The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 167 You Keep Calling Me...Husband

Chapter 167 You Keep Calling Me... Husband
Early the next morning, Mo Yao got two sets of diving suits, oxygen cylinders and other equipment from nowhere. It looked like the equipment was more than [-] years old, although it was a little old, it was very complete.Furthermore, the ship is really broken and unacceptable.

Dong Yilan was wearing a big sun hat and a bohemian-style long skirt, with long wavy curls cascading down her shoulders, with a kind of exotic beauty, Mo Yao couldn't help but look straight Eye.

At this moment, Dong Yilan's eyes were on the dilapidated fishing boat.

The slender eyebrows frowned, pointed at the fishing boat and said, "Let's go out to sea with this one?" This boat is so broken, once it encounters the sea breeze, will it be buried in the sea from now on, and never come back?
Mo Yao saw Dong Yilan's worry, and smiled with a good-looking face, "There is only such a fishing boat in the village. I have already checked it. Apart from the appearance of the boat, there are no other problems, and there will be no bad weather at sea today. Let's not go too far."

His voice was magnetic and deep, giving people a sense of power, and Dong Yilan's uneasy mood was immediately comforted.Mo Yao rolled onto the boat, then extended his hand to Dong Yilan, and pulled her up.

Putting away the anchor and starting the engine, Mo Yao drove the fishing boat to the depths of the sea.

Not to mention, although the boat is a bit broken, the inside of the boat is quite clean, and the deck is still glistening under the sunlight. It is estimated that the man who is driving the boat in the cabin has just cleaned it up in the morning.Thinking of him who loves cleanliness getting up early to clean up, Dong Yilan showed a satisfied smile on his face.

She is very content to meet a man who is willing to bend down and clean for her in her life.

"Mo Yao, drive faster!" Dong Yilan likes excitement, and the speed of the fishing boat obviously cannot satisfy her senses. With her arms on the fence at the bow, she kept urging Mo Yao to drive faster, but regardless of her No matter how you shout, the boat seems to be locked at a certain speed, sliding forward unhurriedly.

"This is a fishing boat, only at this speed." Mo Yao insisted on one principle, safety.He just crawled out of the hand of death, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Dong Yilan curled his lips, retreated, and lay down on the sun lounger on the deck.By the way, Mo Yao knows how to be romantic. You can get deck chairs and sun umbrellas in this kind of ghost place, which are purely enjoyable things.

After lying down for a while, she sat up again, looking at the sea receding rapidly in her sight.

In the distance, the morning sun seemed to have just woken up, and the lazy light shone on the sea surface, and the whole sea surface was covered with a layer of golden light, rippling slightly with the waves, and Dong Yilan began to think dissatisfiedly again. , if you drink a glass of pure fruit juice, it is simply a great enjoyment in life.

Through the glass of the cabin, Mo Yao looked at the greedy eyes of the woman outside, and raised the corners of his lips, showing an intoxicating smile. After setting the boat to sail automatically, Mo Yao came out of the cabin, holding two glasses of juice in his hand, Dong Yilan sat down beside her.

"Excuse me, Miss Dong, are you satisfied with this trip to sea?"

"Satisfied!" Dong Yilan took the juice, turned her head to look at the man beside her, originally intending to take a look, but she didn't take her eyes off after seeing it.The man's short black hair was still stained with drops of water, whether it was sweat or sea water, it reflected a little bit of golden light in the sun, and his handsome face looked cold but could hardly conceal his good mood at this time.The light blue short-sleeved shirt, with the top two buttons unbuttoned, looks casual and casual. The wheat-colored chest is looming, tempting to commit crimes.

Dong Yilan couldn't help sighing in her heart, such a man is a sought-after commodity wherever he is placed, why does he want to jump off the cliff with him?
Just because of the few promises she couldn't remember when she was a child?
As if feeling the sway in the heart of the little woman beside him, Mo Yao stretched out his arms to wrap her waist, "Don't think about it, you are the only reason for my life, Mo Yao, and it is hundreds of times more important than my own life. "

The only reason!Dong Yilan's heart was shocked, and suddenly remembered something, she tilted her head and asked, "What did I call you before?"

In the past, the girl with two braids in my memory always called my little brother by his side, but. "When we were very young, our family betrothed us, and you always called me...husband."

Upon hearing this, Dong Yilan's face darkened.

husband!It is said that he was only seven or eight years old at that time, and she was only five or six years old. Call him husband?If such a young child is called husband, don't your adults care about it?

Facing Dong Yilan's suspicious gaze, Mo Yao's face was not blushing and his heart was beating faster than normal, and he waited expectantly for Dong Yilan to call her husband.

Calling her husband in this thin and soft voice should be very pleasant.

"He didn't lie." This is Dong Yilan's omnipotent detection that even has a lie detector function told Dong Yilan.If he didn't lie, you are lying!Dong Yilan took the detector back viciously.

Such a ridiculous thing, even if she was killed, she wouldn't believe it!If you can't beat him, you don't believe it.

Just as Mo Yao was about to say something, Dong Yilan stood up, "We're here!" There's no way to take advantage of her!

At some point, the boat stopped. Judging from the distance, they should have arrived at their expected destination.Well, Mo Yao is not in a hurry, anyway, the days are long, take your time, there will always be a day when she calls out to her husband.

