Chapter 143

Opened several folders in a row, all of which were records of various accidents. Cheng Xiaoye lacked interest, and was about to turn off the computer and urge Xiaotiancheng to sleep. The moment he clicked back, he suddenly saw a picture in the quickly scrolled files. familiar faces.

"How come there are photos of my sister when she was a child?" Cheng Xiaoye's eyes were full of puzzlement, and he clicked the mouse to open the photos.

Dong Yilan in the photo looks about 7 years old, lying on the operating bed with her eyes closed, her pale face lifeless.

Xiao Tiancheng also came over, he had never seen Dong Yilan's appearance when he was a child, but the familiarity between his brows was unmistakable, it was indeed his big sister Dong Yilan.

"What's the matter with my sister's photo? Is it also a state secret?" Cheng Xiaoye pointed to the photo and asked.

The bossy look, as if Xiao Tiancheng has done something wrong.

Little Sweet Orange flattened her mouth aggrieved.He doesn't know what's going on, he's just the director of information security, and the content here is very confidential, and he has never read it.

Cheng Xiaoye saw the three words "I don't know" from Dong Chengcheng's eyes, murmured scolded the idiot, and started to open the information to read for himself.

Dong Chengcheng stood beside her, his eyes fixed on the screen.

The data records all the experiences of Dong Yilan after being brought into the T organization, including the various processes of body transformation, genetic changes, and some codes and data. Most of the content is incomprehensible to Cheng Xiaoye, but there is an English Characters She understands Human Weapon (Human Weapon).

Looking at it from the beginning to the end, Cheng Xiaoye was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out, and he looked at Xiaotiancheng in disbelief, "I said baby brother, are you going to do this for him?"

My older sister was turned into a human weapon by someone else, and my younger brother actually helped the other party guard the door. This is so true, it makes people laugh out loud.

Xiao Tiancheng was as surprised as Cheng Xiaoye, her little head turned into a rattle, "Sister, I swear I really don't know what's in it, it's a top secret, I haven't read it."

Cheng Xiaoye guessed that Xiao Tiancheng was telling the truth this time. Their children were protecting their shortcomings. If they knew that there were such contents in it, they would not work for the other party.

"I bombarded this database now!" Xiao Tiancheng stomped her feet angrily, and was about to destroy the data inside.

Sure enough, it wasn't that the whole family didn't come in. Before Cheng Xiaoye could say anything, Dong Chengcheng had already gone with her.

"No, it can't be deleted." No matter how advanced the computer technology is, Xiao Tiancheng is still a child psychologically. He wants to destroy these evidences that are not good for his sister, but Cheng Xiaoye thinks more far-sighted. delete the data in it, the data may be useful.”

Looking back on these years, my sister seems to be a little abnormal, and she does some weird checks every now and then. Sometimes it rains and thunders, and she will behave abnormally. I used to think that it was because of poor health and timidity. The aftermath of the transformation.

"Damn it, who did such a horrific thing?!" Cheng Xiaoye was so angry when he thought that his sister who had been with him day and night was treated as an experiment, he wished he could turn them out and cut them into pieces.

Ten thousand cuts is too light, they should be put on Yilan, and they should be done a hundred times and a thousand times on them!

Yujie's pretty face was flushed with anger, and the violent aura condensed to form a low pressure around her. Xiaotiancheng stood innocently beside her, wringing her fingers silently. After a long while, she whispered: "Sister, you let me I'm downloading data, can you give me your seat?"

Shaking his two short hands, he stood on the ground and couldn't reach the mouse...

Cheng Xiaoye's eyes twitched, and he got up to make room for him.

"Don't forget to delete the database when you're done."

"Do not worry!"

Xiao Tiancheng gave her an OK gesture, and Cheng Xiaoye was relieved enough to go to the bed and sit down.After thinking about it, she always felt that something was wrong. She hadn't seen her eldest sister for a long time, and Daddy and Mommy were also mysterious during this time, and they didn't know where they had gone.

Mommy and Daddy should know about this, right?

Cheng Xiaoye took out his cell phone.

Xiaotiancheng was downloading the data, thinking that this place would do such a heinous thing to her sister, Xiaotiancheng disarmed the defense system in a fit of anger.

Mo Yao tried to hack into the national security system for the fifth time, and he got in very easily. This feeling is like a person who is escaping and knocking on the door. Backache and leg pain.

"Their defense system suddenly failed." Mo Yao said softly, murmuring in a tone that couldn't tell if he was talking to them or talking to himself.

"Be careful of fraud." Dong Chuxi reminded him carefully, for fear that another police would come out and come after their IP addresses.

Regarding Yilan, Mo Yao also became more careful, tentatively entered the database, and opened a file.

The alarm did not go off and no interception measures were encountered.

"No interception." Mo Yao said.

Mo Yao, who was not intercepted, was like a fish in water, and began to quickly check the files in the database, but trying to find what he wanted from tens of thousands of databases was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Xiao Tiancheng naturally discovered Mo Yao's existence, but he was in a bad mood and didn't bother to care.

