The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 151 The difference between ideal and reality is 8 miles

Chapter 151 The Gap between Ideal and Reality
Seeing Dong Yilan who was sleeping soundly, Mo Zhanting's dark eyes gleamed with joy, as if his long-awaited wish was finally coming true.

The doctor hid shyly behind the crowd, and kept muttering: "Don't kill me, I'm just an ordinary doctor, here to treat people..."

Taking advantage of their inattention, the doctor quietly exited the room, turned around to run away, Mo Fei's eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand to shoot.

The poor doctor fell to the ground before he could say anything.

"Take her away, and leave no one behind." Mo Feijue ordered.

Boom, boom, boom...

If the thunderstorm doesn’t come, it’s enough. When it comes, it will destroy the world. Mo Yao and others hid in the tree hole formed by the trunks of several big trees. The scene in front of them seems to be in a 4D science fiction movie. It’s so shocking that it can’t be described in words. .

A minute ago, he watched helplessly as a black bear that wanted to attack them was struck by lightning, and the moment its huge body fell down, the whole valley could feel the trembling like an earthquake.

Su Jie kindly let them go, probably because she expected them not to get out of the thunderstorm zone.

Mo Yao secretly laughed in his heart, he sentenced them to death without any effort, and they went to die happily.

The thunderstorm came quickly and left quickly. After half an hour, the wind calmed down and the thunder calmed down.

Mo Yao walked out of the tree hole. His backpack was cut in half by the laser. He lost his equipment, so he simply threw the bag away. The pace involuntarily quickened.

Interferenced by a strong magnetic field, not only the mobile phone has no signal here, but even the intercom equipment is only a harsh current sound when it is turned on. Zilong gave up the plan to notify Dong Chuzhi to gather at the foot of the mountain, and planned to wait until there is a mobile phone signal.

The way back was relatively smooth. There was no bear attack or ambushes. It was noon when the meeting was smooth, and Dongchu’s helicopter could only take four people. Mo Yao and Lake boarded the plane first and returned to Roman Island. Zilong Xiao Qi Zhang Xian took the rescued people back to City D directly.

Lake was sleeping all the way, neither the joy of being rescued nor the excitement of seeing the sun again.

Seven hours later, they reached Isle Romain.

It was afternoon on Roman Island, the sun was lazily falling, and a silver halo shone on the whole ocean. Thinking that Dong Yilan would wake up soon, Mo Yao felt inexplicably happy.

Mo Yao looked at the sky outside, but he was thinking of Dong Yilan in his heart. He used to treat her so badly. He even did such a beastly thing to her. She asked him if he liked her. There was no answer either.When she wakes up, he will definitely make it up to her and dedicate everything he has to her.

If she dared to say no, he would let her accept it even if he insisted.

If there were no accidents 17 years ago, she should have become his daughter-in-law a long time ago, and she might have a child, who would surround him sweetly calling him Daddy.

Thinking of the child's soft voice, Mo Yao's heart melted.

I don't know to what extent Dong Yilan's body can recover. I heard that a woman whose body has been severely injured may not be able to have children, but it doesn't matter. It's good to have her. She wants to like children. It's not impossible for them to adopt one .

After getting off the plane, Mo Yao smelled the strong smell of blood mixed in the air, and his joy disappeared immediately. He put up his earphones and sounded his vigilance.He has participated in gang fights with his father since he was a teenager, so he has a special sensitivity to this smell.

Dong Chu also clenched the weapon in his hand.

Leaving Lake on the plane, the two walked into the villa from the rooftop one after the other.

There was no one in the villa, and even the air was deadly still.

"Not good!" Dong Chuchen yelled secretly, not caring about the danger, and rushed towards Dong Yilan's room.

At the door of the room lay the dead body of a doctor, shot in the head, the blood had solidified and turned black, it seemed that he had been dead for some time, Dong Chuchen's heart sank, he walked to the door with a gun in his hand, kicked the wooden door open, Then the gun was pointed into the room.

There was no one in the room, and there was no trace of a fight. The only difference was that Dong Yilan, who was hiding on the hospital bed, was gone.

Seeing the empty hospital bed, Dong Chuchen's hand holding the gun hangs down feebly, sadness creeps up on his face, and his amber eyes are filled with the remorse of a father who did not protect his daughter well.He was too careless, in order to find the mysterious National Sixth Office, in order to find Lake, he even used all his strength, so that he neglected to protect Yilan.Give them an opportunity to take away the sleeping Yilan while everyone is away.

How could he have forgotten that Dong Yilan was the target they had been looking for all along.

Caressing the bed where Yilan had been lying on, the sheets had become icy cold, like the corpse at the door, without any warmth.

Every time Yilan disappears, it means that she has to face various experiments to activate human weapons in her body again. The pain she has to endure is far more uncomfortable than the first transformation.

Dong Chuchen's eyes were gloomy with loss and uneasiness, thinking of what kind of pain his daughter was going through at this moment, his heart twitched in pain.

