Chapter 165 Nightmare
"Isn't it normal for a doctor to go up the mountain?" Mo Yao was a little strange, his pretty eyebrows were slightly frowned.After all, this small island is only the size of a palm, and if you walk around it quickly, you can finish it in a day.

Dong Yilan shook his head, "He told me that it's a restricted area."

Since it was a restricted area, no one could go there, so why did the doctor go there? Isn't this just to tell others that this restricted area is only for the two of them.

Dong Yilan was not someone who would be at the mercy of others, the more she was not allowed to go, the more her curiosity was aroused, and she pulled Mo Yao to have a look.

Mo Yao also found it strange, so the two of them went to the doctor's so-called "forbidden zone" one after the other.

On the side of the narrow path, there is a tattered wooden sign with eight big characters written in white paint: Beasts haunt, strangers do not enter!

"Be careful!" Mo Yao reminded in a low voice, took her hand and protected her behind him.

Dong Yilan's heart warmed, and he swallowed the words "I'm fine", obediently followed behind Mo Yao, and walked into the grass.

This is a mountain forest, overgrown with wild grass, and the grass that has not been cleared all year round grows as high as one person. The two of them walked through the grass and could only see the grass moving outside, but they couldn't see the figure.Mo Yao was afraid that the sharp blades would scratch Dong Yilan, so he walked in front to open the way for her, wrapping her cold little hands with his gentle big hands.

In my heart, there was an inexplicable ominous premonition.

The grass is more than ten meters away, and the inside is gloomy and humid, probably because there is no light on the ground all year round. The insects that were squeaking in the grass became quiet when they heard someone approaching.

"This piece of grass should have been artificially planted." Dong Yilan grabbed a blade of grass and looked it up in front of his eyes.Although the grasses of more than ten meters are not of the same species, they should be cultivated artificially if they grow to this height.

Mo Yao nodded, agreeing with her point of view, "Maybe there will be some secrets ahead." Planting grass in this kind of place is not for greening and beauty, but to cover up the facts.

The grass only served as a barrier. While talking, the two had already reached the edge of the grass, and faintly saw the doctor squatting on the ground with his back to them, which was a grave.

Dong Yilan was stunned. It turned out that the sign about beasts haunting and strangers not entering was to deceive people, but why was the tomb built in such a desolate place?
The doctor seemed to hear the voice behind him, and when he turned his head to look, Mo Yao hastily dragged Dong Yilan to squat down.

The dense grass blades blocked the line of sight, the doctor looked back for a long time, and turned his head back when he found nothing unusual.

Mo Yao stretched out and opened a thin slit, and the two watched the doctor's every move. He paid homage in front of the grave, and seemed to be chanting something, but the voice was too low, Mo Yao and Dong Yilan couldn't hear what he was doing with their ears pricked up. mumbling something.Vaguely, I only heard words like "daughter" and "mother".The doctor didn't stay for a long time, and left in a hurry before burning a stick of incense, leaving behind a lot of unfinished paper money and sacrifices.

After he left, Dong Yilan and Mo Yao came out from the grass.

The photo on the tombstone is a Chinese woman with clear eyes, a high nose bridge, and two dimples around her cherry-like mouth. She is a typical oriental beauty.It looks like he was only in his twenties when the photo was taken. The photo has a red background, and the edges are a little yellowed. It should be pasted after refurbishing an old photo. The actual photo was taken in the early 90s.

The woman's name is Mu Xueqing, and there is no introduction related to her life experience.

The doctor said that he had been here for 17 years, and the woman in the photo should have come here again after her death before being buried.

Dong Yilan looked at the woman's photo, and the woman in the photo was also looking at her. In a trance, the woman was actually smiling at him, full of smiles, kindness and warmth.

Normally speaking, feeling a dead person laughing at him should be a very scary thing, but Dong Yilan felt a burst of warmth.This is as warm as a brook passing through a mountain, clear and clean, and it is heart-warming.

Dong Yilan looked at the woman in the photo strangely, something flashed through her mind quickly, but she didn't catch anything when she thought about it again, she was surprised for a while.

"It's just an ordinary tomb. There's nothing strange about it. Let's go back." Mo Yao circled around the tomb, but found nothing unusual, so he stretched out his hand to Dong Yilan, ready to pull her away.

Dong Yilan took a deep look at the woman's photo, but still couldn't think of anything, so she followed Mo Yao and left.

Strolling slowly back to the clinic, the doctor has already prepared a meal. During this period of time, the two of them were a little embarrassed to eat and live with the doctor, but now they are used to it. As soon as the doctor greeted them, the two sat down.

Four dishes and one soup, not precious but exquisite, even a picky master like Mo Yao ate with relish.

"Are you still used to living on the island?" It was the doctor who asked while holding the vegetables, and he never looked at the two of them.

"It's okay." Although Mo Yao's tone was indifferent, there was a hint of gratitude in it. After all, he saved himself and took him and Dong Yilan in.If you are in China, it is impossible to see a doctor without a penny, and the doctor will not care about your life, let alone provide board and lodging.

