Chapter 150 Thunderstorm
Before everyone could adapt to the changing light, a rope was thrown from the top of the cave. The man with a strong hand held a gun in one hand and grabbed the rope in the other, suddenly descending like a god.

Being a thief is so arrogant, I'm afraid there is only Xiao Qi in the world.

Xiaoqi flung the rope handsomely, held the MK07 in one hand, pointed at the three who had just stopped fighting, and waved his index finger towards Mo Yao and Zhang Xian, "Get out of the way, both of you."

Mo Yao and Zhang Xian glanced at each other, then stepped aside.

Some people are born protagonists, wherever they go, the halo will follow there, and no one else can take it away.As soon as Xiao Qi came, there was a sense of lightness in the air, easily smashing the boulder that was pressing on everyone's hearts.

When he came, Zilong must be at the top of the cave, because the two had never acted separately.

"Tsk tusk, such a young and handsome police officer, I really don't want to shoot him to death!" Xiao Qi sighed.

The last time I saw Su Jie was Dong Yilan who was tricked by Ding Ding, he appeared in the body of a JH international driver, but Xiao Qi was deeply impressed by his fearless expression in the face of danger. At that time, he felt that Su Jie's background was not simple.

Sure enough, he not only has a high position and authority, but also possesses unique skills.

What a pity!
"..." Everyone.

You kill more people than others eat rice, you say you are not willing to kill, only the devil will believe it!
Su Jie's face was dark, and the hands behind her back also clenched the piece of steel in the clothes.

If Xiao Qi shoots, he can still injure Xiao Qi with one shot before he dies, even if he doesn't die, he can still be seriously injured or something.

Although this account does not seem to be a good deal, there is no good way.

A flash of lightning flashed across, and thunder rose from the ground, instantly resounding through the entire sky.

There was a gloating expression on everyone's face, as if they were saying, look, even God can't stand it anymore!

"Xiaoqi, hurry up and come up!" Zilong's deep voice came from the entrance of the cave, and the sky suddenly became overcast, with dark clouds rolling in, and a heavy rain was coming.

"Qi Ye, take them away first." Xiao Qi ordered in a deep voice without looking back.

The most important person in this mission is Lake, as long as Lake leaves, it will be much easier for them to escape.

Mo Yao understood Xiaoqi's meaning, and asked Zhang Xian to climb up along the rope first, and then fixed the inconvenient Leike on the rope, and Zilong and Zhang Xian pulled him up together.

Su Jie lowered his head and glanced at the sky outside the cave, with a fleeting sneer in his black eyes.

All of this was underestimated by Xiao Qi.

"Mr. Police Officer," Xiaoqi shook the MK07 in his hand, with a playful look on his monstrous face, "The eighteenth floor of hell, that's the domain of the King of Hades. It is heavy, and it is easy to cause the loss of certain functions.”

Saying that, his eyes looked at a certain position of Su Jie's body seriously.

Su Jie snorted, "Could it be based on experience."

"NO, NO, NO," Xiao Qi waved his index finger, "This is a real man's motto given to Officer Su, but it may be too late to say it now, I heard that Officer Su's lover... oh no, it should be said ex-lover now, I've already done that with another man." He purposely bit down on the words "ex-lover" and "then what".

With Su Jie's arrogance and self-esteem, how could Xiao Qi tolerate such humiliation, the anger in his chest exploded like a volcanic eruption, and a flying kick came straight to Xiao Qi's chest.

Xiao Qi leaned back, dodged easily, and reached out to grab Su Jie's ankle, trying to crush Su Jie's ankle with one force.Su Jie was not willing to let Xiao Qi succeed, as soon as her toes hit the ground, she kicked again with a spin, which landed hard on Xiao Qi's back, and then withdrew her ankle.

Damn, so cruel!
Xiao Qi shook his shoulders, causing a crackling sound along his spine, Su Jie's ankle was pinched, but fortunately he got rid of it in time, if it was a second later, the bones would probably have been crushed by Xiao Qi.

The two were separated by a distance of several meters, through Xiaoqi's shoulder, Su Jie's eyes fell on the swaying rope.

A group of disabled people can move so fast, I really underestimated them, Su Jie smiled secretly, and looked away.

"You go."

"Yo..." Xiaoqi suspected that there was something wrong with her ears, and looked at Su Jie hesitantly, "Is this going to violate the regulations and let us go without permission?"

"Who said I was violating the rules?" Looking at the Sixth Office, Su Jie's world was originally his, and the power of the Sixth Office is unimaginable. Killing someone and letting someone go sometimes doesn't require too many reasons.

What's more, they blew up the prison and escaped by themselves, so it has nothing to do with him.

In fact, the most important thing, Su Jie looked deeply at the sky, and a smile of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes.

"If you don't leave, the people above will have to wait."

Xiao Qi pulled the rope around his wrist and shouted loudly, "Pull me up."

Immediately, two people pulled Xiao Qi up by the rope. Su Jie kept his promise and did not shoot Xiao Qi. He watched him climb up to the entrance of the cave. After pulling out the rope, a group of people left in a line.

The thunder was earth-shattering, with the determination to split the sky in half, after a flash of lightning, the raindrops of the size of beans fell overwhelmingly.

