The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 146 The Trip to Qinghai

Chapter 146 The Trip to Qinghai
It is impossible for the security guard not to know Cheng Xiaoye, even if he is eager to steal money, he will never have the guts to attack the second lady of the boss.The only possibility is that the robbery in the morning was arranged by Cheng Xiaoye.

She did this, why?
Su Jie's question was answered within half an hour.

He was reading newspapers in his office. His occupation made him develop the habit of reading morning newspapers. As he was reading, he suddenly felt a lot of inexplicable eyes. A look of envy or jealousy or hatred.

The corners of Su Jie's eyes twitched, how come even colleagues who usually don't see each other, now have the same hatred against him.

"what happened?"

"You can do it, boy..." Xiao Feng, who entered the company two months earlier than Su Jie, snorted twice, and sat next to Su Jie. I fell in love with the daughter of the president's family, and I didn't tell my buddies, it's because we still have a friendship in a taxi together?"

Su Jie snorted in her heart, you obviously don't want to spend money, so why don't you give me a ride.

"I don't know what you mean by that."

Su Jie took his arm away and stood up, leaving him with a haughty back.

"Hey, he still doesn't admit it..." Xiao Feng pointed at Su Jie's back with an angry look on his face.

At the same time, Wang Xi leaned in front of Su Jie, raised his phone in his face, "It's useless if you don't admit it, the Penguin news has been exposed, and you came out of the underground parking lot in the morning with the president's daughter in your arms. Tell me, what did you guys do last night?" Why did you go?"

What else did Su Jie want to say, Wang Xi swiped his finger and zoomed in on the photo on the news, it turned out to be the photo of Su Jie coming out of the parking lot with Cheng Xiaoye in his arms.

Su Jie's face suddenly changed.

It's broken, it was tricked by that girl!

"Quickly tell me where you went and what did you do last night?" People always have a comparison mentality. Usually when we get together, everyone hangs out, and it doesn't matter when they are on equal footing. Once someone gets rich and exceeds the average line, it will cause everyone's hatred. , a typical psychological imbalance.

Now Su Jie is in this situation.

Seeing the son-in-law Chenglong Kuai, who became the president overnight, everyone's eyes immediately changed, and his speech became eccentric, "Second Miss, with her figure and appearance, must be fun to work with, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Su Jie got angry, flicked her sleeves and went out, he wanted to ask Cheng Xiaoye to understand what she meant by doing this.

There was an explosion in the office behind him, and the obscene language was unbearable. Most of them accused Su Jie of not revealing his face, climbing high and aristocratic, eating soft rice and marrying wealthy families and so on.

Su Jie's general office and Cheng Xiaoye's design office are not on the same floor. While waiting for the elevator, his cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that it was the command's call.

Su Jie frowned and looked around for no one before answering the phone.

As soon as the phone was answered, there was a burst of shouting and cursing from inside: "Su Jie, what's the matter with you, the organization arranged for you to complete the task, not for you to have a romantic relationship! It's nothing more than a romantic relationship, It’s still causing trouble in the city, and now even the superiors know about it, how can you explain it to the organization?”

Su Jie was speechless.

He didn't know anything at all, so he was tricked into it.

"Chief, I..."

"What are you, hurry up and get back to me!"

"The last mission?"

"If you put the task first, will things turn out like this? Come back and write me a review!"

With a snap, the phone hung up.

Su Jie stared at the phone screen speechlessly, the elevator door just opened, and a little girl wearing the JH International front desk uniform inside asked with a smile, "Can you go upstairs?"

A wry smile appeared on Su Jie's tough face, "No, thank you."

When the elevator door closed, Su Jie was furious.

He is a high-achieving student who graduated from the police academy and the director of the Sixth Division of the State, but he was tricked by a little girl!It really doesn't make sense.

The superior ordered him to go back, so he had no choice but to go back and report first.It was originally a matter of relaxing and resting, but I wasted two months of vacation to work for others, and in the end I was scolded for nothing.

Just now he didn't pay attention to the news on his mobile phone when he read the newspaper. Now that he opened it, he was shocked. He has two news apps, and the headlines are all occupied by a headline: The goddess of jewelry surprises the mysterious boyfriend. The two contents are written Not the same, but the picture is exactly the same.

Su Jie met again and browsed several news websites, and the headlines were all occupied by this news. Although the content of the text, especially his identity, was written in various ways, the news pictures were all exactly the same.

The first picture shows him leading her out, she wraps her arms around his neck in an intimate gesture; the second picture shows his countless microphones jammed in his mouth, and he is hesitant to speak; the third picture shows her arms hanging down, and he is so anxious Sweating profusely, the fourth photo is in the underground parking lot, he is holding her waist, the photo was taken on loan, judging from the back view and body shape, he is holding her sideways, she is wrapping around his neck, two People are kissing passionately.

Depend on!Su Jie has the urge to smash the phone. Is this how the celebrity gossip and hype that I saw before came about?

Wanting to find Cheng Xiaoye's theory, it is estimated that since Cheng Xiaoye has done it, he has prepared a hundred kinds of arguments to refute him.

