Chapter 142
"Didn't you find the data where you found the blue when you attacked the T organization?" Mo Yao frowned anxiously, with an expression of annoyance on his face wishing he could travel back to 12 years ago and do it all over again.

Dong Chuchen shook his head weakly, sighed and pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, "When we arrived, the T organization was evacuating, and all the data was destroyed. At that time, Yilan's oxygen tank was cut off. , One step later, what we see may be Yilan's body."

When Mo Yao heard it, the hope that had just been ignited instantly fell into disappointment.

Thinking of the past 12 years, Dong Yilan was in City D, breathing under the same sky as him, but he didn't feel it at all, and he was very annoyed, and when he thought of all the harm he had done to her after meeting, Mo Yao's heart ached beyond measure.

asshole!Mo Yao punched the coffee table, the cup on the coffee table shook, tilted with a bang, and the water spilled all over the floor.

Dong Chuchen glanced at it and said nothing.

Tang Ze, on the other hand, seemed to be thinking about something, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he asked, "Mr. Dong, you said that when you found Dong Yilan, she was asleep?"

"Yes," Dong Chuchen nodded, "When we found Yilan, she had been sleeping for five years."

After sleeping for five years, her body has not grown, so when Mo Yao saw her in the slave market, Mo Yao had the illusion that she was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

"So we can find a way to put her into hibernation mode?" Mo Yao's long and narrow eyes lit up with hope, and he looked at Tang Ze full of hope, "Isn't three months enough to study the method of deep sleep?"

Tang Ze smiled wryly: "Master Qi, do you think humans are cold-blooded animals, if you want to hibernate, you can hibernate."

"Then is there any other way?" Mo Yao was irritable.

He couldn't imagine losing Dong Yilan again, and he didn't even dare to think about it. As long as this thought floated through his mind, his chest would suddenly feel like a sharp weapon was pierced. The cold pain stimulated his mind, and Mo Yao flew up uncontrollably With one kick, he knocked over the coffee table.

Sitting opposite him, Tang Ze got up quickly when he saw this, and deftly dodged the coffee table that was hitting him.

Dong Chuchen took a look and said nothing, but wrote a sentence on his face: "My daughter dare not marry you."

After being speechless for a while, Tang Ze suddenly remembered something, raised his head and asked, "Do you think there is a possibility that the T organization is actually serving another organization, and there is a stronger force behind it?"

So every time they are discovered, they can be quickly transferred without leaving a trace.Like Mo Yao and Dong Chuchen, although they have great power, no one can move the entire base overnight.

Tang Ze's words awakened the dreamer.

"There are not many people in the world who can be this powerful." Mo Yao's long eyes narrowed a dangerous color, and he smiled coldly, Xin's long body stood up from the sofa, "I'm going to check the X-files. "

As long as they involve confidential documents at the national security level, they are collectively referred to as the X-files.

The investigation that Mo Yao is talking about is not an open and aboveboard investigation, but an intrusion into the national security system, which requires extraordinary computer technology to be able to freely enter the national security system without being discovered and intercepted.

Mo Yao used to hack into the national security system, but after a failed experience, he never went there again, so he was a little excited to challenge again now.

The hateful Guoan actually changed the defense system!Mo Yao was prevented from intruding for the third time, and the other party chased him back. He quickly exited Guoan, activated the first-level defense on his computer, and blocked the other party at his door.

"The other party is a master," Dong Chuchen is also a computer master. Seeing that he was intercepted again and again, he came up with an idea: "You can try it with a smoke bomb first."

The so-called smoke bomb is something that disturbs the enemy's eyeballs. It first sends out a signal to make the enemy mistakenly believe that the attack has been intercepted.

Mo Yao felt that what Dong Chuchen said made sense, so he threw a smoke bomb over.

"Hmph, you think I'm a three-year-old child," the five-year-old Xiao Tiancheng pouted, lay down on the back of the chair disdainfully, and hummed to the flashing pictures on the computer screen: "This I can't see the small tricks, so why am I a security information supervisor."

Dong dong dong, the sound of footsteps stopped outside the door, and was replaced by a rapid knock on the door.

The door is not locked.

Little Sweet Orange screamed inwardly, it's not good!He closed the laptop and jumped off the chair.

It was too late to close the door, Cheng Xiaoye had already opened the door and walked in.

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing?" Cheng Xiaoye entered the room and went straight to the laptop.

Seeing that something was wrong, Xiao Tiancheng immediately stood in front of Cheng Xiaoye, trying to prevent her from approaching the computer.He held his sister's hand affectionately, smiling with a bun face as harmless to humans and animals.

Cheng Xiaoye seemed to see a white cat and fox wagging its tail at him.

"Sister," Xiao Tiancheng pursed her mouth and complained, "If you hadn't barged in, I would have already fallen asleep." As she spoke, she pushed Cheng Xiaoye out, "I'm sleepy, you should go back to your room."

Little Sweet Orange knows his sister's high IQ very well. Seeing her suspicious face, Little Sweet Orange narrowed her big shining eyes, pretended to yawn, and said, "Going to bed too late will affect the little ones." The child's brain is developing, sister, you are so smart, you don't want a stupid brother to lower the family's IQ?"

Cheng Xiaoye glanced at him angrily, "Mummy told me before leaving that if you don't obey, your computer will be confiscated!"

