The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 168 So ugly, how dare you live...

Chapter 168 So ugly, how dare you live...

The scenery on the bottom of the sea becomes more and more beautiful as you go down. You can already see the green coral reefs and some colorful small fish under the refraction of the sunlight. Dong Yilan is overjoyed and speeds up to swim to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, a strong pressure hit her, and the darkness behind her was instantly covered. In a panic, Dong Yilan turned around, her beautiful eyes widening suddenly.

I saw a huge school of silver fish, sweeping like a tornado, the school of fish was moving very fast, and it was about to collide with Dong Yilan. Out of an instinctive reaction, Dong Yilan's palms quickly condensed into a ball of red light. Before he could hit it, his ankle was caught, his body sank suddenly, and he was dragged under the school of fish.

The mighty school of fish wiped their eyes and swam away.

so close!

"It's okay." Mo Yao swam to a height parallel to her line of sight, and looked at her worriedly.If he hadn't dragged her down, everyone in the village would have eaten grilled fish tonight.Finding such a violent daughter-in-law doesn't know whether it's a blessing or a curse. If she offends one day... Thinking of the magneto-optical waves in her palm, Mo Yao's heart trembled violently.

"I'm fine," Dong Yilan put on a whitewash with a smile, pointed at the school of fish that had gone far away and asked Mo Yao, "What kind of fish is that? Why are there so many of them? It's almost forming a tornado."

Mo Yao's eyes moved to the school of fish. After looking at it for a while, he didn't recognize what kind of fish it was. They are all group activities, but you are lucky to see such a large-scale group activity with this depth."

I was almost hit by a school of fish and said I was lucky!Dong Yilan rolled her eyes, looking at the school of fish with lingering fear.

Can you understand how a person feels when he is scared to death by a large school of fish just as he wants to enjoy the scenery?Please look at Miss Dong's indignant face.

However, her self-regulation ability is strong, and she quickly calmed down the uneasy factors in her heart, and dived to the bottom of the sea.It stands to reason that the deeper the dive, the greater the pressure and the more effort it takes, but Dong Yilan feels that there is a force leading her to go deeper into the sea, and she doesn't feel the increase in physical energy consumption at all.

The scenery on the bottom of the sea is too beautiful, and the power is not particularly obvious, so Dong Yilan didn't care much, and went straight to a huge red coral.

"It's so beautiful!" Stars shone in the red eyes, and the hand involuntarily stretched out towards the coral-red tentacles.

"Don't touch it." It was too late for Mo Yao to stop him. On the coral's tentacles, an anglerfish that had been lying in wait for a long time quickly bit Dong Yilan's finger between the sparks and flints.


A sharp pain came from the fingertips, and Dong Yilan yelled, it was too late to withdraw his hand, the anglerfish that grew up like rocks on the seabed was relentless, biting Dong Yilan's fingers tightly, without letting go, showing no expression On the fish's face, there was a stubbornness of saying that they belonged together.

"What is this?" Dong Yilan exclaimed, looking at the sudden extra thing in his hand in surprise.Is her vigilance too weak now, why can any creature bully her when she enters the water?
"Don't move, I'll help you get it down." Mo Yao nervously swam up to her, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the fish. Fortunately, it wasn't a poisonous fish, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Just as Mo Yao was about to make a move, Dong Yilan shouted, "Wait a minute! "

Under Mo Yao's incomprehensible gaze, Dong Yilan brought the rock-like thing to his eyes.It is said that ten fingers are connected to the heart, and she doesn't feel the pain at this time, her blood red eyes are staring at the pair of small and round eyes, this thing looks really, so ugly!It is so ugly that other fish can't match it!
"You said it looks so ugly, how can it still have the face to live in the sea?" Looking carefully, this fish has no face, the mouth is grinning to the gills.

"..." Mo Yao, there are a lot of ugly people in the world, and I haven't seen anyone committing suicide by jumping into the sea.

Mo Yao glanced at the fish, and instantly felt that what Dong Yilan said was right, the fish was indeed... quite ugly.

Its upper and lower rows of teeth are sharp and thin, which is not a big deal. The point is that the mouth is very big, and the two rows of teeth are bared outwards.There are long beards growing on the forehead, and I don't know what organ grows on the top of the beard, which looks like a lantern.But Miss Dong is also a strange person who can bear the pain of ten fingers connecting to the heart, and also researches whether people's parents are ugly or not.

The anglerfish seemed to feel discriminated against, and the force on its sharp teeth increased.

"'s trying hard, break it away!" Dong Yilan screamed, shaking his hands vigorously, trying to shake it off, but the anglerfish somehow, like a turtle, bit it He didn't let go, and stared at Dong Yilan with two small black eyes.

The blood diffused from the fingertips, and it melted into the vast sea in just a moment.

"Don't move, the more you move, the deeper it bites." Mo Yao grabbed Dong Yilan's wrist with his big hand.Hearing what he said, Dong Yilan also calmed down, and stopped flicking his wrist.

