The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 166 A Pig's Ideal

Chapter 166 A Pig's Ideal

"Mo Yao, do you think they will catch me back?" Mo Yao looked at Mo Yao with tear-stained face, Mo Yao felt a deep pain in his heart, and he tightened his arms suddenly, "No, without you, I can take you away from me. Walk."

The cold operating bed, the blue potion, these should be the things that made her body mutate. Every experiment is a reorganization of the body's genes, and the pain involved cannot be felt by others.Mo Yao felt sorry for the pain she had suffered, and wished he could rub her into his body and bear all the pain for her.

After a long time, Yilan fell into a deep sleep, and Mo Yao hugged her and lay down. She lay obediently in his arms. For the whole night, Mo Yao was afraid that Dong Yilan would wake up again, so he dared not go to sleep, and guarded her. She stayed until dawn.

When the crowing of the rooster came from outside, the sun was already shining on the earth, and the chickens that lived in the slow-paced space for a long time crowed later than the chickens in other places.Dong Yilan got up from Mo Yao's arms, she had forgotten the dream last night, and she was back to her usual weirdness, so she looked at Mo Yao with scrutiny and suspicion.

"It's so early in the morning, why are you looking at me like that?" Mo Yao was already sweating coldly after being stared at by her.

Dong Yi caught a glimpse of a cacti on the ground out of the corner of his blue eyes, and immediately felt ominous, and suddenly looked down at his chest... the clothes were still on.So there was a trace of incomprehension in the eyes looking at Mo Yao.

Mo Yao secretly sighed in his heart, originally thought that he was plotting something wrong, it seems that she forgot all about yesterday's dream, that's fine, he was still worried that she would still be afraid.

"In your heart, I'm the kind of villain who takes advantage of other girls' sleep and steals them?" Mo Yao frowned and glared at her.How dare he look down on him so much when he is obviously a strong one.

Dong Yilan looked at Mo Yao, he was indeed not taken advantage of, but... "How can you explain the cactus to me?" Dong Yilan narrowed his eyes, pointed at the soil thrown all over the ground and asked Mo Yao, if you don't give She explained everything, don't even think about going to her bed tonight.No, after explaining it, I can't go on it. Without this thorny [-]th line, who knows if he will take advantage of her.

Mo Yao raised his eyebrows, "Master sleepwalked last night."

"..." Dong Yilan has one eye and two big eyes, do you mean sleepwalking to my side?

Mo Yao turned a blind eye to Dong Yilan's dissatisfaction, leaned on one side of his body, propped his head with his arms underneath, squinted at her flushed cheeks because of anger, and smiled maliciously, "Do you know, man When are you most sexually motivated?"

"I would know if I knew?" Dong Yilan's scalp was numb from his staring, and he threw down a sentence, jumped over him and jumped off the bed and ran. Clean it up for me, or don't even think about going to bed at night."

Looking at her back, Mo Yao smiled in a good mood. He didn't sleep all night, and it didn't affect his spirit. With a force on his waist, he rolled over from the bed, and the ground was messy. Finger, Mo Yao raised his eyebrows helplessly.

Go downstairs and bring up a broom, and use the broom with the hand that is used to holding a gun. This is really, a crime!
After a while, the house was already full of dust, and the dirt on the ground was obviously against him, no matter how much he swung the broom, the dirt just gathered together disobediently, and ran around like it had grown legs.After a few rounds, Mo Yao's face was covered with dust. For Mo Qiye, who has a serious obsession with cleanliness, it was a double torture both mentally and physically.

Facing the rubbish all over the place, Qi Ye was angry and annoyed.

Think about when he, the dignified seventh master of the Mo family, cleaned up the toilet himself!But the poor woman said that she would not be allowed to go to bed unless she cleaned it up, so he had to clean it up.Of course, Mo Qiye is very resilient, he doesn't believe that he can't even clean a small area.

Gritting his teeth, his heart was bent, and he got on the broomstick.

There was already the sound of clanging vegetables being cut downstairs. The doctor got up early to cook. With the two of them in this small courtyard, it seems that the doctor has become a lot more cheerful. Thinking about it this way, Mo Yao eats and drinks for nothing The mood is much more relaxed.One has to repay someone's favor sooner or later. If he really can't get out of this life, then he and Yilan will help him take care of him.

Though he didn't believe they couldn't get out.

When Mo Yao went downstairs with a dark face, Dong Yilan had already gone out and came back with some unknown wild fruits in his hand.

"Come and eat the fruit, I just picked it, it's pure natural and pollution-free, absolutely green food." Dong Yilan proudly threw the fruit into the basin, took it under the water cage, and prepared to wash it and eat it.

As soon as he opened the tap and was about to reach out, Mo Yao walked over, "The water is cold, I'll wash it." The water here is not like the tap water in the city. The tap water needs to be transported through long pipes before it flows out. It has risen a lot. This is groundwater, which is pumped directly from the ground. The temperature of the water is very low. Although it is used to ice the fruit, it is crisp and delicious, but when it is washed, the water temperature is so cold that the bones hurt.

The man's voice was deep and elegant, full of caring, Dong Yilan's heart warmed and he moved away.

The small fruit was as big as a winter jujube, and it was red and very pleasing. Mo Yao had just washed it and put it in the fruit bowl, when Dong Yilan took it and ate it.