After packing out the diving suit, Mo Yao helped Dong Yilan organize the equipment.

City D, Longxuan headquarters.

After experiencing a catastrophe, Dong Chuzhi and others learned from the painful experience and built the headquarters in Mingchi Mountain, which is close to the mountains and rivers.Mingchi Mountain is divided into three areas. Area A is a tourist area, with beautiful mountains and rivers like spring in all seasons. Areas B and C are undeveloped virgin forests, densely covered with towering cypresses and cypresses that have grown for hundreds of thousands of years. Pine trees belong to no man's land.Only Dongchu and the others know that it is said to be a no-man's land, but it is actually a secret military base, and Longxuan's headquarters is adjacent to the military base.

This bold design maximizes the meaning that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

In the huge meeting room, there were more than a dozen high-level personnel of Longxuan sitting around the table. The meeting atmosphere was extremely dignified, because their boss's daughter had been lost for almost half a month, and the whereabouts have not been found yet.

It's only been half a month, didn't I lose it for a month last time and didn't find it?Of course, you can only think about this in your heart, and no one dares to say it out of your mouth.

In fact, they can’t be blamed for their incompetence. They have searched for the cliff where Dong Yilan fell off. Not to mention that there is no possibility of people surviving. I fell to pieces and fell into the sea alive. There is an undercurrent under those stones. If the divers go down to the bottom of the sea, if they are not dragged by the rope, even the divers may not be able to return, let alone hurt the person who fell into the sea.

They even caught real people for experiments, trying to see which direction they would drift after falling into the sea, and then followed the current to search for them. As a result, the person who fell into the sea was swept into the high sea by the ocean current, and was torn into pieces by sharks soon after.According to the person who came back to report at that time, the scene of dismemberment was so horrible that it was impossible to look directly at it.

The conference room was full of gloomy clouds, and people tried their best to control their own breathing to a very small decibel.

"Brother." Someone suddenly spoke, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to him.The person who spoke was Fang Yuan, who was a veteran of Longxuan, and they were the only ones who had the right to call Dong Chuchen "big brother".

"I have inquired," Fang Yuan said, "Not only our people, but Mo Yao's people have not found any clues in Muscat or the nearby waters."

Dong Chuchen nodded, as if he knew the result a long time ago, but he didn't believe it, no matter what, he couldn't believe that Dong Yilan and Mo Yao would really fall into the mouth of zombie sharks.This is a father's obsession with his daughter. If he gives up, maybe the daughter will really die.

Suddenly, something flashed across his mind, and Dong Chuchen was shocked violently.

Mo Yao's people...

Have they overlooked something all this time?At the time when her daughter disappeared in City D, everyone searched the mountains for a month, but there was no one alive or dead, but Zhang Xian called and her daughter came back from Mexico. Why did she suddenly arrive in Mexico? Although I also had doubts at the time, but later Diluted by the great joy that my daughter is still alive, and with the need to deal with various relationships, I didn't bother to ask questions, and when my daughter came back, I forgot about it.

At that time, Mo Yao was also in Mexico. Is there a connection between the two?
A trace of doubt flashed across the amber-like eyes, which turned into an obsession with the facts, and the words were an order: "Zhang Xian, take someone to Mexico, and find out how Yilan got to Mexico."

"Yes!" Zhang Xian responded, without doubt or hesitation, only obedience.

Dong Chuzhi's words are absolute orders, and he has no intentions to criticize him, only 100% execution.

A meeting came to an end in a heavy atmosphere. When Fang Yuan walked out of the meeting room, Fang Yuan originally wanted to say something to him alone. Judging from his expression, it should be something comforting. After all, Dong Yilan was also raised by him. He also felt bad mentally.Before he could speak, Dong Chu's phone rang.

I glanced at the phone, gave Fang Yuan a clear look, and picked up the phone.

Fang Yuan shrugged helplessly, feeling extremely heavy.Originally, their generation had discussed retiring to the second line to eat and wait to die, to give the people below more room for development, and let them take charge of the overall situation, but so many things happened again, and they could only hold on for a while. He is not yet seventy or eighty years old, but he can still withstand blows.

Dong Yilan followed Mo Yao into the sea, diving all the way down.

Before going into the sea, Mo Yao told them that the oxygen cylinders they wore were early products, and now they are rare in the market. Not to mention the small capacity, the air compression ability is also poor. A 12L oxygen cylinder, fully inflated Under normal circumstances, it can last up to half an hour on the bottom of the sea.

But half an hour should be enough to see the underwater scenery, if not enough, you can ask Mo Yao to bring her next time.

The scenery on the bottom of the sea becomes more and more beautiful as you go down. You can already see the green coral reefs and some colorful small fish under the refraction of the sunlight. Dong Yilan is overjoyed and speeds up to swim to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, a strong pressure hit her, and the darkness behind her was instantly covered. In a panic, Dong Yilan turned around, her beautiful eyes widening suddenly.

Oh, NO! !
He turned around quickly, but couldn't escape.
Pigment: Xiaoyan, what is that?
Mouyan: I don't make either...

Pigment: Vote for someone else!
Mouyan: Oh, NO, don't... I'll code the words right now, and add more if I have a ticket!

If you don't get the ticket mark, you will be blind from crying!
(End of this chapter)

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