The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 228 Innocent 7 Lord

Chapter 228 Innocent Seventh Master
Young Master Gao had already been pulled up by several other young men, and while clutching his broken wrist, he cursed at Dong Yilan.

"Little bitch, if you dare to hit Master Ben, I think you've had enough!"

"Why do cats and dogs call themselves masters now?" Dong Yilan asked Amy as if she didn't hear what he said.

Amy shook her head, looking innocent and cute.

"The world is getting worse, and the dog is fighting against others." Cheng Xiaoye responded to Yilan's words with a mantra, "Standing here is exhausting, let's go back."

Several people wanted to leave but were stopped, "Who are you calling a dog!"

"Good dogs don't block the way, who do you think I'm scolding?" Jian raised his eyes and glared at Young Master Gao.

"Come on, take the four of them upstairs for me." Gao Dashao roared angrily, it was the first time he was beaten at such a big age, and he was still a woman!He couldn't swallow this breath if he didn't take revenge for the severed hand!

Spotlight flickers in the dark.

"A reporter secretly took pictures!" Cheng Xiaoye reminded Amy.

Amy hastily raised her hand to cover her cheeks. She was taking the route of a girl, so it was nothing to be photographed entering a bar, but it was hard to say that there was a gang fight in a bar.When the media added more details, it turned into a certain actress being molested by someone when she went to a nightclub...

Things can be big or small, ruining the future is just a matter of other people's pen and mouth.

So hide as much as you can.

Cheng Xiaoye protects Amy and prepares to retreat first.

Seeing the flashing lights, Young Master Gao became excited, ignoring the pain in his wrist, he waved his hands and shouted, "The star hit someone!"

This shout attracted everyone's attention, and many of them recognized Amy.

Ah... There was another scream from the crowd, a high-end camera was smashed, Mo Yao was holding a reporter in his hand, his arm seemed to be dislocated, and he was drooping weakly by his side.

This was the second violent incident at the bar this evening, and even the security guards were alarmed.

People's attention was instantly drawn to this side, and even the reporters with the cat in other positions quietly shifted their attention.

"It's Mr. Mo from W.T!" someone in the crowd shouted.

W. T President Mo Yao beat up a reporter in public at a bar!This news thread is much more eye-catching than a popular actress appearing in a certain bar. The reporters immediately gave up on Amy and came to shoot Mo Yao.

Mo Yao winked, and Du Wenqi and Zhang Xian went to help Amy and the others escape.

Here's the thing.Mo Yao saw that they alarmed the reporter, and they would definitely arouse the reporter's suspicion about the relationship between them, they didn't care, but Amy was different.Under balance, Mo Yao decided to sacrifice his own reputation to preserve Amy's reputation.

It happened that a blind reporter passed by him and was going to film Amy's scandal. Mo Yao grabbed his arm and took off his arm.

As for the tall young man, he doesn't know the relationship between Amy and the Du family, but he knows Du Wenqi!

Du Wenqi, a new aristocratic family returning from abroad, a once-in-a-century business genius, Du Wenqi has all kinds of auras on his head, and it is difficult to keep a low profile.

Du's family's prestige and status in D city are not only two or three blocks away from Gao's family, his father's business survived under the care of Du's family, offending Du Wenqi, his family can only die.

Du Wenqi, he didn't dare to offend, he could only watch Dong Yilan leave helplessly.

"Remember, if you dare to disclose a word about today's incident, be careful of your family's life!" The voice was gorgeous and elegant, but with a seriousness from the bottom of it, everyone's heart was shocked.

I just feel a chill hit, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow...

Du Wenqi seemed elegant and harmless, but when threatening others, he was no less powerful than Mo Yao, but he was cold and domineering.

"Don't dare, dare not." Young Master Gao nodded repeatedly, keeping his head down.

He kept cursing in his heart, where did these girls come from? How could even a man like Du Wenqi, who only appeared in the upper class, be able to climb up?A wandering mind accidentally touched a wrist that was too broken, causing him to yelp in pain.

The young masters who supported him immediately dragged him to the hospital.

Du Wenqi and others arrived at the parking lot, and Mo Yao came a few minutes later.

"How?" Amy asked nervously, she has a professional sensitivity to the media.

"I will definitely be the headline of the social and entertainment editions tomorrow!" Mo Yao said proudly, as if it was such an honor to be on the headlines of the front page.

The party at night was disrupted just like that, and they lost all interest in playing. Several people said goodbye and went back to their respective homes, looking for their own mothers.

It's just that Beiying never came, and Dong Yilan didn't have time to pay back the money, so he had to wait for the next meeting.Fortunately, they both work in JH International now, and it is very convenient to meet each other.

After they all left, Ellen came out from the parking lot with black eyes burning with jealousy.She saw everything that happened in the bar, even the upstart Du Wenqi from City D helped Dong Yilan.

What is so good about this woman!

With a pure face, all men can turn around you, let's dream!Sooner or later, I will tear up your hypocritical face in front of everyone! Ellen gritted her teeth, and her veins popped out of her hands.

distance w. The T and Fly deal is only available for one week, and in another week, I'll see if you can still laugh!
On the way back, Dong Yilan was unhappy, very unhappy, very unhappy!
She thought about the proposal again.

