The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 202 Trembling of the Earth

Chapter 202 Trembling of the Earth

"Okay, I'll go with you." Mo Yao finally let go.

It's good to have a meal together and speak clearly, so as not to upset Yilan when he meets her later.Thinking of Yilan, Mo Yao's heart rose again with an unknown fire, and his face turned violent involuntarily.

What the hell is that fucking woman doing?
Ellen's face turned cloudy, and when she was happy, she didn't notice the change on Mo Yao's face, and said happily: "Please invite me tonight."

"Yes." Usually, he would softly say "yes" to Yilan, but here, he just answered "yes" lightly.Mo Yao didn't feel any changes, so he gracefully picked up the car keys, "I'm going to drive, you wait for me downstairs."

Ellen shook the key in her hand, "Drive my car."

"I..." There was still something to say, but Ellen had already picked up the words: "I told you to invite me to dinner. Is it any different if I drive you?"

There was no expression on Leng Lie's face, nor did he say no, the two walked out of the president's office one after the other.

The lights are on.

The sun has not yet fully set in the vast field, and the sky is red with red clouds.On the other side, the silver-white outline of the moon has just emerged, echoing the glowing red sun, forming a special landscape in the alpine region.

Dong Yilan took out the camera and kept pressing the shutter.

An arrogant man like Mo Yao absolutely disdains coming to this kind of place, she wants to record all the beautiful scenery along the way, and put it on the computer for him to take a good look at.Wouldn't it be a pity to miss the beautiful scenery of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland?

"Everyone, come and see." The leader in front shouted.

They had passed through the permafrost, and they no longer worried that gathering together would cause the ground to subside, so when they heard the team leader shouting, whether they were enjoying the scenery, filming along the way, or heightening their security, they all swarmed past.

There are many huge animal footprints densely covered on the ground, as well as pools of animal feces that have frozen into lumps of ice.

"There are bears infesting here, everyone be careful." The leader said.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the warning. Wild animals are generally afraid of fire. Just in case, they carry burning sticks with them.But a bear is neither afraid of light nor fire, and has a bad temper and will jump at people. If the unfortunate team meets the bear, it may be close to death.

"Shouldn't the bear be hibernating at this time?" Amy asked strangely.

That clumsy and heavy guy usually hibernates for 6 months. It's freezing and food is scarce here, so it doesn't make sense to wake up now.

"Bears will wake up to excrete during hibernation, and occasionally find some fruit to eat nearby. In short, let's be careful not to disturb them." After the team leader finished speaking, he led everyone to move on.

As the sky became darker and darker, burning sticks were lit in the team. Everyone walked through the jungle full of thorns, and many people were injured by hard thorns and sharp stones.There were only two lesbians, Amy and Dong Yilan, in the team. Everyone gave them full protection, so they were unharmed.

At about eight o'clock, they came to a wide field.

The ground here is extremely flat, surrounded by dense jungle, like a natural playground.The director decided to camp here at night, and after asking the team leader if he had any opinions, everyone started to set up tents, picked up branches and weeds and lit a bonfire.

The stage manager, who was about to freeze, finally felt a bit of warmth, took off his icy coat, and put it on top of the fire to bake.

In front of the monitoring, the cold and stern man stared at the screen expressionlessly, the corners of his eyes were dark and sharp like blades.

He is Su Jie, the director of the Sixth Office of the State.

In the afternoon, I received a report that a cross-country convoy broke into the No. [-] headquarters of the National Security Bureau.He monitored them from the surveillance video, but found that the person who came was actually a program group.The host of the show is the famous female star Amy.

There is also a tightly wrapped woman whose face has not been seen clearly, but judging from her figure, he should recognize her.

At ten o'clock in the evening, he had already lifted the alarm, telling everyone to get off work and rest, but he was sitting in front of the monitor with great interest, watching them record the program.The place where they lit the bonfire is a place where bears come and go. If you dare to play with fire here, there are only three words: don't die!
The corners of his lips twitched playfully, and he wanted to know, if this kind of unknown program group was really in danger, would they have a way to get rid of it?
The red Porsche quickly crossed the road, and Mo Yao's facial expression became more and more cold.

"Where is this going?" Mo Yao finally couldn't help asking.

"I thought you wouldn't ask." Ellen smiled on her beautiful face, "Go home."

A trace of displeasure rose in Mo Yao's bottomless eyes, "Didn't you eat?"

"Of course, you treat yourself, you can't refuse."

"If you want to go home and change clothes, I can wait for you at the restaurant." Fudo refused incompetently.

"Do you think my professional attire is not beautiful enough?" Who wouldn't kick the ball.

Mo Yao rubbed the space between his brows, it was really tiring talking to a smart woman, it's better for him to be Yilan.Although occasionally playing tricks with him, it never made him feel tired.

"Ellen, you are actually very good..."

"Otherwise, our President, who has always been one and only one, would give up his principles for me." It was referring to Su Zi.

