The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 145 Black-bellied Cheng Xiaoye

Chapter 145 Black-bellied Cheng Xiaoye

There was a traffic jam on the road. When Su Jie arrived at the parking lot, he was only a few minutes away from work. He glanced at his watch in a hurry, completely unaware of the approaching danger.


A bloody scene happened.

Cheng Xiaoye looked down at his watch, as if he was in a hurry, and in his hurry, he didn't notice Su Jie who was walking in front of the locked car, and the two bumped into each other without warning.

Su Jie had no warning, but Cheng Xiaoye did it on purpose.

Shocked, Cheng Xiaoye was in a hurry, threw his handbag out of Lao Gao, his high heels swayed, and his body fell backwards uncontrollably.

"Damn, this man's chest is really hard!" Cheng Xiaoye didn't forget to complain before falling down.

Before it was too late, Su Jie rushed forward with a stride, stretched out his long arms, and embraced Cheng Xiaoye's slender waist with the classic heroic rescue action in martial arts movies.

The distance is very close, and the faint mint fragrance in the man's breath blows towards his face.

Cheng Xiaoye smelled a cool breeze, then his waist tightened, and he stopped falling at a height less than 40cm from the ground.The handbag fell to the ground two or three meters away with a bang, causing a cloud of dust to fly on the ground.

Sure enough, the response was fast!Cheng Xiaoye thought to himself.

She was already prepared, even if Su Jie couldn't catch her, she wouldn't fall too badly.But this is the best way, Cheng Xiaoye smiled at Su Jie's face, which was close at hand.

An imperceptible emotion flashed in Su Jie's deep eyes, his arms were tense, and he pulled Cheng Xiaoye up forcefully, and looked down at Cheng Xiaoye's body to see that she was fine, before saying, "Sorry, I'm going to be late." I left in a bit of a hurry and didn't notice anyone behind me."

After finishing speaking, he turned around to help Cheng Xiaoye pick up the bag.

"Oops..." Cheng Xiaoye yelled loudly, squatted down abruptly, put his hands on his ankles and groaned endlessly.

Su Jie was frightened, so she squatted down and asked nervously, "Miss, does it hurt your ankle?"

Cheng Xiaoye nodded, his beautiful eyes were full of forbearance.

"Help me." Su Jie's tone could not be refused, Cheng Xiaoye cooperated with Su Jie and put his hand on his shoulder.Su Jie gently lifted Cheng Xiaoye's feet, took off her high heels and rubbed her ankles.

The distance between the two was very close, almost face to face, and Cheng Xiaoye was able to see the man's face at a close distance.

I didn't think much of it from a distance, but when I saw it up close, I felt an urge to blush.

Su Jie is not a beauty at first glance, but she has excellent facial features and a sharp silhouette.The complexion is slightly dark, like a healthy color formed by wind, sun and sun. It matches with the facial features, showing the toughness of a man.

Tsk tsk, the iron-blooded man Fan created by God.

"Does it hurt here?" Su Jie didn't notice Cheng Xiaoye's thoughts, pinching Cheng Xiaoye's wrist bone showed no signs of injury, so he asked.

"Ah, oh, there it is."

Su Jie frowned, very speechless to Cheng Xiaoye's reaction.

Right here, a man jumped out from behind a car, rushed over to pick up Cheng Xiaoye's handbag and ran away.

"Hello..." Before Cheng Xiaoye finished speaking, Su Jie had already helped her up and put her on the car.

"Stand up!" It was an absolute command tone, and it was difficult for someone who had never been a leader to practice this kind of momentum.

Cheng Xiaoye silently praised his accurate judgment in his heart.

The engine compartment that had just turned off was still emitting heat, burning Cheng Xiaoye's PP. She moved uncomfortably, leaned to the side, and leaned on the fender to watch the show.

Su Jie caught up with the bag snatcher in a few steps, locked his arm with a grabbing hand, and pulled him back.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, the man became malicious, pulled out a knife from his waist with a wave of his hand, and stabbed Su Jie viciously.

Su Jie raised her hand to block it, grabbed the gangster's hand, bent sideways and fell on her back, and threw the gangster heavily to the ground. The gangster groaned when he fell, and threw the bag in his hand several meters away.

Just as Su Jie was about to step forward to grab him up, the gangster raised the knife in his hand and slid forward, Su Jie was forced to withdraw his hand, and the gangster stood up like a carp.

"Good boy, what are you doing!" The gangster snorted and slashed at him with a knife.

On one side of Su Jie's body, he dexterously dodged a knife, but the gangster came back with a second knife.

After coming down several times, Su Jie dodged passively, Cheng Xiaoye couldn't help being a little disappointed, biting his thin lips and thinking for a long time, suddenly a gleam of light burst out of his eyes.

"Ah, my head hurts so much, I feel like I fell to the ground!"

Just kidding, Miss Cheng, your head was half a meter away from the ground just now!

Su Jie didn't know if it was true or not, but Cheng Xiaoye pretended to be realistic. In a panic, Su Jie stopped passively dodging and started to fight back. He rolled over and flew into the air, kicking off the knife in the gangster's hand, and landed on the ground. , The grabbing hand quickly caught up, grabbed the gangster's arm, and pressed it to the ground.

"Good fight!" Cheng Xiaoye applauded secretly in his heart, but unfortunately the gangster was too weak to watch.

"How are you?" Su Jie pressed the gangster, and did not forget to turn around and ask Cheng Xiaoye.