Looking at the dense raindrops, Su Jie was in a good mood.

Outside is the Nalengler Canyon, the legendary Valley of Death. No one can go out in a thunderstorm. Rather than letting them die here with blood on their hands, it is better to let them go out to fend for themselves.

Mo Yao, Xiao Qi and the rest of the group wore outdoor clothes, windproof, rainproof, and sunscreen. Such a rainy day is hard for people who have just escaped from prison. It's too low, but after all, rain is not a shower, and I can't find comfort at all.

"Going on like this is not an option, we have to find a place to hide from the rain." Zhang Xian wiped the water from his face, and when he passed the laser scanning area, he lost his hat, and the rain poured on his short hair , a face seemed to have been washed.

Although there is a collar around the neck, it is not as tight as a diving suit, and the rain still pours in, making my whole body sticky and uncomfortable.

Mo Yao looked at the others, and everyone basically meant the same thing.

The crackling raindrops made people unable to open their eyes. In order to have enough food and water when getting out of the car, everyone carried a big bag behind them. Now that the rainwater poured the bag, it was as heavy as a stone. I can't stand up.

Mo Yao is still wearing night vision goggles. Although the light is not too dark now, the effect of this thing on keeping out the rain is not bad at all.

Looking through the dense rain curtain, the oasis is wrapped in a huge layer of water mist by the heavy rain, and the layers of mist fluctuate with the strong wind, forming a special natural landscape.

Spectacular, shocking.

It's a pity that now is not the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and some people will not be able to bear the rain.

At this moment, someone suddenly fell to the ground, his hands and feet twitched non-stop, just like a patient suffering from epilepsy, his eyes rolled white, his mouth was crooked and his mouth was slanted, which was very frightening.

"Xiong Cub!" Xiao Jin was the first to spot him, and hurriedly knelt down to check his condition.

Xiong Zai twitched for a while, but didn't respond when he kicked his feet.

"They have been imprisoned underground for too long, and their physical condition is very poor. The rain is so heavy, and their bodies must not be able to bear it." Zilong's voice seemed to be quenched by ice. , it sounds like there is no temperature at all.

"Go to the jungle."

This is their only option.

To go to the jungle, you need to go through a wide and flat road, about a distance of only a few hundred meters.

Just when they walked into the flat ground, lightning suddenly lit up in the sky, as if it was exploding around him at a close distance, Mo Yao was startled suddenly, before he could shout out, a thunderbolt exploded beside him, and a pinch of scorched earth rose up on the ground, The person standing in the middle was hit by a thunderbolt and fell limply to the ground.

Lightning struck crazily, exploding around him one after another, turning the entire oasis into daylight.

"No, we are in a lightning gathering area here, hurry up! Hurry up!" Years of life and death have made Mo Yao develop a style of calmness, but this time, panic appeared on his face.

There are many horror legends in the Nalingele Canyon, and it is also the world-famous "Valley of Death".

The main reason is that this is a lightning strike area, with a large area of ​​strong magnetic basalt, and many iron ore veins and quartz bodies.Blocked by the main Kunlun Mountains and the Qimantag Mountains, the moist air gathers in the valley to form thunderstorm clouds. Coupled with the effect of the underground magnetic field, it is easy to produce "thunderstorms".

Thunderbolts may be triggered at any time when clouds gather in large numbers.

Like humans and taller animals, once they enter this canyon, the larger animals can only take risks to survive, and it is even more inevitable for people to die.

Based on the frequency of thunder and lightning just now, Mo Yao judged that they had entered the thunderstorm zone.

Boom, another burst of thunder rang beside him, and the people behind him hugged together.

"Spread out!" Mo Yao roared. Gathering together in this situation is obviously courting death. The bigger the size, the higher the probability of being struck by lightning.

People dispersed hastily.

The cage failed to trap people to death for more than ten years, but was struck to death by lightning just after escaping from the prison.

But in this kind of weather, we can only resign ourselves to fate.

Just when there were many dangers here, something happened to Dong Yilan as far away as Roman Island.

Early in the morning, a group of men in black broke into the villa with guns.

Tang Ze and several other experts were eating. They were just ordinary doctors and had never seen such a scene. As soon as the opponent's gun was loaded, they shrank to the table in fright.

Tang Ze is the best kung fu here. He learned taekwondo in high school and has reached the ninth-level black belt. But compared with these people, his little tricks directly turned into fists and legs, and he was beaten to the ground within a few strokes.

Before Tang Ze got up, someone grabbed his shoulders and pushed him to the ground. The gun was aimed at his head, "Where is Dong Yilan?"

Tang Ze thought that he would not betray me even if he was killed... Before he finished thinking, the other party raised the handle of the gun and hit him on the head, knocking him unconscious.

Randomly picked out a doctor from under the table, and led them to Dong Yilan's ward.

In fact, even if they don't lead the way, they can easily find Dong Yilan, because the whole villa has only three floors, so it is very easy to find someone.

Seeing Dong Yilan who was sleeping soundly, Mo Zhanting's dark eyes gleamed with joy, as if his long-awaited wish was finally coming true.

(End of this chapter)

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