The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 227 I owe money for a lap

Chapter 227

Su Jie, who was on a mission in Qinghai, sneezed again and again, rubbing his itchy nose and looking up at the sky. Spring is here, who is thinking of me?
"Hurry up and get married, and have a baby for me to play with." Dong Chengcheng looked at Du Wenqi and Cheng Xiaoye, his dark eyes were bright and full of anticipation.

Everyone "..."

"Why does our child play with you?" Cheng Xiaoye asked bluntly.

"I'm an uncle, so of course I have to teach him the principles of life!" Xiao Tiancheng said solemnly with the appearance of a little adult.He didn't dare to say anything later.If I follow you, even my uncle will suffer if I become the devil king of the world.

Everyone "..."

Du Wenqi didn't speak, his moonlight intoxicating eyes were full of smiles, Ono didn't refute the matter of having a baby, which made him feel good.

Amy was not happy after hearing this: "The Du family also gave birth to a child, and I got your education in that round, and I should teach it."

"Hurry up and get married and have a baby yourself, and teach your own family." Xiao Tiancheng said teasingly.

"Why don't you give birth to a teacher yourself?"

"I'm too young to give birth." Xiao Tiancheng's jet-black eyes were full of contempt, obviously asking if you have common sense!
"My own parts haven't developed well, and I still want to help others educate their children!"

"..." Du Wenqi.

"..." Cheng Xiaoye.

Don't you think it's a bit early to discuss who educates children?

Cheng Xiaoye coughed twice, "Xiao Tiancheng, I think the system you gave me for trial a few days ago is not bad. It is easy to operate and portable. The most important thing is that it runs fast and has a good picture quality." Quickly changed the subject, If you continue to digress, you will go to the Pacific Ocean.

"You can still do the system?" Amy didn't quite believe it, and looked at him suspiciously.

Although the eight-year-old little milk bag looks like a little gentleman, he is more mature than other people's children, and his IQ is not so high.

"Hmm." Dong Chengcheng nodded proudly, biting the cake in his mouth, with cream on the corner of his lips.

At such a young age, he was so crazy that his teeth itch.

"Chengcheng, eat less cake and eat first!" Cheng Nuo saw that he had been eating cake, so he taught him a lesson.

"Understood, Mommy." Although he was very reluctant, he put the cake on the serving plate and brought over a chopstick of vegetables.

Amy snickered and mocked him in a low voice, "I am still being educated by adults, and I want to educate other people's children."

"Huh!" Dong Chengcheng snorted, dared to laugh at him, seeing that he hacked her if he didn't surf the Internet at night.

Several elders have discussed about May Day for a few days, should they go out to play together?Mo Yao and Du Wenqi were chatting about business matters, Cheng Xiaoye and Dong Yilan couldn't get in the way, so they chatted about some recent things that happened to them.

"Sister, I went shopping with Amy a few days ago, and a man followed me sneakily. After I found out, he asked me if I was your sister, and then said that I recognized the wrong person." She had been looking for a chance to tell Dong Yilan about this. , I've been too busy recently to take care of it.

She described the man's appearance in detail, and at the end, Dong Yilan thought of the doctor on the small island.

"Is there a scar on his chin? It's about 1 centimeter."

"The beard is too long to see the chin."

Who could it be with the beard?Dong Yilan frowned, in his impression that the only person who could match up with Cheng Xiaoye was the doctor, but what did the doctor come here for?Could it be that the cost of asking for medical expenses is too high?

Uh, this reminded her again that she hadn't paid back Zhang Xian's money, so she would find time to pay back Zhang Xian's money tomorrow no matter what.

And Tang Ze, the hospitalization fee, she even stole someone's wallet!
God, after all, she seems to owe a lot of debt...

"Let's toast together to wish Xiao Ye a happy birthday!" The one who proposed was Ouyang Nan's wife, an elegant and generous woman.

Everyone immediately raised their glasses to agree, and for a while, only the sound of glasses clinking was heard.

"Happy Day Ono!"

"Happy birthday!"

Everyone sent blessings one after another.

"Thank you!"

"Brother, shouldn't we have a wedding wine at the next party?" Ouyang Nan teased, speaking to Dong Chuchen, but staring at Cheng Xiaoye.

Now Long Xuan is handed over to Xiaoqi and Zilong. He and Fang Yuan are the two most leisurely people now. To describe it in four words, they are eating together and waiting to die.Dong Chuchen was very jealous, and planned to hand over JH International when Dong Yiting came back in July, and travel around the world with them.

"It depends on what the children want." Dong Chuchen said.

"Uncle Ouyang, you're making fun of me again." Xiaoye groaned, his white jade-like flawless face was flushed, and he hurriedly picked up the wine and drank it down, using it to cover up his shyness.

Du Wenqi has a cold personality and doesn't talk much, but politely clinks glasses and drinks.

After a round of drinking, everyone sat down, Ouyang Nan turned his eyes to Mo Yao and Dong Yilan, "Hurry up, both of you, and have a baby first while you are young."

"Working hard." Mo Yao replied kindly.

Working hard, working hard... Dong Yilan's fair face turned red, didn't he mean that he was working hard, why is this man so thick-skinned, and glared at Mo Yao shyly and angrily.

"I'm telling the truth." Mo Yao whispered in her ear.

Dong Yilan's face turned even redder, it was so hot that it was almost dripping blood, and the foot under the table stepped hard on Mo Yao's foot.

