Chapter 144
"You said it was your youngest son who intercepted me?"

If it wasn't for Tang Ze pressing on his shoulders, Mo Yao would definitely jump three feet high in shock. As a man with a mature mind and strong self-esteem, being defeated by a five-year-old child would mean a great humiliation.

Not to mention beating him twice.

"Is your son a mutation?" Tang Ze also found it inconceivable, looking at Dong Chuchen as if looking at an alien.

A five-year-old child with a normal mind can just sit in front of the computer and know how to cut fruit. Let's see the bear come in and out. Hacker is a profession for adults, and there are no children to meddle in it.

"Look at the information." Dong Chuzhi pointed to the computer screen. His son was so precocious, and he was also very melancholy as a father.

The information records in detail the entire process of Dong Yilan's genetic modification, including Dong Yilan's various performances during the period. The process was extremely cruel. It made Mo Yao want to drop the computer several times, but was rejected by Dong Chuzhi and Tang Yilan. Ze held it down.

"Look, I'll go out for a while." Mo Yao stood up while supporting the table, and staggered out of the room.

Unknowingly, he walked to Dong Yilan's side with heavy steps.

She fell asleep deeply, with a tranquility on her face, and her charming smile gradually calmed down his suffocating heart.

If he hadn't seen these materials, he would never have imagined what kind of injuries Dong Yilan had suffered in the five years before being rescued by Dong Chuzhi. Those materials were like sharp knives, piercing straight into the In his heart, he was in pain.

Mo Yao sat down by the bed, squeezed Yilan's somewhat cold hands, and put them on his cheeks to warm them.

"Yilan, as long as you come back, I will treat you well, even if I give up everything in my life, I will make you the happiest woman in the world."

The elegant fragrance from the woman's body penetrated into the nostrils, and Mo Yao sucked it greedily. Finally, the stimulated and torn rationality slowly came back, and Mo Yao's brain became a little clearer.

Yilan is still waiting for his rescue, he can't be decadent.

She put down her hand, left a kiss on the forehead, and quickly returned to Dong Chuzhi's room.

It was getting dark, and Tang Ze was studying the data records in the materials. Those process records were not very helpful for Dong Yilan's recovery, so Tang Ze excluded them.

"What are these?" Mo Yao asked, these items are too professional, he can understand about the same as Cheng Xiaoye.

"This is something that digitizes human genes." Tang Ze frowned. He didn't know if the data was too difficult to understand, or there was something wrong with it. Looking at Tang Ze's expression, Mo Yao and Dong Chuchen felt that things didn't look like that. So optimistic.

Sure enough, Tang Ze said: "These materials are of little use."

He closed one file and reopened another, which had a name besides the obscure code.

"Wait." Mo Yao stopped Tang Ze.

This material is a personnel file.

Biologist, Lake.

"I've heard of this man," Tang Ze said, "a very powerful biologist, but he disappeared more than [-] years ago, and it is said that he died in a shipwreck."

"Then why is his name here?" Mo Yao didn't believe that there would be some kind of accidental coincidence, the data administrator accidentally put the file in the wrong folder, and such an oolong incident happened.

"Look." A look of astonishment flashed across Dong Chu's eyes, and he pointed to the computer screen to remind the two of them: "The following records."

Seeing this, the two of them suddenly felt that the world was illusory again.

According to the records, they extracted Lake's brain memory, put it into the brain of another weapon scientist, transplanted the weapon scientist's brain to a healthy person, and then they were three in one and reborn.

Fuck, is this a sci-fi movie?Mo Yao couldn't help but want to scold people. Although he was also quietly experimenting with human weapons, he didn't even dare to think about such a perverted thing as transplanting human brains.

"This weapon expert is called Xiao Wu, and he belongs to Longxuan." Dong Chuchen said in a low tone, "When something happened to Longxuan, Xiao Wu was taken away by them."

It seems that the person who transformed Dong Yilan into a human weapon is this regenerated human who is a biologist and weapon scientist.

"If he is still alive, he should have a way to restore Miss Dong's body to a normal person." Tang Ze said: "People who study academics like them can have such shocking achievements, and they will be engraved in their minds for a lifetime."

"But the world is so big, the T organization has long since ceased to exist, where can I find Lake."

Mo Yao looked through Lake's file carefully again, it only recorded that he was successfully resurrected, and there was no mention of any words about the withdrawal of the T organization in other materials.

"Mr. Dong, since your son can get these materials, it shouldn't be difficult to check a person."

Although Mo Yao also felt that it was unreliable to pin his hopes on a five-year-old child, but there was no other way now.

City D, the owner.

Dong Chengcheng was being forced to go to bed by Cheng Xiaoye, when his sister said that if he didn't sleep, he would beat his ass until his ass blossomed.

Little Sweet Orange huddled under the quilt, her milk-wrapped face wrinkled into a bun, and she flattened her mouth to protest: "Sister, you are a bandit who only allows state officials to set fires and forbids the common people to light lamps. There is no rule whether to sleep during the day or at night, I stay up late at night and sleep during the day!"