"Get some wild fruits every day, and you won't be afraid of being poisoned to death." As he spoke, he stuffed one into his mouth.

Dong Yilan snorted, "Don't eat if you're afraid of being poisoned to death!"

"Master, this is for your sake. In case you are poisoned to death, it would be lonely to walk alone on the road to the underworld, so I will accompany you. You should be grateful for your deep friendship to you." Mo Yao said goodbye after washing. After letting Dong Yilan eat it, Yuzi brought the fruit to the dining table.

Seeing that the doctor was about to prepare dinner, Dong Yilan went over to help serve the dishes.

A simple and happy day started amidst the quarrel between the two. After dinner, while Dong Yilan was out for a stroll, Mo Yao came to the outpatient room to look for a doctor, and wanted to ask who the woman buried in the grave was.

Of course, Mo Yao would not say that they followed the doctor, but said that the two saw a woman's grave when they were wandering around the back mountain, and they were a little curious.

When the doctor heard this, panic flashed across his eyes, and in a split second, he regained his composure and laughed to cover up the panic in his heart, "Young man, you are overthinking, my wife is buried in the tomb, we We went out to sea together and encountered a stormy weather, and she was already dying when I drifted here. The reason why I didn’t let Ms. Dong go there is because my wife likes to be quiet all her life and doesn’t like to be disturbed by outsiders. restricted area."

Fearing that Mo Yao would not believe it, he took out a wallet from the desk drawer. The wallet looked old, and the skin on the four corners had peeled off, revealing the leather-colored inside.

Opening the wallet, there was a group photo inside, which looked like a wedding photo from that era. The man was a doctor when he was young, and the woman was Mu Nianqing.

"You see, the photos on the tombstone are all expanded and edited. This was taken when we got married. There was no photo on her tombstone, but it was added after the photos were expanded and developed on this island in the past few days. .”

Mo Yao took a look, the woman's photo in the wallet photo was exactly the same as the one on the tombstone, even the smile was the same.

If he hadn't seen the fleeting panic in the doctor's eyes, maybe Mo Yao wouldn't have suspected anything, but the doctor's words were too perfect, and often things that are too perfect are artificially created.

Mo Yao returned the wallet to the doctor, and walked out with a heavy heart.

As soon as he left, the doctor sighed and looked at the woman in the photo meaningfully, with indescribably complicated emotions in his eyes.After a while, I put the photo in my pocket.

Going out of the clinic for more than ten minutes is to the beach, Mo Yao lit a cigarette, looking at the sparkling sea, his heart was in a mess.It's been a long time, and no one has come to find him. What the hell is Bei Ying doing?
In country R, ​​Beiying, who was hiding under the tank in a fake military uniform, shuddered and pinched his nose for a long time before resisting the urge to sneeze.

He was eavesdropping on the negotiations between two military gangs.

A gust of wind blew past, and the raised dust blocked the sight. Beiying pulled the collar around her neck and covered her mouth tightly.This is an almost barren military area, surrounded by occupied military bases. In this place where foreign wars have been going on for many years and civil wars often break out, the sound of explosions a few kilometers away is far away, and there is no need to escape. dodged war.

He was ordered to follow Mo Zhanting, but he didn't expect Mo Zhanting to come here alone after escaping from the casino in Muscat. Judging from the current situation, Mo Zhanting has his own military area here, and he has a strength No small army.

If you want to win in such a turbulent place, the power of the gangsters alone is probably not enough. No matter how powerful the gangsters are, they still have strong individual capabilities, but they are an army, and team capabilities are definitely better than individual combat levels.If they want to win, they need a perfect plan, but they can't get in touch with Mo Yao now, and the subordinates come down to report that Mo Yao and Miss Dong fell off the cliff one after another on the day of the accident, and they don't even need to think that their master jumped after Dong Yilan of.

What age is it, and she jumped off a cliff to die in love!

Beiying was thinking in his mind while quickly recording the conversation between the two. These two legions had a deal in the past few days, and he needed to use their deal to achieve his goal.

Dong Yilan looked at the sky in the distance, and there was another sunset. Her current life was like a pig, except for eating and sleeping.Wake up and eat, and sleep after eating!If this trend continues, she fully suspects that her skills will also be ruined.

Lying on the beach with Mo Yao's legs on the pillow, looking at the seagulls spreading their wings against the wind in the distance, Dong Yilan suddenly had an idea in his heart, turned over, and said happily against Mo Yao's chest: "Mo Yao, How about we go diving tomorrow?" Isn't this the beach?Fishermen have made a living from fishing for generations, so there should be no shortage of diving equipment.

Mo Yao withdrew his gaze from gazing at the clouds in the distance, and settled on Dong Yilan's eyes full of expectation. Maybe the ordinary days had diluted the hostility in her heart, and those red pupils didn't look like the obsessive eyes she used to have. The blood seemed to be covered with a thin layer of red, enchanting and treacherous.

"Don't say no!" Seeing that he was silent, Dong Yilan thought he didn't want to go, so she said it coldly.

"Go." Isn't it just diving, what's wrong.
Pigment: Xiaoyan, do you have ideals?

Xiaoyan: Yes wow!
Pigment: what ideal?

Xiaoyan: My monthly ticket list is still empty, my eyes are red and my heart is like
Pigment: Boom...

(End of this chapter)

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