Mo Yao gasped in pain.

Amy just raised her glass to toast: "Why don't you marry my brother, it will be more lively when there are more people."

He raised his wine glass to greet, "I listen to Yilan."

Yilan didn't speak, but stepped on him again.

Mo Yao's face was full of black lines, could there be something wrong with his words.

Dong Chengcheng, who was sitting across from her, looked at her older sister who was smiling somewhat ferociously, and at her brother-in-law who was drinking calmly, and suddenly shouted: "Sister, you stepped on my foot!"

"...I'm three meters away from you!" The huge round table in the restaurant was two and a half meters long, they were sitting opposite each other, how did she manage to step on his feet!

"Oh, I yelled for my brother-in-law." Xiao Tiancheng yelled and drank the juice calmly.

"..." Everyone laughed loudly, and Dong Yilan was embarrassed.

Little sweet orange, if you don't play for a day, you have to go to the house to expose the tiles!

"Chengcheng, why are you drinking so much water at night? Stop drinking it!" The tone was so gloomy that Dong Chengcheng was terrified when he heard it, and quickly pushed the cup aside.

Dongcheng Cheng burst into tears.

Why does everyone care about him, why?Does the child even have the freedom to eat and drink? This is a society of human rights, why can't he eat according to his own preferences...

Cheng Xiaoye, hurry up and have a baby, so that everyone won't have to stare at me!Dong Chengcheng looked at Cheng Xiaoye sadly.

The meal was lively, and after the party, a few elders stayed to play mahjong, while the juniors were going to the bar to have fun, Dong Chengcheng looked at the elders, and at the same time looked at his brothers and sisters, in a dilemma.

There is nothing he can participate in!

"Chengcheng, are you going or not? We're leaving." Cheng Xiaoye called him outside the door.

"Wait for me, I'll go!" Instead of listening to them playing mahjong at home all night, it's better to go out to play with the sisters.

Two cars drove out of the owner's mansion and drove to the city center.Dong Yilan was very comfortable watching the neon lights flashing outside the window all the way, if only he could live like this all the time.Suddenly, there was a familiar face on the side of the road. The man looked up and grinned like Mo Zhanting.

Dong Yilan was startled, "Stop!"

Heck... The tires of the car rubbed two black marks on the asphalt road, dragged for about ten meters, and the two cars stopped on the side of the road.

Dong Yilan hurriedly opened the car door and ran to the back.

Mo Yao, Cheng Xiaoye, Du Wenqi and others also got out of the car and followed behind her.

"What's wrong?" Mo Yao asked anxiously after catching up with Dong Yilan.

Du Wenqi and Cheng Xiaoye also caught up, panting heavily. Amy wore high heels and couldn't run after a few steps, watching them from afar.

"I seem to have seen Mo Zhanting." Dong Yilan nervously watched the plants and trees beside him, lest he hide somewhere so that she would not see him.

"I drove here just now, but I didn't see anyone on the side of the road." Du Wenqi said.

He heard his brother talk about the Middle East, so he naturally knew about Mo Zhanting's existence.

"Yilan, did you read it wrong?" Mo Yao also said, "I didn't notice someone on the side of the road just now."

Did you read it wrong?Dong Yilan glanced around suspiciously.

In order to bypass the dense traffic area, they took the outer ring road.There are very few pedestrians on this road, and occasionally motorcycles pass by in a hurry.As for the people who stopped on the side of the road, most of them had insufficient water storage space inside their bodies and it was convenient to get out of the car.

"It's possible." Dong Yilan murmured softly, her face full of disappointment.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of these things." Mo Yao rubbed her long hair with his warm hands, and his smile comforted her a lot.

Dong Yilan nodded heavily, "Let's go."

The brake lights flashed, the two cars returned to the main road, and soon merged into the traffic flow and disappeared.

Right where Dong Yilan was standing just now, a black figure appeared, exuding a hostile aura like a god of death from hell, looking forward with eyes that were so cold that there was no warmth at all.

"Mo Yao, I didn't expect me to come back so soon. I'm going to drag you all to hell one by one. Life is worse than death!" Mo Zhanting's eyes, as dark as thick ink, suddenly opened, and the black mist permeating his body opened like a god of death. The huge mouth rushed forward fiercely.

Rose Night, the biggest bar in D City, non-members will not be accepted, and members who want to have money but no status will not be accepted.The owner, Long Chu, was originally a clerk in the bar, and Ouyang Nan gave him the bar when he retired.

At this time, it is the time when the popularity is booming, the music is deafening, and hot men and women are twisting their waists on the dance floor.

The guy took them to an open box, and several of them ordered cocktails and a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite.Dongcheng Cheng couldn't drink, so he ordered a glass of orange juice.

"It's been a long time since I heard from Zhang Xian, let's call him." Dong Yilan said.

It happened to pay him back when he came, and it was not the case that he always owed others money.Especially after what Ono said at night reminded her of the doctor on the island, she felt that the money had to be paid back.

"I'll call him." Du Wenqi took out the phone.

He and Zhang Xian were classmates in junior high school, and later met in JH International, so they got in touch more often.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xian came.Followed by a graceful beauty, Dong Yilan recognized Fang Luhong with sharp eyes when they met in the Middle East.

They are together? !Dong Yilan was so shocked that his three views shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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