The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 141 The Truth 2 Years Ago

Chapter 141 The Truth 12 Years Ago

"I made it myself." Cheng Xiaoye said proudly, his big watery eyes were full of pride.

Cheng Nuo was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out.Any piece of work in this box is at the level of a high-end jewelry designer. How could it be the work of a five-year-old child.

"Don't lie to Mommy." Cheng Nuo turned cold, pulled Xiao Ye to his face, and glared at her pretending to be angry.

Cheng Xiaoye pursed his lips, feeling unhappy, and stretched out his hand to snatch the box back. Cheng Nuo raised his hand, out of her reach, and threatened her, "Little children will become ugly when they lie."

The corners of Cheng Xiaoye's eyes twitched, and the wind was messed up.

"You lied to a three-year-old child!" Cheng Xiaoye almost wanted to despise her mother's IQ, "Three-year-old children know that most of their appearance comes from dominant inheritance, and it's because of their parents that I became ugly because of your poor genes." it is good!"

Ouyang Nan couldn't hold back, he sneered and laughed out loud.

Cheng Nuo's face darkened, and he deliberately pushed Cheng Xiaoye who had climbed onto the sofa to grab something.Ono sat down on the ground with his buttocks, his fleshy mouth pouted into a bun shape.

"Mummy, you are unreasonable and bullying!" Big eyes blinked, tears were about to fall.

Cheng Nuohan, kids these days are too good at pretending.

"You explain clearly what's going on before you cry." Cheng Nuo said ruthlessly, unmoved.

"I really did it myself!" Cheng Xiaoye kicked his little feet and glared at Cheng Nuo dissatisfied.Her mommy is too much, and she doesn't know how to care about her.

"Then tell Mommy where did you get the money to buy these rough jewelry?"

Cheng Xiaoye was only five years old, and the monthly living expenses she gave her were limited. When Xiaoye wanted to buy anything, she told the butler, and the butler bought it for her. Cheng Nuo looked at the shopping list, and there was no such thing as jewelry and jade.

"I made money drawing pictures for jewelry companies."

Even Ouyang Nan was not calm this time, the two of them stared at Cheng Xiaoye like a monster, Cheng Xiaoye couldn't help but tremble with their red eyes, "Mum, why are you doing this to me?"

With his two little arms straight, he crawled back a few steps and hid by the edge of the table.

"You can still draw pictures?" Cheng Nuo was suspicious. Designers are not something that can be done just by saying it. The picture is ugly, and was laughed at by Dong Chuchen for a long time, and finally had to give up.

Cheng Xiaoye was only five years old and had no professional training, so how could he draw those complicated designs.

"Hmph, if you don't believe me, I'll show you!"

Cheng Xiaoye got up from the ground, twisted his bulging buttocks and went upstairs.

After a while, she came down with a pile of manuscript paper, and spread it in Cheng Nuo's arms, "Mommy, let me show you."

Cheng Nuo randomly pulled out a card and called to see it. His mouth became an "O" in shock.

The manuscript depicts a pair of gold inlaid jade bracelets. A piece of obsidian polished into a cylindrical shape is strung on a black leather cord. The middle part of the obsidian is wrapped with a layer of pure gold carving, which is simple and elegant.

Ouyang Nan saw Cheng Nuo's exaggerated expression, so he also came over, and was also surprised at this sight.Instead, Ouyang Nan smiled, "Sister-in-law, with Ono's talent, you don't have to worry about the sales of JH International Jewelry in the future."

Indeed, being able to draw such outstanding manuscripts at such a young age without receiving professional training can only be attributed to talent.

Cheng Nuo suddenly felt guilty. She was a really unqualified mother who didn't care about her daughter's growth.

After sending Ouyang Nan away, Cheng Nuo brought Cheng Xiaoye to JH International Jewelry Department. She found Mu Yizhe and showed Ono's design drawing to Mu Yizhe.

Mu Yizhe is the chief designer of JH International. He is a genius in the jewelry industry. He has a high level and a bad temper.Cheng Nuo only said to show him the sample picture. When the picture was spread out, Cheng Nuo saw Mu Yizhe's eyes light up, and felt something was going on.

"Who drew this?" Mu Yizhe asked.

Cheng Nuo's eyes twitched, and he looked at Ono who was sitting on the sofa drinking milk tea.

Mu Yizhe was suspicious, and then understood everything.

Putting away the manuscript paper, Mu Yizhe smiled meaningfully, "Mr. Cheng, I will give you face, but I have conditions."

He had heard that Mu Yizhe had a dark belly, but now he saw that it was true, his eyes clearly said that he really wanted to accept this apprentice, and he had to pretend to be reluctant.Cheng Nuo secretly smiled and asked, "Tell me, it's just that it's not too far-fetched, so I'll definitely agree."

Mu Yizhe raised his eyebrows, looked at Ono, and said in a clear voice: "From now on, within ten years, she will not be able to participate in any design competitions, so her works cannot be produced under her name. Ten years later, I will let her It was a blockbuster."

