another one was about to be held. The life of a gangster is really impermanent.

Cheng Nuo sniffled, reached out and pulled a tissue, crying so hard that his nose was wiped red.

Apart from Dong Chuzhi's funeral, Ouyang Nan was still worried about the safety of Cheng Nuo and his two children.

Ouyang Nan was injured not because of fighting with Lin Feng, but because of the man wearing a golden mask who appeared in the scuffle.He suddenly fell from the sky and beat them all with almost no effort.

Ouyang Nan didn't know where he came from, so he jumped up and trampled all of them under his feet.

Zilong and Xiaoqi disappeared, and others died or were injured. If Long Xuan lost money last time, it was personnel lost this time.

The two heavy injuries put the crumbling Long Xuan into further danger.

Fearing that the golden-masked man would come to his door, Ouyang Nan wanted Cheng Nuo to take the child abroad, but Cheng Nuo resolutely refused.

"The situation is very unclear recently. I'm afraid it will be bad for you and your child. I have made arrangements in the United States. You take your child there, and they will give you the safest guarantee."

Cheng Nuo was unmoved by Ouyang Nan's persuasive advice.

"I won't leave. I want to guard Chu Wei and everything he left behind. If anyone wants to move, just come at me."

Cheng Nuo had a resolute look on his face. JH International was established by Dong Chuzhi's whole life. Now that Dong Chuzhi is gone, she will keep this effort for him.

Here is their common home, their common memories, no matter what, she will not leave.

"Sister-in-law, it's really dangerous here now."

Ouyang couldn't explain the current situation to Cheng Nuo, and he couldn't tell her that even the top two killers in the world, Xiaoqi and Zilong, had been kidnapped.

"My safety cannot be guaranteed on your territory, so what's the use of me going to the United States, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away?" Cheng Nuo asked back.

"..." This question stopped Ouyang Nan.

Yes, her safety cannot be guaranteed under their noses, so why should she believe that she is safe on the other side of the ocean.

Facing Cheng Nuo's stubbornness, Ouyang Nan finally sighed, "You should always think about the child, if something happens to the child, how will you explain it to the elder brother?"

These words reminded Cheng Nuo. Looking at the two sleeping children in the stroller, a sharp light flashed in Cheng Nuo's bloodshot eyes, "The funeral is over. Arrange for my parents and son to be sent to America."

Ouyang Nan understood that since Cheng Nuo decided to do this, he couldn't insist on it anymore, so this matter was settled first.

Three days later, Dong Chuzhi's funeral.

Since the early morning, the rain has not stopped, and this rainstorm came without warning.The dark sky seemed to have been cut open with a knife, and the rainwater continued to flow down the gap, and the rainwater that had not had time to drain into the underground passage accumulated more than half a meter deep on the road.

This is the heaviest rain in city D in the past 50 years. The whole city issued a red rainstorm warning, turned on the radio, and there were all broadcasts of rainstorm accidents.

Dong Chu was buried in the Mingchishan cemetery, adjacent to Luka.

Standing in front of Dongchu's tomb, Cheng Nuo was wearing a long black dress that was elegant and elegant, but she hadn't recovered in time after giving birth, and her waist was somewhat soft.Behind her, Jin Keshao took the initiative to take on the role of umbrella, holding an extra-large black umbrella for her.

The rain was so heavy that Jin Keshao could hardly support the weight of the umbrella with both hands.

He persisted with all his might.

Cheng Nuo had only ten days to give birth, and he hadn't confinement yet. Especially when he experienced heavy bleeding during childbirth, his body's vitality was destroyed. Going out in such weather, or getting caught in the rain under such circumstances, would cause fatal injuries.

Jin Keshao tried his best to shield Cheng Nuo from the rain with his umbrella, exposing his entire back to the heavy rain.But even so, the bean-sized raindrops still splashed Cheng Nuo's clothes, the skirt and shoes were all covered with water, and the rainwater flowed under his feet like a flash flood.

Cheng Nuo didn't realize it.