Mo Yao suddenly felt that his usual good eloquence went to nowhere, and he felt a kind of sadness that he couldn't say anything about.He wants to tell Ellen that you are excellent and deserve to find someone who loves you. Ellen seems to always know what he wants to say, but just doesn't give him a chance to speak.

Suddenly Ellen smiled.

Hearty laughter hit the oppressive atmosphere, "Yao, seeing you worry so much, I suddenly feel like I have become a jackal, tiger and leopard, and I can throw you down and eat you. Don't worry, it's just eating, I I ordered Shang Yipin's steak, I remember that is your favorite."

"Say yes, I'll go straight to the restaurant."

"Of course it's the CEO's treat. How can I, a small staff member, afford such high-end dishes?" Ellen ignored the second half of the sentence and tried to change the subject: "The meal costs two thousand and two hundred, plus two hundred for delivery. Be prepared with cash, they don't take credit cards for delivery."

Mo Yao began to regret agreeing to invite her to dinner...

Ellen lives in Famous City Apartment, a well-known high-end residential area in D City.The people who buy and live here, apart from the second generation of celebrities and wealthy families, are the middle class with an annual salary of over one million.

As W. T's second in command, it's not surprising that Ellen can buy a house here, Mo Yao.

The car is parked in the underground parking lot. The townhouse has one room and one elevator. The elevator has a separate password and goes directly to the home.

The decoration of the home is not luxurious, but it is full of warmth everywhere, making people feel warm when they enter the door.I accidentally caught a glimpse of a photo of myself on the cabinet at the entrance.Mo Yao suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Sit wherever you want." Ellen changed her shoes, pointed to the sofa, and went upstairs with a girly smile on her face.

Mo Yao sat down on the sofa, feeling uncomfortable all over, and felt inexplicably guilty when he thought of Yilan.Angrily calling Ghost an idiot in his heart, he didn't know to call himself, and just made up a reason to get himself out.

The ghost who had eaten and was watching a Korean drama sneezed in a very ugly way.Does the master miss his driving skills?
Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Ellen's voice came from upstairs: "Yao, open the door for me, maybe the takeaway is here." The voice seemed to be ordering her husband naturally.

Mo Yao frowned with a headache, and now hearing Ellen call his name, he began to feel awkward.

When I opened the door, it was food delivery.

"Little Ellen..." I was surprised to see Mo Yao's takeaway brother, he got stuck in the middle of the conversation, and then with a suddenly realized expression, he handed the bill to Mo Yao's face, "Sir, the food you ordered has been delivered, A total of 900 yuan, 500 yuan is a tableware deposit, and we will refund it to you when the tableware is returned."

"No need to refund." Mo Yao paid the bill with money.

If it was the past, Mo Yao really didn't have any money on him, not to mention money, he wouldn't even carry a card, because Beiying would help him pay off all his debts.

But after going on a date with Dong Yilan last time, he suddenly found that sometimes it was inconvenient for the driver to follow, and the girl would want to buy this or that anytime and anywhere, so he learned to bring his own wallet since yesterday.


The stomach growled unwell, and Su Jie took out the last box of instant noodles from the cabinet.These years in the Sixth Office of National Security, Su Jie understands a truth, the biggest advantage of being in the deep mountains and jungles is saving money, because no matter how much money you have in your hand, there is no place to spend it!
Lifting the pot, he found that there was no hot water. He went out to fetch the water again and came back to boil it. He continued to sit in front of the screens covering the wall and watch the surveillance.

The crew of the camera crew was having dinner, and some of them were very skilled. Besides canned food, they also caught a few snow rabbits and pheasants on the spot, peeled their skins and roasted them on the campfire.

The corners of the cold and hard lips turned up slightly, dare to make a lot of blood here, it's a good show to watch.

The atmosphere of the expedition team is in full swing, and the crew has finally dried their clothes, and is now sitting by the fire rubbing their hands to keep warm.

The team leaders from Qinghai showed their skills, caught snow rabbits and pheasants, and burned them on the bonfire to eat.No cumin, no seasoning, just simple fire roasting, when the pure natural game is roasted until golden brown, the rich aroma still makes everyone drool.

"Is it almost done?" Amy swallowed.

"Soon." The team leader smiled slightly, his face reddened by the flames, and turned over the snow rabbit on the fire.The golden-yellow rabbit meat was splattering and splashing oil stars, and the oil dripped into the fire, and clusters of red flames were pulsating.

"Everyone said how dangerous the Valley of Death is, and now it's just like that!" the cameraman put down the camera and teased.

"Yeah, it's not as scary as the legend says." Another staff member also echoed.

When the golden eagles jumped at Amy in the afternoon, they were really frightened, but they came here through the wilderness and jungle without any danger. They subconsciously felt that this place was not scary, but there were more wild animals.

The team leader didn't respond, and the surroundings were too calm, which instead made him feel ominous.

Dong Yilan sat and rested beside the fire, feeling more and more uneasy when he first entered the Lengele Canyon.Suddenly, she was so keen that she felt the ground under the fart moon tremble slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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