Mo Yao activated the search function, and he found that even so, he would not be blocked, so he searched boldly with more confidence, and his hard work paid off. He finally saw a picture similar to seven-color flowers in a folder, the file title was Human Weapon.

Mo Yao was overjoyed, finally found it!
As soon as he moved the mouse to open it, suddenly, all the contents that were still in the folder just now disappeared, and then he was kicked out of the system.

"Shit!" Mo Yao couldn't hold back an irritable growl, he knew he should download the file.He hacked into the system again and used the same method again, but he couldn't find the file no matter what.

The only possibility is that the folder was deleted just now.

"Damn!!!!" Mo Yao suddenly went mad with rage, and wanted to kill someone. He punched the desk, and the laptop on the desk shook three times. In front of us, but one step too late.

"Is there a problem with the other party's database?" Dong Chuxi stood up and asked.

After waiting too long, Tang Ze went to the laboratory to see Dong Yilan. Only Mo Yao and Dong Chuchen were left in the room. At this moment, Dong Chuchen's cell phone rang.

He took out his phone, and the word Ono jumped on the screen.

It should be early in the morning in China. If you make a call in the middle of the night, nothing will happen at home. Dong Chuchen answered the phone suspiciously.

"Daddy, is something wrong with sister?" Ono's worried voice came from the phone.

Dong Chuchen was stunned for a moment, saying that it was the sister's spiritual feeling, which is not suitable for them, but... "How do you know that sister is in trouble?"

"It seems to be true," Cheng Xiaoye said anxiously, "Daddy, Cheng Cheng and I found a top-secret information about my sister, Human Weapon, human weapon, have you heard of it?"

Dong Chuchen was completely stunned. He searched for information that he hadn't found for more than ten years. His teenage daughter and five-year-old son were able to find it.

"Where did you find it? What's in it?"

"Genetic modification, and a lot of data that I can't understand."

Before Cheng Xiaoye finished speaking, Dong Chuchen had already thought that it was the information they had been trying to steal for a long time, and asked hurriedly, "Honey, where are these materials now?"

"On Orange Computer."

"Save it to the network disk immediately. This information is very important. It may save your sister." Dong Chuchen couldn't hold back the ecstasy in his heart, and almost laughed out loud, "Baby, I thank you for Yilan!"

Cheng Xiaoye didn't know Dong Yilan's current situation, but he could hear the importance of this thing from his father's tone, and secretly thanked Xiao Tiancheng for not letting Xiao Tiancheng delete it just now.

Although she really wanted to ask about her sister's situation, she heard from her father that the situation was urgent, so she sent the information first.

The entire folder is more than 2 G. Fortunately, the Internet speed at home is fast enough, and it can be done in a few minutes after uploading to the network disk.

I sent the address of the network disk to Daddy, and soon received a call from him.

It took more than ten minutes to download the data. Dong Chuxi took this time to ask what his son and daughter were doing. In the middle of the night, they went to the national security system to steal the data.

It would be enough to get caught, and it would be enough for the two of them to spend their lives in prison.

"Daddy, don't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame your precious son. It's Cheng Cheng. He is the information security director of a certain organization." Sacrifice his younger brother to protect himself, Cheng Xiaoye decisively betrayed Xiao Tiancheng.

Xiao Tiancheng looked at Cheng Xiaoye with resentment, and said silently, sister, you are not kind, sister, you are not righteous, sister, you are not honest, sister, I will draw a circle and curse you...


Dong Chuzhi suddenly felt that God must have forgotten to close the window when he went out today. The shocking events followed one after another, and each one was more horrifying than the last, only more exciting but not the most exciting.

His five-year-old son is the security director of the National Information Security Department. How could he not know about such an awesome job? Also, the state stipulates that only people over the age of 16 can participate in the work. If they recruit child labor, no one will take care of it?
Damn, after a series of things, she is as elegant as Dong Chuchen, and she wants to curse.

"You let Chengcheng answer the phone!" With a bad tone, Cheng Xiaoye immediately threw the phone to Xiaotiancheng knowingly.

Xiao Tiancheng's milk-packed face wrinkled into a steamed dumpling, she took the phone in an embarrassing manner, and called out childishly, "Daddy."

"You'd better explain the matter to Daddy. What's the matter with the security information director?" His family status is really getting worse and worse. His wife can't control it. Now the five-year-old child wants to rebel.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you think this daddy is Elvis?

There was a glutinous voice on the phone, and this kid was about to show his housekeeping skills to show off his cuteness and roll around again. Dong Chuchen was about to stop him sharply, when he suddenly heard a ding, Mo Yao said: "The download is over, I'll go Tell Tang Ze to come over."

"I'll settle the score with you in the future. Don't cause trouble for me when you two are at home these few days!"

"Got it, Daddy."

Hanging up the phone, Dong Chuchen was in a complicated mood. He raised four children, Dong Yilan's acquired transformation was not counted, and the remaining three were all extremely talented. I really don't know what kind of virtue he accumulated in his previous life, God. Treat him so well.

(End of this chapter)

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