There was a bright light in his eyes, as if he had seen the limitless future of Ono, and Cheng Nuo would still remember these bright eyes in the next few days.

In the blink of an eye, it was the death day of Dong Chuzhi, every year at this time, Cheng Nuo could not sleep at night.

A gust of wind blew the curtains, the bedroom door was opened, and Dong Chuchen walked in from the door.

The mottled light and shadow reflected on the body of the man Zhilan Yushu, covering him with a halo of light gauze and dancing, as if he came stepping on the morning light.

Cheng Nuo was sleepy, staring at the man who was approaching step by step.

He smiled like a summer, and gently stroked her cheek with his warm big hands. It was peaceful and beautiful. Cheng Nuo smelled a familiar and long-lost scent, which was unique to Dong Chuzhi's body.

In a daze, thinking that he really came back, Cheng Nuo stretched his arms around his neck, and put his soft lips on his own.

Lingering all night, gentle as water.

When Cheng Nuo woke up the next day, the bed was in a mess. She was covered with a thin quilt, and her pajamas were thrown on the ground at some point. Her body was wet, and there was a lewd smell everywhere.

Cheng Nuo blushed and his heart beat wildly.

Last night, Dong Chuchen... Damn it, he was ashamed to the point of having erotic dreams.

Cheng Nuo got out of bed wrapped in a thin quilt. Just as he stood up, his legs gave way and he almost fell. Fortunately, he stretched out his hand to support the head of the bed in time, and avoided the bad luck of falling and eating shit.

A refreshing laugh came from the balcony, and Cheng Nuo suddenly turned his head. There was no one on the balcony, the window was half open, the wind gently blew the curtain, and the sunlight poured in through the opened gap.

the weather is nice today.

Cheng Nuo rubbed his long hair decadently and fell asleep again.

Every year on this day, she would sleep in, and every time she got up, her body was indescribably tired, more tired than working a night shift.

There was a faint smell of tobacco in the air, but at this moment she couldn't care less, and hurriedly picked up the pajamas on the floor and went into the bathroom.

After she left, a figure was faintly reflected on the window curtain.

An hour later, Cheng Nuo drove to the Mingchi Mountain Cemetery alone.

Originally, she promised to bring Cheng Xiaoye with her, but since Xiaoye became a teacher, she has devoted herself to being a jewelry designer, and she completely forgot about visiting her father.

Cheng Nuo didn't force it, the child was still young, and she was worried about scaring the child when she came to such a dark place like the cemetery.

There was a new house in the cemetery today, and this person seemed to have a lot of background. The parking lot was almost full. Cheng Nuo finally found a vacant space, poured the large Maybach into it, and got out of the car with a bouquet of champagne roses.

Stepping on the stone-paved steps, her high-heeled shoes swayed gracefully. She hurried to Dong Chu's cemetery, but she didn't notice that someone followed behind her.

In front of Dong Chu’s tomb, I don’t know who has been there. There is a bouquet of perfumed lilies in front of the tomb. The water sprinkled on the petals has not yet dried up. The worshipers should have just left.Every year, someone arrives before her as a wife, and I don't know if Dong Chuzhi will be angry if he finds out.

Cheng Nuoqiang squeezed out a smile, stretched out his arms and moved the lily, and put the champagne rose in the middle.

After arranging the bouquet and taking off her sunglasses, she sat down in front of her tombstone.

"It's been five years, are you okay?" Cheng Nuo brushed his fingertips across the smiling face on the tombstone, and pressed his cheek to the cold photo, "In the past five years, I haven't missed a day of you, and I dreamed about you again last night You, that feeling, as if you really came back."

Cheng Nuo murmured, with his eyes closed tightly, as if he was reminiscing about last night's dream.

"You walked over from the door gently, just like every time you came home late from a dinner party, the truth is that your smell hasn't changed at all, Chu Yu, I miss you, I miss you so much. "

Crystal tears spilled from the corners of her eyes, quickly across the face, the man hiding behind the evergreen tree couldn't help but came out, the elongated shadow was reflected at her feet, she just talked about her thoughts, but didn't see the man who was close at hand. man.

"Did you know?" Cheng Nuo's cheek was pressed against the photo on the tombstone, and the cold temperature burned her cheek, "I finally found some news about Zilong and the others, but the clue was broken again. If you are here, Should have rescued them back long ago?"

"Also, Ono's talent in jewelry design is frighteningly high, but I, a mother, didn't realize it at all. A few days ago, I promised her to bring her to see you. She came out holding the jewelry she made and said she would I gave it to you as a gift, and I didn't know, you said, if I was a special failure. "

"Yiting lived with his parents in the United States for five years. He was like a stranger when he saw me. Looking at his indifferent eyes, I felt very sad."

"But I'm really busy, I don't have time to take care of them."

"Chu Shu, I'm so tired, can you come back and help me?"

Tears rolled down uncontrollably, drop by drop on the blooming petals of the champagne rose, crystal clear and shining like dewdrops.

"Fool, why don't you look up."

