The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 200 Reentering the Valley of Death

Chapter 200 Reentering the Valley of Death
At this time, the plane of Dong Yilan and Amy had already landed in Qinghai.

Those in charge of the reception were several local adventure enthusiasts in Qinghai. According to the information, they have all been to the Valley of Death.But judging from the results of Dong Yilan's investigation, there are very few people who really entered the valley of death and came out alive.

In the next two days, they will lead everyone into the Nalingele Canyon to complete the adventure journey.

At this time, Amy had already changed into a down jacket, and in the plush hat, most of her small face was covered by sunglasses.

The temperature in Qinghai is much lower than that of City D, and unmelted snow can be seen everywhere outside. When a gust of wind blows, Dong Yilan wraps up her thin coat tightly, and secretly blames Amy for not telling her the location in advance. Did not bring.

"I helped you bring your clothes." Amy's eyes hidden behind the sunglasses flickered slyly.

This time, Dong Yilan felt that she was tricking her even more.

"Did you plan it in advance?" Dong Yilan's face became darker and darker as she saw Amy's smug smile.

"That's...of course!" Amy admitted generously, took the down jacket brought by the assistant, and put it on Dong Yilan with her own hands, "You know I never fight unprepared battles."

Walking out of the VIP passage, the assistant saw several local reporters squatting at the exit with sharp eyes.

When they saw Amy, they immediately cheered up and gathered around, aiming at Amy with long guns and short cannons.The two bodyguards who were still behind just now had come to the front, protecting Amy as she walked out.

The locals who received them took the initiative to help Amy open the way.

Dong Yilan was caught in the middle of the crowd, and could only walk forward with the flow of people, protecting the expensive camera in his arms while walking.

Walking up to the reporter, various recording equipment stretched out: "Miss Amy, I heard that you are coming to Qinghai this time to explore the Lengele Canyon, which is the famous Valley of Death. Aren't you worried that you will encounter danger? ?”

"Since it's an adventure, there must be certain dangers. I'm fully prepared." Amy kept her usual charming smile and answered as she walked.

"Miss Amy, may I ask if you participated in this show voluntarily?"

"Of course I do the show voluntarily. Don't you think I was coerced?"

Dong Yilan mourned in silence, you didn't come here under coercion, I was!

About ten meters away, there was the convoy arranged by the local receptionist. The bodyguards stopped the reporter and escorted Amy and Dong Yilan into the car.Until the car started to move slowly, Dong Yilan could still hear the calls of the reporters.

"Every time I come out with you, it's always this scene, it's too exaggerated!" Dong Yilan leaned back on the seat and hummed, "Just a few reporters, using so many people to stop them, what's the matter?"

"I'm their bread and butter and their cash cow. Do you think they can do it?" Amy leaned close to Dong Yilan's ear and whispered, "To tell you the truth, these locals were hired by the program group for a lot of money. The vast majority of their responsibility is to keep me safe."

"What about the money that the show crew gave me?" Dong Yilan stared at Amy suspiciously, as if asking if she had embezzled the money.

"I invited you, you can only be counted as a friendly appearance, no money!" Amy casually leaned on Dong Yilan, "Sleep, and when you wake up, you will be in the legendary valley of death, I still have the truth Little expectations!"

"Why do I feel guilty?" Squinting at Amy, she really closed her eyes and fell asleep. Dong Yilan took out her mobile phone, where the name of the communication company should have been written with the words "No Service".

Strange, why is the signal so bad?
Putting back the mobile phone, looking anxiously at the people and scenes passing by outside, for some reason, I always felt that something happened in my heart.

After a simple lunch, the convoy headed for the Nalengele Canyon.

Mo Yao had already arrived at the owner's house, and there was no one in the living room. After he yelled twice, Cheng Xiaoye walked down the stairs with his messy hair, and he knew he had just crawled out of the bed.

"Is Yilan not at home?" Mo Yao asked.

"Brother-in-law, good morning." Cheng Xiaoye yawned.

Mo Yao glanced at the wall clock in the living room, the hour hand pointed to 11:[-] noon.It's still early, what time does this girl usually get up?
Cheng Xiaoye took a bottle of drink from the refrigerator and threw it to Mo Yao, poured himself another cup of yogurt, and then said slowly, "My sister and Amy sister went out, and they may not be back until the day after tomorrow, saying that there is an adventure show to be recorded , and left in the middle of the night."

Mo Yao frowned on his handsome face.

Cheng Xiaoye thought for a while, it seemed that the time was wrong, and corrected: "It's not midnight, it should be six or seven o'clock in the morning."

Mo Yao frowned even tighter.

"But it seems to be a long way to run, Xining, or Nanning." I thought for a long time with my bright eyes, but I couldn't remember the location Dong Yilan mentioned, so I had to say: "Anyway, I will be back the day after tomorrow, you don't have to worry, and Amy is very safe together, and every time the show crew sends a lot of people to protect her."

Mo Yao could no longer listen to what was said later, and a feeling of being ignored filled his mind.Dong Yilan didn't even call him when he left. It seemed that his position in her heart was really very small, pitifully small.

The nameless fire erupted, and the violent facial features were stained with a dangerous color.