Mo Yao stood behind him, the bed was empty, Dong Yilan was gone, and his longing for a better future just now turned into a cloud of smoke.Annoyed, he tore off the collar of his jacket. This feeling of disappearing at every turn made him almost collapse.

There were shaky footsteps behind him.

The footsteps were very heavy, and it sounded like he was seriously injured, and he was climbing up the stair railing step by step. The atmosphere was a bit like the moment when a ghost climbed out of a horror movie.

"He hasn't left yet!" Mo Yao gritted his teeth, and walked out of Dong Yilan's room with a gun in his hand. It doesn't matter if the person who comes up is a person or a ghost, as long as his head is exposed, he doesn't care about 21, [-], let him come for a while. .

"Don't, don't shoot." The person who came first stretched out a bloody hand and shouted hurriedly, and then a slender figure flashed, protruding from the wall, and the pair fell to the ground.

"Tang Ze?!"

Mo Yao's astonishment was no less than seeing sparks hitting the earth. Tang Ze's skills were not comparable to theirs, but he was not an ordinary person. If he could hurt him like this, his level is probably not inferior to him.

He put away the gun in three steps and walked over in two steps, holding Tang Ze on his body.

"Tang Ze, wake up, I'm Mo Yao, I'm back!"

This guy was injured, his head and face were covered with blood, but luckily he didn't hurt his brain. If he wasn't smart enough to stretch out his hand and shout, he would have shot him just now.

When he dies, there is no reason to go.

From downstairs to upstairs, Tang Ze exhausted his last strength, his eyes flickered non-stop, and he was panting heavily, as if this breathing was not enough, his chest heaved violently.

"Who did it?"

Mo Yao picked up Tang Ze's blood-stained face, and he looked at him with blood-stained eyes, which had lost their former expression.

Tang Ze's breathing was already very weak, his face was pale due to blood loss, and he held on to his breath, just to wait for them to come back and tell him who took Dong Yilan away.

"Mo, Mo..."

But he was shot in the lung, and when he opened his mouth, the blood gushed out uncontrollably, blocking all the words in his throat, he grabbed Mo Yao's skirt with his last strength, his facial features twisted into a ball in pain, his mouth Zhang He, after all, failed to say that name.

The slack gaze finally lost focus, and he slowly closed his eyes. Mo Yao only felt that the clothes on his chest were loosened, and Tang Ze's arms drooped heavily.

Mo Yao was completely panicked.

"Tang Ze! Tang Ze!"

He yelled frantically, laying him flat on the ground for heart compressions.

After all, Dong Chuchen experienced strong winds and waves, and was much calmer than Mo Yao in comparison. He came over and put his finger on the aorta of Tang Ze's neck. After a while, he retracted his hand and sighed, "It's useless, he's already dead .”

Dong Chu's words pierced Mo Yao's chest like a sharp sword. Tang Ze was not only his friend, but also one of the few people in his life who he cared about.A few days ago they were sitting together drinking and chatting about life, goodbye, he didn't even have the energy to say a complete sentence to him.

He was not a person of the Tao, and his death was completely implicated by him.

"People from the Mo family did it." Mo Yao took a deep breath, Tang Ze's death was like a boulder pressing on his heart, suffocating him heavily.

Tang Ze said Mo..., so the word Mo must represent a member of the Mohist family.

Those who were capable of threatening him in the Mo family were wiped out overnight by him as early as the year his father died, and the ones left, except those who were old and frail, were puppets without any thought.

Old and frail... A person appeared in Mo Yao's mind, and he took out his phone and called the old house of the Mo family.

The person who answered the phone was a woman in her 50s. When she heard Mo Yao, her voice became respectful and anxious.

"Has anyone come to the house recently?" Mo Yao asked coldly, his sharp voice was arrogant and domineering, it was impossible not to scare people with such a voice, the woman trembled, and answered cautiously: "Back, back seven As for the young master, no one has been here for a long time."

The woman's voice trembled violently, as if someone held a gun to her head and asked her to answer.

After the internal strife of the Mo family was settled by him, the people in the old house of the Mo family were indeed afraid of him, but they would not be scared to pee when they got a phone call.

There was indeed someone beside her, Mo Yao narrowed his shrewd eyes.

In order not to make the other party suspect, Mo Yao asked casually: "How are the two uncles?"

This is the sentence he asked the most on the phone in the past few years. He is not afraid that they will live, but he is afraid that they will die before his goal is achieved.

"Okay, very good, the two masters have not been sick recently."

"Then I don't worry, call me if you have something to do."

Hanging up the phone, Mo Yao's cold and sharp face became even more chilling. Dong Chu looked at him, presumably something happened at home, and this matter must be related to Dong Yilan's disappearance, put away the gun, calmly Wait for him to explain.

"I have to go back to the old house of the Mo family." After pondering for a moment, Mo Yao said.
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(End of this chapter)

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