The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 140 The Genius Girl Cheng Xiaoye

Chapter 140 The Genius Girl Cheng Xiaoye

"Why did you order Song Yuanyang to drive into Dong Chuzhi?" Cheng Nuo squeezed out a sentence through his teeth.

Lin Feng's eyes were deep, and he looked at Cheng Nuo in surprise.

The person who drove into Dong Chuxi at the wedding was actually Song Yuanyang!This was something Lin Feng never thought of. Based on what he knew about Song Yuanyang, he should have disappeared and gone to a place where no one could find him to hide and live. How dare he come out and make trouble again.

The people behind were also surprised and looked at Cheng Nuo in puzzlement.

In the pattering rain, Cheng Nuo's voice suddenly became sharper: "I don't need to bother with you about the kidnapping back then, and I don't need to care about the fact that I was betrayed and humiliated. We have any grudges against you, you don't care. Do you always have trouble with us over and over again?"

In Cheng Nuo's perception, if it wasn't for Lin Feng's appearance, Dong Chuchen wouldn't be lying in the hospital, Luka wouldn't have died, and she wouldn't have been born prematurely, so they should be a family of three now, oh no, It is a moment of great happiness for a family of four to share a family relationship.

But now, they have to face the tragic life that the husband and wife are separated, the child becomes a single parent, and he will never get the love of his father.

She hated Lin Feng, although she didn't want to be skinned and cramped as much as she hated Song Yuanyang, at least she didn't want to see him again in this life.

"Lin Feng," Cheng Nuo said with a chill in his eyes, "The next time I meet you again, I will definitely tear you to pieces."

When such cruel words came out of Cheng Nuo's mouth, Lin Feng trembled unexpectedly and involuntarily, and looked at Cheng Nuo again, the familiar softness in her eyes no longer existed, replaced by cruelty, enough to destroy The ruthlessness of heaven and earth.

"Let's go." With a gleam in his eyes, Cheng Nuo turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

The rain was still falling, and Jin Keshao hurriedly followed up holding an umbrella.

Ouyang Nan was sitting in a wheelchair, and Fang Yuan was pushing him behind. They looked at each other and followed Cheng Nuo's footsteps.

Cheng Nuo's performance was unexpectedly tough, whether it was actions or tone, there was an air of irresistibility. Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuan had a vague feeling that from today onwards, JH International and Longxuan would change their dynasties.
Five years later.

The winter in the north is different from that in the south. In the south, it is humid and cold in winter, while in the north, the temperature is relatively low, but the weather is dry. With the heating in the room, life is much more comfortable.

Every December, Cheng Nuo's mood is always particularly bad, especially when the death of Dong Chu is approaching, Cheng Nuo's face is covered with a thick cloud for more than a week.

For five full years, the world has been turned upside down.

On the second day after Dong Chuzhi's funeral, Ouyang Nan sent people to send Cheng's parents and Dong Yiting to the United States.

Dong Yiting is a boy who was born later, the son of Cheng Nuo of Dongchu. The daughter took Cheng Nuo's surname and named him Zhuxuan. Because she danced with Ouyang Nan and others since she was a child, she danced with guns, wrestled, climbed and rolled, and everyone was kind. He gave me the nickname Cheng Xiaoye.

Cheng Xiaoye is five years old, with a standard porcelain baby face, cute and cute. In the blink of an eye, two long eyelashes flicker like clouds.

Her marksmanship has been practiced top-notch. On her birthday, Ouyang Nan tailor-made for her a light and exquisite children's pistol, which is no less lethal than ordinary pistols.

There is a switch button on the pistol. Turning the pistol to the left is an ordinary toy gun. Ono usually turns to the left.

"If you spoil her any more, she will really be lawless."

Cheng Nuo poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Ouyang Nan, and sat down on the sofa himself.

After five years of tempering, Cheng Nuo's eyes were no longer innocent, and her eyes became sharper. With a sharpness that sees through everything, she sat down on the sofa, and immediately came an overwhelming aura.

Ouyang Nan raised his eyebrows. No matter how innocent a girl is, after being baptized by blood and rain, she will become cruel and hard.

Before he could answer, Ono, who was sitting on the side playing with a pistol, said, "Mum, I don't think you're right to say that."

At a young age, he knew how to refute Mommy's words. Ouyang Nan looked fondly at her, and reached out to rub her soft hair.

"Oh?" Cheng Nuo smiled suddenly, crossed his arms and leaned on the sofa, looking at Xiao Ye with black jade-like eyes, "Then explain to Mommy why what Mommy said is wrong."

Ono put away his gun, looked at Cheng Nuo solemnly, opened and closed his cherry-like mouth, "From the perspective of my needs as a normal human being, although I may not abide by the law, I still cannot do without the sky. You Think about it, without the sky and the sun, the sun is the foundation of all things, how can I be lawless, so Mommy, you can just say that I can't have a sky."

Cheng Nuo laughed, and scolded softly, "Use strong words."

"Hmph." Ono rolled his big black eyes twice, and sat down in Ouyang Nan's arms, "Mummy, just admit that you are not good at eloquence."

"I'm just too lazy to talk to you."

