Chapter 199

After hanging up the phone, Mo Yao smiled faintly, "Go to the Mo family's mansion."

The car quickly stopped in front of the gate that felt like the beginning of the twentieth century. Mo Yao got out of the car and told the ghost, "Don't follow in."

"Yes, Master Seven."

Mo Yao strode into the house.

The cold wind gusts in the unpopular house, and there is a penetrating chill everywhere.Since Aunt Li revealed Mo Zhanting's news to him last time, he let Aunt Li take care of everything here, but he didn't have to work any more.

At this point, Aunt Li had also fallen asleep, so he hadn't seen a single person since he entered the door.

The wind was blowing, the cold moonlight penetrated into the hall through the window, and the room was also icy cold.

Mo Yao went straight upstairs, and there was a faint knocking sound from the room at the end of the corridor.

"Uncle is in good spirits, he still doesn't sleep at this late hour." In the dim light lay an old man who looked like a bone, he was a little thinner than when Mo Yao came last time.

Seeing Mo Yao, his expression became ferocious.

"Mo Yao, you, you will be punished!" followed by a lengthy cough.

Mo Yao stepped forward slowly, staring coldly at his sunken eye sockets, "It's a pity that you don't have your life to wait until the day I get retribution."

Seeing him dying and showing an angry expression, the corners of Mo Yao's lips curled up playfully.Leaning forward, a powerful aura erupted in an instant, and his thin lips parted lightly, saying every word to his heart: "Mo Zhanting's military base was destroyed by me. Mo Fei, dead. And you, it will never be possible again." There is a chance to restore a healthy body.”

As soon as these words came out, the originally angry eyes of the person on the bed suddenly turned into endless despair, and then turned into hatred.

That monstrous hatred almost tore Mo Yao apart.

Mo Yao leaned on the side of the bed with a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold, "Uncle, when you harmed my father, when you harmed Yilan's family, you didn't expect to be retaliated like this one day, right? Do you know? How did I get through all these years alone? I was afraid to close my eyes, because when I closed my eyes, I saw Yilan standing in front of me covered in blood. She asked me, Mo Yao, why didn’t you go to replace me? I take revenge?"

"She asked me this question for 17 years." Mo Yao stood up and turned his back to the man he called his uncle. A layer of sadness surrounded his tall body, making the whole space oppressive. .

Suddenly, he turned his head, with a ferocious smile on his face: "Uncle, I forgot to tell you that Yilan is back, he is healthier than before, and we will get married soon."

The person on the bed suddenly stared, struggling to get up from the bed, "No, it's impossible..."

"Just enjoy the news. Next time I come, I will definitely tell you the news of Mo Zhanting's death." The slender and powerful legs drove the body and disappeared outside the door. Behind him was a violent cough.

Pfft, coughing and coughing, a mouthful of blood gushed out, the man he called uncle fell off the bed and passed out.

Mo Yao sneered, and quickly stepped out from the door.

This night, Mo Yao slept very soundly, not only because of his lack of sleep recently, but more because of the pleasure brought by revenge, which made him happy wholeheartedly.

Early the next morning, Mo Yao and Dong Yilan got up almost at the same time, one of them had breakfast elegantly in a suit and leather shoes, the other took out the camera that had been placed for a long time, packed their bags and hurried out the door.

When she arrived at the airport, Amy had been waiting for her for more than half an hour, looking anxiously at her.

"Hurry up!" Seeing her getting out of the car, Amy trotted over to help her drag the suitcase.

Dong Yilan was not polite, and threw her luggage directly to her, "Where are you going this time, why are you in such a hurry?" After being called by her urging phone call, Dong Yilan didn't have time to eat breakfast, Dong Yilan's resentment was deep.

"Let's get on the plane first. I'll bring you breakfast."

The helicopter propellers have already started to turn, and the wind is raging. Amy stuffed the luggage in front of the cabin, and the assistant took it in. She and Dong Yilan also entered the cabin one after another, and the plane quickly took off.

Dong Yilan glanced at the plane, there were seven people including her and Amy.

"Tell me what's going on. You're in such a hurry early in the morning."

"Hey, are your eyes okay?" Amy noticed sharply that her eyes were no longer red.

"Beautiful contact lenses!" Dong Yilan slapped her outstretched hand away, "Let's get down to business."

"Okay." Amy leaned back on the seat and started to get down to business.

This time, her studio took over an adventure program called Walking into the Valley of Death, and they wanted to enter the Valley of Death to shoot some little-known documentary records.In addition to videos, a lot of photos are needed, and the photographer's wife in her studio has just given birth to a child and is on maternity leave. This photography event is more urgent, so Dong Yilan had to be brought here.

"Damn, do you know why the Valley of Death is called the Valley of Death and not the Valley of the Living?" After hearing Amy's words, Dong Yilan's mind exploded. This girl is not afraid of death if she wants to be famous, she is afraid!She had only been alive for a few days, and she was going to die again, which she would not do.

"The plane is parked ahead, I want to get down!" Dong Yilan decisively chose not to have friends.