Mo Yao tried to pry open the mouth of the fish but failed. He watched Dong Yilan frowning in pain. He spread his five fingers anxiously and pinched the anglerfish belly. With force, the rock-hard anglerfish fell alive. Squeezed to death.

The fish turned over and opened its mouth.

Dong Yilan hurriedly held his finger in front of his eyes and looked at it again and again, but fortunately he didn't bite off it, and it will be fine in a few hours.

What the hell, I must have missed the almanac when I went out today!Dong Yilan decided angrily, go back, my old lady won't play anymore!The seabed is so dangerous, but the ground is safer.

Mo Yao took her hand to check the wound, looked at the fingertips covered with tooth marks, Mo Yu's eyes were covered with a shadow, as if the sky could not be blocked, people couldn't help but touch their hearts.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine in a while." Dong Yilan comforted him in turn, and regretted it after speaking, who was hurt?But seeing his sad appearance, she couldn't bear to cry out.

Although it does hurt a bit!
Mo Yao wrapped Yilan's injured little hand in his big hand, and pulled her to swim above the corals. This seabed was full of various corals. The sunlight refracted through the water surface, and the whole seabed was stained with water. Layers of graceful halo, even more beautiful and mysterious.Colorful small fish shuttled among the corals, some were eating the parasites on the corals, and some were shaking their colorful fish tails, one by one, like elves from the fairy world.

"It's really beautiful!" Dong Yilan praised sincerely.

She stretched out her hand above the coral, and a group of colorful small fish surrounded them. At first, they wandered around vigilantly. After a while, they probably felt that there was no danger, so they leaned over and pecked at her fingers.

The itchy touch came from the palm of his hand, Dong Yilan couldn't help pursing his lips and laughing, through the diving goggles, those red eyes became more and more enchanting and charming.

Mo Yao didn't notice what was behind him, but only saw a school of fish in front of him, so he wanted to take Dong Yilan to play crossing.In order not to disturb the playful little fish, she gently shook the hand holding Mo Yao, signaling him to leave later.Mo Yao nodded, but saw that she was having fun, so he stopped beside her, and quietly guarded her side.

Dong Yilan smiled happily, and Mo Yao couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.Women are so easy to satisfy, it makes him, the future husband, very sad!

He also wants to give her more and better things!

It was this moment of tranquility, the two of them felt the gravitational pull from the bottom of the sea at the same time, it was very slight, and if it wasn't for the fact that the bottom of the sea was too quiet, they would not have felt it at all.

dangerous!This was Mo Yao's first reaction, and his first move was to protect Dong Yilan into his arms.

Dong Yilan's heart was touched again. In her memory, only the days when she was with Mo Yao were she protected as a woman.A warm current surged into my heart, and I took the initiative to lean into Mo Yao's arms.

Mo Yao smiled lightly, and with all his strength, he hugged the little woman in his arms tightly.

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen to you." The man's magnetism rang in her ears, and Dong Yilan felt warm in her heart. Although she knew that even without Mo Yao, she would be fine, but yes and no Two different things.Mo Yao's care and protection made her realize the pampering she deserved as a woman. At this moment, she actually wanted to be a weakling in front of him.

A weakling who is always protected.

Nodding, she hid in Mo Yao's arms with peace of mind.

Mo Yao didn't have Dong Yilan's whirling back and forth. He looked around, and there was nothing unusual. Even the school of fish just now was walking on the bottom of the sea at a normal speed. Animals are much more sensitive to danger than humans. There are no abnormalities in the group, which can only explain two situations. One is that this gravitational force has always existed, and the fish have become accustomed to it, and the other is that there is no danger.

That being the case, they don't have to care about it anymore. Since the permanent residents don't care, what do they two passers-by care about.

"I always feel that something is wrong." Pulling out of Mo Yao's arms, Dong Yilan laid her body flat, closed her eyes and felt the direction of the sea water with her heart.

Seeing that she was very serious, Mo Yao didn't bother her, and waited until she opened her eyes before asking, "What's wrong with the feeling?"

Dong Yilan pointed in one direction with his finger, "Gravity comes from that direction." The solemn expression seemed to be thinking about something, and after a while, Dong Yilan suddenly thought of something, startled in his heart, and suddenly opened his eyes wide, "Mo Yao, we were deceived. There is a magnetic field under that woman's tomb, and it is this magnetic field that guides all the ships to return."

Mo Yao was stunned for a moment, and couldn't believe Dong Yilan's judgment, but the direction she pointed just now was indeed where the woman's graveyard was, and the gravitational pull of the bottom of the sea was indeed leading them to that direction.

"Go back and see, if it's really the doctor's tricks, we will be able to leave this small island soon." As long as it is something that can be done by manpower, he will definitely be able to think of a solution.

Checked the oxygen bottle, Mo Yao's oxygen bottle was probably more than a quarter of the oxygen left, Dong Yilan's was a little more, but less than a third, so he pulled Dong Yilan's hand, leading her to swim upwards.
Tickets will get moldy if you hold them in your hands, so vote for Xiaoyan. . .

(End of this chapter)

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