The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 153 The Return of the God of War

Chapter 153 The Return of the God of War
Mo Yao hadn't recovered from the shock that Mo Zhanting was alive, the motorcade had already stopped at the gate of a manor, Beiying got off the car and said something to the security guard at the gate, the gate of the manor opened, and several cars drove together came in.

The car was parked, and the occupants stayed behind. You don't need to ask. These are the elites carefully selected by Ren Beiying to protect his safety.

"Where is this?" After entering the door, Mo Yao asked Beiying strangely.

Even if Mo Zhanting was alive, he wouldn't be too scared to go home.

"This house belongs to Ms. Dong, Mr. Dong specifically told Qiye to come and live here first." Beiying said while bringing in her luggage.

Mo Yao raised his eyebrows, is this Dong Yilan's house?That is to say, Dong Yilan once lived here?He was originally very repulsed by unfamiliar environments, but suddenly he felt that the house, which was as big as the furniture and as small as the teacup, became extremely friendly, and even secretly decided that he must sleep in Dong Yilan's bed today.

Beiying could see all the changes in Mo Yao's expression. As a follower with professional ethics and caring for his master, Beiying had his own principles.

"Qi Ye, I'll take the luggage to the room first."


"Well, which room do you put your luggage in?"

"...Get out." I have to explain this, does Bei Ying want to beat him up?Qi Ye, who wanted to sleep in Yilan's room but didn't want to take the initiative to speak, was very depressed.

"Oh." Bei Ying put down her luggage, and pretended to be nonchalant and glanced outside the door, "Which room is your room, butler?"

A teapot flew towards Beiying, fortunately he caught it quickly with his eyesight.Take it over and have a look, the blue and white porcelain of the Qing Dynasty, a famous antique!It seems that Miss Dong's taste is not bad, she carefully put down the teapot, and Bei Ying quickly went upstairs with Mo Yao's luggage.

This time it was a teapot, in case Mo Yao threw a knife at him next time, he was not in good health, but he couldn't take it anymore.

Mo Yao talked with Dong Chuxi on the phone, firstly, to thank Dong Chuxi for taking him in, and the key point is to live in Dong Chuxi's house, which gave him great comfort in his heart.Furthermore, Dong Yilan was involved, and he wanted to remind Dong Chuchen to be careful.

Beiying had already mentioned some things on the phone, and Dong Chuzhi generously asked Mo Yao to live in Dong Yilan's villa first after hearing what Beiying had said.

After experiencing so many things, Dong Chuzhi basically regarded Mo Yao as the best candidate for his son-in-law.

It was a matter of his daughter's happiness, and he also had to consider the safety of his son-in-law.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Yao began to plan how to deal with Mo Zhanting.

Before receiving Beiying's call, Dong Chuxi had already used all of Long Xuan's power to find Dong Yilan's whereabouts and the person who kidnapped her.No one was left alive at the Roman Island scene, and even the monitoring equipment was destroyed. Only by Tang Ze's inarticulate "ink" before his death, he couldn't be sure who did it.

When he received Mo Yao's call, he had just found a person, that is, the man with the golden mask who killed Luka many years ago and then disappeared mysteriously. He has frequently appeared in the Middle East and Mexico in the past six months. Mo Yao's action trajectory in the past six months is consistent.

That is to say, he and Mo Yao should have a very deep relationship.

After talking on the phone with Mo Yao, Dong Chuzhi suddenly realized that the person Tang Ze was talking about was Mo Zhanting. He disappeared after losing the Mohist power struggle many years ago, and he came back this time to regain his position in the Mohist.

With his ambition, he might not only want the Mo family, but the powerful power hidden in Dong Yilan would allow him to easily defeat any organization.

Thinking of this, Dong Chuchen narrowed his eyes dangerously.

How could he know Yilan's secret?
Dong Chuzhi immediately decided to return to City D. Mo Zhanting had been waiting for this opportunity for more than a day or two. It was not only Mo Yao who was in danger, but even his wife and children.

In the laboratory, Dong Yilan quietly opened his eyes. His blood eyes were like red gemstones inlaid in the eye sockets. They were glamorous, evil, and daunting.It only took half a day for the ghost to successfully activate the energy hidden in Dong Yilan's body.

Stretching his waist and abdomen, Dong Yilan sat up straight, his blood-red eyes swept over the three people in front of him, and when his eyes passed over Mo Fei and the ghost, information related to their identities would appear in the information box in front of him. Mo Zhanting's body, but there is no information at all.

Dong Yilan blinked, with a child's curiosity in her red eyes, she got out of bed and walked in front of Mo Zhanting.

"Why can't I find your information?" She tilted her head to look into Mo Zhanting's eyes in doubt, and tentatively reached out her hand to Mo Zhanting.

Mo Zhanting instinctively wanted to resist, but just as he was about to raise his hand, the ghost stopped him, "Don't resist her."

Mo Zhanting's clenched hands slowly loosened.

Dong Yilan was like an ignorant child, who seemed to be full of curiosity about the world. He reached out and poked Mo Zhanting's face, probably feeling that his face was no different from others, and tugged at his beard.