Forget it, treat him as unlucky!

Fortunately, my girlfriend who has been in love for seven years has run out of patience waiting for him, and ran away with someone more than two months ago, or I really don't know how to explain it when I go back this time.

Watching the white Santana leave upstairs, Cheng Xiaoye raised his brows with a sneer, ran to JH International's bedroom, really had the guts, took out his mobile phone and dialed Dong Chengcheng's number.

"Little Sweet Orange, don't sleep, it's your turn to play, sister forced him back to his original form by sacrificing his reputation, if you dare to lose someone to sister, let's see if she doesn't beat your ass when she goes back. "

Butt again!

Dong Chengcheng couldn't help touching his butt which was still warm under the blanket. Everyone likes to threaten him with their butt. Is it because they are jealous that their butt is cuter?
Narcissism is a fine tradition of the Chinese people, and Xiaotiancheng adheres to the principle and carries forward the fine tradition.

Xiao Tiancheng yawned and turned on the computer. She went to bed too late last night and didn't wake up for two or three hours. But for the sake of her two sisters and the most important thing is to keep her delicate little PP, Xiao Tiancheng still He did as Cheng Xiaoye said.

Turn on the positioning system to track the location of Su Jie's mobile phone.

Taking advantage of Su Jie being surrounded by reporters, Cheng Xiaoye installed a miniature locator in Su Jie's mobile phone. This positioning device is not only concealed, but also has an anti-detection function, which can avoid the scanning of any device.

Up to thousands of miles in the sky, down to a thousand meters of deep water, will not affect the signal transmission.

When Cheng Xiaoye was following Su Jie, Mo Yao had already brought him to the Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai.

His people found out that some special things have often happened here in the past few years. Through the heat search, some abnormal hot spots and wave breaks were found in Moyao on the top of the mountain.

According to common sense, the closer to the top of the mountain, the colder the air will be. In the heat search, there is a temperature on the top of the mountain that is significantly different from other areas.

Mo Yao thought fortunately, maybe the gods cared for Dong Yilan and suffered so much, so he felt sorry for her once, and gave her a way to survive, so he guided them to find this place.

In the past, Mo Yao didn't believe in God, but now he would rather believe in the existence of ghosts and gods, so as to hear his prayers and make Dong Yilan recover.

After laying in ambush for three consecutive days, no abnormalities were found, and Mo Yao was a little impatient.

Zhang Xian lay in ambush beside him, reminding him to stay calm.

Beiying was seriously injured, and his body has not recovered since he was rescued. This time when he came out, Dongchu sent Zhang Xian to partner with him.

Although Mo Yao and Zhang Xian were at odds, Dong Chu's words were an absolute order to Zhang Xian.What's more, this time it was for Dong Yilan, so he couldn't take it lightly.

Before leaving, Dong Chuzhi personally told Zhang Xian that although Mo Yao was careful, he was prone to impulsiveness when it came to matters related to Dong Yilan, so Zhang Xian must remind Mo Yao at any time.

Mo Yao heaved a sigh of relief, and angrily returned to the ambush location.

"Uncle Dong said, be safe and don't be impatient." Zhang Xian knew that his words would not have any effect on Mo Yao, so he could only use Dong Chu to suppress Mo Yao.

Mo Yao's deep eyes flickered, but he finally calmed down.

The scene once again fell into dead silence.

The hum of the engine came into the ears, and everyone's eyes turned to the only passage, lowering their heads as much as possible.

Su Jie drove a Jeep wearing a camouflage uniform into the Kunlun Mountains.For three days, he was on a plane and a train, wading through mountains and rivers to get back to this place where the birds don't shit.

All this is thanks to that woman Cheng Xiaoye.

Thinking of Cheng Xiaoye, his teeth itch with hatred, the woman even called him and asked him with a playful smile why he didn't come to work these two days.He almost blurted out Lao Tzu because you almost lost your job.

He went to JH International because of Dong Yilan, and left in despair because of Cheng Xiaoye. He really had a destiny with the daughter of his boss!
Su Jie stepped on the accelerator hard, the violent engine sound echoed on the mountain road, and the fast-rotating tires rolled up the sand and stones on the mountain road, choking people so hard that they couldn't open their eyes until the Jeep ran far away. Yao and Zhang Xian climbed up from the crevice where the rocks piled up.

Waving the dust off his body, Mo Yao's long and narrow eyes showed a narrow smile, "It seems that these three days were not in vain."

In the barren mountains and wild ridges, if a person comes in with a military vehicle, it is impossible to patrol the mountains.

Mo Yao and the others had surveyed the terrain when they entered the mountain. Within a radius of tens of kilometers, there was only this winding mountain road, winding like a long snake to the depths of Kunlun Mountain.As long as they go straight along this road, they should be able to find their base.

Zhang Xian ordered everyone to check their equipment. There was an endless mountain in front of them. Without sufficient food and water, they had no choice but to die.

When they came to rescue people, they couldn't drive in openly like the car just now, they could only walk forward step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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