"Why are you staying up all night, kid, hurry up and go to bed!" Sister Yu ordered, even the roof shook three times, Xiao Tiancheng knew that she was no match, so she honestly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

the phone is ringing.

Xiao Tiancheng jumped up from the quilt with a whoosh, and Cheng Xiaoye gave him an angry look, "It's Daddy, he's looking for me." He picked up the phone, and in Xiao Tiancheng's eyes full of contempt, passed the phone over , "Daddy wants you to answer the phone."


Dong Chengcheng hadn't heard of this person before, so he didn't know if it would be difficult to find him, but for the sake of his sister, he had to find it even if it was difficult.

Half an hour later, Dong Chu received a message from Dong Chengcheng. After the T organization disbanded, Lake tried to use Dong Yilan's mysterious power to fight against him. He was discovered by the Sixth Division of National Security and imprisoned in the secret prison of the Sixth Division of National Security. inside.

The Sixth Office of National Security is the most mysterious department in the country. There is no one. I am afraid that only those in the organization know where it is.

Long Xuan's power back then was about to be uprooted, and the new force hadn't reached that level, and they couldn't get access to state secrets. It was very difficult to get the location of the Sixth Office of the National Security Bureau.

The location of the National Security Bureau No. [-] is also kept secret from the outside world, so it is not mentioned in the X file.

A glimmer of hope had just been ignited, but it was in trouble again.

What Cheng Xiaoye didn't say was that when she and Xiao Tiancheng were checking the information, they saw another person.This person is not familiar, but I met him in the company. He is the new driver of JH International Jewelry Department, Su Jie.

Why is Su Jie's information in the Hui X file, and why did he come to JH International? These series of questions made Cheng Xiaoye have a strong interest in Su Jie.

Ideas are worse than actions. On the second day, Mo Yao started to find the address of the Sixth Office of National Security, Xiao Tiancheng was catching up on sleep, and Cheng Xiaoye came to JH International Jewelry Department.

Wearing a long purple dress swaying in the wind, her long hair permed into big waves, with a maturity that does not match her age, handbags, watches, all exuding a noble atmosphere, like an international superstar walking out of a fashion magazine, shining brightly With a smile, all living beings are captivated.

Almost everyone in the JH International Jewelry Department knows her.

Not only because she is the daughter of JH International, but also because she is the chief designer of JH International Jewelry Department.

In the eyes of everyone, Cheng Xiaoye is the darling of the heavens. She grew up with a golden key in her mouth when she was born. With the theme of "home", she created a string of emerald necklaces. This string of necklaces won the top awards in the jewelry design industry in one fell swoop, sweeping numerous individual awards, and also made her enter the ranks of the world's top jewelry designers in one fell swoop.

It may have happened once, but later people discovered that this girl is indeed a genius in the jewelry design industry.

She launched another four series of jewelry in a row, and it was combined with a saying that has been passed down in China for 5000 years, "Home and everything prosper". As a result, once this set of jewelry was launched, it was sold out on the day it was launched, and it was directly given to JH International Jewelry. The department completed the half-year sales performance.

Since then, Cheng Xiaoye has become the chief designer of JH International.

Walking into the JH International Jewelry Department, everyone's expressions are respectful and polite.

"Good morning, Miss Cheng!"

"Morning Miss Cheng!"

Greetings were heard endlessly, Cheng Xiaoye smiled and walked into the office quickly.

Although the office is not as luxurious as the president's office of Dong Chuzhi, it is not small, and there are models and jewelry samples of different styles.

There is a set of drawing boards facing the glass wall. Occasionally, when Cheng Xiaoye is in a good mood, he will draw a sketch of the city. This sketch may be a cityscape or a jewelry design sketch.

There is still an unfinished jewelry design drawing on the drawing board. Only the outline is drawn with a pencil, and the details have not been processed.

Cheng Xiaoye poured himself a cup of coffee, drank while standing in front of the window watching the spectacular traffic in the city.

In order to allow designers to have better creative inspiration, all designers of JH International have particularly good views in their offices. When you open the curtains, you can see the beautiful scenery of the whole city at a glance.

The position of chief designer is of course the best.

Cheng Xiaoye likes to stand here and look at the city, but what she looks at today is not the city, but the city.

Seeing a Santana coming towards JH International from a distance, Cheng Xiaoye smiled meaningfully, took a sip of coffee, turned and walked out the door.

When he arrived at the underground parking lot of JH International, Cheng Xiaoye tidied his hair deliberately, took out the makeup mirror, and touched up his makeup. His bright red lips were gently pressed, plump, plump and full of elasticity.

Cheng Xiaoye smiled enchantingly at the mirror, with all kinds of charms, charming all living beings.

He snapped his fingers in satisfaction, twisted his slender waist, and walked towards the white Santana.

Su Jie stopped and walked down. There was a traffic jam on the road, and it was only a few minutes before he went to work. He glanced at his watch in a hurry, completely unaware of the approaching danger.
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(End of this chapter)

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