Chapter 148

Su Jie held the document in one hand, veins popped out on the back of his hand, and the hostility between his brows spread like dark clouds.

The beautiful woman who delivered the documents raised her eyebrows. The handsome boss seemed to be in a bad mood. It seemed inappropriate for her to speak in this situation. In order not to be used as cannon fodder, the beautiful woman pointed outside wisely: "Director Su, I'm still here. If you have something to do, go out and get busy first."

Without waiting for Su Jie to nod or shake her head, the beauty bent over and pulled the folder on the table, turned around and ran away without looking back.

The document was thrown on the table by Su Jie.

A shameless woman!
It was she who cheated on him and gave him a cuckold and ran away with others, and he was the one who got angry when he was hurt and hurt. She was fine, but instead bit her, and ran to the headquarters to sue him with snot and tears.

What did he say that he was greedy for fame and fortune, and he abandoned his poor wife in order to marry a rich and famous lady, and all kinds of infamy were used on him to accuse him of being a heartless person, and he almost jumped out and called him a reborn Chen Shimei.

Su Jie was so angry that his brain was congested, his ears were buzzing, and the anger on his face exploded.

The documents of the headquarters, let him review his private life, don't mislead the public because of personal interests, and make big mistakes because of small things.

"Cheng Xiaoye..." Su Jie gritted his teeth, and the sound seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

If it hadn't been for Cheng Xiaoye's tricks, he was still performing his mission in D city, how could he have fallen to the point where he was criticized by the leader!

Just woke up from a nap, the disheveled Cheng Xiaoye sneezed under the blanket.Someone missed her, could it be that Su Jie who was labeled as a national love rival by netizens all over the country overnight?

He should be far away in Qinghai now.

The sky was getting dark gradually, and the humidity in the oasis was even higher at night. The humid air penetrated through the clothes and stuck to everyone's body. Mo Yao pulled the neckband uncomfortably, and loosened the top button of the jacket.

These days, they couldn't light a fire on the mountain, and they ate canned food and other ready-to-eat foods. For Mo Yao's pampered and pampered stomach, which was fed with delicacies from mountains and seas, it was really hard to swallow. .

After taking two bites, I couldn't eat any more, so I closed the lid and stuffed it aside.

"What, it's not to your liking?" Zhang Xian looked at him coldly, with a playful look on his lips.

Born in the same family, Mo Yao received all kinds of preferential treatment since he was a child, enjoying the money and power that his peers did not have, while he could only live in secret.In the end, he has to avenge his relatives who don't have much affection, what an irony in this world.

Zhang Xian took a bite of the can and chewed it carelessly.

Mo Yao ignored Zhang Xian's taunt, his brain was running fast.

Something must have gone wrong, otherwise the entrance would not have been so close.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he stood up from the ground with a long body, and walked towards the waterfall with a gust of wind.

The entrance should be in the cave behind the waterfall.

Zhang Xian saw Mo Yao walking over with a firm face, dropped the can and followed.

"The entrance should be here."

Mo Yao frowned slightly, looking at the behemoth in front of him in puzzlement.If it wasn't used as a secret entrance, who would have transported a broken truck up such a high mountain, and it wasn't a toy car that could be brought up with just a few fingers.

Zhang Xian felt that Mo Yao's words made sense.

After entering the oasis, the mountain road is rugged, and there are many rocks everywhere. It is not so easy to drive in this kind of card.

The only possibility is that this truck was brought in, and it existed for a certain purpose.


Mo Yao and Zhang Xian thought of this almost at the same time.

Going around to the side of the car, there is nothing wrong with the carriage at first glance, but if you look closely, you can find two gaps in the connection. The three-meter-wide iron gate in the middle should be the entrance to the mysterious National Security Office No. [-].

It was night now, so it should be the right time for them to go in.

Mo Yao finally had a smile on his face that had been gloomy for three days.

Probably because he has enough confidence in his concealment, he didn't see anything like surveillance eyes or laser rays after opening the door.

Entering the underground part, what is presented in front of your eyes is a huge labyrinth, with four wide corridors in the front, back, left and right, empty and dark.The entrance is like a central point, where the wind blows from all directions and gathers here. If not wearing a hat, everyone's hair can be blown into Mei Chaofeng's hairstyle in Shooting Sculpture.

Mo Yao put away the gun, Leng Jun's sharp face became more and more serious.

They dared to have this confidence because they were sure that no one would be able to pass through these four corridors without breaking in.

Then the mechanism in this corridor must be extraordinary, Mo Yao took out the binoculars and looked into the corridor.

Sure enough, every corridor is densely covered with laser rays. If you accidentally touch it, you may die, but when you come here, he is also ready to go through fire and water.

In order to have a chance for Yilan, no matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire or a dragon's lake or a tiger's lair, he must make a breakthrough.

What if it gets through.

Pushing the telescope into Zhang Xian's hand, "Be careful."