"Doctor..." Dong Yilan hesitated to speak. She wanted to ask who was buried in the tomb, but felt that it was inappropriate to follow them and come back to question them, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips, but the doctor was already watching. She, so she smiled, "Are you not afraid that we will run away one day, and your medical expenses, accommodation expenses, and even meal expenses these days have been wasted?"

The doctor laughed, "You have seen what's going on on this island. Everyone is basically self-sufficient, and even transactions are usually exchanged for things. Anyway, everyone can't get out, no matter how much money they earn, there is nowhere to spend it. It's better to relax live."

"Oh." Dong Yilan nodded thoughtfully, living in a primitive state, but very comfortable.

After a while, the doctor thought of something again, and said with a smile: "However, this kind of life may be difficult for those of you who are pampered and pampered. You can neither farm the land nor cast a net."

Mo Yao was slightly taken aback, smiled unnaturally, and lowered his head to eat.

The weather on the island is changeable, the sky is still full of stars at night, and in the middle of the night there is sudden thunder and heavy rain.

If it doesn't fall, it will destroy the world in one fell swoop, the big raindrops slap on the window frantically, splashing pieces of water droplets, and a hazy mist rises from the glass soon.

Mo Yao couldn't sleep, he stood in front of the window and looked out of the window, the weather was easy to make people sad, and Mo Yao was no exception, looking at the dark sky outside, his heart was extremely heavy.After coming out of the Muscat casino, he chased Dong Yilan all the way. After so many days, he didn't know what happened to Beiying and Mo Zhanting.I vaguely saw Su Jie that day, that

Stretching out a hand, a clear imprint appeared on the foggy glass.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the small courtyard. The ground was already knee-deep in water, and the raindrops hit it densely, creating bubbles of various sizes one after another.

For this kind of peaceful life, Mo Yao suddenly had a special longing, away from killing, away from the hustle and bustle, but he vaguely felt that they could not live this kind of comfortable life for too long.

It's a tiger, always going back to the jungle.

Looking back, looking at Ke Rener on the bed, she seemed uneasy in her sleep, as if she had encountered some danger, her two beautiful eyebrows were twisted together, forming a small Sichuan character, her body was restless and restless, with The whole bed trembled.

"Yilan." Mo Yao walked over nervously. Dong Yilan's half bed was on the inside, so he could only crawl over from his side. He accidentally bumped into a cactus in the middle of the bed, stabbed his hand, and it hurt. Make him grin.

Grab the cactus pot and throw it at the door.

The remaining pots did not get rid of bad luck. After a while, the cactus fell to the ground and turned into a bunch of cactus.

Dong Yilan was still in a deep sleep, and the tiny beads of sweat that emerged from his forehead gathered one by one and turned into a big one and rolled down.

Suddenly there was a thunder, and Dong Yilan opened his eyes with a loud cry. Those blood-red eyes were terrified, confused, and helpless, like a child lost from his parents, full of fear and uneasiness towards the world. , wanting to find the way home.

"Yilan, don't be afraid when I'm here." Mo Yao hugged her and hugged her tightly.

At such a close distance, he could feel the wild beating of his heart and the uneasy sobbing.

She is afraid of thunder, Tang Ze told him as early as in Mexico, and he saw it with his own eyes last time in Shuixie, but he never thought that after she regained her powerful skills, she would be so afraid.

"Be good, don't be afraid." Mo Yao held her face in his hands, the sparkling tears in those beautiful eyes stung his eyes in an instant, and the wet and hot kiss fell on her forehead, soothing her uneasiness soul.

"I'm here for everything, and I won't allow anyone to hurt you." He tightened his arms and pulled her into his arms.

Feeling the warmth of her chest, Dong Yilan opened her eyes, staring at Mo Yao's face with eyes full of water, she was absent-minded for a moment.Finally, she murmured: "Mo Yao, I dreamed of the woman on the tombstone, and said it was my mother."

Mo Yao was shocked.

Dong Yilan's mother is said to be an extremely mysterious woman.But...he held her face in his hands and looked into her eyes firmly: "Yilan, believe me, your mother passed away when you were very young, her name was not Mu Nianqing, she was buried in D In the ancestral grave of Shizong's family, when we go back, I will take you to see her."

Dong Yilan closed her eyes, two tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, she didn't know if she believed it or not.

After a while, she softened her body and leaned into Mo Yao's arms tiredly, "I'm so scared, I'm lying alone on the cold operating bed, they injected some blue medicine on me, and I'll be fine after the injection." It hurt so bad, it was like my bones had been ripped off, I escaped with great difficulty, but it wasn't long before I was discovered..."

"Mo Yao, do you think they will arrest me again?"
Ah... A shrill cry pierced the sky, Xiaoyan woke up from the nightmare, her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling

Pigment: What's wrong?What's wrong?

Xiaoyan: In my dream, I suddenly saw an empty list of monthly tickets, and I woke up in shock. I saw that it was empty, and I cried blindly!
(End of this chapter)

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