Cheng Nuo rolled her eyes, this little girl's film is getting more and more outrageous.

But seeing her daughter being naughty and cute, she felt extremely comforted.For the past five years, Ouyang Nan and Fang Yuan have pampered her as their own daughter every day. Although they can't make up for the absence of a biological father, at least they haven't made her taste the bitterness of an ordinary single-parent family.

"There are still a few days before the anniversary of Chu's death. I want to bring Yiting back."

Thinking of her son, Cheng Nuo's face involuntarily became heavy. In the past few years, she was busy with JH International and Long Xuan, and spent very little time with her son. Every time his son saw her, it was like meeting a stranger.

Thinking of his son's indifferent eyes, Cheng Nuo's heart ached.

Now, under her leadership, JH International has reached a higher level, and Longxuan's influence in Roman Island has gradually returned to City D. Now that the world is peaceful, she wants to bring her son back to cultivate his relationship.

"Why don't you pick him up after the anniversary of your elder brother's death, the child is still young, and take him to visit your elder brother in two years."

Ouyang Nan was worried that the cemetery would be too cloudy and would scare the children. Cheng Nuo felt that what Ouyang Nan said made sense after thinking about it, so he gave up the idea of ​​bringing Dong Yiting back to visit Dong Chuchen's grave.

Xiaoye heard it, and raised his head quickly, his big eyes were full of curiosity about Daddy: "Mum, do you say you want to see Daddy? I want to go too." Gu Lu slipped off Ouyang Nan's lap, He ran to Cheng Nuo's side, rubbed her leg and acted like a baby, "Mommy, can you take the baby with you? The baby has never seen Daddy."

Cheng Nuo reached out and squeezed Ono's chubby face. The texture was smooth and soft, and it was very comfortable to hold. Nodding in his eyes, "Okay, Mommy will take you there."

The child is easy to be satisfied, and dances happily. After a while, as if suddenly remembering something, he ran upstairs with his chubby legs.

As soon as she left, Cheng Nuo's expression changed suddenly. The night replaced the light on her face, with a cold glint in his eyes, "How is the investigation of the T organization going?"

Ouyang sighed and shook his head, "They seem to know that we found their base, and it was empty overnight."

The ability to transfer bases overnight is not ordinary.

Zilong and Xiaoqi have been missing for five years. They traced it to the end and found an organization marked by seven-color flowers, code-named T. When they discovered the base of the T organization and were about to organize an attack, the organization disappeared overnight. Disappeared.

It's like evaporated on the earth, leaving no trace.

Zilong and Xiaoqi also disappeared with them.

"Continue to investigate," Cheng Nuo's black eyes flashed a hint of sternness, "I have to dig three feet to find them, I don't believe they can disappear out of thin air."

"I've asked them to investigate." Ouyang knocked his eyelids, and Zilong and Xiaoqi were involved. He was also anxious, but the other party was very mysterious. After a while, he said, "There has been movement in the Mo family recently."

Cheng Nuo turned his eyes and looked at Ouyang Nan: "What happened to the Mo family?"

"There was a problem with the Mo family's business in Oman, and Mo Yue took care of it himself." Ouyang Nan's long and narrow eyes flashed a calculating light, "Mo Zhanting and Mo Yue have always been at odds, and this time Mo Yue goes out, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous than good. .”

"This is good news." Cheng Nuo and Ouyang Nan thought about going together, "Back when Long Xuan had an accident, Mo Yue took advantage of it behind the scenes, and now he can monopolize the top spot in the underworld in D City, how much is it because of his reliance? He went up with Long Xuan's original strength, and he knew in his heart that if something happened this time, he would be pulled down."

Ouyang Nan took a sip of coffee and said that women are more cruel than men, and it is true.

At this point, Cheng Xiaoye came down from the stairs, holding a big box very precious in his arms.

Cheng Nuo and Ouyang Nan stopped talking, and turned their eyes to Cheng Xiaoye. The box seemed to be very heavy, and it was very difficult for her to hold it. She paused every step, and moved to Cheng Nuo's side after a while.

The two short arms lifted the box with difficulty, and held it in front of Cheng Nuo, "Mummy, help me choose a present for Daddy."

The little girl actually went to get a gift for Dong Chuchen. Seeing her filial piety, Cheng Nuo reluctantly took the box.

It was a mahogany box with a circle of copper carvings inlaid on the edge and embellished with rubies inlaid around it. It looked antique, Cheng Nuona took a closer look, he had never seen such a thing in a little girl's room before.

Is it because she failed too much as a mother, she doesn't even know anything about her daughter.

Cheng Nuo sighed softly, vowed in his heart that he would take more care of his daughter in the future, and then opened the box.

There are all kinds of handmade ornaments inside. There are about a dozen pieces. Some of them look a little immature, but each piece is very delicate. The owner of the work is very careful. The gemstones on it are carefully selected. , and then carved into shape, and then worn one by one.

"Who gave this to you?" Cheng Nuo was suspicious. These things were not very expensive in their family, but for a five-year-old girl, they were quite a fortune.
A small advertisement, Ono is the heroine of my next article, I hope everyone supports her.

(End of this chapter)

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