"Half a meter in front of the cabin door and on the right hand side, walk slowly!" Amy stretched her slender fingers forward, "By the way, remember to cover your face when you land, it will be too ugly if you fall face first and die."

There were titters from around, and everyone could see the big star's poisonous tongue.

"Careless in making friends!" Dong Yilan murmured in a low voice, and took out her cell phone to make a call, but when she checked, there was no signal.

"This is in the sky, big sister!"

"I'm younger than you, thank you." In fact, she is 3 years older than Amy. When Dong Chuchen brought her back to re-register her account, she wrote 5 years less, so her legal age is [-] years younger than Amy.

Dong Yilan put the phone back into her pocket in disappointment. She came out in a hurry this time, so she just told Aunt Zhang, but she didn't have time to inform Mo Yao.

"By the way, how did you hook up with Mo Qi?" Amy suddenly became interested, "It is said that Mo Qi can't get close to women."

"You mean I don't look like a woman?" She avoided the important and talked about him from left to right.This is what I learned from Daddy, every time Mummy and Daddy had a dispute, Daddy would do this, and after a while, her not-so-smart Mummy was involved.

"In this comparison, you are not the most woman-like among the women in your family. Look at your sister, Cheng Xiaoye, when she attended the party, she was called a jewel, shining brightly. Tsk tsk, I may not be able to compare she."

Dong Yilan's mind was focused on Cheng Xiaoye on TV, and the aura that overwhelmed the audience was indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people.

However, she and Ono are completely two types, Ono is fashionable and magnificent, and she is enchanting and bright like a spring breeze.

Wait, why does she want to compete with her sister?Who is going around whom?
"Boring!" Dong Yilan snorted, "Where is my breakfast?"

Amy glanced at the assistant, who immediately handed over a breakfast.The breakfast was specially prepared by Amy's assistant. It tasted good, and Dong Yilan ate comfortably.After eating, looking at the sea of ​​clouds passing by outside the window, Dong Yilan had a vague premonition in his heart.

The Lengele Canyon, the legendary valley of death, what will they encounter there?

All morning, Mo Yao was restless, because Yilan's phone had been unavailable.He even called Cheng Xiaoye, that girl might have stayed up late the night before, and said in a daze that she didn't know.

In the end, Mo Yao couldn't sit still anymore, the feeling of claws scratching his heart made him at a loss as to what to do, so he planned to go to the host's house in person.

Just as he picked up his coat, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and Ellen walked in.Her expression was haggard, and the thick powder couldn't cover the heavy dark circles under her eyes, and she looked like she hadn't slept all night.

"President, my resignation." An exquisite envelope was placed on Mo Yao's desk, and she turned and left.

The astonishment in Mo Yao's eyes flashed across, Ellen was so decisive, beyond his expectation.

"Ellen." There was a hint of convincing in her tone.

Ellen paused, then continued to walk outside.

"Are you angry with me?" The tone became a little more serious.

This time Ellen stopped, stood at the door and stared back at him. After a while, a forced smile appeared on her face, "You are the president, and I am just a small employee. How dare I get angry with you."

The always proud woman lowered her head very low this time, and didn't even look at Mo Yao.

Mo Yao knew that the more this happened, the more it meant that she was unwilling to give in, lowered her head, and just told him that she didn't want to look at his face.

"Take the resignation letter back, and I will pretend that this has never happened." Proud as Mo Yao, this is already a concession.Change to W. No matter what the reason is for any person in T, the resignation is submitted to the president's desk, there is no possibility of returning the vote.

"I'm sorry, President, I might have let you down." Ellen's voice was filled with ashes-like desperation, which made Mo Yao's restless mood a bit more depressed in vain.Frowning and then loosening the brows, he said slowly: "Notify Su Zi to come back to work, and take the resignation letter back."

A hint of surprise flashed in Ellen's bright eyes, and she raised her head to meet Mo Yao's deep gaze.

"Don't have a next time." It was a warning, and he took his coat and went out.

Looking at his back, Ellen softened and leaned against the wall.God knows how nervous she was just now, how afraid that he would not speak out to persuade Su Zi to stay. The moment she heard him tell Su Zi to come back to work, she almost thought she heard it wrong.

For her, he can give up his principles. Does this mean that he actually cares about her?
Ellen was overwhelmed by the sudden sense of happiness, and tears welled up in her eyes unconsciously.

"Sister Ellen, are you okay?" Several secretaries walked over cautiously.

When the CEO went out, his complexion was not very good. They didn't know what happened, and seeing the goddess-like Ellen suddenly crying, and thinking of the woman who stayed in the CEO's office all day yesterday, they immediately felt that the CEO had failed Ellen.

"It's okay." Ellen raised her hand and wiped a few tears indiscriminately, "Go and tell Su Zi to come back to work."

They were taken aback for a moment, and then shouted excitedly, "Sister Ellen, you are really amazing!"

At this time, the plane of Dong Yilan and Amy had already landed in Qinghai.
Hey, it's really time to go, the stepmother said that she was sweating. .

(End of this chapter)

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