The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 152 The Secret of the Mo Family's Old House

Chapter 152 The Secret of the Mo Family's Old House

"I have to go back to the old house of the Mo family." After pondering for a moment, Mo Yao said.

Everything is speculation now, and he can't give Dong Chuchen a specific explanation, but he believes that his intuition is not wrong this time.

The Mo family has an inner ghost.

The disappearance of the ghost, the murder of the Zhang family in Mexico, and the pair of eyes that have been following him all this time, he must be hiding in the old house of the Mo family.

In the huge gate yard, a sycamore towered into the sky, and the leaves blocked the light, and the whole yard was sunk in gloomy darkness.Aunt Li, the servant, was still holding the old-fashioned telephone in her hand, her body was shaking constantly.

She stared at the man standing in front of her in panic, as if seeing a ghost, her tongue was stiff and unable to speak a word.

A few years ago, there was internal strife among the Mo family, and Mo Zhanting disappeared. Later, Mo Yao took charge of the family and held a unified funeral for the dead Mo family. Among them was Mo Zhanting. She watched with her own eyes that everyone packed and sealed his body. She saw a living Mo Zhanting standing in front of her.

Mo Zhanting's knife was still on Aunt Li's neck. When Mo Yao called just now, he forced Aunt Li to say that no one came recently.

"Elder, Eldest Master," Aunt Li knelt down with trembling legs, "I have never done anything wrong to you and the Eldest Young Master, please forgive me..." There were tears running down her wrinkled face as she cried with tears.

Mo Zhanting's cold expression softened a little, and Aunt Li cried even more when he saw it.

Finally, Mo Zhanting put away the knife and gave her a disgusted look, "If a third person finds out what happened today, be careful of your life."

"No, no, I wouldn't dare to say it even if I was killed." Aunt Li picked up a rag and wiped her nose. She didn't know whether the rag was usually used by her to wipe the table or the floor. The table is basically a rag.

Mo Zhanting went up to the second floor, and his two younger brothers were lying in the uppermost room. One was turned into a vegetable by Mo Yao and has been unconscious for many years, while the other was sober and physically disabled.

Mo Zhanting opened the door and walked in. There was only one bed in the empty room, and a half-dead person was lying on the bed.

Hearing the door knock, Mo Nan didn't even raise his head. Apart from the doctor who gave him injections every day and killed half his life, only Mo Yao would come here.It's not time for the injection yet, so the person who came could only be Mo Yao.

Thinking of Mo Yao, his face turned blue with anger, wishing he could turn into a ghost and tear his hypocritical face apart.

But he didn't let him die, so he had to live without dignity every day.

"Third brother."

Mo Zhanting murmured.

He could hardly believe that the white-haired old man lying on the bed with drooping eyes and wrinkled face was his younger brother who was only in his 40s.He sat down by the bed and reached out to touch Mo Nan's face.

This is indeed true, the renpi mask can't be so realistic, but the brat Mo Yao is really good enough, and he really can do it to his own uncle.

Mo Zhanting was only angry, but he forgot how he killed another younger brother.

Mo Nan felt that the person beside him was not Mo Yao, and slowly opened his drooping eyelids.

The moment he saw the person in front of him clearly, Mo Nan's body shook violently, and the circles of his eyes turned red uncontrollably.

"Big brother..."

The man who was over half a century old hugged Mo Zhanting's leg and began to cry, with snot and tears soaking Mo Zhanting's underwear.

Mo Zhanting felt uncomfortable. After all, there are not many family members who can be close to him now. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Mo Nan's gray hair, and comforted him softly: "Second brother, don't worry, there is big brother here, and big brother will make you return to normal." of."

After coming down the stairs, Mo Zhanting went straight to the back garden. In the huge garden, there was a secret room hidden under the rockery.

Rich people like this. The Three Caves of the Rabbit, an air-raid shelter built during the Anti-Japanese War for the whole family to take refuge, has now become Mo Zhanting's secret research room.

The level of secrecy in this secret room is so high that even Mo Yao doesn't know about it.

By the way, Aunt Li is also a strange person. She cried so much that she tricked Mo Zhanting, but quietly followed him to the entrance of the secret room.

It wasn't that she wasn't afraid of death, Mo Zhanting went into the secret room and glanced back with his cold eyes, so frightened that she hurriedly retreated and hid behind the corner, her old heart was beating wildly, and she almost pouted.

In a hurry, she only thought of calling Mo Yao.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

The mechanical computer sound came to her ears over and over again, and Aunt Li was sweating profusely. She wished she could get into the phone to see what Mo Yao was doing. The one who couldn't get through was also Mo Yao's doctor who stayed here.

He was tied up by Mo Zhanting to a secret room under the rockery, and Mo Zhanting forced him to call Mo Yao to tell Mo Nan that Mo Nan was dying.

Mo Zhanting knew that as soon as the news came out, no matter where Mo Yao was doing or what he was doing, he would rush back without stopping. He would not let Mo Nan die easily before his goal was achieved.

It is not difficult to see Mo Yao's determination to revenge from the "careful care" that has been going on for several years.