Okay, fine, you'd better call me and explain before you get back, otherwise!
With a snap, the drink bottle in his hand was crushed and exploded.The lid flew several meters away, and the drink gushed out. Fortunately, Cheng Xiaoye reacted quickly, or else the cold drink was all on her body.

"Brother-in-law, how about you play Popeye?" People eat Popeye's canned food by themselves, and it doesn't hurt Chi Yu to spray others all over.

"Suddenly remembered something." Mo Yao tried his best to hide the disappointment in his heart, and squeezed out a trace of laughter, "I'll go back first, and Yilan asked her to call me when she came back."

After speaking, he put the drink on the coffee table, took a few paper towels to wipe his hands, and went out.

He walked for less than five seconds when Aunt Zhang came in.

"Second Miss, was Mr. Mo here just now?"

"Yes." Cheng Xiaoye replied casually, "He spilled his drink all over the floor, and he is leaving now."

"Going out to delay things, the eldest lady asked me to take a message to Mr. Mo." Aunt Zhang looked at the door annoyed, the noble and luxurious Rolls Royce speeding past, and quickly disappeared from the owner's mansion.

"Then wait until he comes next time." Cheng Xiaoye put the cup for drinking milk on the tea table and stretched, "I'm going back to sleep for beauty."

Mo Yao started to feel depressed when he came back from his club!

Although he didn't want to admit it, it was because Dong Yilan left City D alone, and he didn't even say hello to him before leaving.This made Mo Qiye, who had always planned and controlled everything, feel anxious.

Anxious and very frustrated at the same time.

It doesn't mean that she didn't say hello. It means that she doesn't care about him at all. In her eyes, he is dispensable, so she never thinks of discussing with him when making a decision.Mo Qiye learned from the pain and began to think about how to make Dong Yilan care about him more.

At this time, Dong Yilan, Amy and a group of more than a dozen people were getting closer and closer to their destination.

Nalingele Canyon is located in the Kunlun Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.It starts from Buluntai in Qinghai in the east and reaches Shashan in the west, with a total length of 105 kilometers, a width of about 33 kilometers, and an altitude of 3200-4000 meters.Five off-road vehicles passed through the winding mountain road, the field was vast, and the snow piled up on the mountain looked like silver hats, floating quietly in the distant sky.The vast plateau is full of a polar primitive and desolate atmosphere, all of which make people feel an inexplicable loneliness.

The cameraman carried a video camera to record all this, and Dong Yilan occasionally took out the camera to take pictures, and most of the time, she was looking at the clean sky.

Entering the Nalingele Canyon, the weather is very good, the bright sun hangs in the blue sky, and the wilderness is gorgeous.

"I didn't expect there to be such a piece of pure land here. It's so beautiful that it doesn't look like the world." Dong Yilan sighed sincerely. In D City, it is almost impossible to see such a blue sky.The haze in my heart when I first entered Qinghai was also swept away by this vast world.

"You have to thank me very much, otherwise you wouldn't have the opportunity to see this kind of polar beauty!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and a group of Tibetan antelopes ran out on the wilderness with sparse sandworms ahead.They ran extremely fast, as if fleeing for their lives, only a piece of yellow sand was left in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, not far behind the Tibetan antelope, followed by a few wild wolves, their vigorous posture, chasing the Tibetan antelope like arrows.

The more you go to the canyon, the more wild animals there are. Foxes, wild yaks, snow rabbits, and wild deer can be seen everywhere. They seem to have entered the real animal kingdom.It may also be because of the rarity of human presence. Animals are not particularly afraid of people. When off-road vehicles pass by, they just look up, and then lower their heads to graze grass and forage for food.

Finally arriving at their destination, they had the beginning of a column to film before everyone entered the canyon.

The motorcade stopped by the side of the road, and the makeup artist began to make up Amy.Others set up the curtain, searched for camera positions, and arranged the fill light area. Everything was ready, and Amy took off her down jacket, revealing the simple and magical host costume inside.

Dong Yilan carried the camera and took pictures of the "residents" of the canyon.

Several local tour guides stood around with shotguns to prevent sudden attacks by wild animals.

After receiving the microphone handed by the assistant, Amy smiled calmly and confidently at the camera: "Everyone in front of the TV, everyone, hello, welcome to the adventure show "The End of the World". I am Amy. Today, I and the show Colleagues in the group will lead everyone into the mysterious Nalingele Canyon to explore those little-known secrets."

"As we all know, the Nalengler Canyon is known as the Valley of Death. It is almost comparable to the "Death Valley" of the former Soviet Union, the "Death Valley" of the United States, and the "Death Cave" on Java Island, Indonesia. It is a veritable place of horror. Earth, but where is the horror, please wait and see, Amy will take you together to embark on a new journey of adventure!"

"Cut," the director clapped his hands in satisfaction, "OK, pass it once, call it a day and move on."

Suddenly, a dark cloud floated in the clear sky, covering a few inches of sunlight above their heads. When people looked up, they found a golden eagle hovering above their heads.Its wings are more than 2 meters wide, and the shadows it casts are like a cloud covering the ground.

Hawkeye shot down sharply, and suddenly, it swooped down and stretched out its sharp claws towards Amy.

(End of this chapter)

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