Chapter 229

Even at the age of 26, Mo Yao felt ashamed to blush when he said it, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself.He even changed his name when he spoke.

"What did you just say?!" Her eyes widened in disbelief.

what did he say?That was his first time too! ! !
If Dong Yilan were to say now when was the happiest time in her first half of her life, she would say without hesitation that it was now!

Yes, it is now.

She should feel lucky and grateful that a man waited for her for 17 years without any hope for a childhood promise.

But in this era of materialistic desires and temptations everywhere, it is truly touching that a man can guard his body for her like a jade for 17 years.She believes that there are not many people in this world who can do it!
"I drank too much that day, otherwise I wouldn't lose control." Mo Yao explained what happened that night lightly.

What he really thought was that even if time went back and started again, he would have sex with her without hesitation.In this way, two people will be entangled, and it will not be like two parallel lines, and there will be no intertwining after they miss it.

"I don't regret it," she said.

She doesn't regret it, if she didn't meet in Mexico, if he didn't break into her life domineeringly, maybe they would have to miss it in this life.So, she has no regrets.

If she really didn't meet, she married another man, or he married another woman, and she would really regret it when she remembered those past events.

"Marry me and be my wife, Mo Yao!"

He got up, pulled her up by the way, and hugged her tightly in his arms. He was so strong that he wished he could crush her into pieces and blend them into his flesh and blood, so that they would never be separated again.Mo Yao didn't dare to say some things, he was afraid that if he said them, the two of them would be lost forever.

This is also the reason why he has been hesitant to propose marriage.

Yilan, forgive me for being selfish once, you are my obsession in this life, 17 years of deep love, I can't let go.

"Hey, do you mind loosening up a little bit, my bones are about to break..."

Not only did Mo Yao not loosen, but he hugged him even tighter. Dong Yilan heard the sound of his bones protesting. "Promise me, no matter what happens in the future, don't say you will leave me. Otherwise, I will die. Do you hear me? Promise me!" he said.

Dong Yilan's whole body was shocked, and she faintly felt that he had something to hide from her, and it was not a small matter.

He didn't say it, it was to protect her!That being the case, there is nothing she can't agree to.

"I won't leave, never leave!"

"Yilan, my Yilan..." He buried his head deeply on her shoulder, as if he was in great pain, Yilan could feel his breathing and trembling.That kind of uneasiness and uneasiness tore her heart and made her uneasy.

"Yao," this was the first time she called his name, "is there anything you can't tell me?"

Couldn't help but asked anyway.

Unsurprisingly, Mo Yao didn't answer, but just hugged her tightly.After an unknown amount of time, she felt the air around her become cooler and the temperature plummeted. She knew that the domineering Qi Ye had returned.

"Woman, if you take away my master's ring, you are not allowed to go back on your word!"

"Okay." Dong Yilan smiled coquettishly, and Qianqianyu touched his tie, and quickly pulled him in front of her.

Mo Yao froze for a moment and opened his eyes wide.

"Such an expensive gift, don't you want to ask for something?" Her delicate voice rang in her ears.

With drooping eyes, the little woman's winking eyes are like silk, the red clouds are flying together, the slightly parted lips exhale a warm breath, and the fragrance is like orchid...

The Adam's apple slipped, and he hugged her violently.

"Little fairy!" The hoarse voice walked towards the bathroom with depressing emotions.

The woman who was called a goblin put her arms around his shoulders and offered her lips.

Since when did she become more urgent than him.Hey, it's so realistic that people fall down!But this kind of Qiye is the real Qiye she likes.She's really not used to that provocative Seventh Master.

After a night of obsession, Mo Yao went to work when Dong Yilan woke up.

Ever since having her, Mo Yao has also been willing to fall down, to W. At T, it was almost ten o'clock.Although he has not been stationed in W in recent years. T, but at least I wasn't late when I came.

It's true that a beauty is a disaster.

There was today's morning newspaper in the office, and Mo Yao casually picked it up and read it.Last night's deeds took the headlines as expected, and the eye-catching headline read: National Husband Mo Yao, fight in the bar!
Behind the countless men and women watching, some covered their mouths and screamed, some raised their hands and shouted, and there was even a narration: Husband, come on!

National husband... Mo Yao sneered, with a bit of sarcasm, he thought they would write W. President T!

Throwing away the newspaper, thinking that the date agreed with the Fly Group is less than a week away, Mo Yao has a headache. It is impossible for him to agree to Ellen's conditions. Even if Ellen is captured, she will not easily hand over the original code, and maybe even backup data.

Thinking of this, the tall body stood up from the seat.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the technical department.

The president came in person, and the employees in the technical department were terrified, and quickly notified the department director.

