Chapter 201
Amy was so frightened that she forgot to scream.

"Be careful, Amy!" Dong Yilan threw Amy down, hugged her and rolled over one meter on the spot, barely avoiding the golden eagle's attack.The golden eagle's huge body skimmed the ground and flew into the sky.

Several people around immediately shot at the golden eagle.

The Golden Vulture couldn't dodge in time, was hit by a bullet, screamed and flew higher and farther into the sky.In a hurry, a few tiny feathers floated down from the blue sky.The sound of gunfire echoed in the wilderness, and the sound of fleeing footsteps echoed in the sparse sandwormwood.

"Get in the car!" The director yelled, and everyone hurriedly put away the housework they were responsible for and got into the car.

The convoy continued on, and the primeval forest had revealed its cruel side to people.

"Amy, how are you? Are you injured?" Once in the car, Dong Yilan began to check on Amy's injuries.Just now, in a panic, I jumped on her without even thinking about it. When I got up, I realized that there were sharp gravels everywhere on the ground.

Amy's clothes were torn by gravel in many places, but fortunately she did not hurt her body.

"Yilan, thank you! Huh..." Amy rushed over and hugged Dong Yilan and started crying. She was really scared just now.If Yilan hadn't rushed over recklessly, even if she hadn't been caught by the bird, at least she would have been scratched.Thinking about it is really scary.

"This place is too dangerous, can we go back?"

Hearing what she said, Amy immediately got out of her arms, wiped off the eyes that were not on her face, and said firmly, "No!"

"Okay." Dong Yilan sighed, she was almost sure that what was waiting for them in front was definitely not as simple as a golden eagle.There are more than a dozen people in this group, and the only ones who have the ability to protect themselves are Qinghai's team leader and Amy's bodyguard, the people in the program team, plus Amy, who have the ability to protect themselves when they are in danger.

But if her abilities are exposed in front of outsiders, it will definitely bring her endless troubles.

Looking at the azure blue sky, Dong Yilan suddenly misses the person in City D very much.

What is he doing now?

Mo Yao didn't even eat his boring lunch, flipped through the documents in his hand, and kept glancing at his phone.The broken woman still doesn't know how to call him, and every time he calls, he can't get through.

What the hell are you going to do to turn your phone into airplane mode!

Mo Yao himself didn't realize how much the glint in his falcon-like eyes was...Girlhood resentment.Not to mention that he didn't notice what he called Yilan, and suddenly returned from baby to broken woman.

A sneeze!

This was already the tenth time she had sneezed along the way, Dong Yilan rubbed her nose, she must have caught a cold because it was too cold when she got off the plane.He poked Amy who had been staring out the window, "Did the crew bring cold medicine?"

"No." Amy turned around, with a hint of concern in her bright eyes, "Do you have a cold?" She said as she wanted to reach out her hand to Dong Yilan's forehead.

"Probably all right, just a sneeze."

Amy tried it with the back of her hand, and tried it with the palm of her hand again, and said, "It's not hot." Her eyes turned, and she smiled meaningfully, "Did Mo Qi miss you?"

The corner of Dong Yilan's eyes twitched, and she replied with two words: "Hehe", then turned around and looked out the window.

Thinking of the tender "Yilan, I love you" that he hugged her last night and whispered in his ear, ripples suddenly surged in his heart, and even the flawless white jade face also flew red piece.

"Wow, you're shy!" As a senior best friend who has known each other for more than ten years and played together since childhood, Amy can vouch for it with her own personality. It is definitely the first time she sees Dong Yilan blushing.

In the past, surrounded by so many handsome men, Miss Dong was also a gesture of demons and ghosts, please do not approach.

Now actually, blushing!
wow ha ha ha ha ha ha...

The off-road vehicle in the middle of the convoy suddenly burst into laughter, and the wild laughter went straight to the sky, causing another turmoil in the wilderness. The frightened animals fled for their lives in all directions, and the yellow sand rolled on the wilderness.

The convoy moved forward for more than half an hour, and when the sun turned into an orange halo, the convoy stopped.

In front is the vast wilderness on both sides of the canyon, and the sparse Artemisia annua is showing withered yellow.Thick ice had formed in the valley, and the water flowed through the middle of the valley, making the sound of slapping the glacier.From time to time in the distance, snow rabbits raised their ears, looking warily at the smoking behemoth, as well as the strange creatures that came down from the behemoth.

"We have reached the hinterland of the canyon. We need to walk ahead." The team leader from Qinghai reported to the director.

"Everyone take your equipment and get out of the car, we are going to walk through the canyon." The director shouted to each car through the walkie-talkie.

Soon, everyone packed up their equipment and got out of the car to gather together.