Du Wenqi had known Cheng Xiaoye for a few months, and he proposed... She and Mo Yao had known each other for half their lives, and Mo Yao hadn't proposed yet.The most important thing is that now Mo Yao is enjoying the treatment of being married!
It caused her to be completely out of balance!
After entering the house, Dong Yilan went back to the bedroom, before closing the door, she said, "You are sleeping in the living room today!"

With a bang, the door was slammed so loudly that Mo Yao even wanted to slam the door down with such force.

Do you sleep in a guest room?

Mo Yao raised his brows lightly, and a narrow smile flashed across his long and narrow eyes.The little girl is so impatient, what should she do?Originally, he wanted to surprise her, did he want to do it earlier?

Du Wenqi is really good, Xiao Ye is only 18 years old, and he proposed marriage too early.

Walking unhurriedly, he entered the guest room.

Dong Yilan leaned against the door, and heard footsteps passing by the door, just turned around and held the door lock, and heard the footsteps passing by calmly.

Damn, he really went to sleep in the guest room!

Anger shot up from the soles of his feet to his scalp, burning in his pupils covered by the colored contact lenses.He didn't even coax him, he just went to rest!What's the meaning?What does it mean?What the hell does he mean!
Dong Yilan only felt that his chest was about to explode, and his breathing became heavier and heavier. He clenched his fists and turned around on the spot twice, and finally sat heavily on the side of the bed.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a pillow to make Mo Yao's face, and punched him hard.

When Mo Yao found the key to open the door of the room, he saw such a scene.Dong Yilan was holding a pillow in his arms, and he had an eerie smile. The lights in the room were not turned on, and Mo Yao had a faint feeling that the smile was a bit sinister.

The scalp tightened, and the footsteps stopped.

"You...are you treating the pillow as me?" Mo Yao imagined in his heart what would happen if his magnificent face fell into her hands.Looking at the ravaged and deformed pillow, the corners of his eyes twitched.

Dong Yilan didn't expect Mo Yao to come in suddenly, she thought he had gone to sleep... her hands froze in mid-air.

It can only be said that the feeling of being discovered by others is really terrible!
She became angry from embarrassment, and used the pillow as a weapon, and threw it directly at Mo Yao, "Go away, go away!"

Mo Yao took the pillow and walked over carrying it.

"I told you to go away, don't you understand people's words?" Dong Yilan insisted, making it clear that if you don't show an attitude today, there will be nothing left.

"It is said that women like to talk ironically when they are angry, so I will obey your inner wishes." Throwing the pillow back on the bed, he squatted down in front of her, staring at her.The four eyes met, and there was an undercurrent surging in his deep eyes, which attracted her deeply into it like a whirlpool.

"Why, you can't wait to marry me?"

"That idiot said that? He must not be a woman!" Dong Yilan deliberately ignored Mo Yao's last words, and turned her head away from him awkwardly.

Mo Yao held her hand, the small hand was as white and flawless as white jade, but it was a little cold. He rubbed his thumbs to keep her warm, and taunted her by the way: "You have such a bad temper now, and when you get married in the future, what if you do it?" Daddy, what should I do?"

"..." Dong Yilan was speechless.

Listen to this, does it sound like the domineering Qi Ye said that he was afraid that she would hit him!Is she a tigress?
Combining the violent behavior of him hugging the pillow and beating him just now, his worry seems to be reasonable... Suddenly, his ring finger tightened, as if caught by something, the metal touch was still warm, and she lowered her eyes.

There was an extra ring on the ring finger, and there was a faint line of small characters at the bottom of the dazzling diamond.

"This is..." Dong Yilan was surprised.

About 20 years ago, Mo Yao was walking along the street holding her hand, and there was a young couple on the side of the road selling jewelry at a stall.Whenever a couple buys something, the boy will help them engrave their names on it.

Xiao Yilan raised her face and said to Xiao Mo Yao, "Brother, I also want a ring with my name on it."

At that time he said, "I'll give it to you on your 18th birthday."

"I originally planned to give you a surprise. Since you have saved me so much effort, I might as well not bother with that thought." Hearing what he said, Dong Yilan subconsciously wanted to take off the ring, but was held down by his hand.

The little touch that had just arisen in his heart was extinguished by him with a basin of cold water.

She doesn't pay much attention to form in her heart, she just wants him to give her an acknowledgment, even though she knows that he has waited for her for 17 years and knows that this relationship is irreplaceable, she also doesn't know that she feels awkward when she sees Du Wenqi's proposal What, but it's just awkward anyway.

"I put on the ring for you, and took it off. Do you want to ruin it? I gave you my body, and you have to be responsible!"

"..." The body was given to her, so she has to be responsible?
"I don't know how many people have given it to before!" Dong Yilan gave up the plan to take off the ring, and his tone was full of sarcasm.It doesn't matter if he doesn't mention it, but when he mentions it, she will think of those tragic experiences again.

Although I said I forgave him, my heart still hurts when I think about it, and my eyes are sad.

Mo Yao saw her sad, thinking she was concerned about what happened before he was with her.After struggling and hesitating for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and asked, "Would you believe me if I said that I never met another woman before you?"
I was so distracted by the net that I didn't want to talk. . .Is my thinking too impure?
(End of this chapter)

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