Bean-sized raindrops hit the tombstone densely, and the bubbling mist blinded Cheng Nuo's eyes.

Cheng Nuo thought it was rainwater getting into his eyes, so he raised his hand to wipe it off, but the rainwater kept rubbing away more and more, and he couldn't wipe it off no matter how hard he tried.

If he didn't want to wipe it dry, Cheng Nuo simply ignored it and let the warm liquid slide over his face, dripping down drop by drop, rolling down with the rain.

"Chu Shu, did you just leave us alone?" Cheng Nuo choked up.

Until this moment, she couldn't believe it was true, she couldn't believe that Dong Chuchen would really leave her cruelly, looking at the photo on the tombstone, Cheng Nuo choked up.

Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuan were behind him, all bowed their heads in silence.

I don't know how long it took, the raindrops became thinner, and the water flow under his feet slowed down a lot. Cheng Nuo opened his eyes blurred by tears. After the sadness, those beautiful eyes became clear, more tenacious and strong .

"Chu Shu, don't worry, I will raise the child, I will guard your hard work, and I will avenge you for you."

In almost an inch, both Fang Yuan and Ouyang Nan felt a huge change in Cheng Nuo's body. The unique weakness of a woman was gone, replaced by a fierce aura.

This momentum rose in an instant, and quickly spread like a prairie fire, sweeping everyone's heart.

"Let's go," Cheng Nuo said.

Fang Yuan and Ouyang Nan couldn't help being shocked in the wind and rain that washed away the cold tone.

In a trance, I thought Dong Chuchen was back.

Coming out of the cemetery, there was a man standing in the rain, as if he had been standing for a long time, his whole body was drenched, the rainwater flowed from his short hair and meandered across his face, as if he had just taken a bath .

The black suit was stuck to his chest, rising and falling with his breath.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing here?"

Fang Yuan stepped in front of Ouyang Nan and Cheng Nuo.

"Cheng Nuo, I'm sorry." Lin Feng lowered his head, knocked his eyelids, and finally spit out a sentence.

Everyone was stunned, suddenly they couldn't turn their minds, they didn't understand what Lin Feng meant.

He came to apologize!

Why do you apologize?Because of Dong Chu's death?

Heh, cats crying and mice pretending to be merciful is really ridiculous.

Cheng Nuo stepped forward and wanted to move forward, but was grabbed by Ouyang Nan who was sitting in a wheelchair.Ouyang Nan shook his head, signaling her not to go over.

"Don't worry, I know how to measure." Cheng Nuo broke free from Ouyang Nan and strode forward.

The rain was much lighter, and it was still bitingly cold when it rained on her body. Jin Keshao hurriedly walked a few steps, and put an umbrella on top of Cheng Nuo's head, covering her from the cold rain.

After a few steps, he came to Lin Feng.

His watery eyes looked at Lin Feng, he lowered his head, guilt was written on his face after the rain washed away.

A crisp slap broke the patter of the rain, and Cheng Nuo slapped Lin Feng hard.

This time even Fang Yuan was shocked.

Although Cheng Nuo's behavior made Fang Yuan and Ouyang Nan feel very happy, but this slap was beyond their comprehension.

Lin Feng's disclosure of Long Xuan's information is shameful, hateful and hateful, but Cheng Nuo is not Long Xuan's person. She may be surprised and angry at what Lin Feng did, but she will not react too aggressively. This slap clearly surpassed Cheng Nuo's. The scope of the reaction has been attributed to the ranks of overreaction.

Lin Feng was as dark as a deep pool, flashing a hint of surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect Cheng Nuo to do anything either.

Cheng Nuo didn't expect that when she saw Lin Feng, she couldn't help it. She clenched her painful and numb fist, and Cheng Nuo wanted to slap him again.

The affection she once had for Lin Feng disappeared completely after she learned that Song Yuanyang was Lin Feng's accomplice.

"Lin Feng," Cheng Nuo stared straight at Lin Feng's face with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to stare at him. Dongchu?"
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(End of this chapter)

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