Zhang Xian took a look through the binoculars, and saw dense red threads intertwined in the corridor.

"Damn, even if it's a fly, it's hard to fly over unscathed!"

Zhang Xian lowered the arm holding the binoculars, and behind him stood a dozen brothers with live ammunition, all waiting for their instructions.

Mo Yao had already walked to the front of a corridor.

If there is no miscalculation, the water pool of the waterfall should be above this corridor, and the one that can be built directly under the water pool should be a dungeon.

Pulling off the wristband and throwing it into the corridor, the originally silent corridor immediately lit up crimson. Countless laser rays swept over in ever-changing forms. Scattered to the ground.

Unashamed is the most mysterious place in the legend.

Mo Yao's figure stepped into the corridor in a flash, raised his long legs and stepped on the wall of the corridor, leaped upwards with the strength of the wall, and jumped about ten meters into the corridor with a somersault. Everyone who moved quickly could only see the figure shaking.

After Mo Yao's figure flashed past, the red light flickered.

Seeing that the laser was about to hit Mo Yao, the piece of flesh and blood on Zhang Xian's chest suddenly rose to his throat, and he almost yelled out.

"Qi Ye, be careful!"

Someone screamed, and the red light in the corridor lit up at the same time, and the tumbling light wave instantly illuminated the entrance, and everyone's eyes were burning with a fiery red light.

Mo Yao's legs were tense, and when the laser light changed into several straight lines, a fish leaped through it. The laser light seemed to know that the prey was still behind, and bounced back in several vertical and horizontal groups.

This time, no one dared to shout, and everyone behind them held their breath, nervously watching the unpredictable situation over there.If Mo Yao can't dodge this time, his body will be cut into bricks by the oncoming laser.

Countless tiny beads of sweat appeared on Zhang Xian's forehead.

Then time didn't stop, the laser opened countless square holes of different sizes, and rushed towards Mo Yao. Mo Yao aimed at a larger square above him, tightened his body and jumped.

The backpack behind him was scanned by the laser, and was cut in half immediately. The equipment inside rolled all over the ground, and there was a crackling sound. Mo Yao was worried that the laser would return again, so he didn't care about the falling equipment. The end of the corridor.


Zhang Xian watched Mo Yao pass by, stuffed the binoculars into his backpack, and walked into the corridor.

The red light suddenly disappeared, and the group of people walked a third of the way without encountering the terrible rays, but no one dared to relax. With the experience just now, everyone controlled their breathing to a very small decibel, for fear of Make a little movement to wake up this terrible mechanism.

Finally reached the middle of the corridor, there was already the sound of exhaling and relaxing among the group of people.

Suddenly, the dark corridor was as bright as day, and a fine laser net opened on both sides of the corridor, and quickly closed in the middle.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and stood there with pale faces, losing the ability to think.

In such a situation, the only thing a person can think of is death, because there is no way out.

Mo Yao stood opposite, looking at his companion who was about to be trapped to death, anxious but helpless.

At the critical moment, Zhang Xian raised the gun in his hand and shot at the laser net with all his might.He knew it was useless, but as a high-intelligence animal, he would not be reconciled even if he died if he didn't fight and vent a bit when facing danger.

At this moment, a strange thing happened. The laser net that was rushing towards them suddenly changed into several horizontal lines, and the net behind was approaching. Zhang Xian bent over and raised his feet to pass through the middle.

Three or four people also came over in the same way. In contrast, the others were not so lucky.

As soon as a person bent down, the laser light suddenly changed its direction and bounced upwards. The person who bent over was instantly cut into two pieces. When he fell, he hit other laser lines. , just when the remaining people saw that the situation was not good and hesitated for a moment, the laser light suddenly turned into diamond-shaped intersecting rays.

It was too late to raise the gun again, and a dozen or so people were instantly turned into scum by the laser beams that converged from front to back.

Zhang Xian broke out in a cold sweat. He almost became a part of the pile of broken corpses.

After passing the laser zone, the corridor turned to the right. Without stopping, they clenched their weapons and walked deep into the corridor.

After a few more organs, the five people finally saw a huge iron gate.

This iron door reminded Mo Yao of the bronze door in the tomb robbery notes. Although it was not as big as the bronze door, it was shocking enough to be embedded in the depths of this underworld.If you guessed right, this is where the dungeon of the National Security No. [-] Branch is located, but for some reason, they use corridors to separate each place for shelving.

The underground environment is dark and damp, and the iron gate is covered with terrible rust spots. If it weren't for the gate standing here, Mo Yao would have almost thought that it was a cultural relic unearthed from some tomb, with a tragic appearance of being buried underground for thousands of years.

Zhang Xian circled around the iron gate, and the stitches on the cracks of the gate were particularly bad. "This gate has not been touched for more than ten years. Even if we are given the key now, we may not be able to open it."

Mo Yao's deep eyes flashed a calculating light, he didn't think so.
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(End of this chapter)

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