Zhou Junhua, the current acting technical director, was Gu Yansheng's former deputy and partner. He had never spoken to Mo Yao in the past few years.After he came out of the office, he felt a gloomy atmosphere rushing towards his face, and the strong sense of oppression made him dare not look directly.

"Hello, President." He lowered his head and asked.

"How is it going?" Mo Yao's cold voice made him tremble, and his voice became a little trembling, "It's not going well..."

When he said this, Zhou Junhua felt guilty in his heart.It is true that the system was developed by him and Gu Yansheng together, but the core part was completed by Gu Yansheng. They needed a lot of energy and time to rewrite the code.

Half a month, can't finish it!

"No backup found?"

Such important information, according to Gu Yansheng's cautious style, it is impossible to say that there is no backup!

"Yes," Zhou Junhua said with a firmer tone, "We found the chip used by Director Gu to back up data, but encountered difficulties in decoding it."


Zhou Junhua's whole body was shaken by the icy voice, and he expressed his deep fear of the Bingshan CEO from the bottom of his heart, "The chip password, the password is Director Gu's pupils."

"What!" Mo Yao's furious growl made Zhou Junhua almost fall to the ground in fright, and repeated in a trembling voice: "The password, the password is... Director Gu's pupils."

Gu Yansheng's pupils... let alone his body had been cremated and buried, even if he hadn't been cremated or buried, his pupils would have been deformed after so many days.

Mo Yao exuded a bitter cold air.

Big drops of cold sweat fell from Zhou Junhua's forehead.In fact, they can't be blamed for this matter. After all, they can't control the password set by the superior, but the look in the eyes of the president is really, too scary!


Mo Yao turned and left, Zhou Junhua leaned against the wall.He didn't know whether the president said to continue, whether to continue to study the pupil code, to continue to develop the system, or to continue with both.

"Director Zhou, are you okay?"

The employees, who were huddled in front of the computer one by one, stood up from their seats and looked at their acting director sympathetically.

Zhou Junhua wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand, "It's all right, let's keep working!"

The chip is equipped with pupil unlocking, Gu Yansheng is really ingenious!If this kind of password is forcibly decrypted, the result is that all the data is automatically deleted, so there is little difference between whether there is a backup or not.

The rewriting of the core program could not be completed within a few days, and Ellen really gave him a problem.

Lunch is at W. T's staff restaurant, when Mo Yao appeared, it caused a commotion among the staff.Their great president would actually come to the staff restaurant for dinner. Such a low-key behavior that is friendly to the people is simply eye-popping.

What they didn't know was that Dong Yilan didn't know who said W. Staff T's meal was delicious, so Mo Yao insisted on coming, so Mo Yao had no choice but to follow her.

"Hello, President!"

"Hello, President Mo!"

With all kinds of greetings, Mo Yao nodded his head one by one, and finally sat down at the dining table.

The environment of the restaurant is not bad, Mo Yao calmly accepted everyone's attention and ate elegantly.

It was Dong Yilan who was uncomfortable.The eyes of the women are almost blue, jealous!A series of knife-like eyes fell on her, no matter how calm her character was, she couldn't calm down anymore.

Three meters away, several girls were discussing in low voices.

"Is that the CEO's real girlfriend?"

"I feel unworthy of our president!"

"Yeah, President Yushu Linfeng, but the dream lover of all the women in City D, and that Du Wenqi, who is so handsome that he doesn't look like a person from the earth." With a melancholy and decadent look, "It seems that I haven't seen Miss Ellen for a long time? I used to think she was the appointed girlfriend of the president."

"Yes, she won't be angry and resign?"

"I heard that the president even fired someone because of her!"

"Cough! Cough!!" Mo Yao covered his lips and coughed heavily, and the women immediately closed their mouths knowingly.

"Eat, eat!"

Dong Yilan's face was getting darker and darker, his eyes fixed on Mo Yao's face, he forked a piece of sashimi and stuffed it into his mouth without even dipping the seasoning.

Looking at the seasoning dish full in front of him, Mo Yao smiled helplessly, "You are the one who insisted on coming here."

Several employees from the technical department were sitting on the other table. The huge work pressure prevented them from noticing Mo Yao and Dong Yilan who were dining here.

"The president came to the technical department this morning, scaring our Director Zhou into a cold sweat."

"I said that Director Zhou is also very pitiful. When Director Gu passed away, some kind of password was put on the chip, which can't be solved at all. Now we are urging us to redevelop the program. The time is so short that we can't finish it even if we work overtime for 24 hours a day."

"Stop talking, I have to go back to work overtime after dinner, eat quickly!"

Mo Yao's face darkened, he gently put down the knife and fork, took the napkin and wiped his mouth gracefully, "I'm full."

"I've finished eating too." Dong Yilan smiled knowingly.

The dishes on Mo Yao's plate were basically unchanged. It wasn't that he was full, but that he couldn't eat.

He's in trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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