"Yes yes yes, Mommy is right. Elder sister has piercing eyes to see every detail, and younger brother will never dare to do anything wrong. This time, he is really going to sleep." Xiao Tiancheng lowered her head, with a sincere and honest look on her 24 filial younger brother's face, letting her Cheng Xiaoye temporarily let him go.

"Trust you for now, if you don't go to bed, I will confiscate your computer." After Cheng Xiaoye warned, he pinched Xiaotiancheng's baby fat face, the soft and silky touch makes people love it, and Cheng Xiaoye became addicted after pinching it , couldn't help rubbing a few more.

"Sister, you are enough!" Xiao Tiancheng yelled angrily.

These adults went too far, rubbing his face every now and then, almost turning into meat buns!
Only then did Cheng Xiaoye stop, and smiled triumphantly, "Hurry up and sleep, and I will check you later. If you haven't fallen asleep, I won't be rubbing your face. I will beat you up."

After Yujie finished speaking, she turned her head and left, and turned off the light when she left the room.

At this moment, what Xiao Tiancheng was most worried about happened. The computer alarm rang, and the sudden sound swept through the room like a storm. Cheng Xiaoye's movement of closing the door stopped abruptly, and he turned around and turned back.

"What's going on, didn't you say the computer was turned off?" Sister Yu walked back a few steps, staring at the computer and asked Xiao Tiancheng.

Xiao Tiancheng put on a milky face, and was forced by Cheng Xiaoye to turn on the computer.

Without the strong backing of Xiao Tiancheng, the anti-theft software can't stop Mo Yao's offensive. After a while, he invaded the national security system. The X file is a very large database. Looking for a file from it is basically like finding a needle in a haystack. Mo Yao Yao thought it was impossible, so he copied all the data, but when copying, the alarm sounded.

Turning on the computer, Xiao Tiancheng didn't bother to explain to her sister, and sat in front of the computer to get busy.

Lock the database data, block user access rights, enable IP anti-tracking mode, and after a few seconds, the alarm sound disappears.The computer screen returned to normal.

After a manual search, it was determined that the hackers who invaded the system were driven away, and Xiao Tiancheng turned on the anti-theft program to repair it. After all the work was completed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around, the serious face conjured a smile like a flower, and looked flatteringly at Cheng Xiaoye: "Sister, can I be treated leniently if I confess it frankly?"

Sister Yu raised her head, full of aura: "It depends on how frank you confess."

Xiao Tiancheng suddenly fell short, leaned back in the chair and began to play dead.

Daddy and Mommy are so unfair, his two older sisters and one older brother are about the same age, but when it's his turn, he has a little milk bag, and all three of them bully him alone.

"It's no use pretending to be dead. If you don't confess, you can hand it over to the computer." Sister Yu gave an order, and Xiao Tiancheng immediately came back from the pretend state, jumping up in a jerk, "Sister, you mean that you don't need to hand over the computer if you confess. Bar."

Cheng Xiaoye's face darkened, "I'll count to five..."

"I'm currently the information security director of the Ministry of National Security, responsible for network security..." Xiao Tiancheng explained clearly that he was the information security director in one breath, and kicked Cheng Xiaoye's plan to count five directly. to the wall.

Sister Yu's plan fell through, and her face became even darker.

"If you dare to lie, my sister will beat your ass!" Cheng Xiaoye's threatening words were like a cool wind blowing over Xiao Tiancheng's head, "What happened just now?"

"There are criminals who have invaded the top-secret database of the country, and I intercepted it." Xiao Tiancheng's eyes were shining with the victor's light, she clenched her fleshy fists, and said proudly: "This is the third time he has invaded , I blocked them from the French Open!"

"Return to the law." Cheng Xiaoye sneered, disapproving.

But... A pair of bright eyes fell on the computer screen. What kind of information should this country's top-secret information be?

Xiao Tiancheng looked at Cheng Xiaoye and suddenly smiled inexplicably, and suddenly got goosebumps all over her body, stood up and blocked it in front of the computer screen, "This is really a state secret, you can't read it, stealing state secrets and breaking the law will be severely punished .”

Cheng Xiaoye laughed wildly, "My dear brother, aren't you the director of information security? With you here, I don't count as spying."

Seeing that Little Sweet Orange refused to give in, Sister Yu turned pale, "Get out of the way, if you don't obey, I'll tell Daddy, Mommy, you're doing bad things behind their backs."

Three black lines were drawn across Xiaotiancheng's bun face.

Not a family, not entering a family, that's right, the tone of the two sisters threatening him is exactly the same.Turning her head to glance at the information on the screen behind her, Xiao Tiancheng asked fearlessly, "Sis, when did you become so thick-skinned?"

Sister Yu got angry, and lifted Xiao Tiancheng from the chair with all her strength, "You just stay by the side."

Under Xiao Tiancheng's resentful eyes, Cheng Xiaoye sat in front of the computer, moved the mouse to browse the files in the database, and opened several folders in succession, all of which were recorded accidents. Cheng Xiaoye lacked interest and was about to close Turned off the computer to urge Xiao Tiancheng to sleep, and the moment he clicked back, he suddenly saw a familiar picture in the quickly scrolled files.
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(End of this chapter)

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