The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 147 The Valley of Death

Chapter 147 The Valley of Death
After sorting out the equipment and checking the guns and ammunition, Mo Yao and Zhang Xian took the lead, and a group of people marched towards the mixed stones along the roadside.

They can't drive into the mountains, they can only walk in step by step with their legs, which is nothing to those who have participated in physical training all year round.

There will inevitably be monitoring or infrared scanning equipment on the avenue. Once discovered, let alone saving lives, it is difficult for them to escape by themselves.

A group of people walked from the morning until it was almost dark. They had already climbed several peaks, and the continuous rolling hills were still beyond sight. Everyone was exhausted. Mo Yao looked at the gyroscope, and they had already climbed over 3000 meters above sea level. ridge.

At this time, there was a trace of heat and humidity in the cold air, and the faint sound of running water entered the ears.

"There is a valley ahead!" Mo Yao took the lead to climb up the mountain.

There was a huge valley in front of my eyes, filled with smoke, a huge oasis sunken among the mountains!The magnificence in front of me couldn't be described in words. Zhang Xian and the others followed after him, also staring dumbfounded.

The valley is very, very large, surrounded by cliffs, and a huge river in the middle runs through the entire valley, as if flowing down from the sky, with no end in front and no end in back.

Mo Yao took out his binoculars and looked at the oasis, which was almost covered with dense tree crowns, so he couldn't see what was going on inside.

"There is such a big oasis in this place where the birds don't shit?" Zhang Xian asked strangely.

Mo Yao glanced down at the gyroscope, and snorted coldly: "This is the Lengele Canyon, the legendary valley of death."

When everyone heard this, their hearts suddenly turned cold.

The Narangler Canyon is comparable to the "Death Valley" of the former Soviet Union, the "Death Valley" of the United States, and the "Death Cave" on Java Island, Indonesia. It is a truly terrifying place.

The local people say that there is a man-eating monster in the canyon. Some daring or lost herdsmen enter the valley, and most of them never return.

After the heavy rain, people often see a large number of wild animals in the valley throwing their corpses into the wilderness, and the corpses are accompanied by scorched earth.All kinds of strange phenomena make the Lengele Canyon mysterious and abnormal, so that it has become a "death zone" that people dare not set foot in for many years.

They even set up their base in such a mysterious and weird place.

Mo Yao put away the gyroscope and started walking down with the pair.

It was getting dark now, and they needed to find a place to camp before dark.

The speed of descending the mountain was relatively fast. In less than half an hour, they had reached the edge of the oasis.

The wide mountain road disappeared, and the Jeep wheel tracks could be vaguely seen on the ground disappearing into the water. It should have driven into the oasis.

The environment in the oasis is more complicated than the environment on the mountain. There are overgrown trees and weeds, and there is almost no place to stay. There are barbed thorns everywhere, and the skin will be scratched by sharp thorns if you are not careful.After entering the oasis, the air had to be humid. Mo Yao was dressed in military equipment and military gloves. He was soon drenched with sweat, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

He cut down the branches blocking the road with a saber, and there were high and uneven stones under his feet. If he was not careful, he would sink into the crevices of the stones.

They can't use too much energy and can't make too much movement, so they move very slowly. They walked in the oasis for more than an hour, but they only walked two or three miles. I sprained my foot in the crevice of the stone and couldn't move on.

Going on like this is not an option, Mo Yao thought over and over again, and ordered the team to stop.

"Let's rest here first, and then set off after dawn. Otherwise, even if we find the location of the National Security Bureau No. [-], we won't be able to rescue Lake."

Zhang Xian also meant the same thing. After hearing what Mo Yao said, he began to direct him to rest on the spot.

"Finding such a place to station is really hard for people to find out. No wonder no one has been able to find the existence of the National Sixth Office for so many years."

Mo Yao took out the water, gulped it down twice, screwed on the cap, and put it back in the bag.At this time, he was very different from the cold and black-bellied Mo Qiye in the usual days.

Even, a little more approachable than usual.

"Indeed, it's hard for people to find out if it's hidden in the deep mountains and wild forests." Zhang Xian took out water, sat back to back on the same rock with Mo Yao, and took a few sips happily.

It's hard to imagine that the person he swore to kill a few months ago has now become a comrade-in-arms who can trust his back to the other party.

"Mo Yao, back then in Mexico, the Zhang family and the Fenghuotang were fighting each other, and you had already made a profit, so why did you want to kill them all?"

The water cup in Zhang Xian's hand was placed heavily on the stone, and the hatred in his heart swept over again.

"I know you are Zhang Yaoliang's son." Mo Yao chuckled lightly, with a little disdain, "I also know that you were the one who made trouble in the dark when you traded with the Mexican gangsters. There were not many things that were clearly explained. I said I didn't kill your father, would you believe me?"

"Of course I don't believe it!" Zhang Xian stood up abruptly, raising his voice a few decibels, setting off a series of echoes in the ethereal forest.

Sensing that the reaction was a bit intense, Zhang Xian looked around vigilantly, then sat down sadly.

"Oh," Mo Yao smiled, "Since you don't believe me, why ask?"