Cheng Xiaoye hurriedly put away his gloating face, put on a sickly look, and frowned with his head on his hands: "My head hurts!" The delicate voice was like honey, and Su Jie's heart was pounding like a deer. .

Seeing this, the gangster got rid of Su Jie's imprisonment, didn't grab the bag, and fled out desperately.

Just as Su Jie was about to chase, Cheng Xiaoye pretended to be weak and was about to fall, so Su Jie had to give up chasing the murderer, and hurried over to support Cheng Xiaoye. On the way, he picked up Cheng Xiaoye's bag.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Said Su Jie was about to open the door.

"Hey, don't bother." Cheng Xiaoye placed his delicate hand on Su Jie's big hand, stopping Su Jie from opening the door, "I work upstairs here, just take me back to the office."

It was only then that Su Jie recognized the woman in front of her as Cheng Xiaoye, the legendary God's favorite.

"Miss Cheng, I'm really sorry, I didn't recognize you just now."

"It's not too late now." Cheng Xiaoye stretched out a hand, raised his head proudly like an old Buddha, "Send me back."

That gesture was very much like the hands that the master stretched out when he summoned the girl.

Su Jie smiled wryly, and took Cheng Xiaoye's hand.

I heard that Cheng Xiaoye, the daughter of JH International, has a weird temper, a cold personality, and is extremely harsh and difficult to get along with. I didn't expect to meet him in the parking lot. He is not like the legend at all.

After taking a step, Cheng Xiaoye made a gesture and fell to the ground.

"I'll carry you away."

Su Jie didn't wait for Cheng Xiaoye to answer, a pair of strong arms had already held Cheng Xiaoye into his arms, Cheng Xiaoye didn't evade, his arms naturally wrapped around Su Jie's neck, and buried his face in Su Jie's chest.

The intimacy acted like a couple, Su Jie's face became hot, and her heart beat out of rhythm.

The man's frantic heartbeat came to his ears, Cheng Xiaoye smiled mischievously, and buried his face deeper, Su Jie didn't know there was a trap ahead, and carried Cheng Xiaoye out of the underground parking lot from the elevator.

Outside the elevator, journalists from various media seemed to have ambushed in advance. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they were surrounded by reporters swarming up.The spotlight was crackling and flashing non-stop, and the powerful force startled Su Jie.

He hugged Cheng Xiaoye tightly with his arms.

Cheng Xiaoye pursed his lips and snickered, hiding the tricky smile in Su Jie's arms, avoiding the wild bombardment of the cameras.

"Miss Cheng, I heard that the robbers injured people in the underground parking lot just now. Your boyfriend made a heroic move and defeated the robbers. Is that true?"

"Miss Cheng, since your debut, you have been very low-key in terms of relationships. Are you planning to get married this time to make your relationship public?"

"Sir, what's your name?"

"Sir, how long have you been with Miss Cheng? This time, do you plan to marry Miss Cheng?"

"Have you met your parents?"

"When are you going to hold the engagement ceremony?"

Cheng Xiaoye pretended to faint and laughed wildly in his heart, while Su Jie was bewildered, with a sad face and at a loss.

Where is this all?When did he get involved with Cheng Xiaoye? It was just that he bumped into her accidentally and met the robbers and drew their swords to help him. Where did this group of obstructive reporters come from?

"Please make way, she is injured and needs to go to the hospital." Su Jie had no choice but to use Cheng Xiaoye as a shield to signal the reporter to make way.

The reporter was not willing to give up, and asked Cheng Xiaoye how he was injured and where he was injured.

Cheng Xiaoye felt that it was almost done, and his arms drooped down. Su Jie's heart sank, thinking that Cheng Xiaoye had fainted, so he shook her vigorously: "Hey, how are you?" open!!!"

The reporters swarmed away as if they had arrived suddenly. Cheng Xiaoye narrowed his eyes into a line and looked around secretly. The reporters retreated as quickly as a cat seeing a mouse, and disappeared in an instant.

"Hey, I suddenly feel that my head doesn't hurt anymore, please let me down." Cheng Xiaoye let go of his hand around Su Jie's neck, signaling Su Jie to let her go.

Su Jie's eyes twitched and he put her down.

If you say you faint, you will faint, and if you want to wake up, you will wake up. I guess Su Jie is also drunk...

"Thank you for helping me get my wallet back, and I'll treat you to dinner another day." Cheng Xiaoye raised the money in his hand, smiled generously at Su Jie, turned and walked towards the gate of JH International, there was no trace of knocking his head and spraining his feet.

Su Jie didn't react until she disappeared at the door.

Shit, late for work!
He hurried into the unit, the check-in place had just been locked, and the big security guard was collecting the keys.

"Wait a minute." Su Jie hurriedly ran over, "I'm sorry, the traffic jam came late."

Seeing the security guard who helped to open the time attendance machine, Su Jie was surprised, pointed at the security guard, and said in surprise, "Didn't you be in the underground parking lot just now..."

The security guard's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and his eyes were fixed on Su Jie: "Do you punch in or not? If you don't punch me, I will lock you up."

"Hit..." The more I thought about it, the more inexplicable it became. The gangster who robbed Cheng Xiaoye in the parking lot turned out to be the security guard of JH International.

It is impossible for the security guard not to know Cheng Xiaoye, even if he is eager to steal money, he will never have the guts to attack the second lady of the boss.The only possibility is that the robbery in the morning was arranged by Cheng Xiaoye.

She did this, why? -
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(End of this chapter)

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