The man's voice was as light as morning mist and as still as still water. Cheng Nuo was shocked and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Chu Shu?!"

Cheng Nuo was delusional, and Dong Chuchen was standing in front of her, dressed in an elegant and casual beige casual suit, with his hands in his pockets, looking at him with a funny face.

No, no!Cheng Nuo shook his head desperately. He must have been hallucinating because he missed him too much. He must have seen it wrong. He closed his eyes and rubbed them hard, then opened them again.

He is still there!

Is it a human or a ghost? ! !
Cheng Nuo found out in embarrassment that his legs were shaking non-stop. He didn't know whether it was because he was frightened by the ghost in broad daylight, or because he was excited when he saw Dong Chuchen. He held the tombstone hard with his hands before standing up.

Without moving two steps, his feet went limp, and he rushed towards Dong Chuzhi in a daze.

Dong Chuzhi stretched out his long arms, filled with fragrance.

The familiar smell of tobacco hits the face, the man's firm chest, warm body temperature, everything is so real, this is... the living Dong Chuzhi!

"You're not..." Cheng Nuo even lost his ability to speak, and tears welled up in his eyes in an instant.

She looked at Dong Chuchen in disbelief, his amber pupils reflected her own appearance, panic, panic, bewilderment, doubt, surprise, and finally all emotions condensed into a huge question mark, writing on the face.

"It's hard to say." Dong Chuchen murmured softly, tightening his forearms and pulling the woman into his arms, his warm breath wafted into her ears, "Are you so impatient to see me?"

It took Cheng Nuo a long time to calm down his excitement. He struggled out of Dong Chu's arms and looked at him fixedly, "Since you are alive, why did you come out to see me now?"

There was raging anger on his face.

"Nuo Nuo," Dong Chuchen suppressed his smile, and his expression became serious, "It's better that you don't know about some things."

"Why don't I know!" Cheng Nuo was furious, and the bitterness and grievance of the past five years poured out, "Do you know how I got here in the past five years? I supported JH International and Long Xuan by myself, and I also took care of Xiao Ye. Do you know how many people want to wait to see my jokes and see JH International and Longxuan destroyed in my hands? Xiao Ye was kidnapped when he was over two years old. I was too scared to close my eyes. When the phone message rang, I jumped , for fear of seeing photos of Ono’s murder in it.”

"Now it's better to say that I don't know. Do you know how I survived these five years?"

Faced with Cheng Nuo's cry, Dong Chu's heart throbbed, "I'm sorry, Nuo Nuo, I have no other choice."

Five years ago, Long Xuan was attacked for the second time. Ouyang Nan, Fang Yuan and others speculated that besides Lin Feng in the open and the man with the golden mask hiding in the dark, there was another mysterious force watching Long Xuan.

However, it is difficult for them to continue to gain a foothold if this force is attracted.

At that time, Dong Chuzhi just woke up. After discussing, they decided to use their tricks to make everyone think that Dong Chuzhi had passed away. Find that mysterious power.

"You said that Zilong and Xiaoqi were not taken away?"

Damn, Ouyang Nan is lying to her too!In the past five years of co-authoring, she has been kept in the dark alone, and she is still foolishly worrying about breaking her heart every day.

"It wasn't Zilong and Xiaoqi who were taken away. With the skills of the two of them, who can take them away so easily." Dong Chuchen smiled mysteriously and approached Cheng Nuo's ear: "Honey, if you know the truth, you This bottle is not full, and half of the bottle is swaying, so it's strange not to be seen through."

"You... shameless!"

Cheng Nuo went crazy. She was lied to for five years by the person she trusted the most. In the end, they joked that she was not good enough.


Dong Chuchen laughed, and hugged Cheng Nuo contentedly, "Let's go, let's go home, I still have something to tell you."

In the villa of Cheng Nuo's family in Vic Town, Cheng Xiaoye was staring at a girl.

She seemed to be about my own age, and she was good-looking, if she was a little thinner, with big dark eyes and bright eyes.

"What's your name?" Cheng Xiaoye tilted his head and poked the little girl's face. The little girl had no expression on her face, and she stared blankly at Cheng Xiaoye without even blinking her eyes.

There was a little boy sitting next to the two of them, about the same age as them.

"Her name is Yilan, and she is your older sister."

The magnetic baritone voice came from the door, and the three children looked at the door at the same time, Yilan suddenly smiled expressionlessly, his small face was like a blooming white lotus, and he trotted towards Dong Chuchen, "Daddy."

This girl is Zong Yilan. After Dong Chuchen and the others launched an attack on the T organization, they found her in the laboratory. She has been sleeping for five years. Longxuan's geneticist tried every means to wake her up. Blank, Dong Chuzhi simply raised her by his side as another daughter, and brought her back to City D with her son.
This chapter is relatively long, more than 4400 words, 400 words are free, in order to thank you for your support!

This is the end of the matter related to the marriage, everything is clear, the fourth volume will start in the afternoon, and Mo Yao and Yilan will continue their story!
(End of this chapter)

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