"I can't get through." The doctor was sweating profusely, looking at Mo Zhanting carefully.This man's eyes were cold, and he was hard to talk to at first sight. He didn't know Mo Zhanting's origin, he only knew that his hands were cruel and terrifying.

There is another person in the secret room, who has been beaten to half his life.

Sure enough, Mo Zhanting didn't even raise his head, and said unhurriedly, "Keep calling until we get through."

The doctor held the phone with trembling hands and continued to call. Mo Zhanting got up and went to the secret room.

The inner room is divided into two parts. It is estimated that the ancestors took into account the difference between men and women, and for the sake of convenience, a large house was divided into two parts with a partition, and the ghost was locked in one of them.

Seeing Mo Zhanting's return, Mo Fei greeted him with a hint of joy in his eyes, "Father, he agreed."

He, referring to the ghost.

The ghost finally couldn't stand the torture, and promised them to stimulate the energy in Dong Yilan's body.

"Very good." Mo Zhanting's bottomless eyes flashed a hint of scheming, "Let him recover as quickly as possible."

More than 20 years ago, by chance, Mo Zhanting learned that the T organization was researching human weapons, and he managed to sneak into the T organization.Later, the T organization received an order to disband and evacuate. He wanted to use Dong Yilan's magical energy, but was discovered by Lake. During the fierce battle between the two, he injured Lake's right leg, and Lake removed the power supply of Dong Yilan's oxygen tank. , wanting to suffocate the unconscious Dong Yilan to death, but unexpectedly she was rescued by Dong Chuchen who arrived later, and Mo Zhanting had only time to escape in a hurry in the panic.

For more than ten years, he has been watching everything behind his back, until he found out that Mo Yao was also researching the same human weapon, he finally found his chance.

In Mexico, he deliberately disrupted Mo Yao's deal with the Mexican gangsters, forced Mo Yao to delay his return home, took the opportunity to take away the biological and chemical weapon expert ghost, and then knocked out Dong Yilan who was participating in outdoor rock climbing, took away all his documents and sent them to the country. In front of Mo Yao, they made their first encounter.

Afterwards, Mo Zhanting went step by step, forcing Mo Yao to go to the point of no return.

It's a pity that Mo Yao was so fateful that he survived so many hardships, so he had no choice but to trick him back and solve it by himself.

Mo Zhanting looked up to the sky and laughed, the power of the Mo family will eventually return to his hands.

The long-lasting laughter echoed in the small room, making people feel chills.Murphy glanced at the golden mask on the table. It was a mask made of pure gold, which was not only delicate but also very precious.

Mo Yao came back on the earliest flight, and was stopped when he got off the plane.

It was none other than Beiying who had returned to D City to recuperate from her injuries.

Aunt Li couldn't get through to Mo Yao's number, so she remembered that Mo Yao had a follower, Beiying.Beiying is an orphan. He was only a few years old when he first arrived at Mo's house. Aunt Li watched him grow up, so he has a good relationship with Aunt Li. He often comes back to visit her. Aunt Li has his phone number.

After receiving Aunt Li's call, Beiying immediately realized that the master was in danger, immediately checked all the flight information, and got the time when Mo Yao returned to City D, so she rushed over to pick him up.

"You don't take good care of your wounds, why are you running around?" Mo Yao glared at him, this guy seems to have had a good life recently, not to mention fat, even his skin color is much fairer than before.

Bei Ying was embarrassed by Mo Yao's contemptuous gaze, scratched her disheveled hair before she had time to wash it, smiled, and took the luggage from Mo Yao: "Qiye, there is something at home, I'm afraid you will rush back will suffer."

"Hmph, the person who wants to hurt me hasn't been born yet!" Mo Yao glanced at Beiying angrily, stretched out his hand to straighten the collar of his jacket, put his hand in his trouser pocket naturally, and followed him out of the VIP passage. the airport.

Beiying didn't expose him, and nodded with a smile. There are mixed people here, so we'll talk about it in the car.

The car arranged by Beiying was parked outside the airport, and when Mo Yao walked out of the airport exit, he realized that the pick-up team was huge enough, Beiying found four cars, all of them were people who came to protect him.

Since when did City D become like nothing but soldiers?Mo Yao frowned, seeing someone in the middle car waiting for him with the door open, he got into the car without asking any further questions.

After closing the car door, Beiying immediately went around to the other side and sat in the back row.

In the past, Beiying always acted as the driver or sat in the driver's seat, and there were very few opportunities to sit in the back row with Mo Yao at the same time, which made Mo Yao a little more guessing about the situation at this time.

The convoy left the airport and merged into traffic.

After lighting a cigarette, Mo Yao asked Bei Ying unhurriedly: "Who is the inner ghost of the Mo family?"

With such a thorough arrangement, Beiying should already know the truth.

"Master Mo." Beiying was used to being called when she was a child, and even after so many years, she couldn't change it.

"You mean my uncle Mo Zhanting?" Mo Yao was quite shocked this time, he couldn't help but tossed up, his head hit the roof of the car, and when he reached out to touch his head, the fallen cigarette ash rolled onto his hand again.

The pain made him grit his teeth and inhale, and the corners of Beiying's eyes twitched.

And all of this was nothing compared to the news that Mo Zhanting was still alive which made him astonished.
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(End of this chapter)

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