Before departure, the director asked the team leader to say a few words, because the canyon is full of dangers, the team leader did not refuse, and stood among the people, and said loudly: "This time entering the canyon, everyone must obey the arrangement of the team leader. Leave the camp alone, let alone go to a place far away from the group. There are many wild animals in the canyon. I am here to remind you that we are only here to do a show, and we are not saviors. If you see small animals being attacked, please put them away Excessive sympathy, don't try to rescue it, because not only will you not be able to save it, but you will also risk your own life."

"This is a wild world. All animals have their own destiny. We only live here for one day and one night. Don't let your sympathy and curiosity harm you and others."

The team leader spoke powerfully. If there was no incident of the golden eagle hurting people, maybe everyone would still think he was alarmist, but now everyone thinks every word is true.After the team leader finished speaking, the director explained a few more words about safety, and everyone set off.

Dong Yilan hugged her camera very preciously.

It was a gift from her daddy on her birthday. She just dropped it to save Amy. Although it didn't break, as a die-hard photographer, she loves her precious camera very much.

"The camera didn't break, did it?" Amy saw that she was holding the camera with a crying expression, and thought the camera was broken.

"If it breaks, you have to pay me for a new one. I risked my life and property to save you!"

Amy's eyes twitched, when did this woman become so rich?

"Let Mo Qi buy it for you."

"..." What does it matter to him?

In March, the weather in the canyon was cold. A group of people stepped on the hard river ice and staggered forward, surrounded by the rushing river. If they accidentally fell, they might fall into the water.

When walking for three or four kilometers, the drama staff who was carrying the board suddenly slipped and plunged into the river. Fortunately, the team leader in Qinghai dragged him out of the river and avoided the bad luck of being washed out by the river. Drenched by the icy river water, shivering from the cold.

"This is just the beginning, terrible things are behind." The team leader said.

Because they only stayed for one night, for the convenience of traveling, they did not take off their clothes in the car. The poor drama staff could only brave the severe cold and walk with the troops in wet clothes.

Qinghai's team leaders and bodyguards consciously walked on both sides to protect their safety at any time.

After crossing the river valley, there was another vast wilderness, and the vegetation on the ground gradually became lush.Flocks of birds flew through the air, leaving behind all kinds of calls, and there were wild bushes, red willows and sharp rocks everywhere.This piece of soil is surprisingly solid, and it feels like stepping on a glacier when you step on it. Sometimes, you can still hear the sound of splashing, but you can't see the water.

"Be careful!" The team leader walking in the front suddenly spread his arms to stop everyone, and the team stopped.

"Here is a piece of frozen soil, and there are dark rivers below. If you accidentally step on it, you will fall into the water and be submerged. This is why many people came in and never went out, but they couldn't find the body." The leader explained.

He took a few steps forward cautiously, then turned around and ordered, "Everyone form up and follow me one by one, instead of walking side by side."

This undoubtedly reduced the pressure on the ground and avoided the danger of ground permafrost subsidence with a high probability. More than a dozen people lined up in a long line of "1" and walked forward with a distance of more than 20 meters.

It was dusk.

Mo Yao, who only had one breakfast, didn't feel hungry at all, he was completely full.That damned broken woman hasn't called him even now, even sent him a message!
Staring at the phone with angry eyes, it looks like I'll throw you off if it doesn't ring!

The door to the president's office rang, and Ellen walked in.

"Yao, do you have time to have dinner together?" Ellen smiled beautifully.

I have to admit that Ellen is indeed a rare beauty.With long flaxen hair and shawls, a pair of black eyes are piercing, and when staring at people, there is a hint of seductive power.

It's a pity that Mo Yao is in a bad mood.Just about to say, "Why didn't you knock on the door again?" Suddenly recalling the scene of resignation in the morning, he endured it again and said softly, "I have an appointment with a client tonight."

"Then let me accompany you, I know all of W.T's clients."


"Yao," Ellen broke through his excuses without losing face, "Can you stop rejecting me all the time? You don't have any clients at night. Over the years, you haven't accompanied clients in the name of business."

Mo Yao was suddenly speechless. This shrewd woman really knew his style very well when it came to business.

Ellen suddenly went uncharacteristically, and sadness surged in her beautiful eyes like water.The melancholy color further dimmed her whole body. For any man, seeing a beauty like this would probably make his heart flutter.

But Mo Yao is not an ordinary man.

"Ellen, tonight I..."

"It's just a meal." Seeing that Mo Yao was about to decline, Ellen interrupted him again. The beautiful and delicate face was already [-]% sad, and the bleakness made the whole world lose its color.

It seems that Mo Yao's refusal is a heinous crime.

Mo Yao sighed in his heart, "Ellen, why do you..."

(End of this chapter)

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