The saber in his hand cut down the plants under his feet casually, and soon there was a one-meter-square open space in front of him. Mo Yao threw the equipment into the open space, "Brothers, go to sleep first, I will keep watch."

Zhang Xian didn't move, and after a while, he said solemnly: "Mo Yao, if it wasn't for Yilan, I would not have let you off at Roman Island last time. After this operation is over, I will still find opportunities to take revenge. Finish!"

Mo Yao stared at the saber in his hand, suddenly a mosquito flew past his ear, and Mo Yao raised the saber in his hand to strike.

With a whoosh, the saber flew past a younger brother and sank into the tree trunk.

The buzzing sound stopped abruptly, and the tiny mosquito was nailed to the tree trunk by the sharp blade, leaving only two thin legs trembling non-stop.

The corner of the younger brother's eyes twitched, almost peeing in fear.

Mo Yao walked to the side of the tree, and pulled out his saber forcefully, the hostility between his brows suddenly increased, and he said in a cold tone: "As long as Yilan can escape the danger, I will accompany you anytime you want."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the edge of the team.

In this deep mountain and old forest, there might be wild beasts infesting. Before encountering real enemies, he must keep the team intact.

Zhang Xian didn't sleep either, Mo Yao stayed on one side and he stayed on the other.

A line of teams waited in silence for the coming of night.

At dawn, Dong Chengcheng finally saw the blue arrow representing Su Jie stop. For three whole days, he kept walking, covering almost half of China.

"Sister, come quickly and take a look, he seems to have arrived at his destination." Dong Chengcheng rushed to Cheng Xiaoye's bedroom holding the computer in surprise, Cheng Xiaoye stared at it all day before closing his eyes, and Dong Chengcheng followed in. .

Cheng Xiaoye, who was so sleepy that he couldn't lift his head, rubbed his face, and forced his eyes to open a crack.

The blue arrow on the computer screen stopped on the peak of Kunlun Mountain.

"This is the west of Qinghai?"

Cheng Xiaoye jumped up from the bed in a jerk, and knocked Dong Chengcheng's computer to the ground. Fortunately, Dong Chengcheng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he didn't break the computer into eight pieces.

"Their base is in Qinghai!" Cheng Xiaoye's first reaction was to call his father to inform them of the specific location.

After getting the specific coordinates, in order to ensure everything was safe, Dong Chu took Xiaoqi and Zilong to support Mo Yao.

The helicopter landed on a peak platform dozens of miles away from Nalengele Canyon, and Xiao Qizilong got off the plane with all the equipment.

Dong Chu wanted to get the equipment, but Zilong stopped him, "Uncle Dong, the situation in the Lengele Canyon is very special, Xiao Qi and I will go, you stay here to meet us."

Xiaoqi also meant the same thing.

"Okay." Dong Chuxi withdrew his hand on the backpack: "Be careful."

The platform is surrounded by cliffs, and the huge oasis in the valley can be seen from a distance. Zilong fixed the sling to a boulder at the mouth of the cliff, fastened the safety buckle around his waist, and jumped down first.

Xiao Qi followed closely behind, and the two went down the cliff.

At this time, Mo Yao had already found Su Jie's Jeep.

Behind the 20-meter-high waterfall is a natural karst cave with a diameter of 10 meters and a height of three to four meters. The waterfall has become an excellent natural barrier, blocking all sight lines, and it is used as a parking lot.In addition to the Jeep, there was also a truck parked side by side. The car was broken, and the dismantled wheels were lying on the side of the cave.

Mo Yao pulled the car, the door of the car opened, and the inside was empty, nothing unusual.

"The car is parked here, the entrance to the base should be near here."

Mo Yao slapped the truck door and began to check every inch of the stone wall in the cave, which was completely natural and seamless, without any traces of artificial excavation.

"The entrance should not be in the cave. Let's look around." After Zhang Xian finished speaking, he led a few people out of the cave.

The waterfall is surrounded by damp water vapor, it is difficult to find the footprints left in front, Mo Yao and Zhang Xian spread apart to expand the search area.

Su Jie returned to the office where she had been away for more than two months, raised her long legs and sat down on the chair. Feeling refreshed by the clear sky, she turned around quickly and saw a photo with her girlfriend on the table.

No, it should be his ex-girlfriend now, and she is already someone else's wife.

Su Jie sneered, the lies she said were so sincere, but he couldn't answer a phone call in time, so she got angry and got a certificate with another man, what is that.

With a bang, the photo went into the trash can.

Go to your mother's place forever, I don't care.

Turning around, the beautiful subordinate was standing in front of the office door and smiling at him.This is a girl from Qinghai, with a three-dimensional silhouette of a westerner, big and energetic eyes, not white but very shiny skin, especially her figure, which is uneven and very sexy.

It seemed embarrassing to be seen by others, Su Jie scratched her hair unnaturally, "Is there something wrong?"

The beauty smiled generously and walked in, "Director Su, there is a document for you."

The beauty stretched out her hands to hand over the document, but Su Jie narrowed her black eyes.

The document that came so quickly, you don't need to look at it to know that it will not be a promotion notice. Su Jie opened it and saw that it was not good news.

(End of this chapter)

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