Mo Zhanting's face darkened and he wanted to curse.

"What's going on here? If you dare to do anything in secret, I'll take your skin off!" Mo Zhanting endured the sharp pain from the corner of his lips, frowned and roared, his voice was a bit loud as if Dong Yilan had been startled , she retreated quickly, before Mo Zhanting could see her movement clearly, she was already a few meters away from the wall.

Mo Zhanting was stunned by her speed, Mo Fei was also surprised, only Ghost looked calm and calm.

It really is the most perfect experimental product of the T organization. If this woman makes a fuss, the Mo family will be wiped out in seconds.The eyelids drooped slightly, and the calculating glare in his eyes disappeared, and the ghost said faintly: "She was testing your friendliness just now, if you resist, she can slap you to death."

"How did you talk?" Mo Fei snarled, wanting to come up and teach the ghost a lesson.

Afraid of being beaten, Ghost instinctively took a few steps back to keep a distance from Murphy.

As if sensing the change in the atmosphere, Dong Yilan's enchanting eyes narrowed into a dangerous arc, condensing the three people standing in a three-legged posture, like a cheetah ready to go, dangerous but full of temptation.

Mo Zhanting suddenly hooked his lips into a smile, and the sudden laughter broke the stalemate between the three of them, and also made Dong Yilan's face loosen a bit.Mo Zhanting was smiling, but his eyes kept falling on Dong Yilan.

The dangerous aura exuding from her body was much less than before.

"Who are you?" Feeling no danger, Dong Yilan walked slowly towards Mo Zhanting. She was curious why she couldn't find his information in her database.

"What's her situation now?" Before Dong Yilan approached, Mo Zhanting asked the ghost in a low voice.

"She's just a blank sheet of paper now, with no memory, no emotion, and nothing but superpowers." The ghost looked at Dong Yilan who was approaching step by step, with scorching eyes shining brightly, as if he was admiring an item. Peerless treasure.

He has been researching super weapons in SX these years, and all he wants is a super war god like Dong Yilan. Looking at Dong Yilan now, the ghost is like looking at the product he has researched, and he has a feeling that he can't put it down.

It's just a pity that once a weapon is endowed with thought, she is no longer a simple weapon.

Dong Yilan stopped in front of Mo Zhanting with mechanical steps, and looked at him carefully, with displeasure already hidden in his expression: "Who the hell are you?"

Mo Zhanting pursed his lips and smiled kindly, "We are friends."

"Friend?" Dong Yilan repeated his words, her enchanting eyes lowered, looking at her bare toes, as if she was thinking about the meaning of the word friend.After a long time, her eyes returned to Mo Zhanting's face.

The curiosity in the flirtatious pupils became less curious and more cruel. She stretched out her index finger, and a laser shot out from the fingertip. The red light was as sharp as a blade, and slowly pierced Mo Zhanting's chest.

"You..." Mo Fei was startled, and wanted to block it, but was blocked by Mo Zhanting's hand.

The ghost didn't know what Dong Yilan was going to do, and his eyes were fixed on her every move.

Dong Yilan's eyes met Mo Zhanting's all the time. Although those eyes were sinister, they did not contain the slightest murderous intent. They seemed to be just for fun, or maybe she was looking for an answer.

The laser from his fingertips had penetrated into Mo Zhanting's muscles bit by bit.

The burning dull pain hit the heart directly from the chest, and then shot from the heart to the limbs. The pain made Mo Zhanting breathe hard, and a bean-sized ball oozed from his forehead. Mo Zhanting gritted his teeth.

Any deeper, and it would touch the heart, so Mo Zhanting clenched his fist.

If she doesn't let go, he can only give it a go.

Almost a second before Mo Zhanting wanted to resist, the burning sensation in his chest suddenly disappeared. When he lowered his head, he saw that the laser light from Dong Yilan's fingertips disappeared, and a soft and boneless hand stroked his chest. , there was a slight smile in the enchanting eyes, "You are indeed a friend."

The shallow voice is as still as water, and there is a hint of warmth in it when you listen carefully. It is hard to imagine that this voice comes from a cold, emotionless human weapon.

Mo Zhanting heaved a sigh of relief. As soon as his tense nerves were relaxed, his entire temperament changed, his hostility decreased, and the contours of his face softened a bit.While Dong Yilan turned around to look at the room furnishings, Mo Zhanting grabbed the ghost's ear and asked, "Isn't this a machine now? Why does she still have an IQ?"

The ghost shrugged, indicating that he didn't know either, "This machine is made by the T organization, I can only activate her potential, as for the rest, I can't control it." She said this, but she was secretly laughing in her heart. IQ, and IQ is very high, having such a high-IQ and high-energy weapon by your side is tantamount to carrying a time bomb on your body every day.

It is not certain that one day the stone you lifted will fall and hit your own foot.

Mo Zhanting was immersed in the joy that his long-cherished wish finally came true. Of course, he didn't notice the ghost's gloating. He quickly made his own wishful thinking in his heart.

After so many years of enduring humiliation and stealing life, it was for this day, and it was finally his turn to show his talents with pride.
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(End of this chapter)

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